コード例 #1
        public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
                foreach(KeyValuePair<int, Connection> p in mConnections) {

            mResultHandler = delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                Memory evt = new Memory(4 * 4);
                evt.WriteInt32(MAEvent_type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_CONN);
                evt.WriteInt32(MAConnEventData_handle, handle);
                evt.WriteInt32(MAConnEventData_opType, connOp);
                evt.WriteInt32(MAConnEventData_result, result);
                runtime.PostEvent(new Event(evt));

            syscalls.maConnect = delegate(int _url)
                String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url);
                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                Connection c;
                if (uri.Scheme.Equals("socket"))
                    c = new SocketConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle);
                else if (uri.Scheme.Equals("http") || uri.Scheme.Equals("https"))
                    c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, MoSync.Constants.HTTP_GET);
                    return MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_GENERIC;

                mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c);
                return mNextConnHandle++;

            syscalls.maConnClose = delegate(int _conn)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];

            syscalls.maConnGetAddr = delegate(int _conn, int _addr)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                return c.getAddr(_addr);

            syscalls.maConnRead = delegate(int _conn, int _dst, int _size)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                c.recv(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _dst, _size, mResultHandler);

            DataDelegate dataDelegate = delegate(int _conn, int _data,
                CommDelegate cd)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data);
                Memory mem = (Memory)res.GetInternalObject();
                runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, Resource.Flux);
                cd(c, mem.GetData(),
                    delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                        runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, res);
                        mResultHandler(handle, connOp, result);

            syscalls.maConnReadToData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                dataDelegate(_conn, _data,
                    delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh)
                        c.recv(buf, _offset, _size, rh);

            syscalls.maConnWrite = delegate(int _conn, int _src, int _size)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                c.write(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _src, _size, mResultHandler);

            syscalls.maConnWriteFromData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                dataDelegate(_conn, _data,
                    delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh)
                        c.write(buf, _offset, _size, rh);

            syscalls.maHttpCreate = delegate(int _url, int _method)
                String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url);
                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                WebRequestConnection c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, _method);
                mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c);
                return mNextConnHandle++;

            syscalls.maHttpFinish = delegate(int _conn)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                c.connect(delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                    mResultHandler(handle, MoSync.Constants.CONNOP_FINISH, result);

            syscalls.maHttpSetRequestHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _value)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key);
                String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value);
                c.setRequestHeader(key, value);

            syscalls.maHttpGetResponseHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _buffer, int _bufSize)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key);
                String value = c.getResponseHeader(key);
                if (value == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_NOHEADER;
                if (value.Length + 1 <= _bufSize)
                    core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_buffer, value, _bufSize);
                return value.Length;
コード例 #2
        public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime)

            // todo: store "stores" in a separate location from the filesystem,
            // to avoid clashes.
            syscalls.maOpenStore = delegate(int _name, int _flags)
                String name = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_name);
                name = ConvertPath(name);
                File file = new File(name, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                if (file.IsDirectory)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid store name");
                if (file.Exists)
                else if ((_flags & MoSync.Constants.MAS_CREATE_IF_NECESSARY) != 0)
                    return MoSync.Constants.STERR_NONEXISTENT;
                if (file.FileStream == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.STERR_GENERIC;
                mStoreHandles.Add(mNextStoreHandle, file);
                return mNextStoreHandle++;

            syscalls.maWriteStore = delegate(int _store, int _data)
                File file = mStoreHandles[_store];
                IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = file.FileStream;
                Resource dataRes = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data);
                Stream data = (Stream)dataRes.GetInternalObject();
                data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //fileStream.Write(data.GetData(), 0, data.GetData().Length);
                return 1;

            syscalls.maReadStore = delegate(int _store, int _placeholder)
                File file = mStoreHandles[_store];
                IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = file.FileStream;
                //Memory mem = new Memory((int)fileStream.Length);
                MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream((int)fileStream.Length);
                fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fileStream.Read(mem.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)fileStream.Length);
                runtime.SetResource(_placeholder, new Resource(mem, MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY));
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;

            syscalls.maCloseStore = delegate(int _store, int _delete)
                File file = mStoreHandles[_store];
                if (_delete != 0)
コード例 #3
        public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            PhoneApplicationFrame frame = (PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual;
            double screenWidth = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
            double screenHeight = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
            if ((int)screenHeight == 0)
                throw new Exception("screenHeight");
            PhoneApplicationPage mainPage = (PhoneApplicationPage)frame.Content;
            Image mainImage = new Image();
            mainPage.Width = screenWidth;
            mainPage.Height = screenHeight;
            mainImage.Width = screenWidth;
            mainImage.Height = screenHeight;
            mainPage.Content = mainImage;

            // no apparent effect on memory leaks.
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    mainPage.Content = null;

            mBackBuffer = new WriteableBitmap(
            mFrontBuffer = new WriteableBitmap(

            mainImage.Source = mFrontBuffer;
            mCurrentDrawTarget = mBackBuffer;

            mCurrentWindowsColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 16),
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 8),

            syscalls.maSetColor = delegate(int rgb)
                int oldColor = (int)mCurrentColor;
                mCurrentColor = 0xff000000 | (uint)(rgb & 0xffffff);
                mCurrentWindowsColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 16),
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 8),
                return oldColor & 0xffffff;

            syscalls.maSetClipRect = delegate(int x, int y, int w, int h)

            syscalls.maGetClipRect = delegate(int cliprect)

            syscalls.maPlot = delegate(int x, int y)
                mCurrentDrawTarget.SetPixel(x, y, (int)mCurrentColor);

            syscalls.maUpdateScreen = delegate()
                System.Array.Copy(mBackBuffer.Pixels, mFrontBuffer.Pixels, mFrontBuffer.PixelWidth * mFrontBuffer.PixelHeight);

            syscalls.maFillRect = delegate(int x, int y, int w, int h)
                mCurrentDrawTarget.FillRectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, (int)mCurrentColor);

            syscalls.maLine = delegate(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
                mCurrentDrawTarget.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, (int)mCurrentColor);

