public void EndTurn() { Debug.Log("End turn"); // Verify if we need to save game if (GameOptions.Instance.gameOpt.DoAutoSave >= 1) { // automatically save game saveGame.AutoSave(); } // Get active player GamePlayer activePlayer = GetActivePlayer(); // Get next player GamePlayer nextPlayer = GetNextPlayer(); // Execute post turn actions for the active player activePlayer.ExecutePostTurnActions(); // Execute pre-turn actions for the next player nextPlayer.ExecutePreTurnActions(); // Change active player // Change current active player turn state to "HasMoved" activePlayer.PlayerTurnState = PlayerTurnState.HasMoved; // Change next active player turn state to active nextPlayer.PlayerTurnState = PlayerTurnState.Active; // execute pre-turn actions for MapMenu MapMenuManager.Instance.ExecutePreTurnActions(nextPlayer); // execute pre-turn actions for MapManager MapManager.Instance.ExecutePreTurnActions(); }
public void ChageScene(string scenename) { SaveGame SG = GameObject.Find("DataCenter").GetComponent <SaveGame>(); SG.AutoSave(); StartCoroutine(WaitForSeconds(scenename)); }
public void SceneAgain() { SaveGame SG = GameObject.Find("DataCenter").GetComponent <SaveGame>(); SG.AutoSave(); StartCoroutine(WaitForSeconds(Application.loadedLevelName)); }
void Update() { if (gameObject.activeSelf) { this.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "สำเร็จ\t" + "<i>" + LavelStage + "</i>"; this.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = "ใช้เวลาทั้งหมด \t\t\t<b>" + (TimeStage % 60 > 30 ? ((TimeStage / 60) - 1).ToString("##0") : (TimeStage / 60).ToString("##0")) + "." + (TimeStage % 60).ToString("0#") + "</b> นาที"; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { SaveGame SG = GameObject.Find("DataCenter").GetComponent <SaveGame>(); SG.AutoSave(); this.gameObject.SetActive(false); //StartCoroutine(WaitForSeconds("Village")); } } }