コード例 #1
ファイル: BatchMoving.aspx.cs プロジェクト: renshan2/ecase2
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                lblErrors.Text = null;
                var    destination = FormatFileDestination(txtDestination.Text.Trim());
                SPFile fileMoved   = null;

                //loop through our list of selected Files and move them to their new destination
                foreach (SPFile moveFile in listFiles)
                        if (!SPFileExtensions.Exists(moveFile, destination))
                            fileMoved = MoveFile(moveFile.Web, moveFile, destination);
                            Logger.Instance.Info("Moved file: " + fileMoved.Name + " from " + moveFile.Url + " to " + moveFile.Url);
                            errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br />The file (" + moveFile.Name + ") you are trying to move exists at the destination." + "<br />") : errorMessages.Append("The file (" + moveFile.Name + ") you are trying to move exists at the destination." + "<br />");
                            lblItems.Text = null;
                            Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Moving: User attempted to copy " + moveFile.Name + " to a location where the file already exists.", DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException argEx)
                        Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Moving: " + moveFile.Name, argEx, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                        errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br />The file you are trying to move, does not exist." + "<br />") : errorMessages.Append("The file you are trying to move, does not exist." + "<br />");
                        lblItems.Text = null;
                    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException fnfEx)
                        Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Moving: " + moveFile.Name, fnfEx, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                        errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("The file you are trying to move could not be found. <br />") : errorMessages.Append("The file you are trying to move could not be found. + <br />");
                        lblItems.Text = null;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Moving: " + moveFile.Name, ex, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                        errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder(ex.Message + "<br />") : errorMessages.Append(ex.Message + "<br />");
                        lblItems.Text = null;

                //show any error messages that we have
                lblErrors.Text = errorMessages == null ? null : errorMessages.ToString();

                if (errorMessages == null || errorMessages.Length == 0)
                    //close the modal
                    Response.Write(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.frameElement.commonModalDialogClose(1, '{0}');</script>", listFiles.Count));
コード例 #2
ファイル: BatchCopyMove.aspx.cs プロジェクト: renshan2/ecase2
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     action     = string.Empty;
            string     actionDesc = string.Empty;
            LinkButton button     = sender as LinkButton;

            if (button.ID == "btnCopy")
                action     = "copy";
                actionDesc = "copied";
            else if (button.ID == "btnMove")
                action     = "move";
                actionDesc = "moved";
            var    destination   = FormatFileDestination(txtDestination.Text.Trim());
            SPFile fileProcessed = null;

            SPLongOperation longOp = new SPLongOperation(this.Page);

            longOp.LeadingHTML = "Please wait while your file(s) are being " + actionDesc + "...";

            var fileList = GetSelectedFiles();

            foreach (SPFile file in fileList)
                    if (!SPFileExtensions.Exists(file, destination))
                        fileProcessed = action == "copy" ? CopyFile(file, destination) : MoveFile(file, destination);
                        Logger.Instance.Info("Processed file " + action + " for: " + fileProcessed.Name + " from " + file.Url + " to " + fileProcessed.Url);
                        Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Copy/Move: User attempted to copy " + file.Name + " to a location where the file already exists.", DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                        errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br /> " + file.Name + " already exists. <br />") : errorMessages.Append(file.Name + " already exists. <br />");
                        lblItems.Text = null;
                catch (System.ArgumentException argEx)
                    Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Copying: " + file.Name, argEx, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                    errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br />The file you are trying to copy does not exist. <br />") : errorMessages.Append("The file you are trying to copy does not exist. <br />");
                    lblItems.Text = null;
                catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException fnfEx)
                    Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Copying: " + file.Name, fnfEx, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                    errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br />The file you are trying to copy could not be found. <br />") : errorMessages.Append("The file you are trying to copy could not be found. <br />");
                    lblItems.Text = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Instance.Error("Error in Batch File Copying: " + file.Name, ex, DiagnosticsCategories.eCaseWeb);
                    errorMessages = errorMessages == null ? errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error(s):<br />This URL contains invalid characters. <br />") : errorMessages.Append("This URL contains invalid characters. <br />");
                    lblItems.Text = null;
            //show any error messages that we have
            lblErrors.Text = errorMessages == null ? null : errorMessages.ToString();

            if ((errorMessages == null || errorMessages.Length == 0))
                //close the modal
                // Response.Write(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.frameElement.commonModalDialogClose(1, '{0}');</script>", treeViewSelectedDocs.Nodes.Count));
                // Response.Flush();
                // Response.End();
                string strScript = "try { alert('File(s) " + actionDesc + " successfully.'); window.frameElement.commitPopup(); } catch (e) {}";
                if (SPContext.Current.IsPopUI)
                errorMessages.Append("<br/><br/>Please <a href='#' onclick='history.go(-1);return false;'>go back</a> and try again.");
                longOp.EndScript("document.getElementById('s4-simple-card-content').innerHTML = \"<br/><br/><br/><h4>Errors have occurred during the submission.</h4>" + errorMessages.ToString() + " \";");