            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock();
            textBlock.FontSize = mCurrentFontSize;

            syscalls.maDrawText = delegate(int left, int top, int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(str);
                if (text.Length == 0) return;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    textBlock.Text = text;
                    textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(mCurrentWindowsColor);
                    WriteableBitmap b = new WriteableBitmap(textBlock, null);
                    mCurrentDrawTarget.Blit(new Rect(left, top, b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight),
                        new Rect(0, 0, b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight));

            syscalls.maGetTextSize = delegate(int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(str);
                int textWidth = 0;
                int textHeight = 0;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    textBlock.Text = text;
                    textWidth = (int)textBlock.ActualWidth;
                    textHeight = (int)textBlock.ActualHeight;

                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(textWidth, textHeight);

            syscalls.maDrawTextW = delegate(int left, int top, int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(str);
                if (text.Length == 0) return;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    textBlock.Text = text;
                    textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(mCurrentWindowsColor);
                    WriteableBitmap b = new WriteableBitmap(textBlock, null);
                    Rect dstRect = new Rect(left, top, b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight);
                    Rect srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, b.PixelWidth, b.PixelHeight);
                    // cliprect..
                    Rect clipRect = new Rect(0, 0, mBackBuffer.PixelWidth, mBackBuffer.PixelHeight);
                    if (clipRect.IsEmpty == true)


            syscalls.maGetTextSizeW = delegate(int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(str);
                int textWidth = 0;
                int textHeight = 0;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    textBlock.Text = text;
                    textWidth = (int)textBlock.ActualWidth;
                    textHeight = (int)textBlock.ActualHeight;

                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(textWidth, textHeight);

            syscalls.maFillTriangleFan = delegate(int points, int count)
                int[] newPoints = new int[count * 2 + 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    newPoints[i * 2 + 0] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8);
                    newPoints[i * 2 + 1] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + 4);
                newPoints[count * 2 + 0] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + 0);
                newPoints[count * 2 + 1] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + 4);
                mCurrentDrawTarget.FillPolygon(newPoints, (int)mCurrentColor);

            syscalls.maFillTriangleStrip = delegate(int points, int count)

                int[] xcoords = new int[count];
                int[] ycoords = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    xcoords[i] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8);
                    ycoords[i] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + 4);

                for (int i = 2; i < count; i++)
                        xcoords[i - 2], ycoords[i - 2],
                        xcoords[i - 1], ycoords[i - 1],
                        xcoords[i - 0], ycoords[i - 0],

            syscalls.maSetDrawTarget = delegate(int drawTarget)
                int oldDrawTarget = mCurrentDrawTargetIndex;
                if (drawTarget == mCurrentDrawTargetIndex) return oldDrawTarget;
                if (drawTarget == MoSync.Constants.HANDLE_SCREEN)
                    mCurrentDrawTarget = mBackBuffer;
                    mCurrentDrawTargetIndex = drawTarget;
                    return oldDrawTarget;

                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, drawTarget);
                mCurrentDrawTarget = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                mCurrentDrawTargetIndex = drawTarget;
                return oldDrawTarget;

            syscalls.maGetScrSize = delegate()
                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(mBackBuffer.PixelWidth, mBackBuffer.PixelHeight);

            syscalls.maGetImageSize = delegate(int handle)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, handle);
                BitmapSource src = (BitmapSource)res.GetInternalObject();
                int w = 0, h = 0;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    w = src.PixelWidth;
                    h = src.PixelHeight;

                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(w, h);

            syscalls.maDrawImage = delegate(int image, int left, int top)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                Rect srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, src.PixelWidth, src.PixelHeight);
                Rect dstRect = new Rect(left, top, src.PixelWidth, src.PixelHeight);
                mCurrentDrawTarget.Blit(dstRect, src, srcRect, WriteableBitmapExtensions.BlendMode.Alpha);

            syscalls.maDrawImageRegion = delegate(int image, int srcRectPtr, int dstPointPtr, int transformMode)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();

                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + 0);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + 4);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + 8);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + 12);
                int dstPointX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(dstPointPtr + 0);
                int dstPointY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(dstPointPtr + 4);

                Rect srcRect = new Rect(srcRectX, srcRectY, srcRectW, srcRectH);
                Rect dstRect = new Rect(dstPointX, dstPointY, srcRectW, srcRectH);
                // mCurrentDrawTarget.Blit(dstRect, src, srcRect, WriteableBitmapExtensions.BlendMode.Alpha);

                DrawImageRegion(mCurrentDrawTarget, dstPointX, dstPointY, srcRect, src, transformMode);

            syscalls.maCreateDrawableImage = delegate(int placeholder, int width, int height)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, placeholder);
                WriteableBitmap bitmap = null;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);

                if (bitmap == null) return MoSync.Constants.RES_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;

            syscalls.maCreateImageRaw = delegate(int _placeholder, int _src, int _size, int _alpha)
                int width = MoSync.Util.ExtentX(_size);
                int height = MoSync.Util.ExtentY(_size);

                WriteableBitmap bitmap = null;
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);

                //core.GetDataMemory().ReadIntegers(bitmap.Pixels, _src, width * height);
                bitmap.FromByteArray(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _src, width * height * 4);
                if (_alpha == 0)
                    int[] pixels = bitmap.Pixels;
                    int numPixels = width * height;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
                        pixels[i] = (int)((uint)pixels[i] | 0xff000000);

                    new Resource(
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;

            syscalls.maDrawRGB = delegate(int _dstPoint, int _src, int _srcRect, int _scanlength)
                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int dstX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_dstPoint + 0);
                int dstY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_dstPoint + 4);
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 0);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 4);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 8);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 12);
                int[] pixels = mCurrentDrawTarget.Pixels;
                // todo: clipRect

