public void BuildAusfarmRuntimeEnvironment() { string binDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); string runtimeDirectory = Path.Combine(binDirectory, "AusFarm-1.4.12"); // Remove old runtime directory if it exists. if (Directory.Exists(runtimeDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(runtimeDirectory, true); } // Build the new runtime environment. Farm4Prophet f4p = GetDefaultF4PSimulationSpec(); RuntimeEnvironment environment = new RuntimeEnvironment { AusfarmRevision = "AusFarm-1.4.12", }; RunF4PJob job = new RunF4PJob(f4p, environment); // Make sure it is built correctly. Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(runtimeDirectory)); string ausfarmExe = Path.Combine(runtimeDirectory, "Ausfarm", "ausfarm.exe"); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(ausfarmExe)); // Remove newly created runtime directory Directory.Delete(runtimeDirectory, true); }
public void RunAusfarmGetOutputs() { RuntimeEnvironment environment = new RuntimeEnvironment { AusfarmRevision = "AusFarm-1.4.12", }; RunF4PJob job = new RunF4PJob(GetDefaultF4PSimulationSpec(), environment); IJobRunner runner = new JobRunnerAsync(); runner.Run(job, wait: true); // Make sure we don't have an error. Assert.AreEqual(job.Errors.Count, 0); // Make sure we have a daily output table. //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables.Count, 3); //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables[0].TableName, "Summary"); // //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables[1].TableName, "YieldProphetDaily"); //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables[1].Rows.Count, 92); //double[] biomass = DataTableUtilities.GetColumnAsDoubles(job.Outputs.Tables[1], "biomass"); //Assert.IsTrue(MathUtilities.Max(biomass) > 20.0); // make sure something is growing. // //// Make sure we have a depth table. //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables[2].TableName, "YieldProphetDepth"); //Assert.AreEqual(job.Outputs.Tables[2].Rows.Count, 8); //double[] sw = DataTableUtilities.GetColumnAsDoubles(job.Outputs.Tables[2], "sw"); //Assert.IsTrue(MathUtilities.Max(sw) > 0.0); // make sure there are sw values }
/// <summary> /// Get the next job from the server. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private IJobManager GetJobFromServer() { IJobManager nextJob = null; while (nextJob == null && !cancel) { using (JobsService.JobsClient jobsClient = new JobsService.JobsClient()) { JobsService.Job runningJobDescription = jobsClient.GetNextToRun(); if (runningJobDescription != null) { nameOfCurrentJob = runningJobDescription.Name; string jobXML = jobsClient.GetJobXML(nameOfCurrentJob); if (IsF4PJob(runningJobDescription.Name) == true) { RuntimeEnvironment environment = new RuntimeEnvironment { AusfarmRevision = appSettings["AusfarmRevision"], }; nextJob = new RunF4PJob(jobXML, environment); } else { RuntimeEnvironment environment = new RuntimeEnvironment { APSIMRevision = appSettings["APSIMRevision"], RuntimePackage = appSettings["RuntimePackage"], }; nextJob = new RunYPJob(jobXML, environment); if ((nextJob as RunYPJob).Errors.Count > 0) { UpdateServerForCompletedJob(nextJob); nextJob = null; } } } else { // No jobs to run so wait a bit. Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); // 5 sec. } } } return(nextJob); }
/// <summary> /// The current job has completed - update server. /// </summary> /// <param name="jobManager"></param> private void UpdateServerForCompletedJob(IJobManager runningJob) { string errorMessage = null; try { string pwdFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "ftpuserpwd.txt"); if (!File.Exists(pwdFile)) { throw new Exception("Cannot find file: " + pwdFile); } string[] usernamepwd = File.ReadAllText(pwdFile).Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string zipFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); DataSet outputs; using (var s = File.Create(zipFileName)) { if (runningJob is RunYPJob) { if ((runningJob as RunYPJob).AllFilesZipped != null) { (runningJob as RunYPJob).AllFilesZipped.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); (runningJob as RunYPJob).AllFilesZipped.CopyTo(s); } outputs = (runningJob as RunYPJob).Outputs; foreach (string err in (runningJob as RunYPJob).Errors) { errorMessage += err; } } else { if ((runningJob as RunYPJob).AllFilesZipped != null) { (runningJob as RunF4PJob).AllFilesZipped.