コード例 #1
        // ExStart:PrefixForFontsHelper
        private static string CustomResourcesProcessing(SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo resourceSavingInfo)
            // It's just example of possible realization of cusstom processing of resources
            // referenced in result HTML

            // 1) In this case we need only do something special
            //    with fonts, so let's leave processing of all other resources
            //    to converter itself
            if (resourceSavingInfo.ResourceType != SaveOptions.NodeLevelResourceType.Font)
                resourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled = true;

            // If supplied font resource, process it ourselves
            // 1) Write supplied font with short name  to desired folder
            //    You can easily do anythings  - it's just one of realizations

            string shortFontFileName = (_fontNumberForUniqueFontFileNames.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName));
            string outFontPath       = _desiredFontDir + "\\" + shortFontFileName;

            System.IO.BinaryReader fontBinaryReader = new BinaryReader(resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outFontPath, fontBinaryReader.ReadBytes((int)resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length));

            // 2) Return the desired URI with which font will be referenced in CSSes
            string fontUrl = "http://localhost:255/document-viewer/GetFont/" + shortFontFileName;

コード例 #2
        private static string CustomSaveOfFontsAndImages(SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo resourceSavingInfo)
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            byte[] resourceAsBytes        = reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length);

            if (resourceSavingInfo.ResourceType == SaveOptions.NodeLevelResourceType.Font)
                Console.WriteLine("Font processed with handler. Length of content in bytes is " + resourceAsBytes.Length.ToString());
                // Here You can put code that will save font to some storage, f.e database
                MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();
                targetStream.Write(resourceAsBytes, 0, resourceAsBytes.Length);
            else if (resourceSavingInfo.ResourceType == SaveOptions.NodeLevelResourceType.Image)
                Console.WriteLine("Image processed with handler. Length of content in bytes is " + resourceAsBytes.Length.ToString());
                // Here You can put code that will save image to some storage, f.e database
                MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();
                targetStream.Write(resourceAsBytes, 0, resourceAsBytes.Length);

            // We should return URI bt which resource will be referenced in CSS(for font)
            // or HTML(for images)
            //  This  is very siplistic way - here we just return file name or resource.
            //  You can put here some URI that will include ID of resource in database etc.
            //  - this URI will be added into result CSS or HTML to refer the resource
コード例 #3
        private static string Strategy_11_CUSTOM_SAVE_OF_FONTS_AND_IMAGES(SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo resourceSavingInfo)
            if (!Directory.Exists(_folderForReferencedResources_34748))
            string path = _folderForReferencedResources_34748 + Path.GetFileName(resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);

            // The first path of this method is for saving fonts
            System.IO.BinaryReader contentReader = new BinaryReader(resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, contentReader.ReadBytes((int)resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length));
            string urlThatWillBeUsedInHtml = "file:///" + _folderForReferencedResources_34748.Replace(@"\", "/") + Path.GetFileName(resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);

コード例 #4
        // ExStart:PrefixForURLsHelper
        private static string Custom_processor_of_embedded_images(SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo resourceSavingInfo)
            // ____________________________________________________________________________
            //    This sample method saving strategy method saves image-files in some folder
            //    (including raster image files that are exctracted from that SVGs)
            //    Then it returns specific custom artificial  path
            //    to be used as value of 'src' or 'data' relevant attribute in generated host-SVG(or HTML)
            // ____________________________________________________________________________

            // 1) All other files(f.e. fonts) will be processed with converter itself cause for them flag
            //   resourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled is set to 'true'
            if (!(resourceSavingInfo is HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo))
                resourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled = true;
            // 1) Create target folder if not created yet
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();
            string outDir  = dataDir + @"output\36297_files\";
            string outPath = outDir + Path.GetFileName(resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);

            if (!Directory.Exists(outDir))
            // 3) Write supplied image to that folder
            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(dataDir, reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length));
            // 4) Return customized specific URL to be used to refer
            //    just created image in parent SVG (or HTML)
            HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo asHtmlImageSavingInfo = resourceSavingInfo as HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo;
            if (asHtmlImageSavingInfo.ParentType == HtmlSaveOptions.ImageParentTypes.SvgImage)
                return("http://localhost:255/" + resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);
                return("http://localhost:GetImage/imageID=" + resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);
コード例 #5
        // ExStart:SpecifyPrefixForImagesHelper
        private static string SavingTestStrategy_1(SaveOptions.ResourceSavingInfo resourceSavingInfo)
            // This sample method saving strategy method saves only svg-files in some folder and returns specific path
            // To be used as value of 'src' or 'data' relevant attribute in generated HTML
            // All other files will be processed with converter itself cause for them flag
            // ResourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled is set to 'true'
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdf_DocumentConversion_PDFToHTMLFormat();

            if (!(resourceSavingInfo is HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo))
                resourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled = true;

            HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo asHtmlImageSavingInfo = (HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageSavingInfo)resourceSavingInfo;

            if ((asHtmlImageSavingInfo.ImageType != HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageType.Svg) &&
                (asHtmlImageSavingInfo.ImageType != HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlImageType.ZippedSvg)
                resourceSavingInfo.CustomProcessingCancelled = true;

            string outFile        = dataDir + "SpecifyImages_out.html";
            string imageOutFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(outFile)
                                                     + @"\35956_svg_files\");

            // ImageOutFolder="C:\AsposeImagesTests\";
            if (!Directory.Exists(imageOutFolder))

            string outPath = imageOutFolder + Path.GetFileName(resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);

            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outPath, reader.ReadBytes((int)resourceSavingInfo.ContentStream.Length));

            return("/document-viewer/GetImage?path=CRWU-NDWAC-Final-Report-12-09-10-2.pdf&name=" + resourceSavingInfo.SupposedFileName);