//gridLines[areaX][areaY][direction(x=0,y=1)][EachLines] internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { //int gridSize = gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0); int gridSize = gridLines.TotalWidth; // now this is done within the SamplingGrid class... // if (gridLines.getWidth() >= 2) // gridSize-=1; canvas.println("gridSize=" + gridSize); //canvas.println("gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0) = "+gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0)); Point bottomRightPoint = null; bool[][] sampledMatrix = new bool[gridSize][]; for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { sampledMatrix[i] = new bool[gridSize]; } for (int ay = 0; ay < gridLines.getHeight(); ay++) { for (int ax = 0; ax < gridLines.getWidth(); ax++) { System.Collections.ArrayList sampledPoints = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); //only for visualiz; for (int y = 0; y < gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay); x++) { int x1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().X; int y1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().Y; int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().X; int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().Y; int x3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().X; int y3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().Y; int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().X; int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().Y; int e = (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x2); int f = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (x1 - x2); int g = (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (y2 - y1) - (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (y4 - y3); sampledMatrix[gridLines.getX(ax, x)][gridLines.getY(ay, y)] = image[f / e][g / e]; if ((ay == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && ax == gridLines.getWidth() - 1) && y == gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay) - 1 && x == gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay) - 1) { bottomRightPoint = new Point(f / e, g / e); } //calling canvas.drawPoint in loop can be very slow. // use canvas.drawPoints if you need //canvas.drawPoint(new Point(f / e,g / e), Color.RED); } } } } if (bottomRightPoint.X > image.Length - 1 || bottomRightPoint.Y > image[0].Length - 1) { throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } canvas.drawPoint(bottomRightPoint, ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Util.Color_Fields.BLUE); return(sampledMatrix); }
internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { int gridSize = gridLines.TotalWidth; canvas.println("gridSize=" + gridSize); Point bottomRightPoint = null; bool[][] sampledMatrix = new bool[gridSize][]; for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { sampledMatrix[i] = new bool[gridSize]; } for (int ay = 0; ay < gridLines.getHeight(); ay++) { for (int ax = 0; ax < gridLines.getWidth(); ax++) { System.Collections.ArrayList sampledPoints = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); for (int y = 0; y < gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay); x++) { int x1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().X; int y1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().Y; int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().X; int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().Y; int x3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().X; int y3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().Y; int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().X; int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().Y; int e = (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x2); int f = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (x1 - x2); int g = (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (y2 - y1) - (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (y4 - y3); sampledMatrix[gridLines.getX(ax, x)][gridLines.getY(ay, y)] = image[f / e][g / e]; if ((ay == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && ax == gridLines.getWidth() - 1) && y == gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay) - 1 && x == gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay) - 1) { bottomRightPoint = new Point(f / e, g / e); } } } } } if (bottomRightPoint.X > image.Length - 1 || bottomRightPoint.Y > image[0].Length - 1) { throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } canvas.drawPoint(bottomRightPoint, QRStudio.Engine.Codec.Util.Color_Fields.BLUE); return(sampledMatrix); }
internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { int gridSize = gridLines.TotalWidth; this.canvas.println("gridSize=" + gridSize); Point bottomRightPoint = null; bool[][] sampledMatrix = new bool[gridSize][]; for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { sampledMatrix[i] = new bool[gridSize]; } for (int ay = 0; ay < gridLines.getHeight(); ay++) { for (int ax = 0; ax < gridLines.getWidth(); ax++) { ArrayList sampledPoints = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(10)); for (int y = 0; y < gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay); x++) { int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().X; int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().Y; int x3 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().X; int y3 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().Y; int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().X; int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().Y; int x5 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().X; int y5 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().Y; int e = (y3 - y2) * (x4 - x5) - (y5 - y4) * (x2 - x3); int f = (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) * (x4 - x5) - (x4 * y5 - x5 * y4) * (x2 - x3); int g = (x4 * y5 - x5 * y4) * (y3 - y2) - (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) * (y5 - y4); sampledMatrix[gridLines.getX(ax, x)][gridLines.getY(ay, y)] = image[f / e][g / e]; if (ay == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && ax == gridLines.getWidth() - 1 && y == gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay) - 1 && x == gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay) - 1) { bottomRightPoint = new Point(f / e, g / e); } } } } } if (bottomRightPoint.X > image.Length - 1 || bottomRightPoint.Y > image[0].Length - 1) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } this.canvas.drawPoint(bottomRightPoint, Color_Fields.BLUE); return(sampledMatrix); }
internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { int totalWidth = gridLines.TotalWidth; this.canvas.println("gridSize=" + totalWidth); Point point = null; bool[][] flagArray = new bool[totalWidth][]; for (int i = 0; i < totalWidth; i++) { flagArray[i] = new bool[totalWidth]; } for (int j = 0; j < gridLines.getHeight(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < gridLines.getWidth(); k++) { ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(10)); for (int m = 0; m < gridLines.getHeight(k, j); m++) { for (int n = 0; n < gridLines.getWidth(k, j); n++) { int x = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, n).getP1().X; int y = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, n).getP1().Y; int num9 = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, n).getP2().X; int num10 = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, n).getP2().Y; int num11 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, m).getP1().X; int num12 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, m).getP1().Y; int num13 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, m).getP2().X; int num14 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, m).getP2().Y; int num15 = ((num10 - y) * (num11 - num13)) - ((num14 - num12) * (x - num9)); int num16 = (((x * num10) - (num9 * y)) * (num11 - num13)) - (((num11 * num14) - (num13 * num12)) * (x - num9)); int num17 = (((num11 * num14) - (num13 * num12)) * (num10 - y)) - (((x * num10) - (num9 * y)) * (num14 - num12)); flagArray[gridLines.getX(k, n)][gridLines.getY(j, m)] = image[num16 / num15][num17 / num15]; if ((((j == (gridLines.getHeight() - 1)) && (k == (gridLines.getWidth() - 1))) && (m == (gridLines.getHeight(k, j) - 1))) && (n == (gridLines.getWidth(k, j) - 1))) { point = new Point(num16 / num15, num17 / num15); } } } } } if ((point.X > (image.Length - 1)) || (point.Y > (image[0].Length - 1))) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } this.canvas.drawPoint(point, Color_Fields.BLUE); return(flagArray); }
internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { int totalWidth = gridLines.TotalWidth; canvas.println("gridSize=" + totalWidth); Point point = null; bool[][] array = new bool[totalWidth][]; for (int i = 0; i < totalWidth; i++) { array[i] = new bool[totalWidth]; } for (int j = 0; j < gridLines.getHeight(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < gridLines.getWidth(); k++) { ArrayList arrayList = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(10)); for (int l = 0; l < gridLines.getHeight(k, j); l++) { for (int m = 0; m < gridLines.getWidth(k, j); m++) { int x = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, m).getP1().X; int y = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, m).getP1().Y; int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, m).getP2().X; int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(k, j, m).getP2().Y; int x3 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, l).getP1().X; int y3 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, l).getP1().Y; int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, l).getP2().X; int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(k, j, l).getP2().Y; int num = (y2 - y) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x - x2); int num2 = (x * y2 - x2 * y) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (x - x2); int num3 = (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (y2 - y) - (x * y2 - x2 * y) * (y4 - y3); array[gridLines.getX(k, m)][gridLines.getY(j, l)] = image[num2 / num][num3 / num]; if (j == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && k == gridLines.getWidth() - 1 && l == gridLines.getHeight(k, j) - 1 && m == gridLines.getWidth(k, j) - 1) { point = new Point(num2 / num, num3 / num); } } } } } if (point.X > image.Length - 1 || point.Y > image[0].Length - 1) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } canvas.drawPoint(point, Color_Fields.BLUE); return(array); }
internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines) { int totalWidth = gridLines.TotalWidth; this.canvas.println("gridSize=" + (object)totalWidth); Point point = (Point)null; bool[][] flagArray = new bool[totalWidth][]; for (int index = 0; index < totalWidth; ++index) { flagArray[index] = new bool[totalWidth]; } for (int ay = 0; ay < gridLines.getHeight(); ++ay) { for (int ax = 0; ax < gridLines.getWidth(); ++ax) { ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList(10)); for (int y1 = 0; y1 < gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay); ++y1) { for (int x1 = 0; x1 < gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay); ++x1) { int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x1).getP1().X; int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x1).getP1().Y; int x3 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x1).getP2().X; int y3 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x1).getP2().Y; int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y1).getP1().X; int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y1).getP1().Y; int x5 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y1).getP2().X; int y5 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y1).getP2().Y; int num1 = (y3 - y2) * (x4 - x5) - (y5 - y4) * (x2 - x3); int num2 = (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) * (x4 - x5) - (x4 * y5 - x5 * y4) * (x2 - x3); int num3 = (x4 * y5 - x5 * y4) * (y3 - y2) - (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) * (y5 - y4); flagArray[gridLines.getX(ax, x1)][gridLines.getY(ay, y1)] = image[num2 / num1][num3 / num1]; if (ay == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && ax == gridLines.getWidth() - 1 && y1 == gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay) - 1 && x1 == gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay) - 1) { point = new Point(num2 / num1, num3 / num1); } } } } } if (point.X > image.Length - 1 || point.Y > image[0].Length - 1) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image"); } this.canvas.drawPoint(point, Color_Fields.BLUE); return(flagArray); }
public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image) { int longSide = (image.Length < image[0].Length) ? image[0].Length : image.Length; QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT = 23 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt(longSide / 256); this.bitmap = this.filterImage(image); this.canvas.println("Drawing matrix."); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); this.canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern."); FinderPattern finderPattern = null; try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException e_80) { this.canvas.println("Not found, now retrying..."); this.bitmap = this.applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(this.bitmap, 5); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { } try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException e2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e2.Message); } catch (VersionInformationException e3) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e3.Message); } } catch (VersionInformationException e4) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e4.Message); } this.canvas.println("FinderPattern at"); string finderPatternCoordinates = finderPattern.getCenter(0).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(1).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(2).ToString(); this.canvas.println(finderPatternCoordinates); int[] sincos = finderPattern.getAngle(); this.canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + Convert.ToString(sincos[0]) + " Cos " + Convert.ToString(sincos[1])); int version = finderPattern.Version; this.canvas.println("Version: " + Convert.ToString(version)); if (version < 1 || version > 40) { throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + version); } AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern = null; try { alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(this.bitmap, finderPattern); } catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException e5) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e5.Message); } int matrixLength = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length; this.canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at"); for (int y = 0; y < matrixLength; y++) { string alignmentPatternCoordinates = ""; for (int x = 0; x < matrixLength; x++) { alignmentPatternCoordinates += alignmentPattern.getCenter()[x][y].ToString(); } this.canvas.println(alignmentPatternCoordinates); } this.canvas.println("Creating sampling grid."); this.samplingGrid = this.getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); this.canvas.println("Reading grid."); bool[][] qRCodeMatrix = null; try { qRCodeMatrix = this.getQRCodeMatrix(this.bitmap, this.samplingGrid); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e_2D5) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary"); } return(new QRCodeSymbol(qRCodeMatrix)); }
