static void Main(string[] args) { string InFileName = "C:\\temp\\tag-sample.pdf"; string OutFileName = "C:\\temp\\tag-sample-signed.pdf"; string startDelim = "<<"; string endDelim = ">>"; int rc; SESHandle SesHandle; SigFieldSettingsClass SFS = new SigFieldSettingsClass(); TimeFormatClass TF = new TimeFormatClass(); int Flags = AR_PDF_FLAG_FIELD_NAME_SET; int LocNumber; SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); // SAPIInit() should be called once per process if ((rc = SAPI.Init()) != 0) throw new Exception("Failed to initialize SAPI! (" + rc.ToString("X") + ")"); // Open a new SAPI context if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out SesHandle)) != 0) throw new Exception("Failed in SAPIHandleAcquire() with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); if ((rc = SAPI.Logon(SesHandle, "testuser", null, "12345678")) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed in SAPILogon() with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // // Locate all field tags in the PDF // The PDF filename to be used is defined above. // The format of each field locator in the PDF should be: // << w={width}; h={height}; n={field name}; a={appearance mask} >> // // For example: // << w=120; h=80; n=Signer1; a=15; >> // SAPIContext SigLocatorCtx = new SAPIContext(); Array fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(InFileName); SAPIByteArray doc = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); doc.FromArray(ref fileBytes); FileHandle fh; if ((rc = SAPI.CreateFileHandleByMem(out fh, SAPI_ENUM_FILE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_FILE_ADOBE, 0, doc)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to create file handle with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // Initiate a new Field Locator enumerator. // The argument LocNumber will contain the number of signature tags found in the PDF document. // if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldLocatorEnumInit(SesHandle, SigLocatorCtx, fh, startDelim, endDelim, 0, out LocNumber)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("LocatorEnumInit failed with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // Do for all tags in the document string strEncMsg; for (int i = 0; i < LocNumber; i++) { // Get settings for the next field locator. // (Use strEncMsg string to parse the field locator content if a custom string format has been used) if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldLocatorEnumCont(SesHandle, SigLocatorCtx, SFS, out strEncMsg)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("LocatorEnumCont failed with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // The following values of the SignatureFieldSettings will be automatically set by SAPI: // X/Y Location (including page number) // Width // Height // Field Name // Appearance Mask // SFS.LabelsMask = 0; SFS.DependencyMode = SAPI_ENUM_DEPENDENCY_MODE.SAPI_ENUM_DEPENDENCY_MODE_INDEPENDENT; SFS.SignatureType = SAPI_ENUM_SIGNATURE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_SIGNATURE_DIGITAL; SFS.Flags = 0; // time: TF.DateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy"; TF.TimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss"; TF.ExtTimeFormat = SAPI_ENUM_EXTENDED_TIME_FORMAT.SAPI_ENUM_EXTENDED_TIME_FORMAT_NONE; SFS.TimeFormat = TF; // Now create the signature field on the PDF // We make use of SignatureFieldCreateEx function in order to pass the FileHandle for the in-memory // file rather than a UNC file path. if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldCreateSignEx2(SesHandle, SAPI_ENUM_FILE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_FILE_ADOBE, "", fh, SFS, Flags, null)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to create new signature field with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } } // Write the PDF to an output file if ((rc = SAPI.GetFileMemData(fh, 0, doc)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to GetFileMem with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } File.WriteAllBytes(OutFileName, (byte[])doc.ToArray()); // Finalize work with SAPI SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string InFileName = "C:\\temp\\tag-sample.pdf"; string OutFileName = "C:\\temp\\tag-sample-signed.pdf"; string startDelim = "<<"; string endDelim = ">>"; int rc; SESHandle SesHandle; SigFieldSettingsClass SFS = new SigFieldSettingsClass(); TimeFormatClass TF = new TimeFormatClass(); int Flags = AR_PDF_FLAG_FIELD_NAME_SET; int LocNumber; SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); // SAPIInit() should be called once per process if ((rc = SAPI.Init()) != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to initialize SAPI! (" + rc.ToString("X") + ")"); } // Open a new SAPI context if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out SesHandle)) != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed in SAPIHandleAcquire() with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } if ((rc = SAPI.Logon(SesHandle, "testuser", null, "12345678")) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed in SAPILogon() with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // // Locate all field tags in the PDF // The PDF filename to be used is defined above. // The format of each field locator in the PDF should be: // << w={width}; h={height}; n={field name}; a={appearance mask} >> // // For example: // << w=120; h=80; n=Signer1; a=15; >> // SAPIContext SigLocatorCtx = new SAPIContext(); Array fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(InFileName); SAPIByteArray doc = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); doc.FromArray(ref fileBytes); FileHandle fh; if ((rc = SAPI.CreateFileHandleByMem(out fh, SAPI_ENUM_FILE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_FILE_ADOBE, 