/// <summary> /// Constructs a new RtfDestinationDocument using /// the parameters to initialize the object. /// </summary> public RtfDestinationDocument(RtfParser parser) : base(parser) { _rtfDoc = parser.GetRtfDocument(); _doc = parser.GetDocument(); _conversionType = parser.GetConversionType(); SetToDefaults(); if (RtfParser.IsConvert()) { RtfParser.GetState().Properties.AddRtfPropertyListener(this); } }
private void writeText(string value) { if (RtfParser.GetState().NewGroup) { RtfParser.GetRtfDocument().Add(new RtfDirectContent("{")); RtfParser.GetState().NewGroup = false; } if (value.Length > 0) { RtfParser.GetRtfDocument().Add(new RtfDirectContent(value)); } }
public override void SetParser(RtfParser parser) { RtfParser = parser; _rtfDoc = parser.GetRtfDocument(); _doc = parser.GetDocument(); _conversionType = parser.GetConversionType(); SetToDefaults(); if (RtfParser.IsConvert()) { RtfParser.GetState().Properties.AddRtfPropertyListener(this); } }
/// <summary> /// (non-Javadoc) /// @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.properties.RtfPropertyListener#beforeChange(java.lang.String) /// </summary> public void BeforePropertyChange(string propertyName) { // do we have any text to do anything with? // if not, then just return without action. if (_buffer.Length == 0) return; if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.CHARACTER)) { // this is a character change, // add a new chunck to the current paragraph using current character settings. Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); chunk.Append(_buffer.ToString()); _buffer = new StringBuilder(255); Hashtable charProperties = RtfParser.GetState().Properties.GetProperties(RtfProperty.CHARACTER); string defFont = (string)charProperties[RtfProperty.CHARACTER_FONT]; if (defFont == null) defFont = "0"; RtfDestinationFontTable fontTable = (RtfDestinationFontTable)RtfParser.GetDestination("fonttbl"); Font currFont = fontTable.GetFont(defFont); int fs = Font.NORMAL; if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_BOLD)) fs |= Font.BOLD; if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_ITALIC)) fs |= Font.ITALIC; if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_UNDERLINE)) fs |= Font.UNDERLINE; Font useFont = FontFactory.GetFont(currFont.Familyname, 12, fs, new BaseColor(0, 0, 0)); chunk.Font = useFont; if (_iTextParagraph == null) _iTextParagraph = new Paragraph(); _iTextParagraph.Add(chunk); } else { if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.PARAGRAPH)) { // this is a paragraph change. what do we do? } else { if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.SECTION)) { } else { if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.DOCUMENT)) { } } } } }
/// <summary> /// (non-Javadoc) /// @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.direct.RtfDestination#closeDestination() /// </summary> public override bool CloseDestination() { if (RtfParser.IsImport()) { if (_buffer.Length > 0) { writeBuffer(); } } RtfParser.GetState().Properties.RemoveRtfPropertyListener(this); return true; }
public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData) { bool result = false; OnCtrlWord(ctrlWordData); // event handler if (RtfParser.IsImport()) { // map font information if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("f")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapFontNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } // map color information //colors if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cb")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cf")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } //cells if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpatraw")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpatraw")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } //table rows if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } //paragraph border if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrcf")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } // map lists if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ls")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapListNr(ctrlWordData.Param); } } if (RtfParser.IsConvert()) { if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("par")) { addParagraphToDocument(); } // Set Font if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("f")) { } // color information //colors if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cb")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cf")) { } //cells if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpatraw")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpatraw")) { } //table rows if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) { } //paragraph border if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrcf")) { } /* TABLES */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trowd")) /*Beginning of row*/ { _tableLevel++; } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cell")) /*End of Cell Denotes the end of a table cell*/ { // String ctl = ctrlWordData.ctrlWord; // System.out.Print("cell found"); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("row")) /*End of row*/ { _tableLevel++; } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("lastrow")) /*Last row of the table*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("row")) /*End of row*/ { _tableLevel++; } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("irow")) /*param is the row index of this row.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("irowband")) /*param is the row index of the row, adjusted to account for header rows. A header row has a value of -1.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tcelld")) /*Sets table cell defaults*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nestcell")) /*Denotes the end of a nested cell.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nestrow")) /*Denotes the end of a nested row*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nesttableprops")) /*Defines the properties of a nested table. This is a destination control word*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nonesttables")) /*Contains text for readers that do not understand nested tables. This destination should be ignored by readers that support nested tables.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trgaph")) /*Half the space between the cells of a table row in twips.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cellx")) /*param Defines the right boundary of a table cell, including its half of the space between cells.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmgf")) /*The first cell in a range of table cells to be merged.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrg")) /*Contents of the table cell are merged with those of the preceding cell*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clvmgf")) /*The first cell in a range of table cells to be vertically merged.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clvmrg")) /*Contents of the table cell are vertically merged with those of the preceding cell*/ { } /* TABLE: table row revision tracking */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trauth")) /*With revision tracking enabled, this control word identifies the author of changes to a table row's properties. N refers to a value in the revision table*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trdate")) /*With revision tracking enabled, this control word identifies the date of a revision*/ { } /* TABLE: Autoformatting flags */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkborder")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format borders*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkshading")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect shading.