コード例 #1
        //Display info on the nearest anomaly *Need to separate the BTDT display*
        private void anomalyInfo(int id)
            if ((sensors & SCANtype.AnomalyDetail) != SCANtype.Nothing)
                SCANanomaly nearest      = null;
                double      nearest_dist = -1;
                foreach (SCANanomaly a in data.Anomalies)
                    if (!a.Known)
                    double d = (a.Mod.transform.position - v.transform.position).magnitude;
                    if (d < nearest_dist || nearest_dist < 0)
                        if (d < 50000)
                            nearest      = a;
                            nearest_dist = d;
                if (nearest != null)
                    string txt = "Anomaly";
                    if (nearest.Detail)
                        txt = nearest.Name;
                    txt += ":  " + SCANuiUtil.distanceString(nearest_dist, 5000);
                    GUILayout.Label(txt, SCANskins.SCAN_insColorLabel);

                    if (anomalyView == null)
                        anomalyView = new SCANremoteView();
                    if (anomalyView != null)
                        if (nearest.Mod != null)
                            if (anomalyView.lookat != nearest.Mod.gameObject)
                                anomalyView.setup(320, 240, nearest.Mod.gameObject);
                            Texture t = anomalyView.getTexture();
                            if (t != null)
                                anomalyView.drawOverlay(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), SCANskins.SCAN_anomalyOverlay, nearest.Detail);
コード例 #2
        //Display the current vessel altitude
        private void altInfo(int id)
            if ((sensors & SCANtype.Altimetry) != SCANtype.Nothing)
                double h   = v.altitude;
                double pqs = 0;
                if (v.mainBody.pqsController != null)
                    pqs = v.PQSAltitude();
                    if (pqs > 0 || !v.mainBody.ocean)
                        h -= pqs;
                if (h < 0)
                    h = v.altitude;

                if (v.situation == Vessel.Situations.LANDED || v.situation == Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED || v.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH)
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Terrain: {0:N1}m", pqs), SCANskins.SCAN_insColorLabel);
                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Altitude: {0}", SCANuiUtil.distanceString(h, 100000)), SCANskins.SCAN_insColorLabel);

                //Calculate slope less frequently; the rapidly changing value makes it difficult to read otherwise
                if (v.mainBody.pqsController != null)
                    float deltaTime = 1f;
                    if (Time.deltaTime != 0)
                        deltaTime = TimeWarp.deltaTime / Time.deltaTime;
                    if (deltaTime > 5)
                        deltaTime = 5;
                    if (((Time.time * deltaTime) - lastUpdate) > updateInterval)
                        lastUpdate = Time.time;

                        /* Slope is calculated using a nine point grid centered 5m around the vessel location
                         * The rise between the vessel location's elevation and each point on the grid is calculated, converted to slope in degrees, and averaged;
                         * Note: Averageing is not the most accurate method

                        double   latOffset = degreeOffset * Math.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * vlat);
                        double[] e         = new double[9];
                        double[] s         = new double[8];
                        e[0] = pqs;
                        e[1] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon + latOffset, vlat);
                        e[2] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon - latOffset, vlat);
                        e[3] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon, vlat + degreeOffset);
                        e[4] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon, vlat - degreeOffset);
                        e[5] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon + latOffset, vlat + degreeOffset);
                        e[6] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon + latOffset, vlat - degreeOffset);
                        e[7] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon - latOffset, vlat + degreeOffset);
                        e[8] = SCANUtil.getElevation(v.mainBody, vlon - latOffset, vlat - degreeOffset);

                        /* Calculate rise for each point on the grid
                         * The distance is 5m for adjacent points and 7.071m for the points on the corners
                         * Rise is converted to slope; i.e. a 5m elevation change over a 5m distance is a rise of 1
                         * Converted to slope using the inverse tangent this gives a slope of 45°
                         * */
                        for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                            s[i - 1] = Math.Atan((Math.Abs(e[i] - e[0])) / 5) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                        for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++)
                            s[i - 1] = Math.Atan((Math.Abs(e[i] - e[0])) / 7.071) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                        slopeAVG = s.Sum() / 8;

                    GUILayout.Label(string.Format("Slope: {0:F2}°", slopeAVG), SCANskins.SCAN_insColorLabel);