protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { var message = Request.QueryString["message"] ?? string.Empty; var phone = Request.QueryString["phone"] ?? string.Empty; var service = Request.QueryString["service"] ?? string.Empty; var port = Request.QueryString["port"] ?? string.Empty; var main = Request.QueryString["main"] ?? string.Empty; var sub = Request.QueryString["sub"] ?? string.Empty; var smsId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var systemSmsPort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSPort"] ?? string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port) && string.Compare(port, systemSmsPort, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // validate the format of Message var smsMessage = UtilitiesHelpers.Instance.GetRightFormatOfMessage(message); if (smsMessage == null) { PrintMessage(phone, Pharma.SMS_SMSReceiving_Invalid_sms_structure, smsId, service); } else { // write to DB var smsRepo = new SMSObjRepository(); smsRepo.InsertSMS(smsId, -1, phone, 1, smsMessage[1], -1, DateTime.Now, string.Empty, smsMessage[2], true, false, false, 1, -1); // print result to screen PrintMessage(phone, Pharma.SMS_SMSReceiving_Thank_For_Using, smsId, service); } } else { PrintMessage(phone, Pharma.SMS_SMSReceiving_Wrong_Root_Number, smsId, service); } } }
public DataTable GetListPhonePromotion(string CustomerPhone,int from) { List<vwSMS> promitionIdList = new List<vwSMS>(); SMSObjRepository SRepo=new SMSObjRepository(); List<vwSchedulePromotion> viewSchedule = new List<vwSchedulePromotion>(); if (from == Constant.inbox) promitionIdList = SRepo.GetInboxSMS(CustomerPhone); else { if(from==Constant.outbox) promitionIdList = SRepo.GetOutboxSMS(CustomerPhone); } string protionId = "0,"; foreach(var item in promitionIdList) { protionId += item.PromotionId + ","; } protionId=protionId.Substring(0, protionId.Length - 1); return GetPromotionByIdList(protionId); }
private void btnSendSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string subject = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSubject.Text)) ? txtSubject.Text : "No subject"; SmsHandler smsobj = new SmsHandler(); SMSObjRepository smsobjRepo = new SMSObjRepository(); AdministratorRepository ARepo = new AdministratorRepository(); ObjLogin adm = (ObjLogin)Session["objLogin"]; string SMSCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(); string listPhone = hdfPhoneNumbers.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listPhone)) { ShowErrorMessage("Please provide recipient to send"); return; } char[] separator = new char[] { ',' }; string[] phoneList = listPhone.Split(separator); bool flag = false; string PhoneNotExist = string.Empty; foreach (string phone in phoneList) { if (SRepo.CheckSalemenByPhoneNumber(phone)) { smsobjRepo.InsertSMS(SMSCode, 0, adm.Phone, Constant.SalemenType, phone, Constant.SalemenType, DateTime.Now, subject, txtContent.Text, true, false, false, 1, int.Parse(ddlPromotion.SelectedValue)); flag = true; } else { if (CRepo.IsExistedCustomerByPhone(phone)) { smsobjRepo.InsertSMS(SMSCode, 0, adm.Phone, Constant.SalemenType, phone, Constant.CustomerType, DateTime.Now, subject, txtContent.Text, true, false, false, 1, int.Parse(ddlPromotion.SelectedValue)); flag = true; } else { if (ARepo.GetAdminByPhoneNumber(phone)) { smsobjRepo.InsertSMS(SMSCode, 0, adm.Phone, Constant.SalemenType, phone, Constant.AdminType, DateTime.Now, subject, txtContent.Text, true, false, false, 1, int.Parse(ddlPromotion.SelectedValue)); flag = true; } } } if (flag == false) { PhoneNotExist += phone + ", "; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhoneNotExist)) { ShowErrorMessage(PhoneNotExist.Substring(0, PhoneNotExist.Length - 2) + " not found in database."); } else { ShowErrorMessage("Send success"); } }