コード例 #1
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void Split(List <SampleValue> outSamples, SampleValue inSample, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: SPLIT " + Style.FormatSequence(outSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)) + " = " + inSample.FormatSymbol(style));

                Place[,] area = FreeAreaInColumn(zone["mixing"], minRow: placement.PlaceOf(inSample, style).Row(), rows: 1, cols: 2 * outSamples.Count - 1); // find free columns in "mixing" block, on the same row
                placement.MoveHorFirst(inSample, area[0, 0], clearance: 1, style);

                double volume = inSample.Volume();

                for (int i = outSamples.Count - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                    volume = volume - outSamples[i].Volume();
                    SampleValue tempSample = new SampleValue(inSample.symbol, null, new NumberValue(volume), new NumberValue(1), true);
                    placement.SplitHor(tempSample, outSamples[i], area[0, 0], area[0, 1], style);
                    placement.FollowRoute(placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(outSamples[i], style), area[0, 2 * i]), clearance: 0, style);
                placement.Clear(area[0, 0], style, log: false);
                placement.Place(outSamples[0], area[0, 0], style, log: false);

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [outSamples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < outSamples.Count; i++)
                    Place place = FreePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"], minRow: 0, currentlyAt: area[0, 2 * i], skipNo: i);
                    routes[i] = placement.PathVerFirst(placement.PlaceOf(outSamples[i], style), place);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);
コード例 #2
        public static SampleValue Mix(Symbol symbol, List <SampleValue> samples, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            double sumVolume      = 0.0;
            double sumTemperature = 0.0;
            bool   needLna        = false;

            foreach (SampleValue sample in samples)
                sample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
                sumVolume      += sample.Volume();
                sumTemperature += sample.Volume() * sample.Temperature();
                needLna         = needLna || sample.stateMap.state.lna;
            NumberValue volume      = new NumberValue(sumVolume);
            NumberValue temperature = new NumberValue(sumTemperature / sumVolume);
            SampleValue result      = new SampleValue(symbol, new StateMap(symbol, new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }, new State(0, lna: needLna)), volume, temperature, produced: true);

            foreach (SampleValue sample in samples)
                result.stateMap.Mix(sample.stateMap, volume.value, sample.Volume(), style); // mix adding the means and covariances, scaled by volume
コード例 #3
 public static Dictionary<int, long> ProcessZeroCrossings(
     SampleValue[] samples,
     bool positiveTrigger = false,
     int offset = 0,
     int? crossingsCount = null,
     int averageCount = 4)
     AverageValue averageValue = new AverageValue(averageCount);
     var crossings = new Dictionary<int, long>();
     bool crossSet = false;
     int sampleSize = samples.Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++)
         averageValue.Value = samples[i].Value;
         if (i > averageValue.SampleSize)
             var fvalue = averageValue.Value;
             var averageIndex = i - averageValue.SampleSize / 2;
             samples[averageIndex].Value = (int)fvalue;
             if (crossingsCount.HasValue && crossings.Count < crossingsCount.Value)
                 if (!crossSet && ((!positiveTrigger && (fvalue > offset)) || (positiveTrigger && (fvalue < offset))))
                     crossSet = true;
                 if (crossSet && ((!positiveTrigger && (fvalue < offset)) || (positiveTrigger && (fvalue > offset))))
                     crossings.Add(averageIndex, samples[i].Tick);
                     crossSet = false;
     return crossings;
コード例 #4
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public static void Amount(SampleValue sample, AmountEntry amountEntry, Style style)
     if (device == null || (!style.chartOutput) || Exec.IsVesselVariant(sample))
コード例 #5
 public static VariableItem Create(string name, SampleValue <bool> value)
     return(new VariableItem()
         Name = name, Value = value.Value ? "On" : "Off", Date = value.Time.ToString()
コード例 #6
 public static VariableItem Create(string name, SampleValue <double> value)
     return(new VariableItem()
         Name = name, Value = value.Value.ToString(), Date = value.Time.ToString()
コード例 #7
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void StepPhase(int phase, Direction direction, Place from, Place to, Style style)
     if (phase == 0)
     else if (phase == 1)
     else if (phase == 2)
         SampleValue sample = Extract(from, style, log: false);
         Place(sample, to, style, log: false);
     else if (phase == 3)
         throw new Error("ERROR: StepPhase");
コード例 #8
ファイル: Netlist.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public ReportEntry(Symbol timecourse, Flow flow, string asLabel, SampleValue sample)
     this.timecourse = timecourse;
     this.flow       = flow;
     this.asLabel    = asLabel;
     this.sample     = sample;
コード例 #9
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public void Mix(SampleValue outSample, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: MIX " + outSample.FormatSymbol(style) + " = " + Style.FormatSequence(inSamples, ", ", x => x.FormatSymbol(style)));
                Place[,] area = FreeAreaInColumn(zone["mixing"], minRow: placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[0], style).Row(), rows: 1, cols: 2 * inSamples.Count - 1); // find free columns in "mixing" block, on the same row