// For only version 1 which has no Alignement Patterns /* SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid1(FinderPattern finderPattern) { * int sqrtNumArea = 1; * int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //get nummber of modules at side * int sqrtNumAreaModules = sqrtNumModules / sqrtNumArea; * Point[] centers = finderPattern.getCenter(); * int logicalDistance = 14; * SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); * Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY; * * * ModulePitch modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //store (up,left) order * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0], centers[1], logicalDistance); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0], centers[2], logicalDistance); * * //X軸に垂直の基線(一般に縦) * baseLineX = new Line( * finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL), * finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL)); * * Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), modulePitch.top); * axis.setOrigin(baseLineX.getP1()); * baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3, -3)); * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(baseLineX.getP2()); * baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3, 3)); * * //Y軸に垂直の基線(一般に横) * baseLineY = * new Line(finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL), * finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR)); * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(baseLineY.getP1()); * baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3, -3)); * * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(baseLineY.getP2()); * baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3, -3)); * * //baseLineX.translate(1,1); * //baseLineY.translate(1,1); * * samplingGrid.initGrid(0, 0, sqrtNumAreaModules, sqrtNumAreaModules); * * for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumAreaModules; i++) { * * gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2()); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0)); * * * gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2()); * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i)); * * * samplingGrid.setXLine(0,0,i,gridLineX); * samplingGrid.setYLine(0,0,i,gridLineY); * } * for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) { * for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) { * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), Color.BLUE); * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), Color.BLUE); * } * } * return samplingGrid; * }*/ //sampllingGrid[areaX][areaY][direction(x=0,y=1)][EachLines] /* SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid2_6(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { * * Point centers[][] = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); * centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL); * centers[1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR); * centers[0][1] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL); * int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //一辺当たりのモジュール数を得る * * SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(1); * Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY; * * int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance(); * Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); * * ModulePitch modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //top left bottom rightの順に格納 * * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 6); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 6); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0, -3), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3, 0), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3); * * //X軸に垂直の基線(一般に縦) * baseLineX = new Line(); * baseLineY = new Line(); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]); * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 6); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 6); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3,0), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3); * * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3)); * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3,3)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right); * baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3,-3)); * * * baseLineX.translate(1,1); * baseLineY.translate(1,1); * * samplingGrid.initGrid(0, 0, sqrtNumModules, sqrtNumModules); * * for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumModules; i++) { * gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2()); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0)); * * * gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2()); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right); * gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i)); * * * samplingGrid.setXLine(0,0,i,gridLineX); * samplingGrid.setYLine(0,0,i,gridLineY); * * } * * for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) { * for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) { * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE); * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE); * } * } * return samplingGrid; * } * * * * //for version 7-13 * SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid7_13(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { * * Point centers[][] = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); * centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL); * centers[2][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR); * centers[0][2] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL); * int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //一辺当たりのモジュール数を得る * int sqrtNumArea = 2; * int sqrtNumAreaModules = sqrtNumModules / sqrtNumArea; * sqrtNumAreaModules++; * SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); * Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY; * * int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance(); * Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); * ModulePitch modulePitch; * for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++) { * for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++) { * modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //top left bottom rightの順に格納 * baseLineX = new Line(); * baseLineY = new Line(); * axis.setModulePitch(finderPattern.getModuleSize()); * if (ax == 0 && ay == 0) { * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]); * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,3), centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 3); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(3,0), centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 3); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], centers[1][1], logicalDistance); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][0], centers[1][1], logicalDistance); * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3)); * * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-6,0)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right); * baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,-6)); * } * else if (ax == 1 && ay == 0) { * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[2][0], logicalDistance + 3); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][0], centers[1][1], logicalDistance); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[2][1], logicalDistance); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * axis.setOrigin(centers[2][0]); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3,0), centers[2][1], logicalDistance + 3); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(0,-6)); * * baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,-6)); * * baseLineX.setP2(centers[1][1]); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[2][0]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right); * baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3,-3)); * } * else if (ax == 0 && ay == 1) { * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], centers[1][1], logicalDistance); * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][2]); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], axis.translate(3,0), logicalDistance + 3); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[1][2], logicalDistance + 3); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[1][2], logicalDistance); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-6,0)); * * baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-6,0)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[0][2]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3, 3)); * * baseLineY.setP2(centers[1][1]); * } * else if (ax == 1 && ay == 1) { * modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[2][1], logicalDistance); * modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[1][2], logicalDistance); * modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][2], centers[2][2], logicalDistance); * modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[2][1], centers[2][2], logicalDistance); * * baseLineX.setP1(centers[1][1]); * baseLineY.setP1(centers[1][1]); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[1][2]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(0,6)); * * axis.setOrigin(centers[2][1]); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(6,0)); * } * * samplingGrid.initGrid(ax,ay, sqrtNumAreaModules, sqrtNumAreaModules); * * for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumAreaModules; i++) { * gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2()); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top); * gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom); * gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0)); * * * gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2()); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left); * gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i)); * * axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2()); * axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right); * gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i)); * * samplingGrid.setXLine(ax,ay,i,gridLineX); * samplingGrid.setYLine(ax,ay,i,gridLineY); * * } * } * } * * for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) { * for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) { * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE); * canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE); * } * } * * return samplingGrid; * }*/ /// <summary> Generic Sampling grid method</summary> internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { Point[][] centers = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); int version = finderPattern.Version; int sqrtCenters = (version / 7) + 2; centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL); centers[sqrtCenters - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR); centers[0][sqrtCenters - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL); //int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); /// The number of modules per one side is obtained int sqrtNumArea = sqrtCenters - 1; //--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--// SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY; ///??? //Point[] targetCenters; //int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance(); Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); ModulePitch modulePitch; // for each area : for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++) { for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++) { modulePitch = new ModulePitch(this); /// Housing to order baseLineX = new Line(); baseLineY = new Line(); axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize(); Point[][] logicalCenters = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern); Point upperLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay]; Point upperRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay]; Point lowerLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay + 1]; Point lowerRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay + 1]; Point logicalUpperLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay]; Point logicalUpperRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay]; Point logicalLowerLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay + 1]; Point logicalLowerRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay + 1]; if (ax == 0 && ay == 0) // left upper corner { if (sqrtNumArea == 1) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -3, -3); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, -3); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -3, 3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(3, -3); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-3, 3); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6); } else { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -3, -3); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, -6); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); } } else if (ax == 0 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) // left bottom corner { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -6, 0); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -3, 3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == 0) // right upper corner { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, -6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, -3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, -6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) // right bottom corner { lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6); } else if (ax == 0) // left side { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -6, 0); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1) // right { upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0); } else if (ay == 0) // top { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, -6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, -6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -6); } else if (ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) // bottom { lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6); } if (ax == 0) { logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(1, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(1, 0); } else { logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-1, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-1, 0); } if (ay == 0) { logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 1); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 1); } else { logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -1); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -1); } int logicalWidth = logicalUpperRightPoint.X - logicalUpperLeftPoint.X; int logicalHeight = logicalLowerLeftPoint.Y - logicalUpperLeftPoint.Y; if (version < 7) { logicalWidth += 3; logicalHeight += 3; } modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, upperRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1); modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, lowerLeftPoint, logicalHeight - 1); modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(lowerLeftPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1); modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(upperRightPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalHeight - 1); baseLineX.setP1(upperLeftPoint); baseLineY.setP1(upperLeftPoint); baseLineX.setP2(lowerLeftPoint); baseLineY.setP2(upperRightPoint); samplingGrid.initGrid(ax, ay, logicalWidth, logicalHeight); for (int i = 0; i < logicalWidth; i++) { gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2()); axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.top; gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i, 0)); axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.bottom; gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i, 0)); samplingGrid.setXLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineX); } for (int i = 0; i < logicalHeight; i++) { gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2()); axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.left; gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0, i)); axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.right; gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0, i)); samplingGrid.setYLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineY); } } } return(samplingGrid); }
public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image) { int longSide = (image.Length < image[0].Length)?image[0].Length:image.Length; QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT = 23 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt(longSide / 256); bitmap = filterImage(image); canvas.println("Drawing matrix."); canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap); canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern."); FinderPattern finderPattern = null; try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException) { canvas.println("Not found, now retrying..."); bitmap = applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(bitmap, 5); canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { ; } try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException e2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e2.Message); } catch (VersionInformationException e2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e2.Message); } } catch (VersionInformationException e) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e.Message); } canvas.println("FinderPattern at"); String finderPatternCoordinates = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL).ToString(); canvas.println(finderPatternCoordinates); int[] sincos = finderPattern.getAngle(); canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + System.Convert.ToString(sincos[0]) + " " + "Cos " + System.Convert.ToString(sincos[1])); int version = finderPattern.Version; canvas.println("Version: " + System.Convert.ToString(version)); if (version < 1 || version > 40) { throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + version); } AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern = null; try { alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(bitmap, finderPattern); } catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException e) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e.Message); } int matrixLength = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length; canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at"); for (int y = 0; y < matrixLength; y++) { String alignmentPatternCoordinates = ""; for (int x = 0; x < matrixLength; x++) { alignmentPatternCoordinates += alignmentPattern.getCenter()[x][y].ToString(); } canvas.println(alignmentPatternCoordinates); } //for(int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) Console.out.println(""); canvas.println("Creating sampling grid."); //[TODO] need all-purpose method //samplingGrid = getSamplingGrid2_6(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); samplingGrid = getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); canvas.println("Reading grid."); bool[][] qRCodeMatrix = null; try { qRCodeMatrix = getQRCodeMatrix(bitmap, samplingGrid); } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary"); } //canvas.drawMatrix(qRCodeMatrix); return(new QRCodeSymbol(qRCodeMatrix)); }
internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { Point[][] center = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); int version = finderPattern.Version; int num = version / 7 + 2; center[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(0); center[num - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(1); center[0][num - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(2); int sqrtNumArea = num - 1; SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ++ay) { for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ++ax) { QRCodeImageReader.ModulePitch modulePitch = new QRCodeImageReader.ModulePitch(this); Line line1 = new Line(); Line line2 = new Line(); axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize(); Point[][] logicalCenter = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern); Point point1 = center[ax][ay]; Point point2 = center[ax + 1][ay]; Point point3 = center[ax][ay + 1]; Point point4 = center[ax + 1][ay + 1]; Point point5 = logicalCenter[ax][ay]; Point point6 = logicalCenter[ax + 1][ay]; Point point7 = logicalCenter[ax][ay + 1]; Point point8 = logicalCenter[ax + 1][ay + 1]; if (ax == 0 && ay == 0) { if (sqrtNumArea == 1) { point1 = axis.translate(point1, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(3, -3); point7.translate(-3, 3); point8.translate(6, 6); } else { point1 = axis.translate(point1, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); point7.translate(-6, 0); } } else if (ax == 0 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { point1 = axis.translate(point1, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == 0) { point1 = axis.translate(point1, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(6, -6); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 6); } else if (ax == 0) { point1 = axis.translate(point1, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 0); } else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1) { point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if (ay == 0) { point1 = axis.translate(point1, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); } else if (ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } if (ax == 0) { point6.translate(1, 0); point8.translate(1, 0); } else { point5.translate(-1, 0); point7.translate(-1, 0); } if (ay == 0) { point7.translate(0, 1); point8.translate(0, 1); } else { point5.translate(0, -1); point6.translate(0, -1); } int width = point6.X - point5.X; int height = point7.Y - point5.Y; if (version < 7) { width += 3; height += 3; } modulePitch.top = this.getAreaModulePitch(point1, point2, width - 1); modulePitch.left = this.getAreaModulePitch(point1, point3, height - 1); modulePitch.bottom = this.getAreaModulePitch(point3, point4, width - 1); modulePitch.right = this.getAreaModulePitch(point2, point4, height - 1); line1.setP1(point1); line2.setP1(point1); line1.setP2(point3); line2.setP2(point2); samplingGrid.initGrid(ax, ay, width, height); for (int index = 0; index < width; ++index) { Line line3 = new Line(line1.getP1(), line1.getP2()); axis.Origin = line3.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.top; line3.setP1(axis.translate(index, 0)); axis.Origin = line3.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.bottom; line3.setP2(axis.translate(index, 0)); samplingGrid.setXLine(ax, ay, index, line3); } for (int index = 0; index < height; ++index) { Line line3 = new Line(line2.getP1(), line2.getP2()); axis.Origin = line3.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.left; line3.setP1(axis.translate(0, index)); axis.Origin = line3.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.right; line3.setP2(axis.translate(0, index)); samplingGrid.setYLine(ax, ay, index, line3); } } } return(samplingGrid); }
