コード例 #1
        //Method that uses the IBM Sametime Helper Library to request
        //the list of IBM Sametime Connect Client contacts, and populate
        //the UI List control with the returned list of contacts.
        private void getSametimeContacts()
            //Create the Sametime Helper object.
            STHelperLib.SametimeHelper stHelper = new STHelperLib.SametimeHelper();

            //Sametime Group type
            String strGroupType = "all";
            //Define an object to hold Sametime Contact Group names.
            Object objGroups = null;

            //Invoke the Sametime Helper to populate the group names object.
            stHelper.GetSametimeGroups(strGroupType, out objGroups);

            if (objGroups != null)
                //Assign the array that has the Sametime Contact Group names.
                Array arrGroups = ((Array)objGroups);

                //Loop through the Sametime Contact Group names and retrieve
                //the Sametime Contact names for each group.
                for (int i = 0; i < arrGroups.Length; i++)
                    //Assign the current group name.
                    String strGroupName = (String)arrGroups.GetValue(i);
                    //Define array to hold Sametime Contact Contact
                    //names for the current group
                    Object objContacts = null;

                    //Invoke the Sametime Helper to populate the contact
                    //names object for the current group.
                    stHelper.GetContacts(strGroupName, out objContacts);

                    if (objContacts != null)
                        //Assign the array that has the current group contact names.
                        Array arrContacts = ((Array)objContacts);
                        //Loop through the Sametime Contact names and add each name
                        //to the List control.
                        for (int ct = 0; ct < arrContacts.Length; ct++)
                            //Assign the current contact.
                            String contact = arrContacts.GetValue(ct).ToString();
                            //Add the contact name to the List control.
コード例 #2
        public STHelperExampleEventHandler()
            //Create the Sametime Helper object.
            stHelper = new STHelperLib.SametimeHelper();

            //Register the Sametime Helper event callbacks.
            //event _ISametimeHelperEvents_OnPersonUpdateEventHandler
            stHelper.OnPersonUpdate += new STHelperLib._ISametimeHelperEvents_OnPersonUpdateEventHandler(this.OnPersonUpdateEventHandler);

            //event _ISametimeHelperEvents_OnCapabilityEventEventHandler
            stHelper.OnCapabilityEvent += new STHelperLib._ISametimeHelperEvents_OnCapabilityEventEventHandler(this.OnCapabilityEventEventHandler);

            //event _ISametimeHelperEvents_OnDirectoryResolveEventHandler
            stHelper.OnDirectoryResolve += new STHelperLib._ISametimeHelperEvents_OnDirectoryResolveEventHandler(this.OnDirectoryResolveEventHandler);

            //event _ISametimeHelperEvents_OnEvictWatchEventHandler
            stHelper.OnEvictWatch += new STHelperLib._ISametimeHelperEvents_OnEvictWatchEventHandler(this.OnEvictWatchEventHandler);

            //event _ISametimeHelperEvents_OnSametimeUnavailableEventHandler
            stHelper.OnSametimeUnavailable += new STHelperLib._ISametimeHelperEvents_OnSametimeUnavailableEventHandler(this.OnSametimeUnavailableEventHandler);