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkfont")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect font*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkcolor")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect color*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkbestfit")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to apply best fit*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkhdrrows")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the first (header) row*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllklastrow")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the last row.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkhdrcols")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the first (header) column*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllklastcol")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the last column*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllknorowband")) /*Specifies row banding conditional formatting shall not be applied*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllknocolband")) /*Specifies column banding conditional formatting shall not be applied.*/ { } /* TABLE: Row Formatting */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("taprtl")) /*Table direction is right to left*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trautofit")) /*param = AutoFit: 0 No AutoFit (default). 1 AutoFit is on for the row. Overridden by \clwWidthN and \trwWidthN in any table row. */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trhdr")) /*Table row header. This row should appear at the top of every page on which the current table appears*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trkeep")) /*Keep table row together. This row cannot be split by a page break. This property is assumed to be off unless the control word is present*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trkeepfollow")) /*Keep row in the same page as the following row.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trleft")) /*Position in twips of the leftmost edge of the table with respect to the left edge of its column.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trqc")) /*Centers a table row with respect to its containing column.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trql")) /*Left-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trqr")) /*Right-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trrh")) /*Height of a table row in twips. When 0, the height is sufficient for all the text in the line; when positive, the height is guaranteed to be at least the specified height; when negative, the absolute value of the height is used, regardless of the height of the text in the line*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddft")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdft")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidthB")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthB")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthB")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidthA")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthA")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tblind")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tblindtype")) /* */ { } /*TABLE: Row shading and Background Colors*/ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpat")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trshdng")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgbdiag")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgcross")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdcross")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkbdiag")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkcross")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkdcross")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkfdiag")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkhor")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkvert")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgfdiag")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbghoriz")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgvert")) /* */ { } /* TABLE: Cell Formatting*/ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clFitText")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clNoWrap")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadft")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clwWidth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clftsWidth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clhidemark")) /* */ { } /* TABLE: Compared Table Cells */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clins")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldel")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgd")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgdr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clsplit")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clsplitr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clinsauth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clinsdttm")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldelauth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldeldttm")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgdauth")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgddttm")) /* */ { } /*TABLE: Position Wrapped Tables (The following properties must be the same for all rows in the table.)*/ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtLeft")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtRight")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtTop")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtBottom")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tabsnoovrlp")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphcol")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphmrg")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphpg")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposnegx")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposnegy")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposx")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxc")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxi")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxo")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposy")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyc")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyil")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyin")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyout")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvmrg")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvpara")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvpg")) /* */ { } /* TABLE: Bidirectional Controls */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("rtlrow")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ltrrow")) /* */ { } /* TABLE: Row Borders */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrh")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrv")) /* */ { } /* TABLE: Cell Borders */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrnil")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrb")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrt")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrl")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrr")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldglu")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldgll")) /* */ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("")) /* */ { } } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.TOGGLE) { RtfParser.GetState().Properties.ToggleProperty(ctrlWordData);//ctrlWordData.specialHandler); } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.FLAG || ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.VALUE) { RtfParser.GetState().Properties.SetProperty(ctrlWordData);//ctrlWordData.specialHandler, ctrlWordData.param); } switch (_conversionType) { case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL: if (!_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord)) { writeBuffer(); writeText(ctrlWordData.ToString()); } result = true; break; case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT: if (!_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord)) { writeBuffer(); writeText(ctrlWordData.ToString()); } result = true; break; case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT: if (_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord) == false) { } result = true; break; default: // error because is should be an import or convert result = false; break; } return result; }
