コード例 #1
        public override void Configure(Container container)
            RequestConverters.Add((req, requestDto) => {
                var encRequest = requestDto as BasicEncryptedMessage;
                if (encRequest == null)

                var requestType   = Metadata.GetOperationType(encRequest.OperationName);
                var decryptedJson = RsaUtils.Decrypt(encRequest.EncryptedBody, SecureConfig.PrivateKeyXml);
                var request       = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString(decryptedJson, requestType);

                req.Items["_encrypt"] = encRequest;


            ResponseConverters.Add((req, response) => {
                if (!req.Items.ContainsKey("_encrypt"))

                var encResponse = RsaUtils.Encrypt(response.ToJson(), SecureConfig.PublicKeyXml);
                return(new BasicEncryptedMessageResponse
                    OperationName = response.GetType().Name,
                    EncryptedBody = encResponse
コード例 #2
        private static string ValidateAndDecrypt(byte[] authRsaEncCryptKey, byte[] authEncryptedBytes)
            byte[]    iv        = new byte[AesUtils.BlockSizeBytes];
            const int tagLength = HmacUtils.KeySizeBytes;

            byte[] rsaEncCryptAuthKeys = new byte[authRsaEncCryptKey.Length - iv.Length - tagLength];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(authRsaEncCryptKey, 0, iv, 0, iv.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(authRsaEncCryptKey, iv.Length, rsaEncCryptAuthKeys, 0, rsaEncCryptAuthKeys.Length);

            var cryptAuthKeys = RsaUtils.Decrypt(rsaEncCryptAuthKeys, SecureConfig.PrivateKeyXml);

            byte[] cryptKey = new byte[AesUtils.KeySizeBytes];
            byte[] authKey  = new byte[AesUtils.KeySizeBytes];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys, 0, cryptKey, 0, cryptKey.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys, cryptKey.Length, authKey, 0, authKey.Length);

            if (!HmacUtils.Verify(authRsaEncCryptKey, authKey))
                throw new Exception("authRsaEncCryptKey is Invalid");

            if (!HmacUtils.Verify(authEncryptedBytes, authKey))
                throw new Exception("authEncryptedBytes is Invalid");

            var msgBytes = HmacUtils.DecryptAuthenticated(authEncryptedBytes, cryptKey);

コード例 #3
        private static string ValidateAndDecryptWithMasterKey(byte[] rsaEncAesKeyNonceBytes, byte[] authEncryptedBytes)
            var aesKeyNonceBytes = RsaUtils.Decrypt(rsaEncAesKeyNonceBytes, SecureConfig.PrivateKeyXml);

            var aesKey = new byte[AesUtils.KeySizeBytes];
            var iv     = new byte[AesUtils.BlockSizeBytes];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(aesKeyNonceBytes, 0, iv, 0, iv.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(aesKeyNonceBytes, iv.Length, aesKey, 0, aesKey.Length);

            var sha512HashBytes = aesKey.ToSha512HashBytes();
            var cryptKey        = new byte[sha512HashBytes.Length / 2];
            var authKey         = new byte[sha512HashBytes.Length / 2];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(sha512HashBytes, 0, cryptKey, 0, cryptKey.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(sha512HashBytes, cryptKey.Length, authKey, 0, authKey.Length);

            if (!HmacUtils.Verify(authEncryptedBytes, authKey))
                throw new Exception("Verification Failed");

            var msgBytes = HmacUtils.DecryptAuthenticated(authEncryptedBytes, cryptKey);

            var json = msgBytes.FromUtf8Bytes();

コード例 #4
 public Reminder Decrypt(Reminder reminder)
     reminder.UserName  = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(reminder.UserName);
     reminder.Email     = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(reminder.Email);
     reminder.CellPhone = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(reminder.CellPhone);
コード例 #5
 private Contact Decrypt(Contact contact)
     contact.Name      = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(contact.Name);
     contact.Email     = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(contact.Email);
     contact.CellPhone = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(contact.CellPhone);;
コード例 #6
        public void RsaTestFunction()
            RsaKeys keys = RsaUtils.GenerateRsaKeys();

