public static RedirectCallsState RedirectCalls(MethodInfo from, MethodInfo to) { RuntimeMethodHandle methodHandle = from.MethodHandle; IntPtr functionPointer1 = methodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(); methodHandle = to.MethodHandle; IntPtr functionPointer2 = methodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(); return(RedirectionHelper.PatchJumpTo(functionPointer1, functionPointer2)); }
public static void RuntimeMethodHandleTest() { MethodInfo minfo = typeof(Co6006LateBoundDelegate).GetMethod("Method1"); RuntimeMethodHandle rmh = minfo.MethodHandle; Assert.True(rmh.Value != null); Assert.True(rmh.GetFunctionPointer() != null); Object [] args = new Object[] { null, rmh.GetFunctionPointer() }; MyDelegate dg = (MyDelegate)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(MyDelegate), args); dg(); Assert.True(Co6006LateBoundDelegate.iInvokeCount == 1); }
private static IntPtr GetMethodStart(MethodBase method) { RuntimeMethodHandle handle = GetRuntimeMethodHandle(method); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); return(handle.GetFunctionPointer()); }
private static unsafe MethodDesc *GetMethodDesc(this RuntimeMethodHandle handle) { IntPtr addr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); var precode = (FixupPrecode *)addr; const byte callRel32 = 0xE8; const byte jmpRel32 = 0xE9; bool validOp = precode->m_op == jmpRel32 || precode->m_op == callRel32; bool validType = precode->m_type == FixupPrecode.TypePrestub || precode->m_type == FixupPrecode.Type; if (!validOp || !validType) { return(null); } byte methodDescChunkIndex = precode->m_MethodDescChunkIndex; byte precodeChunkIndex = precode->m_PrecodeChunkIndex; // coreclr/src/vm/i368/stublinkerx86.h: FixupPrecode::GetBase // coreclr/src/vm/i368/stublinkerx86.cpp: FixupPrecode::GetMethodDesc IntPtr methodDescChunkBase = *(IntPtr *)(addr + (precodeChunkIndex + 1) * sizeof(FixupPrecode)); IntPtr methodDescAddr = methodDescChunkBase + methodDescChunkIndex * sizeof(void *); return((MethodDesc *)methodDescAddr); }
public void ctor(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[1]; constructorSignature[0] = typeof(HUD.HUD); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(HudPart).GetConstructor(constructorSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action <HUD.HUD> funct = (Action <HUD.HUD>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action <HUD.HUD>), this, ptr); funct(hud);//HudPart Constructor this.lastPos = this.pos; if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { if (MonklandSteamManager.isInGame) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } else { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as Player) / 1200]; } } else if (hud.owner != null & (hud.owner is MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen) && MonklandSteamManager.isInGame && MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager != null) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[MonklandSteamManager.WorldManager.cycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Length; i++) { this.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } }
public void ctor(HUD.HUD hud, FContainer fContainer) { Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[1]; constructorSignature[0] = typeof(HUD.HUD); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(HudPart).GetConstructor(constructorSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action <HUD.HUD> funct = (Action <HUD.HUD>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action <HUD.HUD>), this, ptr); funct(hud);//HudPart Constructor this.lastPos = this.pos; if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as Player) / 1200]; } else if (hud.owner != null & (hud.owner is patch_SleepAndDeathScreen)) { this.circles = new HUDCircle[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength / 1200]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.circles.Length; i++) { this.circles[i] = new HUDCircle(hud, HUDCircle.SnapToGraphic.smallEmptyCircle, fContainer, 0); } if (hud.owner != null & hud.owner is Player) { if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(0) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(0)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(1) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(1)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if (((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(2) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[((hud.owner as Player) as patch_RainCycle).getBurstIndex(2)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } } else if (hud.owner != null & !(hud.owner is Player) & (hud.owner is patch_SleepAndDeathScreen)) { if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(0) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(0)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(1) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(1)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } if ((hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(2) < this.circles.Length) { (this.circles[(hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).getBurst(2)] as patch_HUDCircle).danger = true; } (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength2; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength2 = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).nextcycleLength3; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum2; (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum2 = (hud.owner as patch_SleepAndDeathScreen).burstNum3; } }
