public void RunningJobsFlush() { RunningJobs runs = new RunningJobs(persistencPath); if (File.Exists(runs.PersistencePath)) { File.Delete(runs.PersistencePath); } runs.Add(new JobRun(1, new TestIdJob())); runs.Add(new JobRun(2, new TestIdJob())); runs.Flush(); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(runs.PersistencePath)); }
public void RunningJobsLoad() { RunningJobs runs = new RunningJobs(persistencPath); if (File.Exists(runs.PersistencePath)) { File.Delete(runs.PersistencePath); } runs.Add(new JobRun(1, new TestIdJob())); runs.Add(new JobRun(2, new TestIdJob())); runs.Flush(); runs = new RunningJobs(persistencPath); Assert.AreEqual(2, runs.Count); }
private void CreateRunningJob(JobInfo jobInfo) { if (jobInfo == null) { return; } Tracer.Info("Starting workers for a new job. PipelineId = {0}, JobId = {1}, JobTypeId = {2}", jobInfo.PipelineId, jobInfo.JobId, jobInfo.JobTypeId); RunningJob runningJob = new RunningJob(jobInfo); foreach (WorkRequest workRequest in jobInfo.WorkRequests) { workRequest.BootParameters = jobInfo.BootParameters; workRequest.JobParameters = jobInfo.JobParameters; WorkerCard workerCard = WorkersInventory.Instance.FindWorkerForRole(workRequest.RoleType); if (null == workerCard) { Tracer.Info("This worker manager does not have workers suitable for the role {0}", workRequest.RoleType); continue; } JobSection jobSection = new JobSection(workRequest, workerCard); runningJob.Sections.Add(jobSection); } RunningJobs.Add(runningJob); if (jobInfo.Command == Command.Run) { EmployWorkersForJob(runningJob); } }
public async Task UpdateRegistrationsAsync(ILogger log, string filePath) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(UpdateRegistrations))) { log.LogDebug($"'{nameof(UpdateRegistrations)}' is already running."); return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(UpdateRegistrations)); try { var userOrgs = _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <UserOrganisation>().Where(uo => uo.User.Status == UserStatuses.Active && uo.PINConfirmedDate != null) .OrderBy(uo => uo.Organisation.OrganisationName) .Include(uo => uo.Organisation.LatestScope) .Include(uo => uo.User) .ToList(); var records = userOrgs.Select( uo => new { uo.Organisation.OrganisationId, uo.Organisation.DUNSNumber, uo.Organisation.EmployerReference, uo.Organisation.OrganisationName, CompanyNo = uo.Organisation.CompanyNumber, Sector = uo.Organisation.SectorType, LatestReturn = uo.Organisation?.LatestReturn?.StatusDate, uo.Method, uo.Organisation.LatestScope?.ScopeStatus, ScopeDate = uo.Organisation.LatestScope?.ScopeStatusDate, uo.User.Fullname, uo.User.JobTitle, uo.User.EmailAddress, uo.User.ContactFirstName, uo.User.ContactLastName, uo.User.ContactJobTitle, uo.User.ContactEmailAddress, uo.User.ContactPhoneNumber, uo.User.ContactOrganisation, uo.PINSentDate, uo.PINConfirmedDate, uo.Created, Address = uo.Address?.GetAddressString() }) .ToList(); await Extensions.SaveCSVAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository, records, filePath); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(UpdateRegistrations)); } }
public async Task UpdateOrphanOrganisationsAsync(string filePath, ILogger log) { var funcName = nameof(UpdateOrphanOrganisationsAsync); // Ensure the UpdateUnregisteredOrganisations web job is not already running if (RunningJobs.Contains(funcName)) { log.LogDebug($"Skipped {funcName} because already running."); return; } try { // Flag the UpdateUnregisteredOrganisations web job as running RunningJobs.Add(funcName); // Cache the latest unregistered organisations var unregisteredOrganisations = await GetOrphanOrganisationsAsync(); var year = _snapshotDateHelper.GetSnapshotDate(SectorTypes.Private).Year; // Write yearly records to csv files await WriteRecordsForYearAsync( filePath, year, async() => { foreach (var model in unregisteredOrganisations) { // get organisation scope and submission per year var returnByYear = await _SubmissionBusinessLogic.GetLatestSubmissionBySnapshotYearAsync( model.OrganisationId, year); var scopeByYear = await _ScopeBusinessLogic.GetLatestScopeBySnapshotYearAsync(model.OrganisationId, year); // update file model with year data model.HasSubmitted = returnByYear == null ? "False" : "True"; model.ScopeStatus = scopeByYear?.ScopeStatus; } return(unregisteredOrganisations); }); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(funcName); } }
private async Task ReferenceEmployersAsync() { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(ReferenceEmployers))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(ReferenceEmployers)); try { await _OrganisationBusinessLogic.SetUniqueEmployerReferencesAsync(); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(ReferenceEmployers)); } }
