public void SerializeDeserializeSByteEnumUtf16(SByteEnum input) { var serialized = JsonSerializer.Generic.Utf16.Serialize(input); var deserialized = JsonSerializer.Generic.Utf16.Deserialize <SByteEnum>(serialized); Assert.Equal(input, deserialized); }
public void SerializeDeserializeIntegerSByteEnumUtf16(SByteEnum input) { var serialized = JsonSerializer.Generic.Utf16.Serialize <SByteEnum, ExcludeNullCamelCaseIntegerEnumResolver <char> >(input); var deserialized = JsonSerializer.Generic.Utf16.Deserialize <SByteEnum, ExcludeNullCamelCaseIntegerEnumResolver <char> >(serialized); Assert.Equal(input, deserialized); }
public void SimpleEnumTest() { { const ByteEnum a = ByteEnum.Help; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ByteEnum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const SByteEnum a = SByteEnum.None; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SByteEnum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const Int16Enum a = Int16Enum.Queue; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Int16Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const UInt16Enum a = UInt16Enum.Queue; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <UInt16Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const Int32Enum a = Int32Enum.Want; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Int32Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const UInt32Enum a = UInt32Enum.Want; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <UInt32Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const Int64Enum a = (Int64Enum)long.MaxValue; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Int64Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } { const UInt64Enum a = (UInt64Enum)ulong.MaxValue; Assert.AreEqual(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <UInt64Enum>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(a)), a); } }
public void EmptyMethodWithEnumTypeRefArg() { EasyType typebuilder = new EasyType(module, "mytype"); SByteEnum refArgInst = SByteEnum.Two; Type refType = GetEnumRefType(ref refArgInst); Assert.IsTrue(refType.IsByRef); ArgumentReference refArg = new ArgumentReference(refType); ReturnReferenceExpression ret = new ReturnReferenceExpression(typeof(int)); EasyMethod emptyMethod = typebuilder.CreateMethod("DoSomething", ret, refArg); Type newType = typebuilder.BuildType(); Assert.IsNotNull(newType); object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(newType); Assert.IsNotNull(instance); MethodInfo method = instance.GetType().GetMethod("DoSomething"); method.Invoke(instance, new object[] { refArgInst }); Assert.AreEqual(SByteEnum.Two, refArgInst, "Argument made round-trip successfully"); RunPEVerify(); }
public void TestRoundtripSByteEnum([ValueSource(nameof(SByteEnumValues))] SByteEnum value) { Roundtrip(value).Should().Be(value); Roundtrip(new GenericType <SByteEnum> { Value = value }).Value.Should().Be(value); }
public Type GetEnumRefType(ref SByteEnum refArg) { // Need this because .Net 1.1 does not have the Type.MakeByRefType method. ParameterInfo[] parameters = this.GetType().GetMethod("GetEnumRefType").GetParameters(); Assert.AreEqual(1, parameters.Length); Type refType = parameters[0].ParameterType; Assert.IsTrue(refType.IsByRef); return(refType); }
public void LiftedEnumAddition(SByteEnum?enumVal, sbyte?integralVal, SByteEnum expected) { dynamic d = enumVal; object result = unchecked (d + integralVal); Assert.Equal(expected, result); Assert.IsType <SByteEnum>(result); result = unchecked (integralVal + d); Assert.Equal(expected, result); Assert.IsType <SByteEnum>(result); d = integralVal; result = unchecked (enumVal + d); Assert.Equal(expected, result); Assert.IsType <SByteEnum>(result); result = unchecked (d + enumVal); Assert.Equal(expected, result); Assert.IsType <SByteEnum>(result); }
public void ProxyForRefAndOutClassWithEnumTypeParamsWhereInterceptorModifiesTheValues() { RefAndOutInterceptor interceptor = new RefAndOutInterceptor(); RefAndOutClass proxy = (RefAndOutClass) _generator.CreateClassProxy( typeof(RefAndOutClass), interceptor); Assert.IsNotNull(proxy); SByteEnum value1 = SByteEnum.One; proxy.RefSByteEnum(ref value1); Assert.AreEqual(SByteEnum.One, value1); SByteEnum value2; proxy.OutSByteEnum(out value2); Assert.AreEqual(SByteEnum.One, value2); Assert.AreEqual("RefSByteEnum OutSByteEnum ", interceptor.LogContents); }
public TestAttribute(SByteEnum value) { }
public static float TestSByteEnum(SByteEnum a) { return((float)a); }
public Primitives(sbyte sb, byte b, short s, ushort us, int i, uint ui, long l, ulong ul, SByteEnum sbe, ByteEnum be, ShortEnum se, UShortEnum use, IntEnum ie, UIntEnum uie, LongEnum le, ULongEnum ule, char c, bool bo, float f, double d, string str, Type t, int[] arr, object obj) { SByteConstructor = sb; ByteConstructor = b; ShortConstructor = s; UShortConstructor = us; IntConstructor = i; UIntConstructor = ui; LongConstructor = l; ULongConstructor = ul; SByteEnumConstructor = sbe; ByteEnumConstructor = be; ShortEnumConstructor = se; UShortEnumConstructor = use; IntEnumConstructor = ie; UIntEnumConstructor = uie; LongEnumConstructor = le; ULongEnumConstructor = ule; CharConstructor = c; BoolConstructor = bo; FloatConstructor = f; DoubleConstructor = d; StringConstructor = str; TypeConstructor = t; ArrayConstructor = arr; ObjectConstructor = obj; }
// Enum types public virtual void RefSByteEnum(ref SByteEnum en) { en = en == SByteEnum.One ? SByteEnum.Two : SByteEnum.One; }