public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image) { QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT = 23 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt((image.Length < image[0].Length ? image[0].Length : image.Length) / 256); this.bitmap = this.filterImage(image); this.canvas.println("Drawing matrix."); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); this.canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern."); FinderPattern finderPattern; try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException ex1) { this.canvas.println("Not found, now retrying..."); this.bitmap = this.applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(this.bitmap, 5); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); int num = 0; while (num < 1000000000) { ++num; } try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException ex2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex2.Message); } catch (VersionInformationException ex2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex2.Message); } } catch (VersionInformationException ex) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex.Message); } this.canvas.println("FinderPattern at"); this.canvas.println(finderPattern.getCenter(0).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(1).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(2).ToString()); int[] angle = finderPattern.getAngle(); this.canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + Convert.ToString(angle[0]) + " Cos " + Convert.ToString(angle[1])); int version = finderPattern.Version; this.canvas.println("Version: " + Convert.ToString(version)); if (version < 1 || version > 40) { throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + (object)version); } AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern; try { alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(this.bitmap, finderPattern); } catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException ex) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex.Message); } int length = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length; this.canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at"); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length; ++index1) { string str = ""; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length; ++index2) { str += alignmentPattern.getCenter()[index2][index1].ToString(); } this.canvas.println(str); } this.canvas.println("Creating sampling grid."); this.samplingGrid = this.getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); this.canvas.println("Reading grid."); bool[][] qrCodeMatrix; try { qrCodeMatrix = this.getQRCodeMatrix(this.bitmap, this.samplingGrid); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary"); } return(new QRCodeSymbol(qrCodeMatrix)); }
internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { Point[][] pointArray = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); int version = finderPattern.Version; int num2 = (version / 7) + 2; pointArray[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(0); pointArray[num2 - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(1); pointArray[0][num2 - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(2); int sqrtNumArea = num2 - 1; SamplingGrid grid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumArea; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sqrtNumArea; j++) { ModulePitch pitch = new ModulePitch(this); Line line = new Line(); Line line2 = new Line(); axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize(); Point[][] pointArray2 = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern); Point origin = pointArray[j][i]; Point point2 = pointArray[j + 1][i]; Point point3 = pointArray[j][i + 1]; Point point4 = pointArray[j + 1][i + 1]; Point point5 = pointArray2[j][i]; Point point6 = pointArray2[j + 1][i]; Point point7 = pointArray2[j][i + 1]; Point point8 = pointArray2[j + 1][i + 1]; if ((j == 0) && (i == 0)) { if (sqrtNumArea == 1) { origin = axis.translate(origin, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(3, -3); point7.translate(-3, 3); point8.translate(6, 6); } else { origin = axis.translate(origin, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); point7.translate(-6, 0); } } else if ((j == 0) && (i == (sqrtNumArea - 1))) { origin = axis.translate(origin, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } else if ((j == (sqrtNumArea - 1)) && (i == 0)) { origin = axis.translate(origin, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(6, -6); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if ((j == (sqrtNumArea - 1)) && (i == (sqrtNumArea - 1))) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 6); } else if (j == 0) { origin = axis.translate(origin, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 0); } else if (j == (sqrtNumArea - 1)) { point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if (i == 0) { origin = axis.translate(origin, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); } else if (i == (sqrtNumArea - 1)) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } if (j == 0) { point6.translate(1, 0); point8.translate(1, 0); } else { point5.translate(-1, 0); point7.translate(-1, 0); } if (i == 0) { point7.translate(0, 1); point8.translate(0, 1); } else { point5.translate(0, -1); point6.translate(0, -1); } int width = point6.X - point5.X; int height = point7.Y - point5.Y; if (version < 7) { width += 3; height += 3; } pitch.top = this.getAreaModulePitch(origin, point2, width - 1); pitch.left = this.getAreaModulePitch(origin, point3, height - 1); pitch.bottom = this.getAreaModulePitch(point3, point4, width - 1); pitch.right = this.getAreaModulePitch(point2, point4, height - 1); line.setP1(origin); line2.setP1(origin); line.setP2(point3); line2.setP2(point2); grid.initGrid(j, i, width, height); int moveX = 0; while (moveX < width) { Line line3 = new Line(line.getP1(), line.getP2()); axis.Origin = line3.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = pitch.top; line3.setP1(axis.translate(moveX, 0)); axis.Origin = line3.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = pitch.bottom; line3.setP2(axis.translate(moveX, 0)); grid.setXLine(j, i, moveX, line3); moveX++; } for (moveX = 0; moveX < height; moveX++) { Line line4 = new Line(line2.getP1(), line2.getP2()); axis.Origin = line4.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = pitch.left; line4.setP1(axis.translate(0, moveX)); axis.Origin = line4.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = pitch.right; line4.setP2(axis.translate(0, moveX)); grid.setYLine(j, i, moveX, line4); } } } return(grid); }
