internal static RecognizerInfo Create(ObjectToken token) { // Token for recognizer should have Attributes. if (token.Attributes == null) { return(null); } // Get other attributes string langId; // must have a language id if (!token.Attributes.TryGetString("Language", out langId)) { return(null); } CultureInfo cultureInfo = SapiAttributeParser.GetCultureInfoFromLanguageString(langId); if (cultureInfo != null) { return(new RecognizerInfo(token, cultureInfo)); } else { return(null); } }
internal VoiceInfo(ObjectToken token) { _registryKeyPath = token._sKeyId; _id = token.Name; _description = token.Description; _name = token.TokenName(); SsmlParserHelpers.TryConvertAge(token.Age.ToLowerInvariant(), out _age); SsmlParserHelpers.TryConvertGender(token.Gender.ToLowerInvariant(), out _gender); string value; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString("Language", out value)) { _culture = SapiAttributeParser.GetCultureInfoFromLanguageString(value); } string value2; if (token.TryGetString("Assembly", out value2)) { _assemblyName = value2; } string value3; if (token.TryGetString("CLSID", out value3)) { _clsid = value3; } if (token.Attributes != null) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] valueNames = token.Attributes.GetValueNames(); foreach (string text in valueNames) { string value4; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString(text, out value4)) { dictionary.Add(text, value4); } } _attributes = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(dictionary); } string value5; if (token.Attributes != null && token.Attributes.TryGetString("AudioFormats", out value5)) { _audioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(SapiAttributeParser.GetAudioFormatsFromString(value5)); } else { _audioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(new List <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>()); } }
internal static RecognizerInfo Create(ObjectToken token) { if (token.Attributes == null) { return(null); } string value; if (!token.Attributes.TryGetString("Language", out value)) { return(null); } CultureInfo cultureInfoFromLanguageString = SapiAttributeParser.GetCultureInfoFromLanguageString(value); if (cultureInfoFromLanguageString != null) { return(new RecognizerInfo(token, cultureInfoFromLanguageString)); } return(null); }
private RecognizerInfo(ObjectToken token, CultureInfo culture) { _id = token.Name; _description = token.Description; _sapiObjectTokenId = token.Id; _name = token.TokenName(); _culture = culture; Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string[] valueNames = token.Attributes.GetValueNames(); foreach (string text in valueNames) { string value; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString(text, out value)) { dictionary[text] = value; } } _attributes = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(dictionary); string value2; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString("AudioFormats", out value2)) { _supportedAudioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(SapiAttributeParser.GetAudioFormatsFromString(value2)); } else { _supportedAudioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(new List <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>()); } _objectToken = token; }
internal VoiceInfo(ObjectToken token) { _registryKeyPath = token._sKeyId; // Retrieve the token name _id = token.Name; // Retrieve default display name _description = token.Description; // Get other attributes _name = token.TokenName(); SsmlParserHelpers.TryConvertAge(token.Age.ToLowerInvariant(), out _age); SsmlParserHelpers.TryConvertGender(token.Gender.ToLowerInvariant(), out _gender); string langId; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString("Language", out langId)) { _culture = SapiAttributeParser.GetCultureInfoFromLanguageString(langId); } string assemblyName; if (token.TryGetString("Assembly", out assemblyName)) { _assemblyName = assemblyName; } string clsid; if (token.TryGetString("CLSID", out clsid)) { _clsid = clsid; } if (token.Attributes != null) { // Enum all values and add to custom table Dictionary <string, string> attrs = new(); foreach (string keyName in token.Attributes.GetValueNames()) { string attributeValue; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString(keyName, out attributeValue)) { attrs.Add(keyName, attributeValue); } } _attributes = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(attrs); } string audioFormats; if (token.Attributes != null && token.Attributes.TryGetString("AudioFormats", out audioFormats)) { _audioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(SapiAttributeParser.GetAudioFormatsFromString(audioFormats)); } else { _audioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(new List <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>()); } }
private RecognizerInfo(ObjectToken token, CultureInfo culture) { // Retrieve the token name _id = token.Name; // Retrieve default display name _description = token.Description; // Store full object token id for internal use. // NOTE - SAPI returns the wrong hive for tokenenum tokens (always HKLM). // Do not rely on the path to be correct in all cases. _sapiObjectTokenId = token.Id; _name = token.TokenName(); _culture = culture; // Enum all values and add to custom table Dictionary <string, string> attrs = new(); foreach (string keyName in token.Attributes.GetValueNames()) { string attributeValue; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString(keyName, out attributeValue)) { attrs[keyName] = attributeValue; } } _attributes = new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>(attrs); string audioFormats; if (token.Attributes.TryGetString("AudioFormats", out audioFormats)) { _supportedAudioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(SapiAttributeParser.GetAudioFormatsFromString(audioFormats)); } else { _supportedAudioFormats = new ReadOnlyCollection <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>(new List <SpeechAudioFormatInfo>()); } _objectToken = token; }