コード例 #1
        void HTMLSignUpMailer(String webid)
            RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient ServiceClient = new RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient();
            var arr = ServiceClient.GetUserDetails(webid);

            if (arr.Length > 0)
                String Toname   = arr[0].FirstName + " " + arr[0].LastName;
                String Toemail  = arr[0].Email.ToString();
                String ToMobile = arr[0].Mobile.ToString();
                // Mailer(txtEmailId.Text.ToString(), WebMemberId, txtFirstName.Text.ToString() + txtLastName.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString());

                RoyalWebApp.MailServer objMail     = new RoyalWebApp.MailServer();
                RoyalWebApp.MailData   objmaildata = new RoyalWebApp.MailData();
                objmaildata.from     = "*****@*****.**";
                objmaildata.fromName = "Royal Card Programme";
                objmaildata.CCto     = "*****@*****.**";
                //objmaildata.to = "*****@*****.**";
                objmaildata.to      = Toemail.ToString();
                objmaildata.toName  = Toname.ToString();
                objmaildata.subject = "Welcome to the world of Royalty and exclusivity";
                string BodyMaggage = "<div style='height:990px; width:700px;'>"
                                     + "<div style='padding:380px 20px 20px 65px; font-family:Palatino Linotype, Century Gothic, Arial; font-weight:bold;'>"
                                     // + "<p align=left> Reference No: <b> " + webid.ToString() + "</b></p>"
                                     + "<p align=left> Dear <b> " + Toname.ToString()
                                     + "</b></p><p><b>Your Details Have Successfully Modified.</b></p>"
                                     // + "<p>Your membership card is under process. You shall soon receive a call from our loyalty cell, informing you </br>about the details of your membership. </p>"
                                     //  + "<p>We look forward to an enduring association with you. Please find below the details of privileges & </br>benefits of your membership.</p>"
                                     //  + "<p align=left>Sincerely,</p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Loyalty Department,Kingdom of Dreams </p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Tel: 0124-4847435</p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Email: [email protected] </p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Website: royalty.kingdomofdreams.co.in </p>";

                objmaildata.bodyMessage = BodyMaggage;
コード例 #2
        void HTMLTopUpMailer(String transId, String TransAmt)
            RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient ServiceClient = new RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient();
            if (Session["RegId"] != null && Session["RegId"] != "")
                var arr = ServiceClient.GetUserDetails(Session["RegId"].ToString());
                if (arr.Length > 0)
                    String Toname   = arr[0].FirstName + " " + arr[0].LastName;
                    String Toemail  = arr[0].Email.ToString();
                    String webid    = arr[0].MemberID.ToString();
                    String ToMobile = arr[0].Mobile.ToString();
                    // Mailer(txtEmailId.Text.ToString(), WebMemberId, txtFirstName.Text.ToString() + txtLastName.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString());

                    RoyalWebApp.MailServer objMail     = new RoyalWebApp.MailServer();
                    RoyalWebApp.MailData   objmaildata = new RoyalWebApp.MailData();
                    objmaildata.from     = "*****@*****.**";
                    objmaildata.fromName = "KOD ROYAL CARD TEAM";
                    //objmaildata.to = "*****@*****.**";
                    objmaildata.to      = Toemail.ToString();
                    objmaildata.toName  = Toname.ToString();
                    objmaildata.subject = "Royal Card Top Up Mail";
                    string BodyMaggage = "<div style='height:770px; width:727px; background:url(http://royalty.kingdomofdreams.in/Skins/images/Emailer2.jpg) no-repeat;'>"
                                         + "<div style='text-align:center; padding:260px 290px 50px 65px; font-family:Palatino Linotype, Century Gothic, Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px;'>"
                                         + "Your holiness " + webid.ToString() + ",<br/>"
                                         + "Your account is successfully credited with Rs. " + TransAmt.ToString() + " /- with transaction id " + transId.ToString()
                                         + "</div></div>"
                    objmaildata.bodyMessage = BodyMaggage;

