public static unsafe bool ColliderCollider <T>(ColliderCastInput input, Collider *target, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector <ColliderCastHit> { if (!CollisionFilter.IsCollisionEnabled(input.Collider->Filter, target->Filter)) { return(false); } if (!input.QueryContext.IsInitialized) { input.QueryContext = QueryContext.DefaultContext; } switch (input.Collider->CollisionType) { case CollisionType.Convex: switch (target->Type) { case ColliderType.Sphere: case ColliderType.Capsule: case ColliderType.Triangle: case ColliderType.Quad: case ColliderType.Box: case ColliderType.Cylinder: case ColliderType.Convex: if (ConvexConvex(input, target, collector.MaxFraction, out ColliderCastHit hit)) { return(collector.AddHit(hit)); } return(false); case ColliderType.Mesh: return(ConvexMesh(input, (MeshCollider *)target, ref collector)); case ColliderType.Compound: return(ConvexCompound(input, (CompoundCollider *)target, ref collector)); case ColliderType.Terrain: return(ConvexTerrain(input, (TerrainCollider *)target, ref collector)); default: SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return(default); } case CollisionType.Composite: case CollisionType.Terrain: // no support for casting composite shapes SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return(default); default: SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return(default); } }
public unsafe void Execute() { // Color palette var colorA = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Cyan; var colorB = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Magenta; var colorError = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Red; var colorRange = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Yellow; OutputStream.Begin(0); for (int iJoint = 0; iJoint < Joints.Length; iJoint++) { Joint joint = Joints[iJoint]; if (!joint.BodyPair.IsValid) { continue; } RigidBody bodyA = Bodies[joint.BodyPair.BodyIndexA]; RigidBody bodyB = Bodies[joint.BodyPair.BodyIndexB]; MTransform worldFromA, worldFromB; MTransform worldFromJointA, worldFromJointB; { worldFromA = new MTransform(bodyA.WorldFromBody); worldFromB = new MTransform(bodyB.WorldFromBody); worldFromJointA = Mul(worldFromA, joint.AFromJoint); worldFromJointB = Mul(worldFromB, joint.BFromJoint); } float3 pivotA = worldFromJointA.Translation; float3 pivotB = worldFromJointB.Translation; for (var i = 0; i < joint.Constraints.Length; i++) { Constraint constraint = joint.Constraints[i]; switch (constraint.Type) { case ConstraintType.Linear: float3 diff = pivotA - pivotB; // Draw the feature on B and find the range for A float3 rangeOrigin; float3 rangeDirection; float rangeDistance; switch (constraint.Dimension) { case 0: continue; case 1: float3 normal = worldFromJointB.Rotation[constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D]; OutputStream.Plane(pivotB, normal * k_Scale, colorB); rangeDistance =, diff); rangeOrigin = pivotA - normal * rangeDistance; rangeDirection = normal; break; case 2: float3 direction = worldFromJointB.Rotation[constraint.FreeAxis2D]; OutputStream.Line(pivotB - direction * k_Scale, pivotB + direction * k_Scale, colorB); float dot =, diff); rangeOrigin = pivotB + direction * dot; rangeDirection = diff - direction * dot; rangeDistance = math.length(rangeDirection); rangeDirection = / rangeDistance,, rangeDistance < 1e-5); break; case 3: OutputStream.Point(pivotB, k_Scale, colorB); rangeOrigin = pivotB; rangeDistance = math.length(diff); rangeDirection = / rangeDistance,, rangeDistance < 1e-5); break; default: SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return; } // Draw the pivot on A OutputStream.Point(pivotA, k_Scale, colorA); // Draw error float3 rangeA = rangeOrigin + rangeDistance * rangeDirection; float3 rangeMin = rangeOrigin + constraint.Min * rangeDirection; float3 rangeMax = rangeOrigin + constraint.Max * rangeDirection; if (rangeDistance < constraint.Min) { OutputStream.Line(rangeA, rangeMin, colorError); } else if (rangeDistance > constraint.Max) { OutputStream.Line(rangeA, rangeMax, colorError); } if (math.length(rangeA - pivotA) > 1e-5f) { OutputStream.Line(rangeA, pivotA, colorError); } // Draw the range if (constraint.Min != constraint.Max) { OutputStream.Line(rangeMin, rangeMax, colorRange); } break; case ConstraintType.Angular: switch (constraint.Dimension) { case 0: continue; case 1: // Get the limited axis and perpendicular in joint space int constrainedAxis = constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D; float3 axisInWorld = worldFromJointA.Rotation[constrainedAxis]; float3 perpendicularInWorld = worldFromJointA.Rotation[(constrainedAxis + 1) % 3] * k_Scale; // Draw the angle of A OutputStream.Line(pivotA, pivotA + perpendicularInWorld, colorA); // Calculate the relative angle float angle; { float3x3 jointBFromA = math.mul(math.inverse(worldFromJointB.Rotation), worldFromJointA.Rotation); angle = CalculateTwistAngle(new quaternion(jointBFromA), constrainedAxis); } // Draw the range in B float3 axis = worldFromJointA.Rotation[constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D]; OutputStream.Arc(pivotB, axis, math.mul(quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, constraint.Min - angle), perpendicularInWorld), constraint.Max - constraint.Min, colorB); break; case 2: // Get axes in world space int axisIndex = constraint.FreeAxis2D; float3 axisA = worldFromJointA.Rotation[axisIndex]; float3 axisB = worldFromJointB.Rotation[axisIndex]; // Draw the cones in B if (constraint.Min == 0.0f) { OutputStream.Line(pivotB, pivotB + axisB * k_Scale, colorB); } else { OutputStream.Cone(pivotB, axisB * k_Scale, constraint.Min, colorB); } if (constraint.Max != constraint.Min) { OutputStream.Cone(pivotB, axisB * k_Scale, constraint.Max, colorB); } // Draw the axis in A OutputStream.Arrow(pivotA, axisA * k_Scale, colorA); break; case 3: // TODO - no idea how to visualize this if the limits are nonzero :) break; default: SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return; } break; default: SafetyChecks.ThrowNotImplementedException(); return; } } } OutputStream.End(); }