public Type GetEnumRefType(ref SByteEnum refArg) { // Need this because .Net 1.1 does not have the Type.MakeByRefType method. ParameterInfo[] parameters = this.GetType().GetMethod("GetEnumRefType").GetParameters(); Assert.AreEqual(1, parameters.Length); Type refType = parameters[0].ParameterType; Assert.IsTrue(refType.IsByRef); return refType; }
public static SByteEnum PassthroughSByteEnum(SByteEnum value) { return(value); }
Populate( int stringSize, int binarySize) { PartitionKey = typeof(AllDataExplicit).Name; RowKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Fields + Nullable. 8 + 8 + 6 = 22 StringField = DataGenerator.GetStringSizeFixed(stringSize); StringFieldNull = null; BoolField = DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(2) == 1; BoolFieldNull = null; BoolFieldNullNot = DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(2) == 1; IntField = DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue); IntFieldNull = null; IntFieldNullNot = DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(int.MaxValue); Int64Field = (Int64)(DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue) * DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue)); Int64FieldNull = null; Int64FieldNullNot = (Int64)(DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue) * DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue)); DoubleField = DataGenerator.Rnd.NextDouble() * Double.MaxValue; DoubleFieldNull = null; DoubleFieldNullNot = DataGenerator.Rnd.NextDouble() * Double.MaxValue; DateTimeField = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTimeFieldNull = null; DateTimeFieldNullNot = DateTime.UtcNow; GuidField = Guid.NewGuid(); GuidFieldNull = null; GuidFieldNullNot = Guid.NewGuid(); BinaryField = DataGenerator.GetBytesSizeFixed(binarySize); BinaryFieldNull = null; // intrinsic morphs + Nullable. 7 * 4 = 28 ByteFieldMin = Byte.MinValue; ByteFieldMax = Byte.MaxValue; ByteFieldNull = null; ByteFieldNullNot = (byte)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(byte.MaxValue); SByteFieldMin = SByte.MinValue; SByteFieldMax = SByte.MaxValue; SByteFieldNull = null; SByteFieldNullNot = (sbyte)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(sbyte.MaxValue); Int16FieldMin = Int16.MinValue; Int16FieldMax = Int16.MaxValue; Int16FieldNull = null; Int16FieldNullNot = (Int16)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int16.MaxValue); UInt16FieldMin = UInt16.MinValue; UInt16FieldMax = UInt16.MaxValue; UInt16FieldNull = null; UInt16FieldNullNot = (UInt16)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(UInt16.MaxValue); UInt32FieldMin = UInt32.MinValue; UInt32FieldMax = UInt32.MaxValue; UInt32FieldNull = null; UInt32FieldNullNot = (UInt32)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(UInt16.MaxValue); UInt64FieldMin = UInt64.MinValue; UInt64FieldMax = UInt64.MaxValue; UInt64FieldNull = null; UInt64FieldNullNot = (UInt64)(DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue) * DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Int32.MaxValue)); CharFieldMin = Char.MinValue; CharFieldMax = Char.MaxValue; CharFieldNull = null; CharFieldNullNot = (Char)DataGenerator.Rnd.Next(Char.MaxValue); // Enums - 8 ByteEnumField = ByteEnum.Value2; ByteEnumFieldNull = null; ByteEnumFieldNullNot = ByteEnum.Value1; SByteEnumField = SByteEnum.Value2; SByteEnumFieldNull = null; SByteEnumFieldNullNot = SByteEnum.Value1; Int16EnumField = Int16Enum.Value2; Int16EnumFieldNull = null; Int16EnumFieldNullNot = Int16Enum.Value1; UInt16EnumField = UInt16Enum.Value2; UInt16EnumFieldNull = null; UInt16EnumFieldNullNot = UInt16Enum.Value1; Int32EnumField = Int32Enum.Value2; Int32EnumFieldNull = null; Int32EnumFieldNullNot = Int32Enum.Value1; UInt32EnumField = UInt32Enum.Value2; UInt32EnumFieldNull = null; UInt32EnumFieldNullNot = UInt32Enum.Value1; Int64EnumField = Int64Enum.Value2; Int64EnumFieldNull = null; Int64EnumFieldNullNot = Int64Enum.Value1; UInt64EnumField = UInt64Enum.Value2; UInt64EnumFieldNull = null; UInt64EnumFieldNullNot = UInt64Enum.Value1; // Object // Create a derived generic object type to validate correct de-serialization var employeeInfo = EmployeeInfo <int> .CreateNew(); employeeInfo.Dummy = 101; PersonInfo = employeeInfo; }
public virtual void OutSByteEnum(out SByteEnum en) { en = SByteEnum.Two; }
public void DataRowEnums_SByte(SByteEnum testEnum) { Assert.IsTrue(true); }
void AllDataExplicitQueryOnEachDatatype() { // setup AllDataExplicit item = TypeFactory <AllDataExplicit> .CreateRandomSmall(); StashClient <AllDataExplicit> client = StashConfiguration.GetClient <AllDataExplicit>(); client.Insert(item); IQueryable <AllDataExplicit> query = client.CreateQuery(); // queries bool bool boolField = item.BoolField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.BoolField == boolField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.BoolField == item.BoolField), 1); // queries bool null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.BoolFieldNull == boolField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.BoolFieldNull == item.BoolField), 0); } // queries bool null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.BoolFieldNullNot == item.BoolFieldNullNot), 1); // queries int int intField = item.IntField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.IntField == intField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.IntField == item.IntField), 1); // queries int null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.IntFieldNull == intField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.IntFieldNull == item.IntField), 