public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image) { int num = (image.Length < image[0].Length) ? image[0].Length : image.Length; DECIMAL_POINT = 0x17 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt(num / 0x100); this.bitmap = this.filterImage(image); this.canvas.println("Drawing matrix."); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); this.canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern."); FinderPattern finderPattern = null; try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException) { this.canvas.println("Not found, now retrying..."); this.bitmap = this.applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(this.bitmap, 5); this.canvas.drawMatrix(this.bitmap); int num2 = 0; while (true) { if (num2 >= 0x3b9aca00) { break; } num2++; } try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(this.bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException exception2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(exception2.Message); } catch (VersionInformationException exception3) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(exception3.Message); } } catch (VersionInformationException exception4) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(exception4.Message); } this.canvas.println("FinderPattern at"); string str = finderPattern.getCenter(0).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(1).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(2).ToString(); this.canvas.println(str); int[] numArray = finderPattern.getAngle(); this.canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + Convert.ToString(numArray[0]) + " Cos " + Convert.ToString(numArray[1])); int version = finderPattern.Version; this.canvas.println("Version: " + Convert.ToString(version)); if ((version < 1) || (version > 40)) { throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + version); } AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern = null; try { alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(this.bitmap, finderPattern); } catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException exception5) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(exception5.Message); } int length = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length; this.canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { string str2 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { str2 = str2 + alignmentPattern.getCenter()[j][i].ToString(); } this.canvas.println(str2); } this.canvas.println("Creating sampling grid."); this.samplingGrid = this.getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); this.canvas.println("Reading grid."); bool[][] moduleMatrix = null; try { moduleMatrix = this.getQRCodeMatrix(this.bitmap, this.samplingGrid); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary"); } return(new QRCodeSymbol(moduleMatrix)); }
internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { Point[][] centers = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); int version = finderPattern.Version; int sqrtCenters = version / 7 + 2; centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(0); centers[sqrtCenters - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(1); centers[0][sqrtCenters - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(2); int sqrtNumArea = sqrtCenters - 1; SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea); Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++) { for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++) { QRCodeImageReader.ModulePitch modulePitch = new QRCodeImageReader.ModulePitch(this); Line baseLineX = new Line(); Line baseLineY = new Line(); axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize(); Point[][] logicalCenters = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern); Point upperLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay]; Point upperRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay]; Point lowerLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay + 1]; Point lowerRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay + 1]; Point logicalUpperLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay]; Point logicalUpperRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay]; Point logicalLowerLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay + 1]; Point logicalLowerRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay + 1]; if (ax == 0 && ay == 0) { if (sqrtNumArea == 1) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -3, -3); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, -3); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -3, 3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(3, -3); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-3, 3); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6); } else { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -3, -3); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, -6); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); } } else { if (ax == 0 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -6, 0); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -3, 3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6); } else { if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == 0) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, -6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, -3); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, -6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0); } else { if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6); } else { if (ax == 0) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, -6, 0); lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, -6, 0); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-6, 0); } else { if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1) { upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0); } else { if (ay == 0) { upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, -6); upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, -6); logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -6); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -6); } else { if (ay == sqrtNumArea - 1) { lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6); lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6); } } } } } } } } if (ax == 0) { logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(1, 0); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(1, 0); } else { logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(-1, 0); logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(-1, 0); } if (ay == 0) { logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 1); logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 1); } else { logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, -1); logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, -1); } int logicalWidth = logicalUpperRightPoint.X - logicalUpperLeftPoint.X; int logicalHeight = logicalLowerLeftPoint.Y - logicalUpperLeftPoint.Y; if (version < 7) { logicalWidth += 3; logicalHeight += 3; } modulePitch.top = this.getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, upperRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1); modulePitch.left = this.getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, lowerLeftPoint, logicalHeight - 1); modulePitch.bottom = this.getAreaModulePitch(lowerLeftPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1); modulePitch.right = this.getAreaModulePitch(upperRightPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalHeight - 1); baseLineX.setP1(upperLeftPoint); baseLineY.setP1(upperLeftPoint); baseLineX.setP2(lowerLeftPoint); baseLineY.setP2(upperRightPoint); samplingGrid.initGrid(ax, ay, logicalWidth, logicalHeight); for (int i = 0; i < logicalWidth; i++) { Line gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2()); axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.top; gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i, 0)); axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.bottom; gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i, 0)); samplingGrid.setXLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineX); } for (int i = 0; i < logicalHeight; i++) { Line gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2()); axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.left; gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0, i)); axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.right; gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0, i)); samplingGrid.setYLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineY); } } } return(samplingGrid); }