                _scanlength *= 4; // sizeof(int)

                for (int h = 0; h < srcRectH; h++)
                    int pixelIndex = dstY * mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth + dstX;
                    int address = _src + (srcRectY + h) * _scanlength;
                    for (int w = 0; w < srcRectW; w++)
                        uint srcPixel = dataMemory.ReadUInt32(address);
                        uint dstPixel = (uint)pixels[pixelIndex];

                        uint srcPixelR = (srcPixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                        uint srcPixelG = (srcPixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                        uint srcPixelB = (srcPixel & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
                        uint srcPixelA = (srcPixel & 0xff000000) >> 24;
                        uint dstPixelR = (dstPixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                        uint dstPixelG = (dstPixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                        uint dstPixelB = (dstPixel & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
                        uint dstPixelA = (dstPixel & 0xff000000) >> 24;

                        dstPixelR += ((srcPixelR - dstPixelR) * srcPixelA) / 255;
                        dstPixelG += ((srcPixelG - dstPixelG) * srcPixelA) / 255;
                        dstPixelB += ((srcPixelB - dstPixelB) * srcPixelA) / 255;

                        dstPixel = (dstPixelA << 24) | (dstPixelR << 16) | (dstPixelG << 8) | (dstPixelB);
                        pixels[pixelIndex] = (int)dstPixel;

                        address += 4;


            syscalls.maGetImageData = delegate(int _image, int _dst, int _srcRect, int _scanlength)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, _image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 0);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 4);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 8);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + 12);
                int lineDst = _dst;
                byte[] data = src.ToByteArray(srcRectY * src.PixelWidth,
                    srcRectH * src.PixelWidth);
                byte[] coreArray = dataMemory.GetData();
                for (int y = 0; y < srcRectH; y++)
                    System.Array.Copy(data, y * src.PixelWidth * 4, coreArray,
                        lineDst, src.PixelWidth * 4);
                    lineDst += _scanlength * 4;

            syscalls.maCreateImageFromData = delegate(int _placeholder, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data);
                Memory mem = (Memory)res.GetInternalObject();

                Stream s = mem.GetStream(_offset, _size);
                WriteableBitmap bitmap = MoSync.Util.CreateWriteableBitmapFromStream(s);
                    new Resource(

                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;
コード例 #4
        public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Connection> p in mConnections)

            mResultHandler = delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                Memory evt = new Memory(4 * 4);
                evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_CONN);
                evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.handle, handle);
                evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.opType, connOp);
                evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.result, result);
                runtime.PostEvent(new Event(evt));

            syscalls.maConnect = delegate(int _url)
                String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url);
                //Util.Log("maConnect(" + url + ")\n");
                if (url.StartsWith("btspp"))
                    return MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_UNAVAILABLE;
                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                Connection c;
                if (uri.Scheme.Equals("socket"))
                    c = new SocketConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle);
                else if (uri.Scheme.Equals("http") || uri.Scheme.Equals("https"))
                    c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, MoSync.Constants.HTTP_GET);
                    return MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_GENERIC;

                mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c);
                return mNextConnHandle++;

            syscalls.maConnClose = delegate(int _conn)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];

            syscalls.maConnGetAddr = delegate(int _conn, int _addr)
                if (_conn == MoSync.Constants.HANDLE_LOCAL) // unavailable
                    return -1;
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                return c.getAddr(core.GetDataMemory(), _addr);

            syscalls.maConnRead = delegate(int _conn, int _dst, int _size)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                c.recv(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _dst, _size, mResultHandler);

            DataDelegate dataDelegate = delegate(int _conn, int _data,
                    CommDelegate cd)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data);
                Stream s = (Stream)res.GetInternalObject();
                runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, Resource.Flux);
                MemoryStream mem = null;
                if (s.GetType() == typeof(MemoryStream))
                    mem = (MemoryStream)s;
                    MoSync.Util.CriticalError("Only binaries (non-ubins) are allowed for maConn(Read/Write)(To/From)Data");

                cd(c, mem.GetBuffer(),
                        delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                            runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, res);
                            mResultHandler(handle, connOp, result);

            syscalls.maConnReadToData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                dataDelegate(_conn, _data,
                        delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh)
                            c.recv(buf, _offset, _size, rh);

            syscalls.maConnWrite = delegate(int _conn, int _src, int _size)
                Connection c = mConnections[_conn];
                c.write(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _src, _size, mResultHandler);

            syscalls.maConnWriteFromData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                dataDelegate(_conn, _data,
                        delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh)
                            c.write(buf, _offset, _size, rh);

            syscalls.maHttpCreate = delegate(int _url, int _method)
                String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url);
                //Util.Log("maHttpCreate(" + url + ")\n");
                Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                WebRequestConnection c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, _method);
                mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c);
                return mNextConnHandle++;

            syscalls.maHttpFinish = delegate(int _conn)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                c.connect(delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result)
                    mResultHandler(handle, MoSync.Constants.CONNOP_FINISH, result);

            syscalls.maHttpSetRequestHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _value)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key);
                String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value);
                if (value.Length > 0)
                    c.setRequestHeader(key, value);

            syscalls.maHttpGetResponseHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _buffer, int _bufSize)
                WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn];
                String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key);
                String value = c.getResponseHeader(key);
                if (value == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_NOHEADER;
                if (value.Length + 1 <= _bufSize)
                    core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_buffer, value, _bufSize);
                return value.Length;
コード例 #5
        public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            mCamera = new PhotoCamera(CameraType.Primary);
            mVideoBrush = new VideoBrush();
            mVideoBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;

                mCamera = null;

