// For our sample native checkout, we use a hardcoded credit card. private void OnNativeCheckoutButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create the card to send to Shopify. This is hardcoded here for simplicity, but the user should be prompted for their credit card information. var creditCard = new CreditCard { FirstName = "Dinosaur", LastName = "Banana", Month = "2", Year = "20", VerificationValue = "123", Number = "4242424242424242" }; ShowLoadingDialog(Resource.String.completing_checkout); SampleApplication.StoreCreditCard(creditCard, delegate { // When the credit card has successfully been added, complete the checkout and begin polling. SampleApplication.CompleteCheckout((checkout, response) => { DismissLoadingDialog(); PollCheckoutCompletionStatus(checkout); }, OnError); }, OnError); }