/// <summary> /// standard log new file each time /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> public static void ToFileNew(string s) { StreamWriter SW; SW = File.CreateText(File3); SW.WriteLine(s); SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// standard log with time stamp /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> public static void ToFileTime(string s) { StreamWriter SW; SW = File.AppendText(File2); SW.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "." + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + "\t : " + s); SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// DataTable to new file each time /// </summary> /// <param name="aDBTable"></param> public static void TableToFileNew(DataTable aDBTable) { int[] aWidths; aWidths = new Int32[aDBTable.Columns.Count]; //widths for (int j = 0; j < aDBTable.Columns.Count; j++) { aWidths[j] = 0; if (aDBTable.Columns[j].Caption.Length >= aWidths[j]) { aWidths[j] = aDBTable.Columns[j].Caption.Length + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < aDBTable.Rows.Count; i++) { if (aDBTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[j].ToString().Length >= aWidths[j]) { aWidths[j] = aDBTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[j].ToString().Length + 1; } } } StreamWriter SW; SW = File.CreateText(File4); //captions for (int j = 0; j < aDBTable.Columns.Count; j++) { SW.Write(aDBTable.Columns[j].Caption); SW.Write(Util.GetNSpaces(aWidths[j] - aDBTable.Columns[j].Caption.Length)); } SW.WriteLine(""); for (int j = 0; j < aDBTable.Columns.Count; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < aWidths[j]; i++) { SW.Write("-"); } } SW.WriteLine(""); //data for (int i = 0; i < aDBTable.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < aDBTable.Columns.Count; j++) { SW.Write(aDBTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[j].ToString()); SW.Write(Util.GetNSpaces(aWidths[j] - aDBTable.Rows[i].ItemArray[j].ToString().Length)); } SW.WriteLine(""); } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// standard log /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> public static void ToFileAppend(string s) { lock (_lock) { StreamWriter SW; SW = File.AppendText(File1); SW.Write(s); SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// standard log /// </summary> /// <param name="s"></param> public static void ToFile(string s, string filename) { lock (_lock) { StreamWriter SW; SW = File.AppendText(filename); SW.WriteLine(s); SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); } }
public void WriteResponse(String [] Response) { StreamWriter SW; SW = File.CreateText(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + responseFile); //MessageBox.Show(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + responseFile); for (int i = 0; i < Response.Length; i++) { string [] values = Response[i].Split('='); switch (values[0]) { case "ResponseDescription": SW.WriteLine("RESULT=SUCCESS"); break; case "CardType": SW.WriteLine("ACCOUNTTYPE=" + values[1]); break; case "ExpDate": SW.WriteLine("EXPIRTATION=" + values[1]); break; case "TransactionID": SW.WriteLine("XCTRANSACTIONID=" + values[1]); break; case "TransactionType": if (values[1] == "CreditSaleTransaction") { SW.WriteLine("XCTRANSACTIONID=Purchase"); } if (values[1] == "CreditVoidTransaction") { SW.WriteLine("XCTRANSACTIONID=VOID"); } if (values[1] == "CreditReturnTransaction") { SW.WriteLine("XCTRANSACTIONID=Refund"); } break; default: SW.WriteLine(values[0] + "=" + values[1]); break; } } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); Application.Exit(); }
public static void AppendToFile(String teks, String Path) { try { StreamWriter SW; SW = System.IO.File.AppendText(Path); SW.WriteLine(teks); SW.Flush(); //Console.WriteLine("Text Appended Successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } finally { //Console.WriteLine("Executing finally block."); } }
public void Close() { if (this.OutputFormat != "") { if (!this.BatchProcessingDone) { foreach (Feature backloggedFeature in FeatureQ) { ProcessFeature(backloggedFeature); } } } this.OutputOutliers(); if (this.OutputFormat == "CSV") { foreach (System.IO.StreamWriter SW in this.StreamWriters.Values) { SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); } } }