            // this should be set according to the orientation of
            // the device I guess.
            mVideoBrush.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform()
                CenterX = 0.5,
                CenterY = 0.5,
                Rotation = 90

            ioctls.maCameraFormat = delegate(int _index, int _fmt)
                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_index, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.width,
                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.height,

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

            ioctls.maCameraFormatNumber = delegate()
                IEnumerable<System.Windows.Size> res = mCamera.AvailableResolutions;
                if (res == null) return 0;
                IEnumerator<System.Windows.Size> resolutions = res.GetEnumerator();
                int number = 0;
                while (resolutions.Current != null)
                return number;

            ioctls.maCameraStart = delegate()
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraStop = delegate()
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraSetPreview = delegate(int _widgetHandle)
                // something like
                // videoBrush = ((CameraViewFinder)runtime.GetModule<MoSyncNativeUIModule>.GetWidget(_widgetHandle)).GetBrush();
                // videoBrush.SetSource(mCamera)
                IWidget w = runtime.GetModule<NativeUIModule>().GetWidget(_widgetHandle);
                if (w.GetType() != typeof(MoSync.NativeUI.CameraPreview))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;
                NativeUI.CameraPreview prev = (NativeUI.CameraPreview)w;
                System.Windows.Controls.Canvas canvas = prev.GetViewFinderCanvas();
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    canvas.Background = mVideoBrush;

                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraSelect = delegate(int _cameraNumber)
                CameraType cameraType = CameraType.Primary;
                if(_cameraNumber == MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_BACK_CAMERA)
                    cameraType = CameraType.Primary;
                else if(_cameraNumber == MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_FRONT_CAMERA)
                    cameraType = CameraType.FrontFacing;

                if(mCamera==null || mCamera.CameraType != cameraType)
                    mCamera = new PhotoCamera(cameraType);
                    if(mVideoBrush == null)
                        mVideoBrush = new VideoBrush();

                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraNumber = delegate()
                // front facing and back facing is the standard I believe.
                return 2;

            ioctls.maCameraSnapshot = delegate(int _formatIndex, int _placeHolder)
                AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_formatIndex, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                mCamera.Resolution = dim;

                if (mCameraSnapshotDelegate != null)
                    mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable -= mCameraSnapshotDelegate;
                mCameraSnapshotDelegate = delegate(object o, ContentReadyEventArgs args)
                    MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, _placeHolder);
                        Stream data = args.ImageStream;
                        Memory dataMem = new Memory((int)data.Length);
                        dataMem.WriteFromStream(0, data, (int)data.Length);

                mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable += mCameraSnapshotDelegate;


                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraSetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value)
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraSelect = delegate(int _camera)
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraGetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value, int _bufSize)
                String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property);

                if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM))

                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraRecord = delegate(int _stopStartFlag)
                return 0;
コード例 #6
         * Initializing the ioctls.
        public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            mCamera = new PhotoCamera(mCameraType);
            mVideoBrush = new VideoBrush();

                if (null != mCamera)
                    mCamera = null;

            // this should be set according to the orientation of
            // the device I guess.

            // we need to handle the camera orientation by hand
            PhoneApplicationPage currentPage = (((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content as PhoneApplicationPage);

            // we need to handle the initial page orientation
            double rotation = mCamera.Orientation;
            if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
                rotation -= 90;
            else if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
                rotation += 90;
            mVideoBrush.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform()
                CenterX = 0.5,
                CenterY = 0.5,
                Rotation = rotation

            // on orientation changed, we need to rotate the video brush
            currentPage.OrientationChanged += new System.EventHandler<OrientationChangedEventArgs>(
                delegate(object o, OrientationChangedEventArgs args)
                    rotation = mCamera.Orientation;
                    if (args.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
                        rotation -= 90;
                    else if (args.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
                        rotation += 90;

                    mVideoBrush.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform()
                        CenterX = 0.5,
                        CenterY = 0.5,
                        Rotation = rotation

             * Stores an output format in fmm parameter.
             * @param _index int the index of the required format.
             * @param _fmt int the momory address at which to write the output format dimensions.
             * Note: the _index should be greater than 0 and smaller than the number of camera formats.
            ioctls.maCameraFormat = delegate(int _index, int _fmt)
                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_index, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.width,
                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.height,

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

            * Returns the number of different output formats supported by the current device's camera.
            * \< 0 if there is no camera support.
            * 0 if there is camera support, but the format is unknown.
            ioctls.maCameraFormatNumber = delegate()
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    // because the cammera is supported but not initialized, we return 0
                    return 0;

                IEnumerable<System.Windows.Size> res = mCamera.AvailableResolutions;
                if (res == null) return 0;
                IEnumerator<System.Windows.Size> resolutions = res.GetEnumerator();
                int number = 0;
                while (resolutions.Current != null)
                    if (resolutions.Current == new System.Windows.Size(0, 0))
                return number;

             * Starts the viewfinder and the camera
            ioctls.maCameraStart = delegate()

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>

                return 0;

             * stops the view finder and the camera.
            ioctls.maCameraStop = delegate()
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>

                return 0;

             * Adds a previewWidget to the camera controller in devices that support native UI.
            ioctls.maCameraSetPreview = delegate(int _widgetHandle)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we need to initialize it before
                // setting the preview
                if (!isCameraInitialized)

                IWidget w = runtime.GetModule<NativeUIModule>().GetWidget(_widgetHandle);
                if (w.GetType() != typeof(MoSync.NativeUI.CameraPreview))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;
                mCameraPrev = (NativeUI.CameraPreview)w;