0, doc)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to create file handle with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // Initiate a new Field Locator enumerator. // The argument LocNumber will contain the number of signature tags found in the PDF document. // if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldLocatorEnumInit(SesHandle, SigLocatorCtx, fh, startDelim, endDelim, 0, out LocNumber)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("LocatorEnumInit failed with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // Do for all tags in the document string strEncMsg; for (int i = 0; i < LocNumber; i++) { // Get settings for the next field locator. // (Use strEncMsg string to parse the field locator content if a custom string format has been used) if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldLocatorEnumCont(SesHandle, SigLocatorCtx, SFS, out strEncMsg)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("LocatorEnumCont failed with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } // The following values of the SignatureFieldSettings will be automatically set by SAPI: // X/Y Location (including page number) // Width // Height // Field Name // Appearance Mask // SFS.LabelsMask = 0; SFS.DependencyMode = SAPI_ENUM_DEPENDENCY_MODE.SAPI_ENUM_DEPENDENCY_MODE_INDEPENDENT; SFS.SignatureType = SAPI_ENUM_SIGNATURE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_SIGNATURE_DIGITAL; SFS.Flags = 0; // time: TF.DateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy"; TF.TimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss"; TF.ExtTimeFormat = SAPI_ENUM_EXTENDED_TIME_FORMAT.SAPI_ENUM_EXTENDED_TIME_FORMAT_NONE; SFS.TimeFormat = TF; // Now create the signature field on the PDF // We make use of SignatureFieldCreateEx function in order to pass the FileHandle for the in-memory // file rather than a UNC file path. if ((rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldCreateSignEx2(SesHandle, SAPI_ENUM_FILE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_FILE_ADOBE, "", fh, SFS, Flags, null)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to create new signature field with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } } // Write the PDF to an output file if ((rc = SAPI.GetFileMemData(fh, 0, doc)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); throw new Exception("Failed to GetFileMem with rc = " + rc.ToString("X")); } File.WriteAllBytes(OutFileName, (byte[])doc.ToArray()); // Finalize work with SAPI SAPI.ContextRelease(SigLocatorCtx); SAPI.HandleRelease(fh); SAPI.HandleRelease(SesHandle); }
public static void SignStream( string Username, string Domain, string Password, Stream DataToSign, //The stream to read the data to be signed from Stream SignatureData //The stream to write the signature data to ) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Username"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Password"); } if (DataToSign == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DataToSign"); } if (SignatureData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SignatureData"); } //Make sure the SAPI library is loaded into the current process SAPIInit(); //Instantiate SAPI object SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); SESHandle hSes = null; int rc = 0; if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out hSes)) != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Memory allocation error (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } if ((rc = SAPI.Logon(hSes, Username, Domain, Password)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to authenticate the user(#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Allocate new signing context SAPIContext ctxBuffSign = new SAPIContextClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignInit(hSes, ctxBuffSign, 0)) != 0) { SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to initialize buffer signing process(#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } int remaining = (int)DataToSign.Length; //Check that the stream is not empty if ((int)DataToSign.Length < 1) { SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception("Cannot sign empty stream!"); } int chunkMaxSize = 1 << 20; //1MB //Calculate first chunk size int chunkSize = remaining < chunkMaxSize ? remaining : chunkMaxSize; while (remaining > 0) { Array chunk = new byte[chunkSize]; //Read in chunks of 1MB int read = DataToSign.Read((byte[])chunk, 0, chunkSize); if (read <= 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException(String.Format("End of stream reached with {0} bytes left to read", remaining)); } //Build SAPI-Compatible bytes array SAPIByteArray tmpBuff = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); tmpBuff.FromArray(ref chunk); //Add read buffer to the signature calculation if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignCont(hSes, ctxBuffSign, tmpBuff)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while calculating the digital signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } remaining -= read; chunkSize = Math.Min(remaining, chunkSize); } SAPIByteArray signature = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); //Get the final signature if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignEnd(hSes, ctxBuffSign, signature)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to sign the data (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Write signature data to the stream byte[] tmpSig = (byte[])signature.ToArray(); SignatureData.Write(tmpSig, 0, tmpSig.Length); //Cleanup memory SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); }