            RsaTestObj obj = new RsaTestObj()
                MyProperty     = 9527,
                MyPropertyList = new List <string> {
                    "9527", "HelloWorld"

            var text   = RsaUtils.Encrypt(keys.PublicKey, obj);
            var newObj = RsaUtils.Decrypt <RsaTestObj>(keys.PrivateKey, text);

            bool result = newObj != null &&
                          newObj.MyProperty == obj.MyProperty &&
                          newObj.MyPropertyList != null &&
                          newObj.MyPropertyList.Count == obj.MyPropertyList.Count;

            if (result)
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.MyPropertyList.Count; ++i)
                    var left  = obj.MyPropertyList[i];
                    var right = newObj.MyPropertyList[i];
                    if (left != right)
                        result = false;

コード例 #7
        public void Can_Encryt_and_Decrypt_String()
            var request = new HelloSecure {
                Name = "World"
            var requestJson = request.ToJson();
            var encRequest  = RsaUtils.Encrypt(requestJson, SecureConfig.PublicKeyXml);

            var decJson = RsaUtils.Decrypt(encRequest, SecureConfig.PrivateKeyXml);

            Assert.That(decJson, Is.EqualTo(requestJson));
コード例 #8
 private Account Decrypt(Account account)
     account.Name = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(account.Name);
     if (account.IssuerBank != null && account.IssuerBank != "")
         account.IssuerBank = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(account.IssuerBank);
     if (account.BankAccount != null && account.BankAccount != "")
         account.BankAccount = RsaUtils.Decrypt <string>(account.BankAccount);
コード例 #9
        public void Can_Send_Encrypted_Message()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient(Config.AbsoluteBaseUri);

            var request = new HelloSecure {
                Name = "World"
            var encRequest = RsaUtils.Encrypt(request.ToJson(), SecureConfig.PublicKeyXml);

            var encResponse = client.Post(new BasicEncryptedMessage
                OperationName = typeof(HelloSecure).Name,
                EncryptedBody = encRequest

            var responseJson = RsaUtils.Decrypt(encResponse.EncryptedBody, SecureConfig.PrivateKeyXml);
            var response     = responseJson.FromJson <HelloSecureResponse>();

            Assert.That(response.Result, Is.EqualTo("Hello, World!"));
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>Check if the decryption was correct</summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file to decrypt</param>
 /// <param name="key">The key file</param>
 /// <param name="error">A error to return</param>
 /// <param name="path">The path for the new file</param>
 /// <returns>True if is correct, otherwise false</returns>
 private bool DidDecryption(HttpPostedFileBase file, HttpPostedFileBase key, ref string error, ref string path)
     if (fileUtils.IsFileTypeCorrect(file, ".rsacif", ref error) && fileUtils.IsFileTypeCorrect(key, ".key", ref error))
         string   uploadedFile = fileUtils.SaveFile(file, "~/App_Data/Uploads");
         string   uploadedKey  = fileUtils.SaveFile(key, "~/App_Data/Uploads");
         RsaUtils rsa          = new RsaUtils();
         if (rsa.Decrypt(uploadedFile, uploadedKey, ref path))
             error = "Bad Encryption";
コード例 #11
        public void TestSign()
            //2048 ¹«Ô¿
            string publicKey =
            //2048 ˽Կ
            string privateKey =

            var rsa = new RsaUtils(RSAType.RSA2, Encoding.UTF8, privateKey, publicKey);

            string str = "²©¿ÍÔ° http://www.cnblogs.com/";

            Console.WriteLine("ԭʼ×Ö·û´®£º" + str);

            string enStr = rsa.Encrypt(str);