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Returns the number of available Camera on the device.
            ioctls.maCameraNumber = delegate()
                if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) && PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary))
                    return 2;
                else if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) || PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary))
                    return 1;
                return 0;

             * Captures an image and stores it as a new data object in the
             * supplied placeholder.
             * @param _formatIndex int the required format.
             * @param _placeHolder int the placeholder used for storing the image.
            ioctls.maCameraSnapshot = delegate(int _formatIndex, int _placeHolder)
                AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_formatIndex, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                mCamera.Resolution = dim;

                if (mCameraSnapshotDelegate != null)
                    mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable -= mCameraSnapshotDelegate;
                mCameraSnapshotDelegate = delegate(object o, ContentReadyEventArgs args)
                    MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, _placeHolder);
                        Stream data = args.ImageStream;
                        MemoryStream dataMem = new MemoryStream((int)data.Length);
                        MoSync.Util.CopySeekableStreams(data, 0, dataMem, 0, (int)data.Length);

                mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable += mCameraSnapshotDelegate;


                return 0;

             * Sets the property represented by the string situated at the
             * _property address with the value situated at the _value address.
             * @param _property int the property name address
             * @param _value int the value address
             * Note: the fallowing properties are not available on windows phone
             *      MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM.
            ioctls.maCameraSetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;

                String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property);
                String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value);

                if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE))
                    if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_ON))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.On;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.On;
                    else if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_OFF))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
                    else if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_AUTO))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Auto;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.Auto;
                    else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE;

                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_IMAGE_FORMAT))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_ZOOM))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;

             * Selects a camera from the avalable ones;
             * in this eigther the back or the front camera is
             * chosen

            ioctls.maCameraSelect = delegate(int _camera)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                if ( MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_BACK_CAMERA == _camera)
                    if (mCamera.CameraType != CameraType.Primary)
                        mCameraType = CameraType.Primary;
                else if (MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_FRONT_CAMERA == _camera)
                    if (mCamera.CameraType != CameraType.FrontFacing)
                        mCameraType = CameraType.FrontFacing;
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Retrieves the specified property value in the given buffer.
             * @param _property int the address for the property string
             * @param _value int the address for the property value string (the buffer)
             * @param _bufSize int the buffer size
            ioctls.maCameraGetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value, int _bufSize)
                String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property);

                if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM))
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_ZOOM_SUPPORTED))
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_SUPPORTED))
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraRecord = delegate(int _stopStartFlag)
                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;
コード例 #7
        public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            PhoneApplicationFrame frame = (PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual;
            double screenWidth = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
            double screenHeight = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;
            if ((int)screenHeight == 0)
                throw new Exception("screenHeight");
            PhoneApplicationPage mainPage = (PhoneApplicationPage)frame.Content;
            mMainImage = new Image();

            mainPage.Width = screenWidth;
            mainPage.Height = screenHeight;
            mMainImage.Width = screenWidth;
            mMainImage.Height = screenHeight;
            mainPage.Content = mMainImage;

            mClipRect.X = 0.0;
            mClipRect.Y = 0.0;
            mClipRect.Width = screenWidth;
            mClipRect.Height = screenHeight;

            // no apparent effect on memory leaks.
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    mainPage.Content = null;

            mBackBuffer = new WriteableBitmap(
            mFrontBuffer = new WriteableBitmap(

            mMainImage.Source = mFrontBuffer;

            // clear front and backbuffer.
            for (int i = 0; i < mFrontBuffer.PixelWidth * mFrontBuffer.PixelHeight; i++)
                mBackBuffer.Pixels[i] = mBackBuffer.Pixels[i] = (int)(0xff<<24);

            mCurrentDrawTarget = mBackBuffer;

            mCurrentWindowsColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 16),
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 8),

            syscalls.maSetColor = delegate(int rgb)
                int oldColor = (int)mCurrentColor;
                mCurrentColor = 0xff000000 | (uint)(rgb & 0xffffff);
                mCurrentWindowsColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(0xff,
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 16),
                        (byte)(mCurrentColor >> 8),
                return oldColor & 0xffffff;

            syscalls.maSetClipRect = delegate(int x, int y, int w, int h)
                    x, y, w, h,
                    0, 0, mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth, mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelHeight,
                    out x, out y, out w, out h);

                mClipRect.X = x;
                mClipRect.Y = y;
                mClipRect.Width = w;
                mClipRect.Height = h;

            syscalls.maGetClipRect = delegate(int cliprect)
                Memory mem = core.GetDataMemory();
                mem.WriteInt32(cliprect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.left, (int)mClipRect.X);
                mem.WriteInt32(cliprect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.top, (int)mClipRect.Y);
                mem.WriteInt32(cliprect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.width, (int)mClipRect.Width);
                mem.WriteInt32(cliprect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.height, (int)mClipRect.Height);

            syscalls.maPlot = delegate(int x, int y)
                mCurrentDrawTarget.SetPixel(x, y, (int)mCurrentColor);

            syscalls.maUpdateScreen = delegate()
                //System.Array.Copy(mBackBuffer.Pixels, mFrontBuffer.Pixels, mFrontBuffer.PixelWidth * mFrontBuffer.PixelHeight);
                System.Buffer.BlockCopy(mBackBuffer.Pixels, 0, mFrontBuffer.Pixels, 0, mFrontBuffer.PixelWidth * mFrontBuffer.PixelHeight * 4);

            syscalls.maFillRect = delegate(int x, int y, int w, int h)
                // this function has a bug (it only fills one pixel less than the image.)
                //mCurrentDrawTarget.FillRectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, (int)mCurrentColor);

                    x, y, w, h,
                    0, 0, mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth, mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelHeight,
                    out x, out y, out w, out h);