private void InitBlock(SamplingGrid enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; }
internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) { Point[][] center = alignmentPattern.getCenter(); int version = finderPattern.Version; int num = version / 7 + 2; center[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(0); center[num - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(1); center[0][num - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(2); int num2 = num - 1; SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(num2); Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize()); for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { ModulePitch modulePitch = new ModulePitch(this); Line line = new Line(); Line line2 = new Line(); axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize(); Point[][] logicalCenter = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern); Point point = center[j][i]; Point point2 = center[j + 1][i]; Point point3 = center[j][i + 1]; Point point4 = center[j + 1][i + 1]; Point point5 = logicalCenter[j][i]; Point point6 = logicalCenter[j + 1][i]; Point point7 = logicalCenter[j][i + 1]; Point point8 = logicalCenter[j + 1][i + 1]; if (j == 0 && i == 0) { if (num2 == 1) { point = axis.translate(point, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(3, -3); point7.translate(-3, 3); point8.translate(6, 6); } else { point = axis.translate(point, -3, -3); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); point7.translate(-6, 0); } } else if (j == 0 && i == num2 - 1) { point = axis.translate(point, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -3, 3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } else if (j == num2 - 1 && i == 0) { point = axis.translate(point, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 3, -3); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(6, -6); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if (j == num2 - 1 && i == num2 - 1) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 6); } else if (j == 0) { point = axis.translate(point, -6, 0); point3 = axis.translate(point3, -6, 0); point5.translate(-6, 0); point7.translate(-6, 0); } else if (j == num2 - 1) { point2 = axis.translate(point2, 6, 0); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 6, 0); point6.translate(6, 0); point8.translate(6, 0); } else if (i == 0) { point = axis.translate(point, 0, -6); point2 = axis.translate(point2, 0, -6); point5.translate(0, -6); point6.translate(0, -6); } else if (i == num2 - 1) { point3 = axis.translate(point3, 0, 6); point4 = axis.translate(point4, 0, 6); point7.translate(0, 6); point8.translate(0, 6); } if (j == 0) { point6.translate(1, 0); point8.translate(1, 0); } else { point5.translate(-1, 0); point7.translate(-1, 0); } if (i == 0) { point7.translate(0, 1); point8.translate(0, 1); } else { point5.translate(0, -1); point6.translate(0, -1); } int num3 = point6.X - point5.X; int num4 = point7.Y - point5.Y; if (version < 7) { num3 += 3; num4 += 3; } modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(point, point2, num3 - 1); modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(point, point3, num4 - 1); modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(point3, point4, num3 - 1); modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(point2, point4, num4 - 1); line.setP1(point); line2.setP1(point); line.setP2(point3); line2.setP2(point2); samplingGrid.initGrid(j, i, num3, num4); for (int k = 0; k < num3; k++) { Line line3 = new Line(line.getP1(), line.getP2()); axis.Origin = line3.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.top; line3.setP1(axis.translate(k, 0)); axis.Origin = line3.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.bottom; line3.setP2(axis.translate(k, 0)); samplingGrid.setXLine(j, i, k, line3); } for (int k = 0; k < num4; k++) { Line line4 = new Line(line2.getP1(), line2.getP2()); axis.Origin = line4.getP1(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.left; line4.setP1(axis.translate(0, k)); axis.Origin = line4.getP2(); axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.right; line4.setP2(axis.translate(0, k)); samplingGrid.setYLine(j, i, k, line4); } } } return(samplingGrid); }
public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image) { int num = ((image.Length < image[0].Length) ? image[0].Length : image.Length); DECIMAL_POINT = 23 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt(num / 256); bitmap = filterImage(image); canvas.println("Drawing matrix."); canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap); canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern."); FinderPattern finderPattern = null; try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException) { canvas.println("Not found, now retrying..."); bitmap = applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(bitmap, 5); canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { } try { finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap); } catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException ex) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex.Message); } catch (VersionInformationException ex2) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex2.Message); } } catch (VersionInformationException ex4) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex4.Message); } canvas.println("FinderPattern at"); string str = finderPattern.getCenter(0).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(1).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(2).ToString(); canvas.println(str); int[] angle = finderPattern.getAngle(); canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + Convert.ToString(angle[0]) + " Cos " + Convert.ToString(angle[1])); int version = finderPattern.Version; canvas.println("Version: " + Convert.ToString(version)); if (version < 1 || version > 40) { throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + version); } AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern = null; try { alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(bitmap, finderPattern); } catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException ex5) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException(ex5.Message); } int num2 = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length; canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at"); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { string text = ""; for (int k = 0; k < num2; k++) { text += alignmentPattern.getCenter()[k][j].ToString(); } canvas.println(text); } canvas.println("Creating sampling grid."); samplingGrid = getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern); canvas.println("Reading grid."); bool[][] array = null; try { array = getQRCodeMatrix(bitmap, samplingGrid); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary"); } return(new QRCodeSymbol(array)); }
public AreaGrid(SamplingGrid enclosingInstance, int width, int height) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); xLine = new Line[width]; yLine = new Line[height]; }