public static IntPtr PrepareMethod(this DynamicMethod meth) { Type t = meth.GetType(); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = t.GetMethod("GetMethodDescriptor", mflag0) is MethodInfo getmd ? (RuntimeMethodHandle)getmd.Invoke(meth, null) : t.GetField("m_method", mflag0) is FieldInfo mm ? (RuntimeMethodHandle)mm.GetValue(meth) : (RuntimeMethodHandle)t.GetField("mhandle", mflag0).GetValue(meth); Type ht = handle.GetType(); object result = ht.GetField("m_value", mflag0) is FieldInfo fd ? fd.GetValue(handle) : ht.GetMethod("GetMethodInfo", mflag0) is MethodInfo mi ? mi.Invoke(handle, null) : null; if (result != null) { try { // 2020 01 30 // dynamicmethod 코드에 전혀 문제가 없는 경우에 // 여기서 오류가 발생하지 않는다 m_compileMeth.Invoke(null, new object[1] { result }); return(handle.GetFunctionPointer()); } }
public static void Ngen(Type type) { if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } foreach (var m in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) { if (m.IsGenericMethod || m.IsAbstract) { continue; } MethodBody body = m.GetMethodBody(); if (body == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("In a given program there is a case where a method does not have a code-body."); } byte[] il = body.GetILAsByteArray(); if (il == null || il.Length <= 0) { throw new InvalidProgramException("In the specified program, there is an error function that does not have any il instruction"); } RuntimeMethodHandle handle = m.MethodHandle; IntPtr address = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); if (address == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidProgramException("In the given assembly a method that failed to get the function native-code address was found"); } } }
public static IntPtr GetFunctionPointer() { A obj1 = new A(); RuntimeMethodHandle method = ((Action)obj1.Method1).Method.MethodHandle; IntPtr p = method.GetFunctionPointer(); return(p); }
public MethodJitResult(RuntimeMethodHandle handle, MethodJitStatus status) { Handle = handle.Value; Pointer = GetIsSuccess(status) ? handle.GetFunctionPointer() : (IntPtr?)null; Status = status; }
private void PrepareDetour() { // Ensure both methods are JIT compiled RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(_originalMethodHandle); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(_targetMethodHandle); // Construct the shellcode needed to detour the method var shellcode = new List <byte>(); if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) { // mov rax, targetMethodAddress shellcode.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x48, 0xB8 }); shellcode.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes((long)_targetMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer())); // jmp rax shellcode.AddRange(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xE0 }); } else { // mov eax, targetMethodAddress shellcode.Add(0xB8); shellcode.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)_targetMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer())); // jmp eax shellcode.AddRange(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xE0 }); } _detourBytes = shellcode.ToArray(); // Save the bytes of the original method _originalMethodBytes = new byte[_detourBytes.Length]; Marshal.Copy(_originalMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(), _originalMethodBytes, 0, _detourBytes.Length); }
public static RedirectCallsState RedirectCalls(RuntimeMethodHandle from, RuntimeMethodHandle to) { // GetFunctionPointer enforces compilation of the method. var fptr1 = from.GetFunctionPointer(); var fptr2 = to.GetFunctionPointer(); return(PatchJumpTo(fptr1, fptr2)); }
// [JUNK] void ShitFunc(Type T, string mtdName) { // T.InvokeMember(mtdName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, null, null); RuntimeMethodHandle mtdHandle = ((MethodInfo)(T.GetMember(mtdName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)[0])).MethodHandle; MtdSig mtd = (MtdSig)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(mtdHandle.GetFunctionPointer(), typeof(MtdSig)); mtd(); }
internal static void ReplaceMethod(MethodBase oldmethod, IntPtr newmethod_ptr) { RuntimeMethodHandle o_handle = oldmethod.MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(o_handle); WriteIL(o_handle.GetFunctionPointer(), newmethod_ptr); }
