static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var actor = new RpcActor(); var helloClient = new HelloClient(actor); var calcClient = new CalcClient(actor); actor.RegisterRpcService(helloClient); actor.RegisterRpcService(calcClient); actor.Bootup(); var container = new TestContainer(); container.AddModule(new TestModule(helloClient, calcClient)); var bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(); var engine = bootstrapper.BootWith(container); string uri = "http://localhost:3202/"; var host = new SelfHost(engine, new Uri(uri)); host.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server is listening on [{0}].", uri); Console.WriteLine("Type something to stop ..."); Console.ReadKey(); host.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Stopped. Goodbye!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var localXmlFilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\\XmlConfiguration\\ActorConfiguration.xml"; var localXmlFileActorConfiguration = LocalXmlFileActorConfiguration.Load(localXmlFilePath); var localXmlFileActorDirectory = new LocalXmlFileActorDirectory(localXmlFileActorConfiguration); var localActor = new RpcActor(localXmlFileActorConfiguration); var helloClient = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <IHelloService>(localActor, "server"); var calcClient = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <ICalcService>(localActor, "server"); localActor.RegisterRpcService(helloClient as RpcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(calcClient as RpcService); localActor.Bootup(localXmlFileActorDirectory); var container = new TestContainer(); container.AddModule(new TestModule(helloClient, calcClient)); var bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(); var engine = bootstrapper.BootWith(container); string uri = "http://localhost:3202/"; var host = new SelfHost(engine, new Uri(uri)); host.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server is listening on [{0}].", uri); Console.WriteLine("Type something to stop ..."); Console.ReadKey(); host.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Stopped. Goodbye!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var localActor = new RpcActor(); var helloService = new HelloService(localActor, new CountableRateLimiter()); var calcService = new CalcService(localActor, new CountableRateLimiter()); var orderService = new OrderService(localActor, new CountableRateLimiter()); localActor.RegisterRpcService(helloService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(calcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(orderService); localActor.Bootup(); while (true) { try { string text = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant(); if (text == "quit" || text == "exit") { break; } else if (text == "reconnect") { localActor.Shutdown(); localActor.Bootup(); } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^notify(\d*)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"notify(\d*)$"); int totalCalls = 0; if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out totalCalls)) { totalCalls = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < totalCalls; i++) { NotifyOrderChanged(log, orderService); } } else { log.WarnFormat("Cannot parse the operation for input [{0}].", text); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } localActor.Shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var actor = new RpcActor(); var rateLimiter = new CountableRateLimiter(); var helloService = new HelloService(actor, rateLimiter); var calcService = new CalcService(actor); var orderService = new OrderService(actor, rateLimiter); actor.RegisterRpcService(helloService); actor.RegisterRpcService(calcService); actor.RegisterRpcService(orderService); actor.Bootup(); while (true) { try { string text = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant(); if (text == "quit" || text == "exit") { break; } else { int times = 0; if (int.TryParse(text, out times)) { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { NotifyOrderChanged(log, orderService); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } actor.Shutdown(); }
public static TService ProxyFor <TService>(this RpcActor localActor, string service) { var remoteService = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <TService>(localActor, service); localActor.RegisterRpcService(remoteService as RpcService); return(remoteService); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var localActor = new RpcActor(); var helloService = RpcServiceGenerator.CreateService <IHelloService>(localActor, new HelloService()); var calcService = RpcServiceGenerator.CreateService <ICalcService>(localActor, new CalcService()); var orderService = RpcServiceGenerator.CreateService <IOrderService>(localActor, new OrderService()); localActor.RegisterRpcService(helloService as RpcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(calcService as RpcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(orderService as RpcService); localActor.Bootup(); while (true) { try { string text = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant(); if (text == "quit" || text == "exit") { break; } else if (text == "reconnect") { localActor.Shutdown(); localActor.Bootup(); } else { log.WarnFormat("Cannot parse the operation for input [{0}].", text); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } localActor.Shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var localActor = new RpcActor(); var helloClient = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <IHelloService>(localActor, "server"); var calcClient = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <ICalcService>(localActor, "server"); var orderClient = RpcServiceProxyGenerator.CreateServiceProxy <IOrderService>(localActor, "server"); localActor.RegisterRpcService(helloClient as RpcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(calcClient as RpcService); localActor.RegisterRpcService(orderClient as RpcService); localActor.Bootup(); while (true) { try { string text = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if (text == "quit" || text == "exit") { break; } else if (text == "reconnect") { localActor.Shutdown(); localActor.Bootup(); } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^hello(\d*)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"^hello(\d*)$"); int totalCalls = 0; if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out totalCalls)) { totalCalls = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < totalCalls; i++) { Hello(log, helloClient); } } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^add(\d*)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"^add(\d*)$"); int totalCalls = 0; if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out totalCalls)) { totalCalls = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < totalCalls; i++) { Add(log, calcClient); } } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^order(\d*)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"order(\d*)$"); int totalCalls = 0; if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out totalCalls)) { totalCalls = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < totalCalls; i++) { PlaceOrder(log, orderClient); } } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^hello(\d+)x(\d+)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"^hello(\d+)x(\d+)$"); int totalCalls = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); int threadCount = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value); Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, totalCalls, threadCount); } else if (Regex.Match(text, @"^add(\d+)x(\d+)$").Success) { var match = Regex.Match(text, @"^add(\d+)x(\d+)$"); int totalCalls = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); int threadCount = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value); Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, totalCalls, threadCount); } else { log.WarnFormat("Cannot parse the operation for input [{0}].", text); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } localActor.Shutdown(); }