                List <Place>[] routes = new List <Place> [inSamples.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
                    routes[i] = placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), area[0, 2 * i]);
                placement.FollowRoutes(routes, clearance: 1, style);

                for (int i = 1; i < inSamples.Count; i++)
                    placement.FollowRoute(placement.PathHorFirst(placement.PlaceOf(inSamples[i], style), area[0, 1]), clearance: 0, style);
                    SampleValue accumulator = placement.SampleOf(area[0, 0]);
                    SampleValue tempSample  = new SampleValue(outSample.symbol, null, new NumberValue(accumulator.Volume() + inSamples[i].Volume()), new NumberValue(1), true);
                    placement.MixHor(tempSample, area[0, 0], area[0, 1], style);
                placement.Clear(area[0, 0], style, log: false);
                placement.Place(outSample, area[0, 0], style, log: false);

                Place staging = FreePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"], minRow: 0, currentlyAt: area[0, 0], skipNo: 0);

                placement.MoveVerFirst(outSample, staging, clearance: 1, style);
コード例 #10
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void CheckIsPlaced(SampleValue sample, Style style)
     if (!IsPlaced(sample))
         throw new Error("Sample not found on device: '" + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + "'" + (sample.IsConsumed() ? " (sample is already consumed)" : ""));
コード例 #11
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public static void Sample(SampleValue sample, Style style)
     if (device == null || (!style.chartOutput) || Exec.IsVesselVariant(sample))
     device.Sample(sample, style);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Netlist.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public AmountEntry(SpeciesValue species, NumberValue initial, NumberValue initialVariance, string dimension, SampleValue sample)
     this.species         = species;
     this.initial         = initial;
     this.initialVariance = initialVariance;
     this.dimension       = dimension;
     this.sample          = sample;
コード例 #13
 public static void NormalizeToAverage(SampleValue[] samples, int average)
     int sampleSize = samples.Length;
     for (int i = 1; i < sampleSize; i++)
         samples[i].Value = samples[i].Value - average;
コード例 #14
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public bool IsAt(SampleValue sample, Place place)
     if ((!IsOccupied(place)) || (!IsPlaced(sample)))
     return(placeToSample[place] == sample);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Netlist.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public TriggerEntry(SpeciesValue target, Flow condition, Flow assignment, Flow assignmentVariance, string dimension, SampleValue sample)
     this.target             = target;
     this.condition          = condition;
     this.assignment         = assignment;
     this.assignmentVariance = assignmentVariance;
     this.dimension          = dimension;
     this.sample             = sample;
コード例 #16
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            public SampleValue Clear(Place place, Style style, bool log = true)
                //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Clear " + place.Format(style));
                SampleValue sample = SampleOf(place);

                Remove(sample, style, log);
コード例 #17
        public static SampleValue MassCompileSample(Symbol outSymbol, SampleValue inSample, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            //inSample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style); // this prevents simulating a sample and its massaction version in succession
            List <ReactionValue> inReactions = inSample.RelevantReactions(netlist, style);
            CRN inCrn = new CRN(inSample, inReactions);

            Gui.Log(Environment.NewLine + inCrn.FormatNice(style));

