コード例 #1
        public void IfACellStyleIsCreatedItShouldBeReturnedAndAddedToTheExistingWorkbook()
            _objectToTest = new SXSSFWorkbook();
            var cellStyle = _objectToTest.CreateCellStyle();

コード例 #2
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Variables to store user input
            List <int> listIds;
            string     desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);

            // Variables to store log
            var schedSuccess = new List <string>();
            var schedFail    = new List <string>();

            // Prompt window to collect user input
            using (BrowserCheckboxes customWindow = new BrowserCheckboxes(commandData))
                listIds = customWindow.listIds;

            // Check there are schedules selected
            if (listIds != null)
                using (BrowserWindow browserWindow = new BrowserWindow())

                    // Variables
                    string fullPath = browserWindow.selectedPath;

                    // CHeck that path is not empty and path is a folder
                    if (fullPath == null || !Directory.Exists(fullPath))
                        TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "No folder has been selected");
                        // Loop through each selected schedule
                        foreach (int id in listIds)
                            // Extract data from schedule
                            ViewSchedule     sched       = doc.GetElement(new ElementId(id)) as ViewSchedule;
                            TableData        tD          = sched.GetTableData();
                            TableSectionData sectionData = tD.GetSectionData(SectionType.Body);
                            int numbRows = sectionData.NumberOfRows;
                            int numbCols = sectionData.NumberOfColumns;

                            // Name of the file
                            string excelPath = fullPath + @"\" + sched.Name + ".xlsx";

                            // Create excel file
                            SXSSFWorkbook workbook   = new SXSSFWorkbook();
                            SXSSFSheet    excelSheet = (SXSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(sched.Name);

                            //Create a header row
                            IRow row = excelSheet.CreateRow(0);

                            // Define format for cells
                            var fontStyle = workbook.CreateFont();
                            fontStyle.IsBold             = true;
                            fontStyle.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
                            var titleStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();

                            // Write to excel
                            using (var fs = new FileStream(excelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                                // Write content
                                for (int i = 0; i < numbRows; i++)
                                    row = excelSheet.CreateRow(i);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < numbCols; j++)
                                        string content = sched.GetCellText(SectionType.Body, i, j);
                                        var    cell    = row.CreateCell(j);

                                        if (i == 0)
                                            cell.CellStyle = titleStyle;

                                // Size columns
                                for (int i = 0; i < numbCols; i++)

                                // Write to file
                                    // Log success export schedule name

                        TaskDialog.Show("Success", "The following schedules have been exported: " +
                                        string.Join("\n", schedSuccess.ToArray()));


コード例 #3
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Check if the open document is a Family document
                var check = doc.FamilyManager;
                TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "Family document opened, please open a project");
                // TODO: refactor Family document check

            // Retrieve current date
            string currentDate = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            string[] columnNames = { "Priority", "Warning", "Element Ids", "Date Detected", "Date Solved", "Fixed by" };

            string warningJSONPath    = @"C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\BIMicon\WarningsReport\RevitWarningsClassified.json";
            string warningsJsonString = Helpers.Helpers.WriteSafeReadAllLines(warningJSONPath);
            var    warningsJObject    = JObject.Parse(warningsJsonString);

            string critical = string.Join("", warningsJObject.Value <JArray>("Critical").ToObject <string[]>());
            string high     = string.Join("", warningsJObject.Value <JArray>("High").ToObject <string[]>());
            string medium   = string.Join("", warningsJObject.Value <JArray>("Medium").ToObject <string[]>());
            string low      = string.Join("", warningsJObject.Value <JArray>("Low").ToObject <string[]>());

            IList <FailureMessage> docWarnings = doc.GetWarnings();

            // Check if there is any warning in the document
            if (docWarnings.Count == 0)
                TaskDialog.Show("Warning", "This project doesn't contain any warnings. Congratulations!");

            // Store data to transfer to database
            List <string[]> dataTransfer = new List <string[]>();

            foreach (FailureMessage failMessage in docWarnings)
                string failDescription = failMessage.GetDescriptionText();
                ICollection <ElementId> failWarningElementIds = failMessage.GetFailingElements();
                string failElementIds = string.Join(", ", failWarningElementIds);
                string priorityCat    = "";

                if (critical.Contains(failDescription))
                    priorityCat = "Critical";
                else if (high.Contains(failDescription))
                    priorityCat = "High";
                else if (low.Contains(failDescription))
                    priorityCat = "Low";
                    priorityCat = "Medium";
                dataTransfer.Add(new string[] {

            // Path to output data
            string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
            string excelPath   = desktopPath + @"\Warnings Report.xlsx";

            // Create excel file
            SXSSFWorkbook workbook   = new SXSSFWorkbook();
            SXSSFSheet    excelSheet = (SXSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");