public static void PerformUpdate(bool oldrevision) { try { StreamWriter SW; if (!Server.mono) { if (!File.Exists("Update.bat")) { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.bat")); } else { if (File.ReadAllLines("Update.bat")[0] != "::Version 3") { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.bat")); } else { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update_generated.bat")); } } SW.WriteLine("::Version 3"); SW.WriteLine("TASKKILL /pid %2 /F"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCForge_.dll.backup (erase MCForge_.dll.backup)"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCForge_.dll (rename MCForge_.dll MCForge_.dll.backup)"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCForge.new (rename MCForge.new MCForge_.dll)"); SW.WriteLine("start MCForge.exe"); } else { if (!File.Exists("Update.sh")) { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.sh")); } else { if (File.ReadAllLines("Update.sh")[0] != "#Version 2") { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.sh")); } else { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update_generated.sh")); } } SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); SW.WriteLine("#!/bin/bash"); SW.WriteLine("kill $2"); SW.WriteLine("rm MCForge_.dll.backup"); SW.WriteLine("mv MCForge_.dll MCForge.dll_.backup"); SW.WriteLine("wget " + DLLLocation); SW.WriteLine("mono MCForge.exe"); } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); SW.Dispose(); string filelocation = ""; string verscheck = ""; Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); string assemblyname = proc.ProcessName + ".exe"; if (!oldrevision) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); Server.selectedrevision = client.DownloadString(ServerSettings.CurrentVersionFile); client.Dispose(); } verscheck = Server.selectedrevision.TrimStart('r'); int vers = int.Parse(verscheck.Split('.')[0]); if (oldrevision) { filelocation = (ServerSettings.ArchivePath + Server.selectedrevision + ".exe"); } if (!oldrevision) { filelocation = (DLLLocation); } WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.DownloadFile(filelocation, "MCLawl.new"); Client.DownloadFile(ServerSettings.ChangelogLocation, "extra/Changelog.txt"); // Its possible there are no levels or players loaded yet // Only save them if they exist, otherwise we fail-whale if (Server.levels != null && Server.levels.Any()) { foreach (Level l in Server.levels) { l.Save(); } } if (Player.players != null && Player.players.Any()) { foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { pl.save(); } } string fileName; if (!Server.mono) { fileName = "Update.bat"; } else { fileName = "Update.sh"; } try { if (MCForge.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1 != null) { MCForge.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1.Icon = null; MCForge.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1.Visible = false; } } catch { } Process p = Process.Start(fileName, "main " + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString()); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public static void PerformUpdate(bool oldrevision) { try { StreamWriter SW; if (!Server.mono) { if (!File.Exists("Update.bat")) { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.bat")); } else { if (File.ReadAllLines("Update.bat")[0] != "::Version 3") { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.bat")); } else { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update_generated.bat")); } } SW.WriteLine("::Version 3"); SW.WriteLine("TASKKILL /pid %2 /F"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCSong_.dll.backup (erase MCSong_.dll.backup)"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCSong_.dll (rename MCSong_.dll MCSong_.dll.backup)"); SW.WriteLine("if exist MCSong.new (rename MCSong.new MCSong_.dll)"); SW.WriteLine("start MCSong.exe"); } else { if (!File.Exists("Update.sh")) { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.sh")); } else { if (File.ReadAllLines("Update.sh")[0] != "#Version 2") { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update.sh")); } else { SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("Update_generated.sh")); } } SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); SW.WriteLine("#!/bin/bash"); SW.WriteLine("kill $2"); SW.WriteLine("rm MCSong_.dll.backup"); SW.WriteLine("mv MCSong_.dll MCSong.dll_.backup"); SW.WriteLine("wget http://updates.mcsong.x10.mx/MCSong_.dll"); SW.WriteLine("mono MCSong.exe"); } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); SW.Dispose(); string filelocation = ""; string verscheck = ""; Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); string assemblyname = proc.ProcessName + ".exe"; if (!oldrevision) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); Server.selectedrevision = client.DownloadString("http://updates.mcsong.x10.mx/curversion.txt"); client.Dispose(); } verscheck = Server.selectedrevision.TrimStart('r'); int vers = int.Parse(verscheck.Split('.')[0]); if (oldrevision) { filelocation = ("http://updates.mcsong.x10.mx/archives/exe/" + Server.selectedrevision + ".exe"); } if (!oldrevision) { filelocation = ("http://updates.mcsong.x10.mx/MCSong_.dll"); } WebClient Client = new WebClient(); Client.DownloadFile(filelocation, "MCSong.new"); Client.DownloadFile("http://updates.mcsong.x10.mx/changelog.txt", "extra/Changelog.txt"); foreach (Level l in Server.levels) { l.Save(); } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { pl.save(); } string fileName; if (!Server.mono) { fileName = "Update.bat"; } else { fileName = "Update.sh"; } try { if (MCSong.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1 != null) { MCSong.