            (Lst <Polynomize.ODE> odes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> eqs)             = Polynomize.FromCRN(inCrn);
            (Lst <Polynomize.PolyODE> polyOdes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> polyEqs) = Polynomize.PolynomizeODEs(odes, eqs.Reverse(), style);
            Gui.Log("Polynomize:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.PolyODE.Format(polyOdes, style)
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(polyEqs, style));

            (Lst <Polynomize.PolyODE> posOdes, Lst <Polynomize.Equation> posEqs, Dictionary <Symbol, SpeciesFlow> dict, Lst <Positivize.Subst> substs) = Positivize.PositivizeODEs(polyOdes, polyEqs, style);
            Gui.Log("Positivize:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.PolyODE.Format(posOdes, style)
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(posEqs, style));

            Lst <ReactionValue> outReactions = Hungarize.ToReactions(posOdes, style);

            Gui.Log("Hungarize:" + Environment.NewLine + outReactions.FoldR((r, s) => { return(r.FormatNormal(style) + Environment.NewLine + s); }, "")
                    + "Initial:" + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(posEqs, style));

            SampleValue outSample = new SampleValue(outSymbol, new StateMap(outSymbol, new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }, new State(0, lna: inSample.stateMap.state.lna)), new NumberValue(inSample.Volume()), new NumberValue(inSample.Temperature()), produced: true);

            netlist.Emit(new SampleEntry(outSample));
            posOdes.Each(ode => {
                Flow initFlow = Polynomize.Equation.ToFlow(ode.var, posEqs, style).Normalize(style);
                double init; if (initFlow is NumberFlow num)
                    init = num.value;
                    throw new Error("Cannot generate a simulatable sample because initial values contain constants (but the symbolic version has been generated assuming constants are nonnegative).");
                if (init < 0)
                    throw new Error("Negative initial value of Polynomized ODE for: " + Polynomize.Lookup(ode.var, eqs, style).Format(style) + " = " + init + Environment.NewLine + Polynomize.Equation.Format(eqs, style));
                outSample.stateMap.AddDimensionedSpecies(new SpeciesValue(ode.var.species, -1.0), init, 0.0, "M", outSample.Volume(), style);
            outReactions.Each(reaction => { netlist.Emit(new ReactionEntry(reaction)); });

            substs.Each(subst => { ReportEntry report = new ReportEntry(null, OpFlow.Op(subst.plus, "-", subst.minus), null, outSample); outSample.AddReport(report); });
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Symbol, SpeciesFlow> keypair in dict)
                ReportEntry report = new ReportEntry(null, keypair.Value, null, outSample); outSample.AddReport(report);

コード例 #18
        public void Contains_ValueIsReferenceType_ChecksForReferenceEquality()
            ICache<string, SampleValue> cache = new Cache<string, SampleValue>(_timerInterval);
            SampleValue value = new SampleValue();
            ICacheItem<SampleValue> cacheItem = new NonExpiringCacheItem<SampleValue>(value);
            KeyValuePair<string, SampleValue> keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair<string, SampleValue>(_key, value);
            cache.Add(_key, cacheItem);

            bool result = cache.Contains(keyValuePair);

コード例 #19
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 // disappear
 public void Appear(SampleValue sample, Place place, Style style)
     Place(sample, place, style);
コード例 #20
        public void Contains_ValueIsReferenceType_ChecksForReferenceEquality()
            ICache <string, SampleValue> cache = new Cache <string, SampleValue>(_timerInterval);
            SampleValue value = new SampleValue();
            ICacheItem <SampleValue>           cacheItem    = new NonExpiringCacheItem <SampleValue>(value);
            KeyValuePair <string, SampleValue> keyValuePair = new KeyValuePair <string, SampleValue>(_key, value);

            cache.Add(_key, cacheItem);

            bool result = cache.Contains(keyValuePair);