public static void Register <TService>(this RpcActor localActor, TService service) { var localService = RpcServiceGenerator.CreateService <TService>(localActor, service); localActor.RegisterRpcService(localService as RpcService); }
static void Main(string[] args) { NLogLogger.Use(); ILog log = Logger.Get <Program>(); var actor = new RpcActor(); var helloClient = new HelloClient(actor); var calcClient = new CalcClient(actor); var orderClient = new OrderClient(actor); actor.RegisterRpcService(helloClient); actor.RegisterRpcService(calcClient); actor.RegisterRpcService(orderClient); actor.Bootup(); while (true) { try { string text = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant(); if (text == "quit" || text == "exit") { break; } else if (text == "reconnect") { actor.Shutdown(); actor.Bootup(); } else if (text == "hello") { Hello(log, helloClient); } else if (text == "hello10000") { Hello10000(log, helloClient); } #region hello10000 else if (text == "hello10000x1") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 1); } else if (text == "hello10000x2") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 2); } else if (text == "hello10000x4") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 4); } else if (text == "hello10000x8") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 8); } else if (text == "hello10000x16") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 16); } else if (text == "hello10000x32") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 10000, 32); } #endregion #region hello20000 else if (text == "hello20000x1") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 1); } else if (text == "hello20000x2") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 2); } else if (text == "hello20000x4") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 4); } else if (text == "hello20000x8") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 8); } else if (text == "hello20000x16") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 16); } else if (text == "hello20000x32") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 20000, 32); } #endregion #region hello100000 else if (text == "hello100000x1") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 1); } else if (text == "hello100000x2") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 2); } else if (text == "hello100000x4") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 4); } else if (text == "hello100000x8") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 8); } else if (text == "hello100000x16") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 16); } else if (text == "hello100000x32") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 100000, 32); } #endregion #region hello300000 else if (text == "hello300000x1") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 1); } else if (text == "hello300000x2") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 2); } else if (text == "hello300000x4") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 4); } else if (text == "hello300000x8") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 8); } else if (text == "hello300000x16") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 16); } else if (text == "hello300000x32") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 300000, 32); } #endregion #region hello1500000 else if (text == "hello1500000x1") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 1); } else if (text == "hello1500000x2") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 2); } else if (text == "hello1500000x4") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 4); } else if (text == "hello1500000x8") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 8); } else if (text == "hello1500000x16") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 16); } else if (text == "hello1500000x32") { Hello10000MultiThreading(log, helloClient, 1500000, 32); } #endregion #region add10000 else if (text == "add10000x1") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 1); } else if (text == "add10000x2") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 2); } else if (text == "add10000x4") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 4); } else if (text == "add10000x8") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 8); } else if (text == "add10000x16") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 16); } else if (text == "add10000x32") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 10000, 32); } #endregion #region add20000 else if (text == "add20000x1") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 1); } else if (text == "add20000x2") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 2); } else if (text == "add20000x4") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 4); } else if (text == "add20000x8") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 8); } else if (text == "add20000x16") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 16); } else if (text == "add20000x32") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 20000, 32); } #endregion #region add100000 else if (text == "add100000x1") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 1); } else if (text == "add100000x2") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 2); } else if (text == "add100000x4") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 4); } else if (text == "add100000x8") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 8); } else if (text == "add100000x16") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 16); } else if (text == "add100000x32") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 100000, 32); } #endregion #region add300000 else if (text == "add300000x1") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 1); } else if (text == "add300000x2") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 2); } else if (text == "add300000x4") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 4); } else if (text == "add300000x8") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 8); } else if (text == "add300000x16") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 16); } else if (text == "add300000x32") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 300000, 32); } #endregion #region add1500000 else if (text == "add1500000x1") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 1); } else if (text == "add1500000x2") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 2); } else if (text == "add1500000x4") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 4); } else if (text == "add1500000x8") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 8); } else if (text == "add1500000x16") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 16); } else if (text == "add1500000x32") { Add10000MultiThreading(log, calcClient, 1500000, 32); } #endregion else { int times = 0; if (int.TryParse(text, out times)) { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { PlaceOrder(log, orderClient); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } actor.Shutdown(); }