public MusicPlayingState(FileHandler fileHandler) { this._fileHandler = fileHandler; /* commands in the chain that can be executed when music is playing */ BaseCommand command = null; _firstInChain = command = new OpenFileCommand(); command.SetNextChain(command = new SaveAsPDFCommand()); command.SetNextChain(command = new SaveAsLilypondCommand()); }
public MusicEditingState(FileHandler fileHandler) { this._fileHandler = fileHandler; /* commands in the chain that can be executed when music is in editing mode */ BaseCommand command = null; _firstInChain = command = new ClefTrebleCommand(); command.SetNextChain(command = new TempoCommand()); command.SetNextChain(command = new Time34Command()); command.SetNextChain(command = new Time44Command()); command.SetNextChain(command = new Time44Command("LeftAltT4")); command.SetNextChain(command = new Time68Command()); command.SetNextChain(command = new BarlineCommand()); command.SetNextChain(command = new OpenFileCommand()); command.SetNextChain(command = new SaveAsPDFCommand()); command.SetNextChain(command = new SaveAsLilypondCommand()); }