コード例 #21
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
            // === DEVICE PROTOCOL OPERATIONS === //

            public void Sample(SampleValue sample, Style style)
                if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
                    throw new ExecutionEnded("");
                //Gui.Log("Device: NEW DROPLET " + sample.FormatSymbol(style));
                Place source = ReservePlaceInColumn(zone["staging"]);

                placement.Appear(sample, source, style);
                //placement.Place(sample, source, style);
コード例 #22
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 // mix Top and Bot into Top
 public void MixVer(SampleValue sample, Place placeTop, Place placeBot, Style style)
     Clear(placeTop, style);
     Clear(placeBot, style);
     Place(sample, placeTop, style);
コード例 #23
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 // mix Lft and Rht into Lft
 public void MixHor(SampleValue sample, Place placeLft, Place placeRht, Style style)
     Clear(placeLft, style);
     Clear(placeRht, style);
     Place(sample, placeLft, style);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Exec.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public ExecutionInstance(SampleValue vessel, Netlist netlist, Style style, DateTime startTime, DateTime evalTime)
     this.Id          = id; id++;
     this.vessel      = vessel;
     this.environment = new NullEnv();
     this.netlist     = netlist;
     this.style       = style;
     this.lastCRN     = null;
     this.startTime   = startTime;
     this.evalTime    = evalTime;
     this.endTime     = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.graphCache  = new Dictionary <string, AdjacencyGraph <Vertex, Edge <Vertex> > >();
     this.layoutCache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
     this.rejected    = 0;
コード例 #25
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public static void Split(List <SampleValue> outSamples, SampleValue inSample, Style style)
     if (device == null || (!style.chartOutput) || Exec.IsVesselVariant(inSample))
     foreach (SampleValue outSample in outSamples)
         if (Exec.IsVesselVariant(outSample))
     device.Split(outSamples, inSample, style);
コード例 #26
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 // split Lft into Lft and Rht
 public void SplitHor(SampleValue splitLft, SampleValue splitRht, Place placeLft, Place placeRht, Style style)
     Clear(placeLft, style, log: false);
     Place(splitLft, placeLft, style);
     Place(splitRht, placeRht, style);
コード例 #27
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public Place Remove(SampleValue sample, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         CheckIsPlaced(sample, style);
         Place place = sampleToPlace[sample];
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Remove " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " from " + place.Format(style));
コード例 #28
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public SampleValue Extract(Place place, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         SampleValue sample = placeToSample[place];
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Extract " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " from " + place.Format(style));
コード例 #29
        public static List <SampleValue> Concentrate(List <Symbol> symbols, double volume, List <SampleValue> inSamples, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            List <SampleValue> outSamples = new List <SampleValue> {

            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                inSamples[i].Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
                double      temperature = inSamples[i].Temperature();
                SampleValue outSample   = new SampleValue(symbols[i], new StateMap(symbols[i], new List <SpeciesValue> {
                }, new State(0, lna: inSamples[i].stateMap.state.lna)), new NumberValue(volume), new NumberValue(temperature), produced: true);
                outSample.stateMap.Mix(inSamples[i].stateMap, volume, inSamples[i].Volume(), style); // same as Mix, but in this case we can also have volume < inSamples[i].Volume()
コード例 #30
        public static List <SampleValue> Split(List <Symbol> symbols, SampleValue sample, List <NumberValue> proportions, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            sample.Consume(null, 0, null, netlist, style);
            List <SampleValue> result = new List <SampleValue> {

            for (int i = 0; i < symbols.Count; i++)
                NumberValue iVolume      = new NumberValue(sample.Volume() * proportions[i].value);
                NumberValue iTemperature = new NumberValue(sample.Temperature());
                SampleValue iResult      = new SampleValue(symbols[i], new StateMap(symbols[i], new List <SpeciesValue> {
                }, new State(0, lna: sample.stateMap.state.lna)), iVolume, iTemperature, produced: true);
                iResult.stateMap.Split(sample.stateMap, style);
コード例 #31
 public static void ProcessStats(SampleValue[] samples, ref int average, ref int min, ref int max)
     average = 0;
     int sampleSize = samples.Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize - 1; i++)
         if (samples[i].Value < min)
             min = samples[i].Value;
         if (samples[i].Value > max)
             max = samples[i].Value;
         average += samples[i].Value;
     average = average / sampleSize;
コード例 #32
ファイル: KDevice.cs プロジェクト: luca-cardelli/KaemikaXM
 public void Place(SampleValue sample, Place place, Style style, bool log = true)
     lock (KDeviceHandler.device) {
         if (!Exec.IsExecuting())
             throw new ExecutionEnded("");
         if (IsPlaced(sample))
             throw new Error("ERROR Device.Placement.Place");
         if (IsOccupied(place))
             throw new Error("ERROR Device.Placement.Place");
         //if (log) Gui.Log("Device:   Place " + sample.FormatSymbol(style) + " into " + place.Format(style));
         sampleToPlace[sample] = place;
         placeToSample[place]  = sample;
         sampleToStyle[sample] = style;
コード例 #33
        private bool trivial;           // try to identify trivial stoichiometry (no change to any species), but not guaranteed

