コード例 #1
         * <summary>Generates a deterministic RNG seed based on the game date and ID.</summary>
         * <remarks>
         *  In order to keep the seeds as deterministic as possible, each type
         *  has a separately generated RNG seed. Each seed is created by left
         *  shifting the year number by a small amount, bitwise ORing another
         *  number (A), and then bitwise XORing the entire result by the player's
         *  game ID, giving a unique seed for each month/biweek/week on each
         *  playthrough.
         *  For monthly events, the number (A) is a number 0-3 representing
         *  the season number. For biweekly events, the number (A) is a number
         *  0-8 representing which half of which month we're in. For weekly events,
         *  the number (A) is a number 0-16 representing which week of which month
         *  we're in.
         *  Note that while the seed for monthly events does not include the week
         *  number, the seed for weekly events includes the month. The first is
         *  to ensure that the monthly seed remains consistent throughout the
         *  month. The second is to prevent the same four weekly events from
         *  occuring throughout the entire year. The biweekly seed includes the
         *  month for the same reason.
         *  The game ID is retrieved via the expression
         *  <code>StardewValley.Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame</code>
         * </remarks>
         * <param name="type">The type of event being generated.</param>
         * <param name="date">The date of generation.</param>
         * <returns>A deterministicly generated RNG seed.</returns>
        private int GetRNGSeed(EventType type, SDate date)
            int year   = date.Year;
            int gameID = (int)StardewValley.Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame;
            int month  = date.SeasonAsInt(); // range: 0-3 (2 bits)
            int biweek = date.Week() / 2;    // range: 0-1 (1 bit)
            int week   = date.Week();        // range: 0-3 (2 bits)

            switch (type)
            case EventType.Monthly:
                return(((year << 2) | month) ^ gameID);

            case EventType.Biweekly:
                return(((year << 3) | (month << 1) | biweek) ^ gameID);

            case EventType.Weekly:
                return(((year << 4) | (month << 2) | week) ^ gameID);

                return(0);    // TODO: Some kind of error?