                    x, y, w, h,
                    (int)mClipRect.X, (int)mClipRect.Y, (int)mClipRect.Width, (int)mClipRect.Height,
                    out x, out y, out w, out h);

                if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)

                int index = x + y * mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth;
                while(h-- != 0)
                    int width = w;
                    while(width-- != 0)
                        mCurrentDrawTarget.Pixels[index] = (int)mCurrentColor;
                    index += -w + mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth;

            syscalls.maLine = delegate(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
                GraphicsUtil.Point p1 = new GraphicsUtil.Point(x1, y1);
                GraphicsUtil.Point p2 = new GraphicsUtil.Point(x2, y2);
                if(!GraphicsUtil.ClipLine(p1, p2, (int)mClipRect.X, (int)(mClipRect.X+mClipRect.Width),
                    (int)mClipRect.Y, (int)(mClipRect.Y+mClipRect.Height)))

                mCurrentDrawTarget.DrawLine((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y, (int)mCurrentColor);

            textBlock.FontSize = mCurrentFontSize;

            syscalls.maDrawText = delegate(int left, int top, int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(str);
                if (text.Length == 0) return;
                DrawText(text, left, top);

            syscalls.maGetTextSize = delegate(int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(str);
                int textWidth = 0;
                int textHeight = 0;
                GetTextSize(text, out textWidth, out textHeight);
                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(textWidth, textHeight);

            syscalls.maDrawTextW = delegate(int left, int top, int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(str);
                if (text.Length == 0) return;

                DrawText(text, left, top);

            syscalls.maGetTextSizeW = delegate(int str)
                String text = core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(str);
                int textWidth = 0;
                int textHeight = 0;
                GetTextSize(text, out textWidth, out textHeight);
                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(textWidth, textHeight);

            syscalls.maFillTriangleFan = delegate(int points, int count)
                int[] newPoints = new int[count * 2 + 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    newPoints[i * 2 + 0] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.x);
                    newPoints[i * 2 + 1] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.y);
                newPoints[count * 2 + 0] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.x);
                newPoints[count * 2 + 1] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.y);
                mCurrentDrawTarget.FillPolygon(newPoints, (int)mCurrentColor);

            syscalls.maFillTriangleStrip = delegate(int points, int count)

                int[] xcoords = new int[count];
                int[] ycoords = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    xcoords[i] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.x);
                    ycoords[i] = core.GetDataMemory().ReadInt32(points + i * 8 + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.y);

                for (int i = 2; i < count; i++)
                        xcoords[i - 2], ycoords[i - 2],
                        xcoords[i - 1], ycoords[i - 1],
                        xcoords[i - 0], ycoords[i - 0],

            syscalls.maSetDrawTarget = delegate(int drawTarget)
                int oldDrawTarget = mCurrentDrawTargetIndex;
                if (drawTarget == mCurrentDrawTargetIndex) return oldDrawTarget;
                if (drawTarget == MoSync.Constants.HANDLE_SCREEN)
                    mCurrentDrawTarget = mBackBuffer;
                    mCurrentDrawTargetIndex = drawTarget;
                    return oldDrawTarget;

                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, drawTarget);
                mCurrentDrawTarget = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                mCurrentDrawTargetIndex = drawTarget;
                return oldDrawTarget;

            syscalls.maGetScrSize = delegate()
                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(mBackBuffer.PixelWidth, mBackBuffer.PixelHeight);

            syscalls.maGetImageSize = delegate(int handle)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, handle);
                BitmapSource src = (BitmapSource)res.GetInternalObject();
                if (src == null)
                    MoSync.Util.CriticalError("maGetImageSize used with an invalid image resource.");
                int w = 0, h = 0;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    w = src.PixelWidth;
                    h = src.PixelHeight;

                return MoSync.Util.CreateExtent(w, h);

            syscalls.maDrawImage = delegate(int image, int left, int top)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                Rect srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, src.PixelWidth, src.PixelHeight);
                Rect dstRect = new Rect(left, top, src.PixelWidth, src.PixelHeight);
                mCurrentDrawTarget.Blit(dstRect, src, srcRect, WriteableBitmapExtensions.BlendMode.Alpha);

            syscalls.maDrawImageRegion = delegate(int image, int srcRectPtr, int dstPointPtr, int transformMode)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();

                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + MoSync.Struct.MARect.left);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + MoSync.Struct.MARect.top);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + MoSync.Struct.MARect.width);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(srcRectPtr + MoSync.Struct.MARect.height);
                int dstPointX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(dstPointPtr + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.x);
                int dstPointY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(dstPointPtr + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.y);

                Rect srcRect = new Rect(srcRectX, srcRectY, srcRectW, srcRectH);
                Rect dstRect = new Rect(dstPointX, dstPointY, srcRectW, srcRectH);

                GraphicsUtil.DrawImageRegion(mCurrentDrawTarget, dstPointX, dstPointY, srcRect, src, transformMode, mClipRect);

            syscalls.maCreateDrawableImage = delegate(int placeholder, int width, int height)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, placeholder);
                WriteableBitmap bitmap = null;

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);

                    for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.PixelWidth * bitmap.PixelHeight; i++)
                        bitmap.Pixels[i] = (int)(0xff << 24);

                if (bitmap == null) return MoSync.Constants.RES_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;

            syscalls.maCreateImageRaw = delegate(int _placeholder, int _src, int _size, int _alpha)
                int width = MoSync.Util.ExtentX(_size);
                int height = MoSync.Util.ExtentY(_size);

                WriteableBitmap bitmap = null;
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);

                //core.GetDataMemory().ReadIntegers(bitmap.Pixels, _src, width * height);
                bitmap.FromByteArray(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _src, width * height * 4);
                if (_alpha == 0)
                    int[] pixels = bitmap.Pixels;
                    int numPixels = width * height;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
                        pixels[i] = (int)((uint)pixels[i] | 0xff000000);