        public CRN(SampleValue sample, List <ReactionValue> reactions, bool precomputeLNA = false)
            this.sample      = sample;
            this.temperature = sample.Temperature();
            this.reactions   = reactions;
            this.trivial     = true;
            List <SpeciesValue> species = sample.stateMap.species;

            this.stoichio = new Matrix(new double[species.Count, this.reactions.Count]);
            for (int s = 0; s < species.Count; s++)
                for (int r = 0; r < reactions.Count; r++)
                    stoichio[s, r] = reactions[r].NetStoichiometry(species[s].symbol);
                    if (stoichio[s, r] != 0)
                        this.trivial = false;
            this.driftFactor = null;
            if (precomputeLNA)
                driftFactor = new double[species.Count, species.Count, reactions.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < species.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < species.Count; j++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < reactions.Count; r++)
                            driftFactor[i, j, r] = stoichio[i, r] * stoichio[j, r];
                if (Exec.lastExecution != null)
                    KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText(Exec.lastExecution.PartialElapsedTime("After precomputeLNA"));
コード例 #34
ファイル: PCM.cs プロジェクト: naomichan/Bundai
        private byte[] DecodeBlock(int n)
            if (n >= DataSize / BlockAlign) return null;
            if (CacheNo == n) return Cache;

            int pos = DataPosition + n * BlockAlign;
            if (pos >= fs.Length) return null;

            fs.Position = pos;
            var data = ReadBytes(BlockAlign);
            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);
            var v = new SampleValue[Channels];
            for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
                v[ch] = new SampleValue(data, ch * 4);
            int ch4 = Channels * 4;
            for (int i = ch4; i < BlockAlign; i += ch4)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
                        bw.Write(v[ch].Next(data[i + j + ch * 4] & 0xf));
                    for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
                        bw.Write(v[ch].Next(data[i + j + ch * 4] >> 4));
            CacheNo = n;
            Cache = ms.ToArray();
            return Cache;
コード例 #35
ファイル: Ima.cs プロジェクト: Nanook/TheGHOST
        private byte[] DecodeBlock(Stream s, int src)
            if (src >= _dataSize / _blockAlign) return null;
            if (_cacheNo == src) return _cache;

            int pos = _offset + (src * _blockAlign); //4 = compression ratio
            if (pos >= s.Length) return null;

            s.Position = pos;
            byte[] data = ReadBytes(s, _blockAlign);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms))
                    SampleValue[] v = new SampleValue[_outChannels];
                    for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                        v[ch] = new SampleValue(data, ch * 4);
                    int ch4 = _outChannels * 4;

                    if (_outChannels == 1) //mono
                        for (int i = ch4; i < _blockAlign; i++)
                            bw.Write(v[0].DecodeNext(data[i] & 0xf));
                            bw.Write(v[0].DecodeNext(data[i] >> 4));
                        for (int i = ch4; i < _blockAlign; i += ch4)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                                for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                                    bw.Write(v[ch].DecodeNext(data[i + j + ch * 4] & 0xf));
                                for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                                    bw.Write(v[ch].DecodeNext(data[i + j + ch * 4] >> 4));
                    _cacheNo = src;
                    _cache = ms.ToArray();
            return _cache;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Ima.cs プロジェクト: Nanook/TheGHOST
        private byte[] EncodeBlock(Stream s)
            if (s.Position >= s.Length)
                return null;

            byte[] outBuff = new byte[_imaBlockAlign];

            int imaBlockAlign = _imaBlockAlign;
            if (_inChannels > _outChannels) //convert to mono
                imaBlockAlign *= 2;

            int ch4 = _inChannels * 4;
            byte[] inBuff = new byte[(imaBlockAlign - ch4) * 4];  //*4 for compression ratio
            if (s.Read(inBuff, 0, inBuff.Length) < inBuff.Length)
                return null; //work like xbadpcm and copy end