public static SignatureDetails ValidateSignature(Stream SignedData, Stream Signature) { if (SignedData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SignedData"); } if (Signature == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Signature"); } //Make sure the SAPI Library is loaded SAPIInit(); SignatureDetails SigDetails = new SignatureDetails(); int rc; SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); SESHandle hSession = new SESHandleClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out hSession)) != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Memory allocation error (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Extract Signer Data from the Signature stream //Read Signature content from stream to the SAPI bytes array Array baSignature = new byte[(int)Signature.Length]; Signature.Read((byte[])baSignature, 0, (int)Signature.Length); SAPIByteArray sSignature = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); sSignature.FromArray(ref baSignature); //SAPIByteArray sSignedData = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); //Array t1 = (Array)SignedData; sSignedData.FromArray(ref t1); object Certificate; // Extract the signer's certificate from signature SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE SAPIType = SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NONE; if ((rc = SAPI.PKCS7BlobGetValue(hSession, sSignature, SAPI_ENUM_PKCS7_FIELD.SAPI_ENUM_PKCS7_FIELD_CERT, out Certificate, ref SAPIType)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while extracting the signer's certificate from the signature stream (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } SigDetails.SignerCertificate = new X509Certificate2((byte[])(((SAPIByteArray)Certificate).ToArray())); SigDetails.SignerName = SigDetails.SignerCertificate.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false); SigDetails.SignerEmail = SigDetails.SignerCertificate.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.EmailName, false); //Run the signature validation process SAPIContext ctxValidateSignature = new SAPIContextClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureInit(hSession, ctxValidateSignature, sSignature, 0)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while initializing the signature validation process (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } int remaining = (int)SignedData.Length; int chunkMaxSize = 1 << 20; //1MB //Calculate first chunk size int chunkSize = remaining < chunkMaxSize ? remaining : chunkMaxSize; while (remaining > 0) { Array chunk = new byte[chunkSize]; //Read in chunks of 1MB int read = SignedData.Read((byte[])chunk, 0, chunkSize); if (read <= 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException(String.Format("End of stream reached with {0} bytes left to read", remaining)); } //Build SAPI-Compatible byte array SAPIByteArray tmpBuff = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); tmpBuff.FromArray(ref chunk); //Add read buffer to the validation calculation if ((rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureCont(hSession, ctxValidateSignature, tmpBuff)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while validating the digital signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } remaining -= read; chunkSize = Math.Min(remaining, chunkSize); } //Get the final validation result SAPIFileTime signingTime = new SAPIFileTimeClass(); rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureEnd(hSession, ctxValidateSignature, signingTime, new CertStatusClass()); if ((uint)rc == 0x90030360) //SAPI_SIGNATURE_NOT_VALID { SigDetails.isValid = false; SigDetails.SignatureTimeTicks = 0; } else if (rc == 0) { SigDetails.isValid = true; //Convert FILE_TIME to ticks ulong filetime = signingTime.HighDateTime; filetime <<= 32; filetime += signingTime.LowDateTime; SigDetails.SignatureTimeTicks = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)filetime).Ticks; } else { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to validate Digital Signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Cleanup memory SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); return(SigDetails); }
public static void SignStream( string Username, string Domain, string Password, Stream DataToSign, //The stream to read the data to be signed from Stream SignatureData //The stream to write the signature data to ) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username)) throw new ArgumentNullException("Username"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) throw new ArgumentNullException("Password"); if (DataToSign == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("DataToSign"); if (SignatureData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("SignatureData"); //Make sure the SAPI library is loaded into the current process SAPIInit(); //Instantiate SAPI object SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); SESHandle hSes = null; int rc = 0; if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire (out hSes)) != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Memory allocation error (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } if ((rc = SAPI.Logon(hSes, Username, Domain, Password)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to authenticate the user(#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Allocate new signing context SAPIContext ctxBuffSign = new SAPIContextClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignInit (hSes, ctxBuffSign, 0)) != 0) { SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to initialize buffer signing process(#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } int remaining = (int)DataToSign.Length; //Check that the stream is not empty if ((int)DataToSign.Length < 1) { SAPI.Logoff(hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSes); throw new Exception("Cannot sign empty stream!"); } int chunkMaxSize = 1 << 20; //1MB //Calculate first chunk size int chunkSize = remaining < chunkMaxSize ? remaining : chunkMaxSize; while (remaining > 0) { Array chunk = new byte[chunkSize]; //Read in chunks of 1MB int read = DataToSign.Read((byte[])chunk, 0, chunkSize); if (read <= 0) throw new EndOfStreamException (String.Format("End of stream reached with {0} bytes left to read", remaining)); //Build SAPI-Compatible bytes array SAPIByteArray tmpBuff = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); tmpBuff.FromArray(ref chunk); //Add read buffer to the signature calculation if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignCont(hSes, ctxBuffSign, tmpBuff))!