                    // send SMS
                    SendTopUpSMS(webid, ToMobile, transId, TransAmt);
コード例 #3
        void HTMLSignUpMailer(String webid)
            RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient ServiceClient = new RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient();
            var arr = ServiceClient.GetUserDetails(webid);
            if (arr.Length > 0)
                String Toname = arr[0].FirstName + " " + arr[0].LastName;
                String Toemail = arr[0].Email.ToString();
                String ToMobile = arr[0].Mobile.ToString();
                // Mailer(txtEmailId.Text.ToString(), WebMemberId, txtFirstName.Text.ToString() + txtLastName.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString());

                RoyalWebApp.MailServer objMail = new RoyalWebApp.MailServer();
                RoyalWebApp.MailData objmaildata = new RoyalWebApp.MailData();
                objmaildata.from = "*****@*****.**";
                objmaildata.fromName = "Royal Card Programme";
                objmaildata.CCto = "*****@*****.**";
                //objmaildata.to = "*****@*****.**";
                objmaildata.to = Toemail.ToString();
                objmaildata.toName = Toname.ToString();
                objmaildata.subject = "Welcome to the world of Royalty and exclusivity";
                string BodyMaggage = "<div style='height:990px; width:700px;'>"
                                     + "<div style='padding:380px 20px 20px 65px; font-family:Palatino Linotype, Century Gothic, Arial; font-weight:bold;'>"
                                    // + "<p align=left> Reference No: <b> " + webid.ToString() + "</b></p>"
                                     + "<p align=left> Dear <b> " + Toname.ToString()
                                     + "</b></p><p><b>Your Details Have Successfully Modified.</b></p>"
                                    // + "<p>Your membership card is under process. You shall soon receive a call from our loyalty cell, informing you </br>about the details of your membership. </p>"
                                   //  + "<p>We look forward to an enduring association with you. Please find below the details of privileges & </br>benefits of your membership.</p>"
                                   //  + "<p align=left>Sincerely,</p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Loyalty Department,Kingdom of Dreams </p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Tel: 0124-4847435</p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Email: [email protected] </p>"
                                     + "<p align=left>Website: royalty.kingdomofdreams.co.in </p>";

                objmaildata.bodyMessage = BodyMaggage;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CR.aspx.cs プロジェクト: himanshujoshi19/Test
        void HTMLTopUpMailer(String transId, String TransAmt)
             RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient ServiceClient = new RoyalWebApp.EntityServiceReference.EntityServiceClient();
            if (Session["RegId"] != null && Session["RegId"] != "")
                var arr = ServiceClient.GetUserDetails(Session["RegId"].ToString());
                if (arr.Length > 0)
                    String Toname = arr[0].FirstName + " " + arr[0].LastName;
                    String Toemail = arr[0].Email.ToString();
                    String webid =arr[0].MemberID.ToString();
                     String ToMobile = arr[0].Mobile.ToString();
                    // Mailer(txtEmailId.Text.ToString(), WebMemberId, txtFirstName.Text.ToString() + txtLastName.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString());

                    RoyalWebApp.MailServer objMail = new RoyalWebApp.MailServer();
                    RoyalWebApp.MailData objmaildata = new RoyalWebApp.MailData();
                    objmaildata.from = "*****@*****.**";
                    objmaildata.fromName = "KOD ROYAL CARD TEAM";
                    //objmaildata.to = "*****@*****.**";
                    objmaildata.to = Toemail.ToString();
                    objmaildata.toName = Toname.ToString();
                    objmaildata.subject = "Royal Card Top Up Mail";
                    string BodyMaggage = "<div style='height:770px; width:727px; background:url(http://royalty.kingdomofdreams.in/Skins/images/Emailer2.jpg) no-repeat;'>"
                        + "<div style='text-align:center; padding:260px 290px 50px 65px; font-family:Palatino Linotype, Century Gothic, Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px;'>"
                        + "Your holiness " + webid.ToString() + ",<br/>"
                         + "Your account is successfully credited with Rs. " + TransAmt.ToString() + " /- with transaction id " + transId.ToString() 
                        + "</div></div>"
                    objmaildata.bodyMessage = BodyMaggage;

                    // send SMS
                    SendTopUpSMS(webid, ToMobile, transId, TransAmt);