public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData) { var result = true; OnCtrlWord(ctrlWordData); // event handler if (RtfParser.IsImport()) { // information if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("s")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cs")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ds")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ts")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsrowd")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("keycode")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("shift")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ctrl")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("alt")) { } //cells if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fn")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("additive")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("sbasedon")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("snext")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("sautoupd")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("shidden")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("slink")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("slocked")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("spersonal")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("scompose")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("sreply")) { } /* FORMATTING */ // brdrdef/parfmt/apoctl/tabdef/shading/chrfmt if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("styrsid")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ssemihidden")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("sqformat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("spriority")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("sunhideused")) { } /* TABLE STYLES */ if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellwidth")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellwidthfts")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddt")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddl")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddr")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddb")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddft"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfl"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfr"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfb"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/ { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsvertalt")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsvertalc")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsvertalb")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsnowrap")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellcfpat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscellcbpat")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgbdiag")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgfdiag")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgcross")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgdcross")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkcross ")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkdcross")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbghoriz")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgvert")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkhor")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkvert")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrt")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrb")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrl")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrr")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrh")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrv")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrdgl")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrdgr")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscbandsh")) { } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tscbandsv")) { } } if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.FLAG || ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.TOGGLE || ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.VALUE) { RtfParser.GetState().Properties.SetProperty(ctrlWordData); } switch (RtfParser.GetConversionType()) { case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL: result = true; break; case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT: result = true; break; case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT: result = true; break; default: // error because is should be an import or convert result = false; break; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// The primary control word handler method. /// Called by the parser once it has a control word and parameter if applicable. /// The control word and associated parameter if applicable. /// true or false if the control word was handled. /// @since 2.0.8 /// </summary> /// <param name="ctrlWordDataIn"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool HandleControlword(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordDataIn) { bool result = false; CtrlWordData = ctrlWordDataIn; RtfDestination dest = null; bool handled = false; CtrlWordData.Prefix = CtrlWordPrefix; CtrlWordData.Suffix = CtrlWordSuffix; CtrlWordData.NewGroup = RtfParser.GetState().NewGroup; CtrlWordData.CtrlWordType = CtrlWordType; CtrlWordData.SpecialHandler = SpecialHandler; if (!CtrlWordData.HasParam && PassDefaultParameterValue) { CtrlWordData.HasParam = true; CtrlWordData.Param = DefaultParameterValue.ToString(); } if (_debug) { printDebug("handleKeyword: [" + CtrlWordData.CtrlWord + "] param=" + ctrlWordDataIn.Param); RtfParser.OutputDebug(RtfParser.GetRtfDocument(), RtfParser.GetLevel() + 1, "RtfCtrlWordHandler debug Start: " + CtrlWordData.CtrlWord + " "); } if (CtrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("*")) { return(true); } if (!BeforeControlWord()) { return(true); } switch (CtrlWordType) { case RtfCtrlWordType.FLAG: case RtfCtrlWordType.TOGGLE: case RtfCtrlWordType.VALUE: dest = RtfParser.GetCurrentDestination(); if (dest != null) { handled = dest.HandleControlWord(CtrlWordData); } break; case RtfCtrlWordType.SYMBOL: dest = RtfParser.GetCurrentDestination(); if (dest != null) { string data = null; // if doing an import, then put the control word in the output stream through the character handler if (RtfParser.IsImport()) { data = CtrlWordPrefix + CtrlWordData.CtrlWord + CtrlWordSuffix; } if (RtfParser.IsConvert()) { data = SpecialHandler; } // If there is a substitute character, process the character. // If no substitute character, then provide special handling in the destination for the ctrl word. if (data != null) { foreach (char cc in data) { handled = dest.HandleCharacter(cc); } } else { handled = dest.HandleControlWord(CtrlWordData); } } break; case RtfCtrlWordType.DESTINATION_EX: case RtfCtrlWordType.DESTINATION: // set the destination int x = 0; if (CtrlWord == "shppict" || CtrlWord == "nonshppict") { x++; } handled = RtfParser.SetCurrentDestination(CtrlWord); // let destination handle the ctrl word now. dest = RtfParser.GetCurrentDestination(); if (dest != null) { if (dest.GetNewTokeniserState() == RtfParser.TOKENISER_IGNORE_RESULT) { handled = dest.HandleControlWord(CtrlWordData); } else { RtfParser.SetTokeniserState(dest.GetNewTokeniserState()); } } break; } AfterControlWord(); if (_debug) { RtfParser.OutputDebug(RtfParser.GetRtfDocument(), RtfParser.GetLevel() + 1, "RtfCtrlWordHandler debug End: " + CtrlWordData.CtrlWord + " "); } return(result); }