public DataTable GetTopicByReciever(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"USR_SMS.SysNo, FromSysNo, Title, Context, IsRead, USR_SMS.DR, USR_SMS.TS, NickName, Photo,ReplyCount"; tables = "USR_SMS left join USR_Customer on FromSysNo= customer.sysNo"; where = "ToSysNo=" + UserSysno + " and Parent=0 and dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and IsToDeleted=" + (int)AppEnum.BOOL.False; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = "*"; string tables = "USR_Notice"; string where = "1=1"; string order = "SysNo desc"; using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByKeys(int pagesize, int pageindex, int key, string status, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SYS_Famous.[SysNo] ,SYS_Famous.[Name] ,Description ,[FullName] ,[BirthYear] ,[BirthTime] ,[Source] ,[Gender] ,[HomeTown] ,[Name1] ,[Name3] ,[EnglishName1] ,[EnglishName3] ,[TimeUnknown] ,[IsTop] ,[photo] ,SYS_Famous.[DR]"; tables = "SYS_Famous left join District3Level on [HomeTown] = District3Level.SysNo3"; order = "SYS_Famous.SysNo asc"; where = "1=1"; if (key != 0) { where += " and SYS_Famous.[SysNo] in (select Famous_SysNo from REL_Famous_KeyWord where KeyWord_SysNo=" + key + ")"; } if (status != "" && status != "100") { where += " and dr=" + status; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(string name, int cate, int type) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"REL_Customer_Category.*,nickname,Email,name"; tables = "REL_Customer_Category left join USR_Customer on USR_Customer.SysNo=CustomerSysNo"; order = "REL_Customer_Category.sysno desc"; where = "1=1"; if (name != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = name.Split(new char[] { ' ', '@' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " (USR_Customer.[Email] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' or USR_Customer.[NickName] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (cate != 0) { where += " and CategorySysNo=" + cate; } if (type != 0) { where += " and REL_Customer_Category.type=" + type; } switch (type) { case (int)AppEnum.CategoryType.QA: tables += " left join QA_Category on CategorySysNo=QA_Category.sysno"; break; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", 1); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", 1000); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string name, DateTime timeBegin, DateTime timeEnd, string status, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"*"; tables = "USR_Customer"; order = "USR_Customer.SysNo desc"; where = "1=1"; if (name != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = name.Split(new char[] { ' ', '@' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " (USR_Customer.[Email] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' or USR_Customer.[NickName] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (timeBegin != AppCmn.AppConst.DateTimeNull) { where += " and (RegTime>" + timeBegin.Year.ToString() + " or (RegTime=" + timeBegin.Year.ToString() + " and RegTime>='" + timeBegin.AddYears(AppConst.DateTimeNull.Year - timeBegin.Year).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "'))"; } if (timeEnd != AppCmn.AppConst.DateTimeNull) { where += " and (RegTime<" + timeEnd.Year.ToString() + " or (RegTime=" + timeEnd.Year.ToString() + " and RegTime<='" + timeEnd.AddYears(AppConst.DateTimeNull.Year - timeEnd.Year).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59") + "'))"; } if (status != "" && status != "100") { where += " and [Status]=" + status; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetFamousCollection(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Collection.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Collection.[SysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[CustomerSysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[Name] ,[Type] ,[RefSysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[TS] ,BLG_Collection.[DR] , SYS_Famous.Name as FamousName , Description , BirthYear , BirthTime , Death , CateSysNo , Level , SYS_Famous.CustomerSysNo as CreateCustomerSysNo , Source , Gender , HomeTown , Height , FullName , TimeUnknown , CollectCount "; tables = "BLG_Collection left join SYS_Famous on RefSysNo=SYS_Famous.SysNo"; where = "BLG_Collection.CustomerSysNo = " + UserSysno + " and BLG_Collection.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and SYS_Famous.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and Type=" + (int)AppEnum.CollectionType.famous; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByQuest(int pagesize, int pageindex, int qid, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "[QA_Answer].TS asc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"[QA_Answer].