            Console.WriteLine("¼ÓÃÜ×Ö·û´®£º" + enStr);

            string deStr = rsa.Decrypt(enStr);

            Console.WriteLine("½âÃÜ×Ö·û´®£º" + deStr);

            string signStr = rsa.Sign(str);

            Console.WriteLine("×Ö·û´®Ç©Ãû£º" + signStr);

            bool signVerify = rsa.Verify(str, signStr);

            Console.WriteLine("Ñé֤ǩÃû£º" + signVerify);


コード例 #12
        public void PreAuthenticate(IRequest req, IResponse res)
            if (req.OperationName != null && IgnoreForOperationTypes.Contains(req.OperationName))

            var bearerToken = req.GetBearerToken()
                              ?? req.GetCookieValue(Keywords.TokenCookie);

            if (bearerToken != null)
                var parts = bearerToken.Split('.');
                if (parts.Length == 3)
                    if (RequireSecureConnection && !req.IsSecureConnection)
                        throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.JwtRequiresSecureConnection);

                    var header         = parts[0];
                    var payload        = parts[1];
                    var signatureBytes = parts[2].FromBase64UrlSafe();

                    var headerJson   = header.FromBase64UrlSafe().FromUtf8Bytes();
                    var payloadBytes = payload.FromBase64UrlSafe();

                    var headerData = headerJson.FromJson <Dictionary <string, string> >();

                    var bytesToSign = string.Concat(header, ".", payload).ToUtf8Bytes();

                    var algorithm = headerData["alg"];

                    //Potential Security Risk for relying on user-specified algorithm: https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
                    if (RequireHashAlgorithm && algorithm != HashAlgorithm)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Invalid algoritm '{0}', expected '{1}'".Fmt(algorithm, HashAlgorithm));

                    if (!VerifyPayload(algorithm, bytesToSign, signatureBytes))

                    var payloadJson = payloadBytes.FromUtf8Bytes();
                    var jwtPayload  = JsonObject.Parse(payloadJson);

                    var session = CreateSessionFromPayload(req, jwtPayload);
                    req.Items[Keywords.Session] = session;
                else if (parts.Length == 5) //Encrypted JWE Token
                    if (RequireSecureConnection && !req.IsSecureConnection)
                        throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.JwtRequiresSecureConnection);

                    if (PrivateKey == null || PublicKey == null)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("PrivateKey is required to DecryptPayload");

                    var jweHeaderBase64Url  = parts[0];
                    var jweEncKeyBase64Url  = parts[1];
                    var ivBase64Url         = parts[2];
                    var cipherTextBase64Url = parts[3];
                    var tagBase64Url        = parts[4];

                    var sentTag    = tagBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var aadBytes   = (jweHeaderBase64Url + "." + jweEncKeyBase64Url).ToUtf8Bytes();
                    var iv         = ivBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var cipherText = cipherTextBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();

                    var jweEncKey        = jweEncKeyBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var cryptAuthKeys256 = RsaUtils.Decrypt(jweEncKey, PrivateKey.Value, UseRsaKeyLength);

                    var authKey  = new byte[128 / 8];
                    var cryptKey = new byte[128 / 8];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, 0, authKey, 0, authKey.Length);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, authKey.Length, cryptKey, 0, cryptKey.Length);

                    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(authKey))
                        using (var encryptedStream = new MemoryStream())
                            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(encryptedStream))

                                var calcTag = hmac.ComputeHash(encryptedStream.ToArray());

                                if (!calcTag.EquivalentTo(sentTag))

