コード例 #1
        // this will send either Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to runner.listener
        // Ctrl-C will be used for OnStop()
        // Ctrl-Break will be used for OnShutdown()
        private void SendCtrlSignalToRunnerListener(uint signal)
                if (RunnerListener != null && !RunnerListener.HasExited)
                    // Try to let the runner process know that we are stopping
                    //Attach service process to console of Runner.Listener process. This is needed,
                    //because windows service doesn't use its own console.
                    if (AttachConsole((uint)RunnerListener.Id))
                        //Prevent main service process from stopping because of Ctrl + C event with SetConsoleCtrlHandler
                        SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, true);
                            //Generate console event for current console with GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (processGroupId should be zero)
                            GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(signal, 0);
                            //Wait for the process to finish (give it up to 30 seconds)
                            //Disconnect from console and restore Ctrl+C handling by main process
                            SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, false);

                    // if runner is still running, kill it
                    if (!RunnerListener.HasExited)
            catch (Exception exception)
                // InvalidOperationException is thrown when there is no process associated to the process object.
                // There is no process to kill, Log the exception and shutdown the service.
                // If we don't handle this here, the service get into a state where it can neither be stoped nor restarted (Error 1061)