public void importData(SSRP_attribute attr) { childUpdateRequired = false; if (!ArrayList.Equals(attr.metadatas, data.metadatas)) { childUpdateRequired = true; } data = attr; refresh(); }
private void testDataGeneration() { SSRP_Metadata metaData_00 = new SSRP_Metadata("Faux_name", "faux_type", "faux value"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_01 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta1", "int", "one"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_02 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta2", "int", "two"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_03 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta3", "int", "three"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_04 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta4", "int", "four"); SSRP_Metadata[] metaData_list = new SSRP_Metadata[] { metaData_00, metaData_01, metaData_02, metaData_03, metaData_04 }; SSRP_attribute testdata = new SSRP_attribute("Faux_name", "faux_type", "faux value", metaData_list); importData(testdata); }
private void testDataGeneration() { SSRP_Metadata metaData_00 = new SSRP_Metadata("Faux_name", "faux_type", "faux value"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_01 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta1", "int", "one"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_02 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta2", "int", "two"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_03 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta3", "int", "three"); SSRP_Metadata metaData_04 = new SSRP_Metadata("meta4", "int", "four"); SSRP_Metadata[] metaData_list = new SSRP_Metadata[] { metaData_00, metaData_01, metaData_02, metaData_03, metaData_04 }; SSRP_attribute test_att01 = new SSRP_attribute("att_1", "att_type", "att value", metaData_list); SSRP_attribute test_att02 = new SSRP_attribute("att_2", "float", "344.324432543", metaData_list); SSRP_attribute test_att03 = new SSRP_attribute("att_3", "bool", "false", metaData_list); SSRP_attribute test_att04 = new SSRP_attribute("att_4", "int", "3", metaData_list); SSRP_attribute test_att05 = new SSRP_attribute("att_5", "att_type", "att value", metaData_list); SSRP_attribute[] attList = new SSRP_attribute[] { test_att01, test_att02, test_att03, test_att04, test_att05 }; SSRP_ContextElement testdata = new SSRP_ContextElement("34234324243", "sun", "true", attList); importData(testdata); }
private void addChildren() { //data.attributes = new SSRP_attribute[] { }; Vector2 newCanvasDimensions = new Vector2(0f, 0f); int m = data.attributes.Length; int i = 0; /* * // debug purposes * string childDescription = ""; * foreach (SSRP_attribute childObj in data.attributes) * { * childDescription += childObj.description() + ",\n"; * } * Debug.LogFormat("Element Controller : canLocateBaseGO:{1} and canRenderMeta:{2}, add {0} Children, attributes = [{3}]", m, canLocateBaseGO, canRenderChildData, childDescription); * // */ if (canLocateBaseGO && canRenderChildData) { if (m == 0) { //newCanvasDimensions = childPrefab_canvas_init_dimension; } else { Vector3 newCanvasPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); Vector2 origin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(10, -10f); Vector2 dim = new Vector2(210f, 126f); Vector2 step = new Vector2(0f, 0f); Vector2 stepOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 pos = new Vector2(0f, 0f); int rowNo = 0; int colCount = 0; // rough GRID LAY OUT FOR ATTRIBUTESs - this should be have one level of recursion and to resize 6 boxes, into 2 rows of 3, and not 1 row of 5 and one row of 1. // scrollview.transform float scrollbarSize = 25; if (maxColSize > 0) { float rows = 0; float cols = maxColSize; if (m <= maxColSize) { cols = m; rows = 1; } else { rows = Mathf.Floor(m / maxColSize) + 1; } float height = Mathf.Ceil((dim.y + Mathf.Abs(offset.y)) * rows) + scrollbarSize; float width = offset.x + (dim.x * cols) + scrollbarSize; // Debug.LogFormat("We have {0} attribute and a maxColSize of {1}, giving us a height:{2} and width:{3}", m, maxColSize, height, width); try { scrollview = contextEntityViewGameObject.transform.Find("scrollView").gameObject; scrollview_canvas = scrollview.transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); scrollview_canvas.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height); } catch { Debug.LogFormat("couldn't link to scrollview Canvas"); } } // loop through list of Child data and generate their UI for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (maxColSize > 0 && colCount == maxColSize) { colCount = 0; rowNo++; } step.Set(colCount, -rowNo); stepOffset = Vector2.Scale(step, dim); SSRP_attribute childData = data.attributes[i]; pos = origin + offset + stepOffset; GameObject data_MVC; data_MVC = (GameObject)Instantiate(attributGameObjectPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity); data_MVC.transform.SetParent(ViewPortContentTarget.transform, false); prefabChildList.Add(data_MVC); SSRP_Attribute_Controller child_controller = data_MVC.GetComponent <SSRP_Attribute_Controller>(); // Debug.LogFormat("SSRP_attribute childData = [{0}]", childData.description()); child_controller.importData(childData); colCount++; } //resize base canvas //newCanvasDimensions = new Vector2(200f, (m + 1) * childPrefab_canvas_init_dimension.y); //entity_canvas.sizeDelta = newCanvasDimensions; } } }
private void addChildren() { //data.attributes = new SSRP_attribute[] { }; Vector2 newCanvasDimensions = new Vector2(0f, 0f); int m = data.attributes.Length; int i = 0; if (canRenderChildData) { if (m == 0) { //newCanvasDimensions = childPrefab_canvas_init_dimension; } else { Vector3 newCanvasPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); Vector2 origin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); // new Vector2(0f, -126f); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(10, -10f); Vector2 dim = new Vector2(210f, 126f); Vector2 step = new Vector2(0f, 0f); Vector2 stepOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 pos = new Vector2(0f, 0f); int rowNo = 0; int colCount = 0; // rough GRID LAY OUT FOR ATTRIBUTESs - this should be have one level of recursion and to resize 6 boxes, into 2 rows of 3, and not 1 row of 5 and one row of 1. float scrollbarSize = 25; if (maxColSize > 0) { float rows = 0; float cols = maxColSize; if (m <= maxColSize) { cols = m; rows = 1; } else { rows = Mathf.Floor(m / maxColSize) + 1; } float height = Mathf.Ceil((dim.y + Mathf.Abs(offset.y)) * rows) + scrollbarSize; float width = offset.x + (dim.x * cols) + scrollbarSize; try { scrollview = transform.Find("popup").gameObject; scrollview_canvas = scrollview.transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); scrollview_canvas.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height); } catch { Debug.LogFormat("couldn't link to scrollview Canvas"); } } // loop through list of Child data and generate their UI for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (maxColSize > 0 && colCount == maxColSize) { colCount = 0; rowNo++; } step.Set(colCount, -rowNo); stepOffset = Vector2.Scale(step, dim); SSRP_attribute childData = data.attributes[i]; pos = origin + offset + stepOffset; GameObject data_MVC; Debug.Log(scrollview); if (scrollview == null || scrollview.transform == null) { return; } data_MVC = (GameObject)Instantiate(attributGameObjectPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity); data_MVC.transform.SetParent(scrollview.transform, false); prefabChildList.Add(data_MVC); SSRP_Attribute_Controller child_controller = data_MVC.GetComponent <SSRP_Attribute_Controller>(); // Debug.LogFormat("SSRP_attribute childData = [{0}]", childData.description()); child_controller.importData(childData); colCount++; } //resize base canvas //newCanvasDimensions = new Vector2(200f, (m + 1) * childPrefab_canvas_init_dimension.y); //entity_canvas.sizeDelta = newCanvasDimensions; } } }
void importData(SSRP_attribute data) { _model = data; refresh(); }