                    JsonObject jwtPayload;
                    var        aes = Aes.Create();
                    aes.KeySize   = 128;
                    aes.BlockSize = 128;
                    aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;
                    aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                    using (aes)
                        using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(cryptKey, iv))
                            using (var ms = MemoryStreamFactory.GetStream(cipherText))
                                using (var cryptStream = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                                    var jwtPayloadBytes = cryptStream.ReadFully();
                                    jwtPayload = JsonObject.Parse(jwtPayloadBytes.FromUtf8Bytes());

                    var session = CreateSessionFromPayload(req, jwtPayload);
                    req.Items[Keywords.Session] = session;
コード例 #13
        public void PreAuthenticate(IRequest req, IResponse res)
            if (req.OperationName != null && IgnoreForOperationTypes.Contains(req.OperationName))

            var bearerToken = req.GetJwtToken();

            if (bearerToken != null)
                var parts = bearerToken.Split('.');
                if (parts.Length == 3)
                    if (RequireSecureConnection && !req.IsSecureConnection)
                        throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.JwtRequiresSecureConnection);

                    var jwtPayload = GetVerifiedJwtPayload(parts);
                    if (jwtPayload == null) //not verified

                    if (ValidateToken != null)
                        if (!ValidateToken(jwtPayload, req))
                            throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.TokenInvalid);

                    var session = CreateSessionFromPayload(req, jwtPayload);
                    req.Items[Keywords.Session] = session;
                else if (parts.Length == 5) //Encrypted JWE Token
                    if (RequireSecureConnection && !req.IsSecureConnection)
                        throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.JwtRequiresSecureConnection);

                    if (PrivateKey == null || PublicKey == null)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("PrivateKey is required to DecryptPayload");

                    var jweHeaderBase64Url  = parts[0];
                    var jweEncKeyBase64Url  = parts[1];
                    var ivBase64Url         = parts[2];
                    var cipherTextBase64Url = parts[3];
                    var tagBase64Url        = parts[4];

                    var sentTag    = tagBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var aadBytes   = (jweHeaderBase64Url + "." + jweEncKeyBase64Url).ToUtf8Bytes();
                    var iv         = ivBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var cipherText = cipherTextBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();

                    var jweEncKey        = jweEncKeyBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                    var cryptAuthKeys256 = RsaUtils.Decrypt(jweEncKey, PrivateKey.Value, UseRsaKeyLength);

                    var authKey  = new byte[128 / 8];
                    var cryptKey = new byte[128 / 8];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, 0, authKey, 0, authKey.Length);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, authKey.Length, cryptKey, 0, cryptKey.Length);

                    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(authKey))
                        using (var encryptedStream = new MemoryStream())
                            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(encryptedStream))

                                var calcTag = hmac.ComputeHash(encryptedStream.ToArray());

                                if (!calcTag.EquivalentTo(sentTag))

                    JsonObject jwtPayload;
                    var        aes = Aes.Create();
                    aes.KeySize   = 128;
                    aes.BlockSize = 128;
                    aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;
                    aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                    using (aes)
                        using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(cryptKey, iv))
                            using (var ms = MemoryStreamFactory.GetStream(cipherText))
                                using (var cryptStream = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                                    var jwtPayloadBytes = cryptStream.ReadFully();
                                    jwtPayload = JsonObject.Parse(jwtPayloadBytes.FromUtf8Bytes());

                    if (ValidateToken != null)
                        if (!ValidateToken(jwtPayload, req))
                            throw HttpError.Forbidden(ErrorMessages.TokenInvalid);

                    var session = CreateSessionFromPayload(req, jwtPayload);
                    req.Items[Keywords.Session] = session;
コード例 #14
        public JsonObject GetVerifiedJwtPayload(string[] parts)
            if (parts.Length == 3)
                var header         = parts[0];
                var payload        = parts[1];
                var signatureBytes = parts[2].FromBase64UrlSafe();

                var headerJson   = header.FromBase64UrlSafe().FromUtf8Bytes();
                var payloadBytes = payload.FromBase64UrlSafe();

                var headerData = headerJson.FromJson <Dictionary <string, string> >();

                var bytesToSign = string.Concat(header, ".", payload).ToUtf8Bytes();

                var algorithm = headerData["alg"];