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1.Icon = null; MCSong.Gui.Window.thisWindow.notifyIcon1.Visible = false; } } catch { } Process p = Process.Start(fileName, "main " + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString()); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public void addPoint(Player p, string foundPath, string additional = "", string extra = "10", string more = "2") { string[] allLines; try { allLines = File.ReadAllLines("bots/" + foundPath); } catch { allLines = new string[1]; } StreamWriter SW; try { if (!File.Exists("bots/" + foundPath)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Created new bot AI: &b" + foundPath); SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("bots/" + foundPath)); SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); } else if (allLines[0] != "#Version 2") { Player.SendMessage(p, "File found is out-of-date. Overwriting"); SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("bots/" + foundPath)); SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Appended to bot AI: &b" + foundPath); SW = new StreamWriter("bots/" + foundPath, true); } } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "An error occurred when accessing the files. You may need to delete it."); return; } try { switch (additional.ToLower()) { case "": case "walk": SW.WriteLine("walk " + p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + " " + p.rot[0] + " " + p.rot[1]); break; case "teleport": case "tp": SW.WriteLine("teleport " + p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + " " + p.rot[0] + " " + p.rot[1]); break; case "wait": SW.WriteLine("wait " + int.Parse(extra)); break; case "nod": SW.WriteLine("nod " + int.Parse(extra) + " " + int.Parse(more)); break; case "speed": SW.WriteLine("speed " + int.Parse(extra)); break; case "remove": SW.WriteLine("remove"); break; case "reset": SW.WriteLine("reset"); break; case "spin": SW.WriteLine("spin " + int.Parse(extra) + " " + int.Parse(more)); break; case "reverse": for (int i = allLines.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (allLines[i][0] != '#' && allLines[i] != "") { SW.WriteLine(allLines[i]); } } break; case "linkscript": if (extra != "10") { SW.WriteLine("linkscript " + extra); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Linkscript requires a script as a parameter"); } break; case "jump": SW.WriteLine("jump"); break; default: Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find \"" + additional + "\""); break; } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); SW.Dispose(); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid parameter"); SW.Close(); } }
public void addPoint(Player p, string foundPath, string additional = "", string extra = "10", string more = "2") { string[] allLines; try { allLines = File.ReadAllLines("bots/" + foundPath); } catch { allLines = new string[1]; } StreamWriter SW; try { if (!File.Exists("bots/" + foundPath)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cree une nouvelle IA de bot: &b" + foundPath); SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("bots/" + foundPath)); SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); } else if (allLines[0] != "#Version 2") { Player.SendMessage(p, "Le fichier trouver est depacer. Reecriture"); SW = new StreamWriter(File.Create("bots/" + foundPath)); SW.WriteLine("#Version 2"); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Apprentissage a l'IA: &b" + foundPath); SW = new StreamWriter("bots/" + foundPath, true); } } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'acces aux fichiers. Vous devez le supprimer."); return; } try { switch (additional.ToLower()) { case "": case "walk": SW.WriteLine("walk " + p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + " " + p.rot[0] + " " + p.rot[1]); break; case "teleport": case "tp": SW.WriteLine("teleport " + p.pos[0] + " " + p.pos[1] + " " + p.pos[2] + " " + p.rot[0] + " " + p.rot[1]); break; case "wait": SW.WriteLine("wait " + int.Parse(extra)); break; case "nod": SW.WriteLine("nod " + int.Parse(extra) + " " + int.Parse(more)); break; case "speed": SW.WriteLine("speed " + int.Parse(extra)); break; case "remove": SW.WriteLine("remove"); break; case "reset": SW.WriteLine("reset"); break; case "spin": SW.WriteLine("spin " + int.Parse(extra) + " " + int.Parse(more)); break; case "reverse": for (int i = allLines.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (allLines[i][0] != '#' && allLines[i] != "") { SW.WriteLine(allLines[i]); } } break; case "linkscript": if (extra != "10") { SW.WriteLine("linkscript " + extra); } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Linkscript necessite un script comme paramètre"); } break; case "jump": SW.WriteLine("jump"); break; default: Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find \"" + additional + "\""); break; } SW.Flush(); SW.Close(); SW.Dispose(); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "parametre invalide"); SW.Close(); } }