public MethodJitResult(RuntimeMethodHandle handle, MethodJitStatus status, bool isGeneric) { Handle = handle.Value; Pointer = status == MethodJitStatus.Success ? handle.GetFunctionPointer() : (IntPtr?)null; Status = status; IsGeneric = isGeneric; }
private void Redirect(RuntimeMethodHandle from, RuntimeMethodHandle to) { RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(from); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(to); // Just in case someone calls apply twice or something, let's not get the same ptr for no reason. if (_fromPtr == default(IntPtr)) { _fromPtr = from.GetFunctionPointer(); } if (_toPtr == default(IntPtr)) { _toPtr = to.GetFunctionPointer(); } FromPtrData = new byte[32]; Marshal.Copy(_fromPtr, FromPtrData, 0, 32); VirtualProtect(_fromPtr, (IntPtr)5, 0x40, out uint x); if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { // x64 _originalPtrData = new byte[13]; // 13 Marshal.Copy(_fromPtr, _originalPtrData, 0, 13); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 0, 0x49); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 1, 0xbb); Marshal.WriteInt64(_fromPtr, 2, _toPtr.ToInt64()); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 10, 0x41); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 11, 0xff); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 12, 0xe3); } else if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { // x86 _originalPtrData = new byte[6]; // 6 Marshal.Copy(_fromPtr, _originalPtrData, 0, 6); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 0, 0xe9); Marshal.WriteInt32(_fromPtr, 1, _toPtr.ToInt32() - _fromPtr.ToInt32() - 5); Marshal.WriteByte(_fromPtr, 5, 0xc3); } VirtualProtect(_fromPtr, (IntPtr)5, x, out x); }
public static long GetMethodStart(MethodBase method) { RuntimeMethodHandle handle = GetMethodHandle(method); /* Required to ensure that the method is already JITed and the method start doesn't change. * This seemingly only affects the .NET Framework. * - ade */ RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); return(handle.GetFunctionPointer().ToInt64()); }
/// <summary> /// Detours the original method to call the target method /// </summary> public void InitialiseDetour() { var originalMethodAddress = _originalMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(); // Adjust the protection of the virtual memory region to ensure it has write privileges if (!Kernel32.VirtualProtect(originalMethodAddress, _detourBytes.Length, MemoryProtectionType.ReadWrite, out var oldProtection)) { throw new PInvokeException("Failed to call VirtualProtect"); } Marshal.Copy(_detourBytes, 0, originalMethodAddress, _detourBytes.Length); // Restore the original protection of the virtual memory region if (!Kernel32.VirtualProtect(originalMethodAddress, _detourBytes.Length, oldProtection, out _)) { throw new PInvokeException("Failed to call VirtualProtect"); } }
// 한 번만 한다 static NativeThisPointer() { NativeThisPointer instance = new NativeThisPointer(); Type me = instance.GetType(); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = me.GetMethod(nameof(ReplacedTest), Helper.mflag1).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); Helper.ReplaceMethod(me.GetMethod(nameof(GetTest), Helper.mflag0), handle.GetFunctionPointer()); instance.GetTest(magic, magic); }
public bool AddHook(MethodInfo handing) { if (handing == null) { return(false); } lock (this) { RuntimeMethodHandle handle = handing.MethodHandle; IntPtr address = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); return(AddHook(address)); } }
public void ctor(ProcessManager manager, SlideShow.SlideShowID slideShowID) { Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[2]; constructorSignature[0] = typeof(ProcessManager); constructorSignature[1] = typeof(ProcessManager.ProcessID); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(Menu.Menu).GetConstructor(constructorSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action <ProcessManager, ProcessManager.ProcessID> funct = (Action <ProcessManager, ProcessManager.ProcessID>)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action <ProcessManager, ProcessManager.ProcessID>), this, ptr); if (slideShowID != (SlideShow.SlideShowID)SlideShowID.WhiteOutro) { orig_ctor(manager, slideShowID); } else { this.current = -1; //Delegate to call the base constructor funct(manager, ProcessManager.ProcessID.SlideShow);//Menu Constructor this.slideShowID = (SlideShow.SlideShowID)slideShowID; this.pages.Add(new Page(this, null, "main", 0)); this.playList = new List <SlideShow.Scene>(); if (manager.musicPlayer != null) { this.waitForMusic = "RW_Outro_Theme"; this.stall = true; manager.musicPlayer.MenuRequestsSong(this.waitForMusic, 1.5f, 10f); } this.playList.Add(new SlideShow.Scene(MenuScene.SceneID.Empty, 0f, 0f, 