                //Potential Security Risk for relying on user-specified algorithm: https://auth0.com/blog/2015/03/31/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
                if (RequireHashAlgorithm && algorithm != HashAlgorithm)
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Invalid algoritm '{algorithm}', expected '{HashAlgorithm}'");

                if (!VerifyPayload(algorithm, bytesToSign, signatureBytes))

                var payloadJson = payloadBytes.FromUtf8Bytes();
                var jwtPayload  = JsonObject.Parse(payloadJson);
            if (parts.Length == 5) //Encrypted JWE Token
                var jweHeaderBase64Url  = parts[0];
                var jweEncKeyBase64Url  = parts[1];
                var ivBase64Url         = parts[2];
                var cipherTextBase64Url = parts[3];
                var tagBase64Url        = parts[4];

                var sentTag    = tagBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                var aadBytes   = (jweHeaderBase64Url + "." + jweEncKeyBase64Url).ToUtf8Bytes();
                var iv         = ivBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                var cipherText = cipherTextBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();

                var jweEncKey        = jweEncKeyBase64Url.FromBase64UrlSafe();
                var cryptAuthKeys256 = RsaUtils.Decrypt(jweEncKey, PrivateKey.Value, UseRsaKeyLength);

                var authKey  = new byte[128 / 8];
                var cryptKey = new byte[128 / 8];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, 0, authKey, 0, authKey.Length);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(cryptAuthKeys256, authKey.Length, cryptKey, 0, cryptKey.Length);

                using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(authKey))
                    using (var encryptedStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(encryptedStream))

                            var calcTag = hmac.ComputeHash(encryptedStream.ToArray());

                            if (!calcTag.EquivalentTo(sentTag))

                var aes = Aes.Create();
                aes.KeySize   = 128;
                aes.BlockSize = 128;
                aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;
                aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                using (aes)
                    using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(cryptKey, iv))
                        using (var ms = MemoryStreamFactory.GetStream(cipherText))
                            using (var cryptStream = new CryptoStream(ms, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                                var jwtPayloadBytes = cryptStream.ReadFully();

            throw new ArgumentException(ErrorMessages.TokenInvalid);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypt an encrypted text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encryptedText">The encrypted text.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The decryption options.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a decrypted text.</returns>
        public static string Decrypt(string encryptedText, IDictionary <string, object> options)
            var toDecrypt     = encryptedText;
            var decryptedText = string.Empty;

            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));

            var decodeFromBase64 = options.ContainsKey("DecodeFromBase64") &&
                                   Convert.ToBoolean(options["DecodeFromBase64"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var encodeToBase64 = options.ContainsKey("EncodeToBase64") && Convert.ToBoolean(options["EncodeToBase64"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var method = options.ContainsKey("Method") ? options["Method"].ToString() : string.Empty;

            switch (method)
            // RSA
            case "RSA":
                var privateKeyPath = options["PrivateKeyPath"].ToString();

                if (privateKeyPath.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    privateKeyPath = privateKeyPath.Substring(1, privateKeyPath.Length - 1);

                if (privateKeyPath.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                    privateKeyPath = privateKeyPath.Substring(0, privateKeyPath.Length - 1);

                decryptedText = decodeFromBase64 ? RsaUtils.Base64DecodeAndDecrypt(toDecrypt, privateKeyPath) : RsaUtils.Decrypt(toDecrypt, privateKeyPath);

            // AES
            case "AES":
                var key = options["key"].ToString();
                var initializationValue = options["iniValue"].ToString();

                decryptedText = decodeFromBase64 ? AesUtils.Base64DecodeAndDecrypt(toDecrypt, key, initializationValue) : AesUtils.Decrypt(toDecrypt, key, initializationValue);

            // Base64
            case "Base64":
                decryptedText = GeneralUtils.Base64Decode(toDecrypt);

            return(encodeToBase64 ? GeneralUtils.Base64Encode(decryptedText) : decryptedText);