コード例 #1
        public void SeedsToUseReturnsCorrectNumberOfSeeds()
            var numberOfSeeds = 6;
            var seedsToUse    = SapsUtils.SeedsToUse(numberOfSeeds, 42);

コード例 #2
        public void CreateParameterTreeReturnsIndependentSapsParameters()
            var tree = SapsUtils.CreateParameterTree();

            // Check root is an and node, i.e. independent parameters follow.
            var root = tree.Root;

            (root is AndNode).ShouldBeTrue("Parameters are not independent.");

            // Try and get all parameters needed for Saps from those node's children.
            var alpha = root.Children.Single(child => TestUtils.RepresentsParameter(child, "alpha")) as IParameterNode;
            var rho   = root.Children.Single(child => TestUtils.RepresentsParameter(child, "rho")) as IParameterNode;
            var ps    = root.Children.Single(child => TestUtils.RepresentsParameter(child, "ps")) as IParameterNode;
            var wp    = root.Children.Single(child => TestUtils.RepresentsParameter(child, "wp")) as IParameterNode;

            // Check that no other parameters exist in the tree.
            (root.Children.Count() == 4 && !root.Children.Any(child => child.Children.Any())).ShouldBeTrue("Only 4 parameters are needed for SAPS.");

            // Check parameter domains.
            (alpha.Domain is LogDomain).ShouldBeTrue("alpha should be distributed logarithmically.");
            TestUtils.CheckRange((LogDomain)alpha.Domain, "alpha", expectedMinimum: 1.01, expectedMaximum: 1.4);
            (rho.Domain is ContinuousDomain).ShouldBeTrue("rho should be distributed uniformly.");
            TestUtils.CheckRange((ContinuousDomain)rho.Domain, "rho", expectedMinimum: 0, expectedMaximum: 1);
            (ps.Domain is ContinuousDomain).ShouldBeTrue("ps should be distributed uniformly.");
            TestUtils.CheckRange((ContinuousDomain)ps.Domain, "ps", 0, 0.2);
            (wp.Domain is ContinuousDomain).ShouldBeTrue("wp should be distributed uniformly.");
            TestUtils.CheckRange((ContinuousDomain)wp.Domain, "wp", 0, 0.06);
コード例 #3
        public void CreateInstancesIgnoresFilesNotInCnfFormat()
            // Call method.
            var instances = SapsUtils.CreateInstances(this._instanceFolder, 1, 42);

            // Check that no non-cnf file has been translated into an instance.
            var instancePaths = instances.Select(instance => instance.Path);

            instancePaths.Any(path => SapsUtilsTests.NonCnfFileNames.Any(file => path.Contains(file)))
            .ShouldBeFalse("Not all non-cnf files have been ignored.");
コード例 #4
        public void CreateInstancesCorrectlyExtractsPathsToCnfFiles()
            // Call method.
            var instances = SapsUtils.CreateInstances(this._instanceFolder, 1, 42);

            // Check that file names of instances match the complete paths of all .cnf files.
            var expectedPaths = SapsUtilsTests.CnfFileNames.Select(name => this._instanceFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name);
            var instancePaths = instances.Select(instance => instance.Path);

                $"{TestUtils.PrintList(instancePaths)} should have been equal to {TestUtils.PrintList(expectedPaths)}.");
コード例 #5
 public void CreateInstancesPrintsMessageIfItCannotOpenFolder()
         action: () =>
         // Call CreateInstances with a non existant directory path.
             SapsUtils.CreateInstances("foobarFolder", 1, 42);
         catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
             // This is expected.
         check: consoleOutput =>
         // Check that information about it is written to console.
         StringReader reader = new StringReader(consoleOutput.ToString());
         reader.ReadLine().ShouldContain("foobarFolder", "The problematic path did not get printed.");
         reader.ReadLine().ShouldBe("Cannot open folder.", "Cause of exception has not been printed.");
コード例 #6
 public void CreateInstancesThrowsExceptionIfItCannotOpenFolder()
     Exception exception =
         Assert.Throws <DirectoryNotFoundException>(
             () => { SapsUtils.CreateInstances("foobarFolder", 1, 42); });