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); (runningJob as RunF4PJob).AllFilesZipped.CopyTo(s); } outputs = (runningJob as RunF4PJob).Outputs; foreach (string err in (runningJob as RunF4PJob).Errors) { errorMessage += err; } } } string archiveLocation = appSettings["ArchiveFolder"]; if (archiveLocation.StartsWith("ftp://")) { FTPClient.Upload(zipFileName, archiveLocation + "/" + nameOfCurrentJob + ".zip", usernamepwd[0], usernamepwd[1]); } else { File.Copy(zipFileName, archiveLocation); } File.Delete(zipFileName); if (appSettings["CallStoreReport"] == "true") { if (runningJob is RunYPJob) { // YieldProphet - StoreReport // validation runs have a report name of the year e.g. 2015. // Don't need to call StoreReport for them. using (YPReporting.ReportingClient ypClient = new YPReporting.ReportingClient()) { try { ypClient.StoreReport(nameOfCurrentJob, outputs); } catch (Exception err) { throw new Exception("Cannot call YP StoreReport web service method: " + err.Message); } } } else if (runningJob is RunF4PJob) { RunF4PJob f4pJob = runningJob as RunF4PJob; DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); foreach (DataTable table in f4pJob.Outputs.Tables) { // Don't send the cropping daily and monthly files if (table.TableName.EndsWith("_daily.txt") == false && table.TableName.EndsWith("_monthly.txt") == false) { dataSet.Tables.Add(table); } } // Call Farm4Prophet web service. using (F4P.F4PClient f4pClient = new F4P.F4PClient()) { try { f4pClient.StoreReport(nameOfCurrentJob, dataSet); } catch (Exception err) { throw new Exception("Cannot call F4P StoreReport web service method: " + err.Message); } } } } } catch (Exception err) { errorMessage = err.ToString(); } using (JobsService.JobsClient jobsClient = new JobsService.JobsClient()) { if (errorMessage != null) { errorMessage = errorMessage.Replace("'", ""); } jobsClient.SetCompleted(nameOfCurrentJob, errorMessage); } }
/// <summary>Runs the job (.xml file) specified on the command line.</summary> /// <returns>True if something was run.</returns> private static bool RunJobFromCommandLine(Dictionary <string, string> appSettings) { if (appSettings.ContainsKey("FileName")) { string jobFileName = appSettings["FileName"]; if (File.Exists(jobFileName)) { var ypEnvironment = new APSIM.Cloud.Shared.RuntimeEnvironment { APSIMRevision = appSettings["APSIMRevision"], RuntimePackage = appSettings["RuntimePackage"], }; if (appSettings.ContainsKey("UpdateFile")) { YieldProphetOld.UpdateFile(jobFileName); return(true); } else if (appSettings.ContainsKey("ConvertToAPSIM")) { string jobXML = File.ReadAllText(jobFileName); RunYPJob job = new RunYPJob(jobXML, ypEnvironment, createSims: false); AllocConsole(); Console.WriteLine(job.WorkingDirectory); Console.WriteLine(); if (job.Errors != null) { string msg = null; foreach (string error in job.Errors) { msg += error + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } return(true); } else { appSettings.TryGetValue("APSIMXExecutable", out string executable); string jobXML = File.ReadAllText(jobFileName); string jobName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(jobFileName); IYPJob job = null; if (jobXML.Contains("Farm4Prophet")) { var environment = new APSIM.Cloud.Shared.RuntimeEnvironment { AusfarmRevision = appSettings["AusfarmRevision"], }; job = new RunF4PJob(jobXML, environment); } else { job = new RunYPJob(jobXML, ypEnvironment) { ApsimXExecutable = executable }; } if (job.Errors == null || job.Errors.Count == 0) { IJobRunner runner = new JobRunnerAsync(); runner.Run(job as IJobManager, wait: true); } if (job.AllFilesZipped != null) { string destZipFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(jobFileName, ""); using (Stream s = File.Create(destZipFileName)) { job.AllFilesZipped.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); job.AllFilesZipped.CopyTo(s); } } if (job.Errors != null && job.Errors.Count > 0) { string msg = string.Empty; foreach (string error in job.Errors) { msg += error + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } return(true); } } } return(false); }