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(inBuff))
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms))

                    if (_inChannels > _outChannels) //convert to mono
                        ch4 = _outChannels * 4;
                        MemoryStream mso = new MemoryStream(inBuff);
                        BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(mso);
                        for (int i = 0; i < inBuff.Length / 4; i++)
                            bw.Write((short)(((int)br.ReadInt16() + (int)br.ReadInt16()) / 2));
                        br.BaseStream.Position = 0;

                    SampleValue[] v = new SampleValue[_outChannels];
                    for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                        //write last stored.  This is a guess
                        BitConverter.GetBytes(_predictedValues[ch]).CopyTo(outBuff, (ch << 2));
                        outBuff[(ch << 2) + 2] = (byte)_stepIndexes[ch];

                        v[ch] = new SampleValue(_predictedValues[ch], _stepIndexes[ch]);

                    if (_outChannels == 1) //mono
                        for (int i = ch4; i < _imaBlockAlign; i++)
                            outBuff[i] = (byte)((v[0].EncodeNext(br.ReadInt16()) & 0xf) | (v[0].EncodeNext(br.ReadInt16()) << 0x4));
                        int opt;
                        for (int i = ch4; i < _imaBlockAlign; i += ch4)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                                opt = i + j;
                                for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                                    outBuff[opt + (ch << 2)] = (byte)(v[ch].EncodeNext(br.ReadInt16()) & 0xf);
                                for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                                    outBuff[opt + (ch << 2)] |= (byte)(v[ch].EncodeNext(br.ReadInt16()) << 0x4);

                    //Store last values, Who knows if this is correct?
                    for (int ch = 0; ch < _outChannels; ch++)
                        _predictedValues[ch] = v[ch].PredictedValue;
                        _stepIndexes[ch] = v[ch].StepIndex;
            return outBuff;
コード例 #37
        public /*interface DevicePainter*/ void Draw(KDeviceHandler.KDevice device, int canvasX, int canvasY, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight)
            (float margin, float padRadius, float deviceWidth, float deviceHeight) = device.FittedDimensions(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
            float strokeWidth       = padRadius / 10.0f;
            float accentStrokeWidth = 1.5f * strokeWidth;
            float textStrokeWidth   = accentStrokeWidth / 2.0f;
            float deviceX           = canvasX + (canvasWidth - deviceWidth) / 2.0f;
            float deviceY           = canvasY + (canvasHeight - deviceHeight) / 2.0f;

            // don't lock device here, it will dedlock
            if (device.sizeChanged || cachedBackground == null || cachedBackground.Width != canvasWidth || cachedBackground.Height != canvasHeight)
                cachedBackground = new SKBitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
                using (var backgroundCanvas = new SKCanvas(cachedBackground)) {
                    DrawDevice(device, backgroundCanvas,
                               canvasX, canvasY, canvasWidth, canvasHeight,
                               deviceX, deviceY, deviceWidth, deviceHeight,
                               padRadius, margin, device.pinchPan);
                device.sizeChanged = false;

            if (!device.sizeChanged)
                canvas.DrawBitmap(cachedBackground, 0, 0); // do not apply pinchPan: background bitmap is alread scaled by it
            if (device.displayPinchOrigin)
                // same as: GraphSharp.GraphLayout.CanvasDrawCircle(canvas, pinchOrigin, 20, false, SKColors.LightGray);
                using (var paint = FillPaint(SKColors.LightGray)) { DrawCircle(device.pinchOrigin, 20, paint); }
                //using (var paint = new SKPaint()) {
                //    paint.TextSize = 10; paint.IsAntialias = true; paint.Color = SKColors.LightGray; paint.IsStroke = false;
                //    canvas.DrawCircle(device.pinchOrigin.X, device.pinchOrigin.Y, 20, paint);

