コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler
        /// </summary>
        public void Handler()
            string sapTranOutDataMaxRows = new ConfigBLL().GetValueByCode("SAP_TRAN_OUT_DATA_MAX_ROWS");

            if (!int.TryParse(sapTranOutDataMaxRows, out int maxRows))
                maxRows = 1000;
            string sapTranOutDataMinRows = new ConfigBLL().GetValueByCode("SAP_TRAN_OUT_DATA_MIN_ROWS");

            if (!int.TryParse(sapTranOutDataMinRows, out int minRows))
                minRows = 20;
            string untreatedDataCondition = "[LOG_FID] is NULL and [PROCESS_FLAG] = " + (int)ProcessFlagConstants.Untreated + " ";
            int dataCnt = minRows + 1;

            while (dataCnt > minRows)
                List <SapTranOutInfo> sapTranOutInfos = new SapTranOutBLL().GetListByPage(untreatedDataCondition, "[ID]", 1, maxRows, out dataCnt);
                if (dataCnt == 0)
                Guid logFid = Guid.NewGuid();
                string sql = BLL.LES.CommonBLL.GetCreateOutboundLogSql("SAP", logFid, "LES-SAP-009", string.Empty, loginUser);
                sql += "update [LES].[TI_IFM_SAP_TRAN_OUT] "
                       + "set [LOG_FID] = N'" + logFid + "',[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] in (" + string.Join(",", sapTranOutInfos.Select(d => d.Id).ToArray()) + ");";
                using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 物料移动数据发送至SAP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logFid"></param>
        public static ExecuteResultConstants SendMaterialMoveData(Guid logFid, InterfaceConfigInfo interfaceConfigInfo,
                                                                  ref string errorCode, ref string errorMsg, out string msgContent)
            msgContent = string.Empty;

            List <SapTranOutInfo> sapTranOutInfos = new SapTranOutBLL().GetList("[LOG_FID] = N'" + logFid + "' and [PROCESS_FLAG] = " + (int)ProcessFlagConstants.Untreated + "", string.Empty);

            if (sapTranOutInfos.Count == 0)
                errorCode = "MC:0x00000212";///经检测,传递数据为空,请确认

            Zsles002[] Itab = new Zsles002[sapTranOutInfos.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < sapTranOutInfos.Count; i++)
                Zsles002 zsles002 = new Zsles002();
                zsles002.Id    = sapTranOutInfos[i].Fid.GetValueOrDefault().ToString();                ///唯一值
                zsles002.Matnr = sapTranOutInfos[i].Matnr;                                             ///物料
                zsles002.Menge = sapTranOutInfos[i].Menge.GetValueOrDefault();                         ///数量 (检查传值时候, 小数的位数)
                zsles002.Rsnum = sapTranOutInfos[i].Rsnum;                                             ///预留号
                zsles002.Bwart = sapTranOutInfos[i].Bwart;                                             ///移动类型
                zsles002.Kostl = sapTranOutInfos[i].Kostl;                                             ///成本中心

                zsles002.Budat = sapTranOutInfos[i].Budat.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(sapDateFormat); ///日期
                zsles002.Lgort = sapTranOutInfos[i].Lgort;                                             ///发出库存地点
                zsles002.Umlgo = sapTranOutInfos[i].Umlgo;                                             ///接收库存地点
                zsles002.Werks = sapTranOutInfos[i].Werks;                                             ///发出工厂
                zsles002.Unwrk = sapTranOutInfos[i].Unwrk;                                             ///收货工厂
                zsles002.Ebelp = sapTranOutInfos[i].Ebelp.GetValueOrDefault().ToString();              ///采购订单行号
                zsles002.Ebeln = sapTranOutInfos[i].Ebeln;                                             ///采购订单号
                zsles002.Lifnr = sapTranOutInfos[i].Lifnr;                                             ///供应商

                //zsles002.Aufnr = string.Empty;  ///生产订单号  ///已经撤销
                //zsles002.Kosrt = string.Empty;  ///成本中心    ///已经撤销
                //zsles002.Rspos = string.Empty;  ///预留行号    ///已经撤销

                Itab[i] = zsles002;

            ZLES002Service service = new ZLES002Service();

            service.Url = interfaceConfigInfo.CallUrl;

            string sapResult;
            int dataCnt = service.Zles002(ref Itab, out errorMsg, out sapResult);

            Log.WriteLogToFile(logFlag, "Return:dataCnt:" + dataCnt, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\log\", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"));

            if (sapResult == "0")
            msgContent = GetMsgContent(sapTranOutInfos);