protected void DDLCustomer_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { frdate = txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[2] + "/" + txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[1] + "/" + txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[0]; todate = txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[2] + "/" + txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[1] + "/" + txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[0]; tdt = Convert.ToDateTime(todate); fdt = Convert.ToDateTime(frdate); // Rptrpending.DataSource = CreditNote.GetCNNo_byCust(Convert.ToInt32(DDLCustomer.SelectedValue)); RptrCN.DataSource = CreditNote.GetCNNo_byCust(Convert.ToInt32(strFY), (DDLCustomer.SelectedValue), "All", fdt, tdt); RptrCN.DataBind(); //RptrCN2.DataSource = CreditNote.GetCNNo_byCust((DDLCustomer.SelectedValue), "Manual"); //RptrCN2.DataBind(); RptrCN.Visible = true; // RptrCN2.Visible = true; PnlPrint.Visible = false; Pnl2.Visible = true; //DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //dt = DCReturnBook.GetCustAddress((DDLCustomer.SelectedValue), "CNCustlist").Tables[0]; //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // lblCustName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CustName"].ToString(); // lblCustAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); //} if (DDLCustomer.SelectedIndex == 0) { Pnl2.Visible = false; PnlPrint.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // CustCode = txtcustomer.Text.ToString().Split(':')[0].Trim(); //CustCode = Convert.ToInt32(DDLCustomer.SelectedValue) if (Session["FY"] != null) { strFY = Session["FY"].ToString(); } else { Session.Clear(); } //Response.Write(strFY); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { btnPrint.Visible = false; Pnl2.Visible = true; PnlPrint.Visible = false; // BindDDlCust(); fdt = Convert.ToDateTime("1900/01/01"); tdt = Convert.ToDateTime("1900/01/01"); RptrCN.DataSource = C_CreditNote.C_GetCNNo_Bydt(Convert.ToInt32(strFY), fdt, tdt); RptrCN.DataBind(); //txtcustomer.Focus(); } else { } }
protected void btngetcust_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Pnl2.Visible = false; PnlPrint.Visible = false; frdate = txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[2] + "/" + txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[1] + "/" + txtFromDate.Text.Split('/')[0]; todate = txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[2] + "/" + txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[1] + "/" + txttoDate.Text.Split('/')[0]; tdt = Convert.ToDateTime(todate); fdt = Convert.ToDateTime(frdate); if (tdt >= fdt) { if (RdbtnSelect.SelectedValue == "CN") { Pnl1.Visible = false; RptrCN.DataSource = CreditNote.GetCNNo_Bydt(Convert.ToInt32(strFY), fdt, tdt); RptrCN.DataBind(); RptrCN.Visible = true; // RptrCN2.Visible = true; PnlPrint.Visible = false; Pnl2.Visible = true; } else if (RdbtnSelect.SelectedValue == "CustomerwiseCN") { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = CreditNote.GetCustlist_Bydt(Convert.ToInt32(strFY), fdt, tdt); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DDLCustomer.DataSource = CreditNote.GetCustlist_Bydt(Convert.ToInt32(strFY), fdt, tdt); DDLCustomer.DataBind(); DDLCustomer.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-Select Customer-", "0")); Pnl1.Visible = true; } else { MessageBox("Records Not Available "); } } } else { MessageBox("From Date is greater than To Date"); } //else //if (Convert.ToDateTime(todate) == Convert.ToDateTime(frdate)) //{ // MessageBox("From Date and To Date are similar"); //} }