0); } // queries int null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.IntFieldNullNot == item.IntFieldNullNot), 1); // queries int64 Int64 int64Field = item.Int64Field; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64Field == int64Field), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64Field == item.Int64Field), 1); // queries int64 null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64FieldNull == int64Field), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64FieldNull == item.Int64Field), 0); } // queries int64 null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64FieldNullNot == item.Int64FieldNullNot), 1); // queries double double doubleField = item.DoubleField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DoubleField == doubleField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DoubleField == item.DoubleField), 1); // queries double null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DoubleFieldNull == doubleField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DoubleFieldNull == item.DoubleField), 0); } // queries double null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DoubleFieldNullNot == item.DoubleFieldNullNot), 1); // queries DateTime DateTime dateTimeField = item.DateTimeField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DateTimeField == dateTimeField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DateTimeField == item.DateTimeField), 1); // queries DateTime null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DateTimeField == dateTimeField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DateTimeField == item.DateTimeField), 1); } // queries DateTime null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.DateTimeFieldNullNot == item.DateTimeFieldNullNot), 1); // queries Guid Guid guidField = item.GuidField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.GuidField == guidField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.GuidField == item.GuidField), 1); // queries Guid null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.GuidFieldNull == guidField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.GuidFieldNull == item.GuidField), 0); } // queries Guid null not QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.GuidFieldNullNot == item.GuidFieldNullNot), 1); // queries string string stringField = item.StringField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.StringField == stringField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.StringField == item.StringField), 1); // queries string null // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.StringFieldNull == stringField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.StringFieldNull == item.StringField), 0); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implicit Morph // byte byte byteFieldMin = item.ByteFieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldMin == byteFieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldMin == item.ByteFieldMin), 1); byte byteFieldMax = item.ByteFieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldMax == byteFieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldMax == item.ByteFieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldNull == item.ByteFieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteFieldNullNot == item.ByteFieldNullNot), 1); // sbyte sbyte sbyteFieldMin = item.SByteFieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldMin == sbyteFieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldMin == item.SByteFieldMin), 1); sbyte sbyteFieldMax = item.SByteFieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldMax == sbyteFieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldMax == item.SByteFieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldNull == item.ByteFieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteFieldNullNot == item.SByteFieldNullNot), 1); // int16 Int16 int16FieldMin = item.Int16FieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldMin == int16FieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldMin == item.Int16FieldMin), 1); Int16 int16FieldMax = item.Int16FieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldMax == int16FieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldMax == item.Int16FieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldNull == item.Int16FieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16FieldNullNot == item.Int16FieldNullNot), 1); // uint16 UInt16 uint16FieldMin = item.UInt16FieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldMin == uint16FieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldMin == item.UInt16FieldMin), 1); UInt16 uint16FieldMax = item.UInt16FieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldMax == uint16FieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldMax == item.UInt16FieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldNull == item.UInt16FieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16FieldNullNot == item.UInt16FieldNullNot), 1); // uint32 UInt32 uint32FieldMin = item.UInt32FieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldMin == uint32FieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldMin == item.UInt32FieldMin), 1); UInt32 uint32FieldMax = item.UInt32FieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldMax == uint32FieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldMax == item.UInt32FieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldNull == item.UInt32FieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32FieldNullNot == item.UInt32FieldNullNot), 1); // uint64 UInt64 uint64FieldMin = item.UInt64FieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldMin == uint64FieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldMin == item.UInt64FieldMin), 1); UInt64 uint64FieldMax = item.UInt64FieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldMax == uint64FieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldMax == item.UInt64FieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldNull == item.UInt64FieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64FieldNullNot == item.UInt64FieldNullNot), 1); // char char charFieldMin = item.CharFieldMin; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldMin == charFieldMin), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldMin == item.CharFieldMin), 1); char charFieldMax = item.CharFieldMax; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldMax == charFieldMax), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldMax == item.CharFieldMax), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldNull == item.CharFieldMax), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.CharFieldNullNot == item.CharFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum byte ByteEnum byteEnumField = item.ByteEnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteEnumField == byteEnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteEnumField == item.ByteEnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteEnumFieldNull == byteEnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteEnumFieldNull == item.ByteEnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.ByteEnumFieldNullNot == item.ByteEnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum SByte SByteEnum sbyteEnumField = item.SByteEnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteEnumField == sbyteEnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteEnumField == item.SByteEnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteEnumFieldNull == sbyteEnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteEnumFieldNull == item.SByteEnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.SByteEnumFieldNullNot == item.SByteEnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum Int16 Int16Enum int16EnumField = item.Int16EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16EnumField == int16EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16EnumField == item.Int16EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16EnumFieldNull == int16EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16EnumFieldNull == item.Int16EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int16EnumFieldNullNot == item.Int16EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum UInt16 UInt16Enum uint16EnumField = item.UInt16EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16EnumField == uint16EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16EnumField == item.UInt16EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16EnumFieldNull == uint16EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16EnumFieldNull == item.UInt16EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt16EnumFieldNullNot == item.UInt16EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum Int32 Int32Enum int32EnumField = item.Int32EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int32EnumField == int32EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int32EnumField == item.Int32EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int32EnumFieldNull == int32EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int32EnumFieldNull == item.Int32EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int32EnumFieldNullNot == item.Int32EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum UInt32 UInt32Enum uint32EnumField = item.UInt32EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32EnumField == uint32EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32EnumField == item.UInt32EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32EnumFieldNull == uint32EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32EnumFieldNull == item.UInt32EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt32EnumFieldNullNot == item.UInt32EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum Int64 Int64Enum int64EnumField = item.Int64EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64EnumField == int64EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64EnumField == item.Int64EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64EnumFieldNull == int64EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64EnumFieldNull == item.Int64EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.Int64EnumFieldNullNot == item.Int64EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // Enum UInt64 UInt64Enum uint64EnumField = item.UInt64EnumField; QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64EnumField == uint64EnumField), 1); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64EnumField == item.UInt64EnumField), 1); // Query against a property not in the row not supported by development storage so will fail // if (StashConfiguration.IsConfigurationCloud) { QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64EnumFieldNull == uint64EnumField), 0); QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64EnumFieldNull == item.UInt64EnumField), 0); } QueryOnEachDatatype( query.Where(t => t.RowKey == item.RowKey && t.UInt64EnumFieldNullNot == item.UInt64EnumFieldNullNot), 1); // cleanup client.Delete(item); }