= 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease (ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff (hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease (hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while calculating the digital signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } remaining -= read; chunkSize = Math.Min(remaining, chunkSize); } SAPIByteArray signature = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); //Get the final signature if ((rc = SAPI.BufferSignEnd (hSes, ctxBuffSign, signature)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease (ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff (hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease (hSes); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to sign the data (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Write signature data to the stream byte[] tmpSig = (byte[])signature.ToArray(); SignatureData.Write (tmpSig, 0, tmpSig.Length); //Cleanup memory SAPI.ContextRelease (ctxBuffSign); SAPI.Logoff (hSes); SAPI.HandleRelease (hSes); }
public static SignatureDetails ValidateSignature(Stream SignedData, Stream Signature) { if (SignedData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("SignedData"); if (Signature == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Signature"); //Make sure the SAPI Library is loaded SAPIInit(); SignatureDetails SigDetails = new SignatureDetails(); int rc; SAPICrypt SAPI = new SAPICryptClass(); SESHandle hSession = new SESHandleClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out hSession)) != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format( "Memory allocation error (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Extract Signer Data from the Signature stream //Read Signature content from stream to the SAPI bytes array Array baSignature = new byte[(int)Signature.Length]; Signature.Read((byte[])baSignature, 0, (int)Signature.Length); SAPIByteArray sSignature = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); sSignature.FromArray(ref baSignature); //SAPIByteArray sSignedData = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); //Array t1 = (Array)SignedData; sSignedData.FromArray(ref t1); object Certificate; // Extract the signer's certificate from signature SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE SAPIType = SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NONE; if ((rc = SAPI.PKCS7BlobGetValue(hSession, sSignature, SAPI_ENUM_PKCS7_FIELD.SAPI_ENUM_PKCS7_FIELD_CERT, out Certificate, ref SAPIType)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while extracting the signer's certificate from the signature stream (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } SigDetails.SignerCertificate = new X509Certificate2((byte[])(((SAPIByteArray)Certificate).ToArray())); SigDetails.SignerName = SigDetails.SignerCertificate.GetNameInfo (X509NameType.SimpleName, false); SigDetails.SignerEmail = SigDetails.SignerCertificate.GetNameInfo (X509NameType.EmailName, false); //Run the signature validation process SAPIContext ctxValidateSignature = new SAPIContextClass(); if ((rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureInit (hSession, ctxValidateSignature, sSignature, 0)) != 0) { SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while initializing the signature validation process (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } int remaining = (int) SignedData.Length; int chunkMaxSize = 1 << 20; //1MB //Calculate first chunk size int chunkSize = remaining < chunkMaxSize ? remaining : chunkMaxSize; while (remaining > 0) { Array chunk = new byte[chunkSize]; //Read in chunks of 1MB int read = SignedData.Read((byte[])chunk, 0, chunkSize); if (read <= 0) throw new EndOfStreamException (String.Format("End of stream reached with {0} bytes left to read", remaining)); //Build SAPI-Compatible byte array SAPIByteArray tmpBuff = new SAPIByteArrayClass(); tmpBuff.FromArray(ref chunk); //Add read buffer to the validation calculation if ((rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureCont(hSession, ctxValidateSignature, tmpBuff)) != 0) { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "An error occured while validating the digital signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } remaining -= read; chunkSize = Math.Min(remaining, chunkSize); } //Get the final validation result SAPIFileTime signingTime = new SAPIFileTimeClass(); rc = SAPI.BufferVerifySignatureEnd(hSession, ctxValidateSignature, signingTime, new CertStatusClass()); if ((uint)rc == 0x90030360) //SAPI_SIGNATURE_NOT_VALID { SigDetails.isValid = false; SigDetails.SignatureTimeTicks = 0; } else if (rc == 0) { SigDetails.isValid = true; //Convert FILE_TIME to ticks ulong filetime = signingTime.HighDateTime; filetime <<= 32; filetime += signingTime.LowDateTime; SigDetails.SignatureTimeTicks = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc((long)filetime).Ticks; } else { SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); throw new Exception(string.Format( "Failed to validate Digital Signature (#{0})", rc.ToString("X"))); } //Cleanup memory SAPI.ContextRelease(ctxValidateSignature); SAPI.HandleRelease(hSession); return SigDetails; }