[SysNo] ,[QuestionSysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Title] ,[Context] ,[Love] ,[Hate] ,[Award] ,[QA_Answer].[DR] ,[QA_Answer].[TS] ,NickName ,Point ,TotalAnswer ,BestAnswer ,photo ,USR_Grade.Name ,USR_Grade.LevelNum"; tables = "[QA_Answer] left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo left join USR_Grade on GradeSysNo = USR_Grade.SysNo"; where = "[QA_Answer].dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (qid != 0) { where += " and QuestionSysNo=" + qid; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetArticleCollection(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Collection.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Collection.[SysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[CustomerSysNo] ,[Name] ,[Type] ,[RefSysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[TS] ,BLG_Collection.[DR] ,ArticleSysNo ,CateSysNo ,Source ,OrderID ,Title ,CMS_ArticleView.CustomerSysNo ,KeyWords ,Limited ,ReadCount ,Description ,Cost "; tables = "BLG_Collection left join CMS_ArticleView on RefSysNo=CMS_ArticleView.SysNo"; where = "BLG_Collection.CustomerSysNo = " + UserSysno + " and BLG_Collection.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and CMS_ArticleView.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and Type=" + (int)AppEnum.CollectionType.article; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetChartCollection(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Collection.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Collection.[SysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Name] ,[Detail] ,[Type] ,[RefSysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[TS] ,BLG_Collection.[DR] , FirstBirth , FirstPoi , Transit , TransitPoi , SecondBirth , SecondPoi , CharType , TheoryType , Bitvalue"; tables = "BLG_Collection left join Fate_Chart on RefSysNo=Fate_Chart.SysNo"; where = "CustomerSysNo = " + UserSysno + " and BLG_Collection.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and Type=" + (int)AppEnum.CollectionType.chart; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetQuestCollection(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Collection.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Collection.[SysNo] ,QA_Question.SysNo as QuestSysNo ,BLG_Collection.[CustomerSysNo] ,[Name] ,[Type] ,[RefSysNo] , QA_Question.[TS] , photo , CateSysNo , QA_Question.CustomerSysNo , Title , Context , Award , EndTime , IsSecret , LastReplyTime , ReplyCount"; tables = "BLG_Collection left join QA_Question on RefSysNo=QA_Question.SysNo left join USR_Customer on QA_Question.CustomerSysNo = USR_Customer.SysNo"; where = "BLG_Collection.CustomerSysNo = " + UserSysno + " and BLG_Collection.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and QA_Question.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and Type=" + (int); #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
/// <summary> /// 获取该用户轻博客首页内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="UserSysno"></param> /// <param name="pagesize"></param> /// <param name="pageindex"></param> /// <param name="total"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetAttendtionArticle(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "dbo.BLG_Article.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Article.SysNo , Title , Context , CustomerSysNo , LastReplyTime , Love , Hate , Spread , Type , TargetUrl , ChartSysNo , CommentCount , BLG_Article.TS ,[NickName] ,[Photo] ,[Credit] ,[Point]"; tables = "dbo.BLG_Article left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo"; where = "dbo.BLG_Article.CustomerSysNo in (select targetsysno from BLG_Attention where CustomerSysNo=" + UserSysno + " and BLG_Attention.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " aaa) and dbo.BLG_Article.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and USR_Customer.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string name, int except, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SysNo, [Name], [Description], Logic, Type, DR"; tables = "RSH_BaziLogic"; order = "SysNo desc"; where = "dr=0"; if (name != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " [Name] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (except != 0 && except != AppConst.IntNull) { where += " and SysNo <>" + except; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByCustomer(int customersysno, int type) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"REL_Customer_Category.