                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, _placeholder);
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;

            syscalls.maDrawRGB = delegate(int _dstPoint, int _src, int _srcRect, int _scanlength)
                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int dstX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_dstPoint + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.x);
                int dstY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_dstPoint + MoSync.Struct.MAPoint2d.y);
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.left);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.top);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.width);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.height);
                int[] pixels = mCurrentDrawTarget.Pixels;
                // todo: clipRect

                _scanlength *= 4; // sizeof(int)

                for (int h = 0; h < srcRectH; h++)
                    int pixelIndex = dstY * mCurrentDrawTarget.PixelWidth + dstX;
                    int address = _src + (srcRectY + h) * _scanlength;
                    for (int w = 0; w < srcRectW; w++)
                        uint srcPixel = dataMemory.ReadUInt32(address);
                        uint dstPixel = (uint)pixels[pixelIndex];

                        uint srcPixelR = (srcPixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                        uint srcPixelG = (srcPixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                        uint srcPixelB = (srcPixel & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
                        uint srcPixelA = (srcPixel & 0xff000000) >> 24;
                        uint dstPixelR = (dstPixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
                        uint dstPixelG = (dstPixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
                        uint dstPixelB = (dstPixel & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
                        uint dstPixelA = (dstPixel & 0xff000000) >> 24;

                        dstPixelR += ((srcPixelR - dstPixelR) * srcPixelA) / 255;
                        dstPixelG += ((srcPixelG - dstPixelG) * srcPixelA) / 255;
                        dstPixelB += ((srcPixelB - dstPixelB) * srcPixelA) / 255;

                        dstPixel = (dstPixelA << 24) | (dstPixelR << 16) | (dstPixelG << 8) | (dstPixelB);
                        pixels[pixelIndex] = (int)dstPixel;

                        address += 4;


            syscalls.maGetImageData = delegate(int _image, int _dst, int _srcRect, int _scanlength)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, _image);
                WriteableBitmap src = (WriteableBitmap)res.GetInternalObject();
                Memory dataMemory = core.GetDataMemory();
                int srcRectX = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.left);
                int srcRectY = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.top);
                int srcRectW = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.width);
                int srcRectH = dataMemory.ReadInt32(_srcRect + MoSync.Struct.MARect.height);
                int lineDst = _dst;
                byte[] data = src.ToByteArray(srcRectY * src.PixelWidth,
                    srcRectH * src.PixelWidth); // BlockCopy?
                byte[] coreArray = dataMemory.GetData();
                for (int y = 0; y < srcRectH; y++)
                    System.Array.Copy(data, y * src.PixelWidth * 4, coreArray,
                        lineDst, src.PixelWidth * 4);
                    lineDst += _scanlength * 4;

            syscalls.maCreateImageFromData = delegate(int _placeholder, int _data, int _offset, int _size)
                Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data);
                if (res == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.RES_BAD_INPUT;
                Stream bin = (Stream)res.GetInternalObject();
                if (bin == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.RES_BAD_INPUT;
                BoundedStream s = new BoundedStream(bin, _offset, _size);
                WriteableBitmap bitmap = MoSync.Util.CreateWriteableBitmapFromStream(s);

                if (bitmap == null)
                    return MoSync.Constants.RES_BAD_INPUT;

                Resource imageRes = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, _placeholder);
                return MoSync.Constants.RES_OK;
コード例 #8
ファイル: MoSyncCameraModule.cs プロジェクト: milesm/MoSync
         * Initializing the ioctls.
        public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            mCamera = new PhotoCamera(mCameraType);
            mVideoBrush = new VideoBrush();

                if (null != mCamera)
                    mCamera = null;

            PhoneApplicationPage currentPage = (((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content as PhoneApplicationPage);

            // set the initial camera orientation in respect to the current page orientation
            // handle current page orientation and adjust the camera orientation accordingly

             * Stores an output format in fmm parameter.
             * @param _index int the index of the required format.
             * @param _fmt int the momory address at which to write the output format dimensions.
             * Note: the _index should be greater than 0 and smaller than the number of camera formats.
            ioctls.maCameraFormat = delegate(int _index, int _fmt)
                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_index, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.width,
                core.GetDataMemory().WriteInt32(_fmt + MoSync.Struct.MA_CAMERA_FORMAT.height,

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

            * Returns the number of different output formats supported by the current device's camera.
            * \< 0 if there is no camera support.
            * 0 if there is camera support, but the format is unknown.
            ioctls.maCameraFormatNumber = delegate()
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    // because the cammera is supported but not initialized, we return 0
                    return 0;

                IEnumerable<System.Windows.Size> res = mCamera.AvailableResolutions;
                if (res == null) return 0;
                IEnumerator<System.Windows.Size> resolutions = res.GetEnumerator();
                int number = 0;
                while (resolutions.Current != null)
                    if (resolutions.Current == new System.Windows.Size(0, 0))
                return number;

             * Starts the viewfinder and the camera
            ioctls.maCameraStart = delegate()

                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>

                return 0;

             * stops the view finder and the camera.
            ioctls.maCameraStop = delegate()
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>

                return 0;

             * Adds a previewWidget to the camera controller in devices that support native UI.
            ioctls.maCameraSetPreview = delegate(int _widgetHandle)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we need to initialize it before
                // setting the preview
                if (!isCameraInitialized)

                IWidget w = runtime.GetModule<NativeUIModule>().GetWidget(_widgetHandle);
                if (w.GetType() != typeof(MoSync.NativeUI.CameraPreview))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;
                mCameraPrev = (NativeUI.CameraPreview)w;