            //Create a header row
            IRow row = excelSheet.CreateRow(0);

            // Style for header
            var titleHeader = workbook.CreateFont();

            titleHeader.FontHeightInPoints = 12;
            titleHeader.IsBold             = true;
            ICellStyle boldStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();


            // Write to excel
            using (var fs = new FileStream(excelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                // Write header
                for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Count(); i++)
                    var cell = row.CreateCell(i);
                    cell.CellStyle = boldStyle;

                // Write content
                for (int i = 0; i < dataTransfer.Count; i++)
                    int numberElements = dataTransfer[i].Count();
                    row = excelSheet.CreateRow(i + 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < numberElements; j++)

                // Size columns

                for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Count(); i++)
                    if (i == 1)
                        excelSheet.SetColumnWidth(i, 3800);
                    // Autosize needs to be after column has some data


                // Write to file

                TaskDialog.Show("Success", "Warnings report created in: " + excelPath);
コード例 #4
        public MemoryStream GetExcelPackage()
            using (var fs = new MemoryStream())
                var workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook();
                var sheet    = workbook.CreateSheet(SheetName) as SXSSFSheet;
                workbook.RandomAccessWindowSize = 5000;
                sheet.DefaultColumnWidth        = 4;
                sheet.DisplayGridlines          = false;

                var rang = new CellRangeAddress(0, 1, 1, 10);
                var merI = sheet.AddMergedRegion(rang);
                var row  = sheet.CreateRow(sheet.GetMergedRegion(merI - 1).LastRow);
                var cell = row.CreateCell(sheet.GetMergedRegion(merI - 1).LastColumn);
                var style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                var font  = workbook.CreateFont();
                font.FontHeightInPoints = 16;
                cell.CellStyle = style;

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 2, 2, 22, 29, $"発行年月日 {PublishDate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日")}", 12, false, BorderStyle.None, false, 700);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 5, 11, 1, 13, $"{ToCompany}  御中", 10, true, BorderStyle.Medium, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 5, 5, 17, 29, FromCompany, 12, false, BorderStyle.None, false);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 1, 1, 1, 30, FromDepartment, 12, false, BorderStyle.None, true);

                //var titleFont = workbook.CreateFont();
                //titleFont.FontHeightInPoints = 16;
                //titleFont.Underline = FontUnderlineType.Single;
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 16, 17, 0, 30, "adfdsf", titleFont, false, BorderStyle.None, true);

                //var periodFont = workbook.CreateFont();
                //periodFont.FontHeightInPoints = 16;
                //periodFont.Underline = FontUnderlineType.Single;
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 20, 20, 1, 12, Period.ToString("yyyy年MM月度"), periodFont, false, BorderStyle.None, true);

                //#region  代理商信息

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 22, 23, 1, 4, "代理店コード", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 22, 23, 5, 13, AgentMessage.AgentCode, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 24, 25, 1, 4, "振込日", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 24, 25, 5, 13, AgentMessage.DemittanceDate?.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 26, 27, 1, 4, "振込金額", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 26, 27, 5, 13, AgentMessage.DemittanceAmount.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                ////SetBoard(sheet, 22, 27, 1, 13, BorderStyle.Medium);

                //#region 代理商帐户信息
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 22, 23, 17, 20, "金融機関名", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 22, 23, 21, 29, AgentAccount.BankName, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 24, 25, 17, 20, "支店名", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 24, 25, 21, 29, AgentAccount.BranchBankName, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 26, 27, 17, 20, "口座番号", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 26, 27, 21, 22, AgentAccount.AccountMode, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 26, 27, 23, 29, AgentAccount.Account, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 28, 29, 17, 20, "口座名義", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 28, 29, 21, 29, AgentAccount.AccountOwner, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);

                //#region 列表
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 1, 1, null, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 2, 4, "コード", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 5, 9, "加盟店", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 10, 14, "対象期間", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 15, 18, "決済利用額", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 19, 21, "手数料率", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 22, 25, "手数料額", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, 32, 32, 26, 29, "備考", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true, null, HSSFColor.Rose.Index);

                //var rowIndex = 33;
                //var sn = 1;
                //var total = 0m;
                //foreach (var item in Data)
                //    total += item.RateAmount;
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 1, 1, sn++.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 2, 4, item.Code, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 5, 9, item.Name, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 10, 14, item.TimeSection, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 15, 18, item.Amount.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 19, 21, item.Rate.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 22, 25, item.RateAmount.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 26, 29, item.Memo, 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //    rowIndex++;

                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 1, 1, "計", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 2, 4, "", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 5, 9, "", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 10, 14, "税抜き", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 15, 18, "", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 19, 21, "", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 22, 25, total.ToString(), 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
                //SetCell(workbook, sheet, rowIndex, rowIndex, 26, 29, "", 12, true, BorderStyle.Thin, true);