*,name"; tables = "REL_Customer_Category"; order = "REL_Customer_Category.sysno desc"; where = "1=1"; if (customersysno != 0) { where += " and CustomerSysNo=" + customersysno; } if (type != 0) { where += " and REL_Customer_Category.type=" + type; } switch (type) { case (int)AppEnum.CategoryType.QA: tables += " left join QA_Category on CategorySysNo=QA_Category.sysno"; break; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", 1); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", 1000); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetArticleComments(int ArticleSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Comment.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Comment.SysNo , ArticleSysNo , Title , Context , CustomerSysNo , Love , Hate , BLG_Comment.TS ,[NickName] ,[Photo] ,[Credit] ,[Point]"; tables = "BLG_Comment left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo"; where = "BLG_Comment.ArticleSysNo = " + ArticleSysno + " and BLG_Comment.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and USR_Customer.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByFamousSysNo(int pageindex, int pagesize, int famous, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SYS_Famous_Comment.[SysNo] ,[FamousSysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Context] ,SYS_Famous_Comment.[DR] ,SYS_Famous_Comment.[TS] ,USR_Customer.[Photo] ,USR_Customer.[NickName]"; tables = "SYS_Famous_Comment left join USR_Customer on [CustomerSysNo] = USR_Customer.SysNo"; order = "SYS_Famous_Comment.SysNo desc"; where = "FamousSysNo=" + famous + " and SYS_Famous_Comment.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByCate(int catesysno, int type) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"USR_Customer.*"; tables = "REL_Customer_Category left join USR_Customer on USR_Customer.sysno=customersysno"; order = "REL_Customer_Category.sysno asc"; where = "1=1"; if (catesysno != 0) { where += " and CategorySysNo=" + catesysno; } if (type != 0) { where += " and REL_Customer_Category.type=" + type; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", 1); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", 1000); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; } } return(m_dt); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户关注者的动态 /// </summary> /// <param name="UserSysno"></param> /// <param name="pagesize"></param> /// <param name="pageindex"></param> /// <param name="total"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetUserAction(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "USR_Action.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"USR_Action.[SysNo] ,USR_Action.[CustomerSysNo] ,USR_Action.[xml] ,USR_Action.[Type] ,USR_Action.[TS] ,[NickName] ,[Photo] ,[Credit] ,[Point]"; tables = "USR_Action left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo"; where = "USR_Action.CustomerSysNo in (select targetsysno from BLG_Attention where CustomerSysNo=" + UserSysno + " and BLG_Attention.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " aaa) and USR_Action.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and USR_Customer.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetUrlCollection(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "BLG_Collection.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"BLG_Collection.[SysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,BLG_Collection.[Name] ,[Type] ,[RefUrl] ,Detail ,BLG_Collection.[TS] ,BLG_Collection.[DR]"; tables = "BLG_Collection"; where = "CustomerSysNo = " + UserSysno + " and BLG_Collection.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal + " and Type=" + (int)AppEnum.CollectionType.url; #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetSimpleListByQuest(int qid) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "[QA_Answer].TS asc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"[QA_Answer].[SysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[QA_Answer].[TS]"; tables = "[QA_Answer]"; where = "[QA_Answer].dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (qid != 0) { where += " and QuestionSysNo=" + qid; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", 1); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", 1000); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetMessageByCustomer(int UserSysno, int pagesize, int pageindex, int isread, int type, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SysNo, CustomerSysNo, Title, Type, Context, IsRead, DR, TS"; tables = "USR_Message"; where = "CustomerSysNo=" + UserSysno + " and type=" + type + " and DR=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (isread == 1 || isread == 0) { where += " and IsRead=" + isread; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string name, string status, int privilege, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SYS_Admin.