0f)); this.playList.Add(new SlideShow.Scene(MenuScene.SceneID.Outro_1_Left_Swim, this.ConvertTime(0, 1, 20), this.ConvertTime(0, 5, 0), this.ConvertTime(0, 17, 0))); this.playList.Add(new SlideShow.Scene(MenuScene.SceneID.Outro_2_Up_Swim, this.ConvertTime(0, 21, 0), this.ConvertTime(0, 25, 0), this.ConvertTime(0, 37, 0))); this.playList.Add(new SlideShow.Scene(MenuScene.SceneID.Empty, this.ConvertTime(1, 1, 0), this.ConvertTime(1, 1, 0), this.ConvertTime(1, 6, 0))); for (int j = 1; j < this.playList.Count; j++) { this.playList[j].startAt -= 1.1f; this.playList[j].fadeInDoneAt -= 1.1f; this.playList[j].fadeOutStartAt -= 1.1f; } this.nextProcess = ProcessManager.ProcessID.Credits; this.preloadedScenes = new SlideShowMenuScene[this.playList.Count]; for (int k = 0; k < this.preloadedScenes.Length; k++) { this.preloadedScenes[k] = new SlideShowMenuScene(this, this.pages[0], this.playList[k].sceneID); this.preloadedScenes[k].Hide(); } manager.RemoveLoadingLabel(); this.NextScene(); } }
public override void Update() { if ( is SleepAndDeathScreen) { orig_Update(); } else { //Created Delegate to call base.Update Type[] constructorSignature = new Type[0]; RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(Menu.PositionedMenuObject).GetMethod("Update").MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action funct = (Action)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action), this, ptr); funct(); //PositionedMenuObject.Update this.lastBlackFade = this.blackFade; if (this.blackFade > 0f) { this.blackFade = Mathf.Min(1f, this.blackFade + 0.025f); } if (this.addPassageButtonWhenTokenBecomesVisible) { bool flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.tokens.Count; i++) { if (this.tokens[i].endgameMeter.fullfilledNow && this.tokens[i].endgameMeter.showAsFullfilled < 0.9f) { flag = false; } } if (flag) { ( as MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen).AddPassageButton(true); this.addPassageButtonWhenTokenBecomesVisible = false; } } if (this.pingAchivements && this.AllAnimationsDone) { this.pingAchivements = false; for (int j = 0; j < ( as MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen).winState.endgameTrackers.Count; j++) { if (!( as MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen).winState.endgameTrackers[j].GoalAlreadyFullfilled && ( as MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen).winState.endgameTrackers[j].GoalFullfilled) { as MultiplayerSleepAndDeathScreen).winState.endgameTrackers[j].ID), 6f); } } } } }
public override void Update() { //Delegate to call the base Update Type[] updateSignature = new Type[0]; RuntimeMethodHandle handle = typeof(Menu.Menu).GetMethod("Update", updateSignature).MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); Action funct = (Action)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action), this, ptr); funct();//Menu.Menu Update Method this.counter++; if (!this.initSound) { base.PlaySound(SoundID.MENU_Dream_Init); this.initSound = true; } if (this.counter > 35 && this.scene.sceneID == MenuScene.SceneID.SleepScreen && this.dreamID != null) { this.manager.fadeToBlack = Custom.LerpAndTick(this.manager.fadeToBlack, 1f, 0f, 1f / Mathf.Lerp(450f, 210f, this.manager.fadeToBlack)); if (this.manager.fadeToBlack > 0.9f) { base.PlaySound(SoundID.MENU_Dream_Switch); this.manager.fadeToBlack = 1f; this.scene.RemoveSprites(); this.pages[0].subObjects.Remove(this.scene); this.scene = new InteractiveMenuScene(this, this.pages[0], this.SceneFromDream(this.dreamID.Value)); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.scene); this.dreamID = null; } } else { this.manager.fadeToBlack = Custom.LerpAndTick(this.manager.fadeToBlack, 0f, 0f, 0.0125f); if (this.exitButton != null) { this.exitButton.buttonBehav.greyedOut = this.FreezeMenuFunctions; = Math.Max(0f, - 0.0125f); } else if (this.counter > endTime) { this.exitButton = new SimpleButton(this, this.pages[0], base.Translate("CONTINUE"), "CONTINUE", new Vector2(this.manager.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.x - 320f + (1366f - this.manager.rainWorld.options.ScreenSize.x), 15f), new Vector2(110f, 30f)); this.pages[0].subObjects.Add(this.exitButton); this.pages[0].lastSelectedObject = this.exitButton; = 1f; } } }
private void PrepareDetour() { // Ensure both methods are JIT compiled RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(_originalMethodHandle); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(_targetMethodHandle); _detourBytes = Assembler.AssembleJump(_targetMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer()); // Save the bytes of the original method _originalBytes = new byte[_detourBytes.Length]; Marshal.Copy(_originalMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(), _originalBytes, 0, _detourBytes.Length); }