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Returns the number of available Camera on the device.
            ioctls.maCameraNumber = delegate()
                if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) && PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary))
                    return 2;
                else if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) || PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary))
                    return 1;
                return 0;

             * Captures an image and stores it as a new data object in the
             * supplied placeholder.
             * @param _formatIndex int the required format.
             * @param _placeHolder int the placeholder used for storing the image.
            ioctls.maCameraSnapshot = delegate(int _formatIndex, int _placeHolder)
                AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_formatIndex, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                mCamera.Resolution = dim;

                if (mCameraSnapshotDelegate != null)
                    mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable -= mCameraSnapshotDelegate;
                mCameraSnapshotDelegate = delegate(object o, ContentReadyEventArgs args)
                    MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_PLACEHOLDER, _placeHolder);

                        Stream data = null;
                            // as the camera always takes a snapshot in landscape left orientation,
                            // we need to rotate the resulting image 90 degrees for a current PortraitUp orientation
                            // and 180 degrees for a current LandscapeRight orientation
                            int rotateAngle = 0;
                            if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
                                rotateAngle = 90;

                            else if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
                                rotateAngle = 180;
                            // if the current page is in a LandscapeLeft orientation, the orientation angle will be 0
                            data = RotateImage(args.ImageStream, rotateAngle);
                            // the orientation angle was not a multiple of 90 - we keep the original image
                            data = args.ImageStream;
                        MemoryStream dataMem = new MemoryStream((int)data.Length);
                        MoSync.Util.CopySeekableStreams(data, 0, dataMem, 0, (int)data.Length);

                mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable += mCameraSnapshotDelegate;


                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Captures an image and stores it as a new data object in new
             * placeholder that is sent via #EVENT_TYPE_CAMERA_SNAPSHOT event.
             * @param _formatIndex int the required format index (size index).
            ioctls.maCameraSnapshotAsync = delegate(int _formatIndex)
                System.Windows.Size dim;
                if (GetCameraFormat(_formatIndex, out dim) == false)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                mCamera.Resolution = dim;

                if (mCameraSnapshotDelegate != null)
                    mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable -= mCameraSnapshotDelegate;

                mCameraSnapshotDelegate = delegate(object o, ContentReadyEventArgs args)
                    MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        Stream data = null;
                            // as the camera always takes a snapshot in landscape left orientation,
                            // we need to rotate the resulting image 90 degrees for a current PortraitUp orientation
                            // and 180 degrees for a current LandscapeRight orientation
                            int rotateAngle = 0;

                            if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
                                rotateAngle = 90;
                            else if (currentPage.Orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
                                rotateAngle = 180;
                            // if the current page is in a LandscapeLeft orientation, the orientation angle will be 0
                            data = RotateImage(args.ImageStream, rotateAngle);
                            // the orientation angle was not a multiple of 90 - we keep the original image
                            data = args.ImageStream;

                        MemoryStream dataMem = new MemoryStream((int)data.Length);
                        MoSync.Util.CopySeekableStreams(data, 0, dataMem, 0, (int)data.Length);

                        Memory eventData = new Memory(20);

                        const int MAEventData_eventType = 0;
                        const int MAEventData_snapshotImageDataHandle = 4;
                        const int MAEventData_snapshotFormatIndex = 8;
                        const int MAEventData_snapshotImageDataRepresentation = 12;
                        const int MAEventData_snapshotReturnCode = 16;

                        eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_CAMERA_SNAPSHOT);

                        // Create new place holder.
                        eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_snapshotImageDataHandle, runtime.AddResource(
                            new Resource(dataMem, MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, true)));
                        eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_snapshotFormatIndex, _formatIndex);
                        eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_snapshotImageDataRepresentation, MoSync.Constants.MA_IMAGE_REPRESENTATION_RAW);
                        eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_snapshotReturnCode, MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK);

                        runtime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData));

                mCamera.CaptureImageAvailable += mCameraSnapshotDelegate;
                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Sets the property represented by the string situated at the
             * _property address with the value situated at the _value address.
             * @param _property int the property name address
             * @param _value int the value address
             * Note: the fallowing properties are not available on windows phone
             *      MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM.
            ioctls.maCameraSetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;

                String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property);
                String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value);

                if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE))
                    if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_ON))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.On;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.On;
                    else if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_OFF))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.Off;
                    else if (value.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_AUTO))
                        mCamera.FlashMode = FlashMode.Auto;
                        mFlashMode = FlashMode.Auto;
                    else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE;

                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_IMAGE_FORMAT))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_ZOOM))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM))
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;

             * Selects a camera from the avalable ones;
             * in this eigther the back or the front camera is
             * chosen
            ioctls.maCameraSelect = delegate(int _camera)
                // if the camera is not initialized, we cannot access any of its properties
                if (!isCameraInitialized)
                    return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                if ( MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_BACK_CAMERA == _camera)
                    if (mCamera.CameraType != CameraType.Primary)
                        mCameraType = CameraType.Primary;
                else if (MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_CONST_FRONT_CAMERA == _camera)
                    if (mCamera.CameraType != CameraType.FrontFacing)
                        mCameraType = CameraType.FrontFacing;

                        MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;

                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_OK;

             * Retrieves the specified property value in the given buffer.
             * @param _property int the address for the property string
             * @param _value int the address for the property value string (the buffer)
             * @param _bufSize int the buffer size
            ioctls.maCameraGetProperty = delegate(int _property, int _value, int _bufSize)
                String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property);

                if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_MAX_ZOOM))
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_ZOOM_SUPPORTED))
                else if (property.Equals(MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_FLASH_SUPPORTED))
                else return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_PROPERTY_NOTSUPPORTED;
                return 0;

            ioctls.maCameraRecord = delegate(int _stopStartFlag)
                return MoSync.Constants.MA_CAMERA_RES_FAILED;