*,Email,NickName"; tables = "SYS_Admin left join USR_Customer on Customersysno=USR_Customer.sysno"; order = "SYS_Admin.SysNo desc"; where = "1=1"; if (name != "") { where += " and (("; string[] tmpstr = name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " ([name] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1) or ("; for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " ([Email] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1) or ("; for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " ([NickName] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1))"; } if (privilege != 0 && privilege != AppConst.IntNull) { where += " and SYS_Admin.sysno in (select AdminSysNo from Rel_AdminPrivilege where PrivilegeSysNo=" + privilege + ")"; } if (status != "" && status != "100") { where += " and SYS_Admin.[dr]=" + status; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListByUserAnswer(int pagesize, int pageindex, int usersysno, string key, int cate, bool best, string orderby, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"QA_Question.[SysNo] ,[CateSysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Title] ,[Context] ,[Award] ,[EndTime] ,[IsSecret] ,[LastReplyTime] ,[LastReplyUser] ,[ReplyCount] ,[ReadCount] ,QA_Question.[DR] ,QA_Question.[TS] ,Photo ,NickName"; tables = " (select QuestionSysNo,TS from QA_Answer where CustomerSysNo=" + usersysno + ") as T left join QA_Question on T.QuestionSysNo = QA_Question.SysNo left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo"; where = "dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (key != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = key.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " QA_Question.[Title] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (best) { where += " and Award>0"; } if (cate != 0) { where += " and CateSysNo=" + cate; } if (orderby == "timedown") { order = "T.TS desc"; } else if (orderby == "timeup") { order = "T.TS asc"; } else if (orderby == "replydown") { order = "ReplyCount desc"; } else if (orderby == "replyup") { order = "ReplyCount asc"; } else if (orderby == "pointdown") { order = "Award desc"; } else if (orderby == "pointup") { order = "Award asc"; } else { order = "QA_Question.TS desc"; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string key, int cate, string orderby, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"QA_Question.[SysNo] ,[CateSysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Title] ,[Context] ,[Award] ,[buycount] ,[ordercount] ,[EndTime] ,[IsSecret] ,[LastReplyTime] ,[LastReplyUser] ,[ReplyCount] ,[ReadCount] ,QA_Question.[DR] ,QA_Question.[TS] ,a.NickName ,a.Photo ,b.NickName as ReplyNickName ,b.Photo as ReplyPhoto"; tables = "QA_Question left join USR_Customer a on CustomerSysNo=a.SysNo left join USR_Customer b on LastReplyUser=b.SysNo"; where = "dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = key.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " QA_Question.[Title] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (cate != 0) { where += " and CateSysNo in (select sysno from QA_Category where TopSysNo=" + cate + " or sysno=" + cate + ")"; } if (orderby == "timedown") { order = "QA_Question.LastReplyTime desc"; } else if (orderby == "timeup") { order = "QA_Question.LastReplyTime asc"; } else if (orderby == "replydown") { order = "ReplyCount desc"; } else if (orderby == "replyup") { order = "ReplyCount asc"; } else if (orderby == "replytimedown") { order = "LastReplyTime desc"; where += " and ReplyCount>0"; } else if (orderby == "replytimeup") { order = "LastReplyTime asc"; where += " and ReplyCount>0"; } else if (orderby == "pointdown") { order = "Award desc"; } else if (orderby == "pointup") { order = "Award asc"; } else { order = "QA_Question.LastReplyTime desc"; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string name, DateTime timeBegin, DateTime timeEnd, string status, bool istop, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"SYS_Famous.[SysNo] ,SYS_Famous.[Name] ,Description ,[FullName] ,[BirthYear] ,[BirthTime] ,[Source] ,[Gender] ,[HomeTown] ,[Name1] ,[Name3] ,[EnglishName1] ,[EnglishName3] ,[TimeUnknown] ,[IsTop] ,[photo] ,SYS_Famous.[DR]"; tables = "SYS_Famous left join District3Level on [HomeTown] = District3Level.SysNo3"; order = "SYS_Famous.SysNo asc"; where = "1=1"; if (name != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " (SYS_Famous.[Name] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' or SYS_Famous.FullName like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (timeBegin != AppCmn.AppConst.DateTimeNull) { where += " and (BirthYear>" + timeBegin.Year.ToString() + " or (BirthYear=" + timeBegin.Year.ToString() + " and BirthTime>='" + timeBegin.AddYears(AppConst.DateTimeNull.Year - timeBegin.Year).