private void Redirect(NativeMethod from, RuntimeMethodHandle to) { RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(to); var fromPtr = from.Address; var toPtr = to.GetFunctionPointer(); FromPtrData = new byte[32]; Marshal.Copy(fromPtr, FromPtrData, 0, 32); VirtualProtect(fromPtr, (IntPtr)5, 0x40, out uint x); if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { // x64 _originalPtrData = new byte[13]; Marshal.Copy(fromPtr, _originalPtrData, 0, 13); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 0, 0x49); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 1, 0xbb); Marshal.WriteInt64(fromPtr, 2, toPtr.ToInt64()); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 10, 0x41); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 11, 0xff); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 12, 0xe3); } else if (IntPtr.Size == 4) { // x86 _originalPtrData = new byte[6]; Marshal.Copy(fromPtr, _originalPtrData, 0, 6); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 0, 0xe9); Marshal.WriteInt32(fromPtr, 1, toPtr.ToInt32() - fromPtr.ToInt32() - 5); Marshal.WriteByte(fromPtr, 5, 0xc3); } VirtualProtect(fromPtr, (IntPtr)5, x, out x); }
private static IntPtr GetDynamicMethodAddress(MethodBase method) { unsafe { RuntimeMethodHandle handle = GetDynamicMethodRuntimeHandle(method); byte *ptr = (byte *)handle.Value.ToPointer(); if (IsNet20Sp2OrGreater()) { RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); return(handle.GetFunctionPointer()); //if (IntPtr.Size == 8) //{ // ulong* address = (ulong*)ptr; // address = (ulong*)*(address + 5); // return new IntPtr(address + 12); //} //else //{ // uint* address = (uint*)ptr; // address = (uint*)*(address + 5); // return new IntPtr(address + 12); //} } else { if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { ulong *address = (ulong *)ptr; address += 6; return(new IntPtr(address)); } else { uint *address = (uint *)ptr; address += 6; return(new IntPtr(address)); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a delegate of the specified type with the specified target from this method. /// </summary> /// <param name="method">The method to create the delegate from.</param> /// <param name="delegateType">The type of the delegate to create.</param> /// <param name="target">The object targeted by the delegate.</param> /// <returns>The delegate for this method.</returns> public static Delegate CreateDelegate(this MethodBase method, Type delegateType, object target) { if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(delegateType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Type argument must be a delegate type!"); } if (method is DynamicMethod) { return(((DynamicMethod)method).CreateDelegate(delegateType, target)); } // TODO: Check delegate Invoke parameters against method parameters. RuntimeMethodHandle handle = method.MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); return((Delegate)Activator.CreateInstance(delegateType, target, ptr)); }
private static void MethodResolver(MethodContext context) { if (context.Method == Utils.GetMethod <DetourMethodAddress>(nameof(Sum))) { MethodInfo mulMethod = Utils.GetMethod <DetourMethodAddress>(nameof(Mul)); RuntimeMethodHandle handle = mulMethod.MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr methodPointer = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); byte jmp = Marshal.ReadByte(methodPointer); if (jmp == 0xE9) { int jmpSize = Marshal.ReadInt32(methodPointer + 1); methodPointer = new IntPtr(methodPointer.ToInt64() + jmpSize + 5); } context.ResolveDetour(methodPointer); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a delegate of the specified type with the specified target from this method. /// </summary> /// <param name="method">The method to create the delegate from.</param> /// <param name="delegateType">The type of the delegate to create.</param> /// <param name="target">The object targeted by the delegate.</param> /// <returns>The delegate for this method.</returns> public static Delegate CreateDelegate(this MethodBase method, Type delegateType, object target) { if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(delegateType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Type argument must be a delegate type!"); } if (method is System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod dm) { return(dm.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target)); } #if NETSTANDARD // Built-in CreateDelegate is available in .NET Standard if (method is System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi) { return(mi.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target)); } #endif RuntimeMethodHandle handle = method.MethodHandle; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod(handle); IntPtr ptr = handle.GetFunctionPointer(); return((Delegate)Activator.CreateInstance(delegateType, target, ptr)); }
public _FuncPtr32(RuntimeMethodHandle _method_info_native) { CTOR((void *)_method_info_native.GetFunctionPointer(), 0); }