public async Task UpdateUsersAsync(string filePath) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(UpdateUsers))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(UpdateUsers)); try { var users = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <User>().ToListAsync(); var records = users.Where(u => !_authorisationBusinessLogic.IsAdministrator(u)) .OrderBy(u => u.Lastname) .Select( u => new { u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.JobTitle, u.EmailAddress, u.ContactFirstName, u.ContactLastName, u.ContactJobTitle, u.ContactEmailAddress, u.ContactPhoneNumber, u.ContactOrganisation, u.EmailVerifySendDate, u.EmailVerifiedDate, VerifyUrl = u.GetVerifyUrl(), PasswordResetUrl = u.GetPasswordResetUrl(), u.Status, u.StatusDate, u.StatusDetails, u.Created }) .ToList(); await Extensions.SaveCSVAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository, records, filePath); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(UpdateUsers)); } }
public async Task UpdateOrganisationsAsync(string filePath) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(UpdateOrganisationsAsync))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(UpdateOrganisationsAsync)); try { await WriteRecordsPerYearAsync( filePath, _OrganisationBusinessLogic.GetOrganisationFileModelByYearAsync); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(UpdateOrganisationsAsync)); } }
public async Task UpdateScopesAsync(string filePath) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(UpdateScopes))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(UpdateScopes)); try { await WriteRecordsPerYearAsync( filePath, year => Task.FromResult(_ScopeBusinessLogic.GetScopesFileModelByYear(year).ToList())) .ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(UpdateScopes)); } }
private async Task UpdateOrganisationLateSubmissionsAsync(string filePath, ILogger log) { var callingMethodName = nameof(UpdateOrganisationLateSubmissions); if (RunningJobs.Contains(callingMethodName)) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(callingMethodName); try { var records = _SubmissionBusinessLogic.GetLateSubmissions(); await Extensions.SaveCSVAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository, records, filePath); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(callingMethodName); } }
public async Task UpdateUsersToSendInfoAsync(string filePath) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(UpdateUsersToSendInfo))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(UpdateUsersToSendInfo)); try { var users = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <User>().Where(user => user.Status == UserStatuses.Active && user.UserSettings.Any(us => us.Key == UserSettingKeys.SendUpdates && us.Value.ToLower() == "true")) .ToListAsync(); var records = users.Select( u => new { u.Firstname, u.Lastname, u.JobTitle, u.EmailAddress, u.ContactFirstName, u.ContactLastName, u.ContactJobTitle, u.ContactEmailAddress, u.ContactPhoneNumber, u.ContactOrganisation }) .ToList(); await Extensions.SaveCSVAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository, records, filePath); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(UpdateUsersToSendInfo)); } }
public async Task DnBImportAsync(ILogger log, long currentUserId) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(CompaniesHouseCheck)) || RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(DnBImportAsync))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(DnBImportAsync)); string userEmail = null; string error = null; var startTime = VirtualDateTime.Now; var totalChanges = 0; var totalInserts = 0; try { #region Load and Prechecks //Load the D&B records var dnbOrgsPaths = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.GetFilesAsync(_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.DataPath, Filenames.DnBOrganisations()); var dnbOrgsPath = dnbOrgsPaths.OrderByDescending(f => f).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dnbOrgsPath)) { return; } if (!await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.GetFileExistsAsync(dnbOrgsPath)) { throw new Exception("Could not find " + dnbOrgsPath); } var AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath); if (!AllDnBOrgs.Any()) { log.LogWarning($"No records found in '{dnbOrgsPath}'"); return; } AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList(); //Check for duplicate DUNS var count = AllDnBOrgs.Count() - AllDnBOrgs.Select(o => o.DUNSNumber).Distinct().Count(); if (count > 0) { throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate DUNS numbers detected"); } //Check for no addresses count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => !o.IsValidAddress()); if (count > 0) { throw new Exception( $"There are {count} organisations with no address detected (i.e., no AddressLine1, AddressLine2, PostalCode, and PoBox)."); } //Check for no organisation name count = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.OrganisationName)); if (count > 0) { throw new Exception($"There are {count} organisations with no OrganisationName detected."); } //Check for duplicate employer references var allEmployerReferenceCount = AllDnBOrgs.Count(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference)); var employerReferences = new SortedSet <string>( AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference)) .Select(o => o.EmployerReference).Distinct()); count = allEmployerReferenceCount - employerReferences.Count; if (count > 0) { throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate EmployerReferences detected"); } //Check companies have been updated count = AllDnBOrgs.Count( o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber) && o.DateOfCessation == null && (o.StatusCheckedDate == null || o.StatusCheckedDate.Value.AddMonths(1) < VirtualDateTime.Now)); if (count > 0) { throw new Exception( $"There are {count} active companies who have not been checked with companies house within the last month"); } //Fix Company Number Parallel.ForEach( AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber)), dnbOrg => { if (dnbOrg.CompanyNumber.IsNumber()) { dnbOrg.CompanyNumber = dnbOrg.CompanyNumber.PadLeft(8, '0'); } }); //Check for duplicate company numbers var companyNumbers = AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber)).Select(o => o.CompanyNumber); count = companyNumbers.Count() - companyNumbers.Distinct().Count(); if (count > 0) { throw new Exception($"There are {count} duplicate CompanyNumbers detected"); } //Get the current users email address var user = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <User>() .FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.UserId == currentUserId); userEmail = user?.EmailAddress; //Count records requiring import count = AllDnBOrgs.Count( o => !o.GetIsDissolved() && (o.ImportedDate == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.CompanyNumber) || o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate)); if (count == 0) { return; } var dbOrgs = _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToList(); #endregion //Set all existing org employer references await ReferenceEmployersAsync(); #region Set all existing org DUNS var dnbOrgs = AllDnBOrgs .Where(o => o.OrganisationId > 0 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.EmployerReference)) .ToList(); if (dnbOrgs.Count > 0) { foreach (var dnbOrg in dnbOrgs) { var org = dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrganisationId == dnbOrg.OrganisationId); if (org == null) { if (!_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.IsProduction()) { continue; } throw new Exception($"OrganisationId:{dnbOrg.OrganisationId} does not exist in database"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(org.DUNSNumber)) { continue; } org.DUNSNumber = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber; dnbOrg.OrganisationId = null; } await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); dbOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToListAsync(); await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.SaveCSVAsync(AllDnBOrgs, dnbOrgsPath); AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath); AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList(); } #endregion var allSicCodes = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <SicCode>().ToListAsync(); dnbOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => o.ImportedDate == null || o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate) .ToList(); while (dnbOrgs.Count > 0) { var allBadSicCodes = new ConcurrentBag <OrganisationSicCode>(); var c = 0; var dbChanges = 0; var dnbChanges = 0; foreach (var dnbOrg in dnbOrgs) { //Only do 100 records at a time if (c > 100) { break; } var dbChanged = false; var dbOrg = dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.DUNSNumber == dnbOrg.DUNSNumber); var dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.NameSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.NameSource; var orgName = new OrganisationName { Name = dnbOrg.OrganisationName.Left(100), Source = dataSource }; if (dbOrg == null) { dbOrg = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.CompanyNumber) ? null : dbOrgs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CompanyNumber == dnbOrg.CompanyNumber); if (dbOrg != null) { dbOrg.DUNSNumber = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber; } else { dbOrg = new Organisation { DUNSNumber = dnbOrg.DUNSNumber, EmployerReference = dnbOrg.EmployerReference, OrganisationName = orgName.Name, CompanyNumber = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.CompanyNumber) ? null : dnbOrg.CompanyNumber, SectorType = dnbOrg.SectorType, DateOfCessation = dnbOrg.DateOfCessation }; dbOrg.OrganisationNames.Add(orgName); //Create a presumed in-scope for current year var newScope = new OrganisationScope { Organisation = dbOrg, ScopeStatus = ScopeStatuses.PresumedInScope, ScopeStatusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now, Status = ScopeRowStatuses.Active, SnapshotDate = _snapshotDateHelper.GetSnapshotDate(dbOrg.SectorType) }; _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.Insert(newScope); dbOrg.OrganisationScopes.Add(newScope); //Create a presumed out-of-scope for previous year var oldScope = new OrganisationScope { Organisation = dbOrg, ScopeStatus = ScopeStatuses.PresumedOutOfScope, ScopeStatusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now, Status = ScopeRowStatuses.Active, SnapshotDate = newScope.SnapshotDate.AddYears(-1) }; _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.Insert(oldScope); dbOrg.OrganisationScopes.Add(oldScope); dbOrg.SetStatus(OrganisationStatuses.Active, currentUserId, "Imported from D&B"); } } //Skip dissolved companies else if (_OrganisationBusinessLogic.GetOrganisationWasDissolvedBeforeCurrentAccountingYear(dbOrg)) { dnbOrg.ImportedDate = VirtualDateTime.Now; dnbChanges++; continue; } else if (dbOrg.OrganisationName != orgName.Name) { var oldOrgName = dbOrg.GetLatestName(); if (oldOrgName == null || _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(orgName.Source, oldOrgName.Source)) { dbOrg.OrganisationName = orgName.Name; dbOrg.OrganisationNames.Add(orgName); dbChanged = true; } } //Ensure D&B gas an organisationID if (dnbOrg.OrganisationId == null || dnbOrg.OrganisationId.Value == 0) { dnbOrg.OrganisationId = dbOrg.OrganisationId; dnbChanges++; } //Add the cessation date if (dbOrg.DateOfCessation == null && dbOrg.DateOfCessation != dnbOrg.DateOfCessation) { dbOrg.DateOfCessation = dnbOrg.DateOfCessation; dbChanged = true; } //Set the employer reference if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbOrg.EmployerReference)) { string employerReference; do { employerReference = _OrganisationBusinessLogic.GenerateEmployerReference(); } while (employerReferences.Contains(employerReference)); dbOrg.EmployerReference = employerReference; employerReferences.Add(employerReference); dbChanged = true; } if (dnbOrg.EmployerReference != dbOrg.EmployerReference) { dnbOrg.EmployerReference = dbOrg.EmployerReference; dnbChanges++; } //Add the new address var fullAddress = dnbOrg.GetAddress(); var newAddress = dbOrg.LatestAddress; //add the address if there isnt one dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.AddressSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.AddressSource; if (newAddress == null || !newAddress.GetAddressString().EqualsI(fullAddress) && _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(dataSource, newAddress.Source)) { var statusDate = VirtualDateTime.Now; newAddress = new OrganisationAddress(); newAddress.Organisation = dbOrg; newAddress.CreatedByUserId = currentUserId; newAddress.Address1 = dnbOrg.AddressLine1; newAddress.Address2 = dnbOrg.AddressLine2; newAddress.Address3 = dnbOrg.AddressLine3; newAddress.County = dnbOrg.County; newAddress.Country = dnbOrg.Country; newAddress.TownCity = dnbOrg.City; newAddress.PostCode = dnbOrg.PostalCode; newAddress.PoBox = dnbOrg.PoBox; newAddress.Source = dataSource; newAddress.SetStatus(AddressStatuses.Active, currentUserId, "Imported from D&B"); if (dbOrg.LatestAddress != null) { dbOrg.LatestAddress.SetStatus(AddressStatuses.Retired, currentUserId, $"Replaced by {newAddress.Source}"); } } //Update the sic codes var newCodeIds = dnbOrg.GetSicCodesIds(); var newCodesList = dnbOrg.GetSicCodesIds().ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < newCodesList.Count; i++) { var code = newCodesList[i]; if (code <= 0) { continue; } var sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault(sic => sic.SicCodeId == code); if (sicCode != null) { continue; } sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault( sic => sic.SicCodeId == code * 10 && sic.Description.EqualsI(dnbOrg.SicDescription)); if (sicCode != null) { newCodesList[i] = sicCode.SicCodeId; } } newCodeIds = new SortedSet <int>(newCodesList); var newCodes = new List <OrganisationSicCode>(); var oldCodes = dbOrg.GetLatestSicCodes().ToList(); var oldSicSource = dbOrg.GetLatestSicSource(); var oldCodeIds = oldCodes.Select(s => s.SicCodeId); if (dbOrg.SectorType == SectorTypes.Public) { newCodeIds.Add(1); } if (!_SharedBusinessLogic.SharedOptions.IsProduction()) { Debug.WriteLine( $"OLD:{oldCodes.Select(s => s.SicCodeId).ToDelimitedString()} NEW:{newCodeIds.ToDelimitedString()}"); } dataSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dnbOrg.SicSource) ? "D&B" : dnbOrg.SicSource; if (!newCodeIds.SetEquals(oldCodeIds) && _SharedBusinessLogic.SourceComparer.CanReplace(dataSource, oldSicSource)) { foreach (var code in newCodeIds) { if (code <= 0) { continue; } var sicCode = allSicCodes.FirstOrDefault(sic => sic.SicCodeId == code); var newSic = new OrganisationSicCode { Organisation = dbOrg, SicCodeId = code, Source = dataSource }; if (sicCode == null) { allBadSicCodes.Add(newSic); continue; } newCodes.Add(newSic); } if (newCodes.Any()) { //Add new codes only foreach (var newSic in newCodes) { dbOrg.OrganisationSicCodes.Add(newSic); dbChanged = true; } //Retire the old codes foreach (var oldSic in oldCodes) { oldSic.Retired = VirtualDateTime.Now; dbChanged = true; } } } await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.BeginTransactionAsync( async() => { try { //Save the name, Sic, EmployerReference, DateOfCessasion changes if (dbChanged) { await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); } //Save the changes dnbOrg.ImportedDate = VirtualDateTime.Now; dnbChanges++; var insert = false; if (dbOrg.OrganisationId == 0) { _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.Insert(dbOrg); await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); dbChanged = true; insert = true; } if (newAddress != null && newAddress.AddressId == 0) { dbOrg.OrganisationAddresses.Add(newAddress); dbOrg.LatestAddress = newAddress; await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); dbChanged = true; } if (dbChanged) { dbChanges++; _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.CommitTransaction(); totalChanges++; if (insert) { totalInserts++; } //Add or remove this organisation to/from the search index await SearchBusinessLogic.UpdateSearchIndexAsync(dbOrg); } } catch { _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.RollbackTransaction(); } }); c++; } //Reload all the changes if (dbChanges > 0) { dbOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToListAsync(); } //Save the D&B records if (dnbChanges > 0) { await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.SaveCSVAsync(AllDnBOrgs, dnbOrgsPath); AllDnBOrgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.FileRepository.ReadCSVAsync <DnBOrgsModel>(dnbOrgsPath); AllDnBOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName).ToList(); dnbOrgs = AllDnBOrgs.Where(o => o.ImportedDate == null || o.ImportedDate < o.StatusCheckedDate) .ToList(); } //Save the bad sic codes if (allBadSicCodes.Count > 0) { //Create the logging tasks var badSicLoggingtasks = new List <Task>(); allBadSicCodes.ForEach( bsc => badSicLoggingtasks.Add( _BadSicLog.WriteAsync( new BadSicLogModel { OrganisationId = bsc.Organisation.OrganisationId, OrganisationName = bsc.Organisation.OrganisationName, SicCode = bsc.SicCodeId, Source = bsc.Source }))); //Wait for all the logging tasks to complete await Task.WhenAll(badSicLoggingtasks); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; throw; } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail)) { var endTime = VirtualDateTime.Now; var duration = endTime - startTime; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error)) { await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync( "D&B Import Failed", userEmail, $"The D&B import failed at {endTime} after {duration.ToFriendly()}.\nChanged {totalChanges} organisations including {totalInserts} new.\n\nERROR:{error}"); } else if (totalChanges == 0) { await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync( "D&B Import Complete", userEmail, "The D&B import process completed successfully with no records requiring import."); } else { await _Messenger.SendMessageAsync( "D&B Import Complete", userEmail, $"The D&B import process completed successfully at {endTime} after {duration.ToFriendly()}.\nChanged {totalChanges} organisations including {totalInserts} new."); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(ex, ex.Message); } } RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(DnBImportAsync)); } }
private async Task FixOrganisationsNamesAsync(ILogger log, string userEmail, string comment) { if (RunningJobs.Contains(nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync))) { return; } RunningJobs.Add(nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync)); try { var orgs = await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.GetAll <Organisation>().ToListAsync(); var count = 0; var i = 0; foreach (var org in orgs) { i++; var names = org.OrganisationNames.OrderBy(n => n.Created).ToList(); var changed = false; ; while (names.Count > 1 && names[1].Name .EqualsI(names[0].Name.Replace(" LTD.", " LIMITED").Replace(" Ltd", " Limited"))) { await _ManualChangeLog.WriteAsync( new ManualChangeLogModel( nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync), ManualActions.Delete, userEmail, nameof(Organisation.EmployerReference), org.EmployerReference, null, JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { names[0].Name, names[0].Source, names[0].Created, names[0].OrganisationId }), null, comment)); names[1].Created = names[0].Created; _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.Delete(names[0]); names.RemoveAt(0); changed = true; } ; if (names.Count > 0) { var newValue = names[names.Count - 1].Name; if (org.OrganisationName != newValue) { org.OrganisationName = newValue; await _ManualChangeLog.WriteAsync( new ManualChangeLogModel( nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync), ManualActions.Update, userEmail, nameof(Organisation.EmployerReference), org.EmployerReference, nameof(org.OrganisationName), org.OrganisationName, newValue, comment)); changed = true; } } if (changed) { count++; await _SharedBusinessLogic.DataRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); } } log.LogDebug($"Executed {nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync)} successfully and deleted {count} names"); } finally { RunningJobs.Remove(nameof(FixOrganisationsNamesAsync)); } }