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "'))"; } if (timeEnd != AppCmn.AppConst.DateTimeNull) { where += " and (BirthYear<" + timeEnd.Year.ToString() + " or (BirthYear=" + timeEnd.Year.ToString() + " and BirthTime<='" + timeEnd.AddYears(AppConst.DateTimeNull.Year - timeEnd.Year).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59") + "'))"; } if (status != "" && status != "100") { where += " and dr=" + status; } if (istop) { where += " and istop=" + (int)AppEnum.BOOL.True; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, string key, int cate, int usersysno, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = "CMS_ArticleView.OrderID desc, CMS_ArticleView.SysNo desc"; #region 设置参数 columns = @"CMS_ArticleView.[SysNo] ,[ArticleSysNo] ,[CateSysNo] ,[Name] ,[Source] ,CMS_ArticleView.[DR] ,CMS_ArticleView.[TS] ,[OrderID] ,[Title] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[KeyWords] ,[Limited] ,[ReadCount] ,[Description] ,[Cost]"; tables = "CMS_ArticleView left join CMS_Category on CateSysNo = CMS_Category.SysNo"; where = "CMS_ArticleView.dr=" + (int)AppEnum.State.normal; if (key != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = key.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " ([Title] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' or KeyWords like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%') and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (cate != 0) { where += " and CateSysNo in (select SysNo from CMS_Category where SysNo=" + cate + " or ParentSysNo=" + cate + " or TopSysNo=" + cate + ")"; } if (usersysno != 0) { where += " and CustomerSysNo=" + usersysno; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetList(int pagesize, int pageindex, int customersysno, int type, int productsysno, int status, string orderby, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"[SysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[ProductType] ,[ProductSysNo] ,[Price] ,[PayType] ,[Discount] ,[PayAmount] ,[TS] ,[Status] ,[OrderID] ,[CurrentID] ,[PayTime]"; tables = "ORD_Cash"; where = "1=1"; if (customersysno != 0) { where += " and CustomerSysNo=" + customersysno; } if (type != AppConst.IntNull) { where += " and ProductType=" + type; } if (status != AppConst.IntNull) { where += " and status=" + status; } if (productsysno != AppConst.IntNull) { where += " and productsysno=" + productsysno; } if (orderby == "timedown") { order = "TS desc"; } else if (orderby == "timeup") { order = "TS asc"; } else { order = "TS desc"; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }
public DataTable GetListForAdmin(int pagesize, int pageindex, string key, int cate, int user, int reply, int award, int status, string orderby, ref int total) { DataTable m_dt = new DataTable(); string columns = ""; string tables = ""; string where = ""; string order = ""; #region 设置参数 columns = @"QA_Question.[SysNo] ,[CateSysNo] ,[CustomerSysNo] ,[Title] ,[Context] ,[Award] ,[EndTime] ,[IsSecret] ,[LastReplyTime] ,[ReplyCount] ,QA_Question.[DR] ,QA_Question.[TS] ,Name ,NickName"; tables = "QA_Question left join USR_Customer on CustomerSysNo=USR_Customer.SysNo left join QA_Category on CateSysNo=QA_Category.sysno"; where = "1=1"; if (key != "") { where += " and ("; string[] tmpstr = key.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); for (int i = 0; i < tmpstr.Length; i++) { where += " QA_Question.[Title] like '%" + SQLData.SQLFilter(tmpstr[i]) + "%' and "; } where += " 1=1)"; } if (cate != 0) { where += " and CateSysNo=" + cate; } if (user != 0) { where += " and CustomerSysNo=" + user; } if (award != 0) { where += " and Award>=" + award; } if (reply != 0) { where += " and ReplyCount>=" + reply; } if (status != 100) { where += " and QA_Question.DR=" + status; } if (orderby == "timedown") { order = "QA_Question.TS desc"; } else if (orderby == "timeup") { order = "QA_Question.TS asc"; } else if (orderby == "replydown") { order = "ReplyCount desc"; } else if (orderby == "replyup") { order = "ReplyCount asc"; } else if (orderby == "pointdown") { order = "Award desc"; } else if (orderby == "pointup") { order = "Award asc"; } #endregion using (SQLData m_data = new SQLData()) { m_data.AddParameter("SelectList", columns); m_data.AddParameter("TableSource", tables); m_data.AddParameter("SearchCondition", where); m_data.AddParameter("OrderExpression", order); m_data.AddParameter("PageIndex", pageindex); m_data.AddParameter("pagesize", pagesize); DataSet m_ds = m_data.SPtoDataSet("GetRecordFromPage"); if (m_ds.Tables.Count == 2) { m_dt = m_ds.Tables[0]; total = int.Parse(m_ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); } } return(m_dt); }