            using (var dropletFillPaint = new SKPaint {
                Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, Color = device.dropletColor, IsAntialias = true
                using (var dropletBiggieFillPaint = new SKPaint {
                    Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill, Color = device.dropletBiggieColor, IsAntialias = true
                }) {
                    KDeviceHandler.Place[,] places = device.places;
                    KDeviceHandler.Placement placement = device.placement;
                    for (int row = 0; row < places.GetLength(0); row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < places.GetLength(1); col++)
                            KDeviceHandler.Place place = places[row, col];
                            if (place != null && placement.IsOccupied(place))
                                SampleValue sample       = placement.SampleOf(place);
                                float       volumeRadius = padRadius * (float)Math.Sqrt((sample.Volume()) * 1000000.0); // normal radius = 1μL
                                float       diameter     = 2 * padRadius;
                                SKPaint     fillPaint    = dropletFillPaint;
                                bool        biggie       = false;
                                if (volumeRadius > 2 * padRadius)
                                    biggie       = true;
                                    volumeRadius = 2 * padRadius;
                                    fillPaint    = dropletBiggieFillPaint;
                                SKPoint here  = new SKPoint(deviceX + margin + padRadius + col * diameter, deviceY + margin + padRadius + row * diameter);
                                SKPoint rht   = new SKPoint(deviceX + margin + padRadius + (col + 1) * diameter, deviceY + margin + padRadius + row * diameter);
                                SKPoint lft   = new SKPoint(deviceX + margin + padRadius + (col - 1) * diameter, deviceY + margin + padRadius + row * diameter);
                                SKPoint bot   = new SKPoint(deviceX + margin + padRadius + col * diameter, deviceY + margin + padRadius + (row + 1) * diameter);
                                SKPoint top   = new SKPoint(deviceX + margin + padRadius + col * diameter, deviceY + margin + padRadius + (row - 1) * diameter);
                                string  label = sample.symbol.Raw(); // sample.FormatSymbol(placement.StyleOf(sample, style))
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.None))
                                    DrawDroplet(canvas, label, biggie, here,
                                                padRadius, volumeRadius, textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SizeHalf))
                                    DrawDroplet(canvas, label, biggie, here,
                                                padRadius, volumeRadius / 2, textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SizeQuarter))
                                    DrawDroplet(canvas, label, biggie, here,
                                                padRadius, volumeRadius / 4, textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.PullRht))
                                    DrawDropletPulledHor(canvas, label, biggie, here, rht, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Rht,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 5 / 6, volumeRadius * 5 / 12, volumeRadius * 1 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SplitRht))
                                    DrawDropletPulledHor(canvas, label, biggie, here, rht, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Rht,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 2 / 3, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 2 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.PullLft))
                                    DrawDropletPulledHor(canvas, label, biggie, lft, here, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Lft,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 5 / 12, volumeRadius * 5 / 6,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SplitLft))
                                    DrawDropletPulledHor(canvas, label, biggie, lft, here, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Lft,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 2 / 3, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 2 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.PullBot))
                                    DrawDropletPulledVer(canvas, label, biggie, here, bot, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Bot,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 5 / 6, volumeRadius * 5 / 12, volumeRadius * 1 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SplitBot))
                                    DrawDropletPulledVer(canvas, label, biggie, here, bot, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Bot,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 2 / 3, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 2 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.PullTop))
                                    DrawDropletPulledVer(canvas, label, biggie, top, here, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Top,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 5 / 12, volumeRadius * 5 / 6,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
                                if (place.IsAnimation(KDeviceHandler.Animation.SplitTop))
                                    DrawDropletPulledVer(canvas, label, biggie, top, here, KDeviceHandler.Direction.Top,
                                                         padRadius, volumeRadius * 2 / 3, volumeRadius * 1 / 3, volumeRadius * 2 / 3,
                                                         textStrokeWidth, fillPaint, strokeWidth, accentStrokeWidth, device.pinchPan);
