コード例 #1
        public async Task GetCommand(bool includeIdentity, bool isMemoryOptimized)
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a row update with cell updates
            var columns = Common.GetColumns(includeIdentity);
            var rs      = await Common.GetResultSet(columns, includeIdentity);

            var       etm = Common.GetStandardMetadata(columns, isMemoryOptimized);
            RowUpdate ru  = new RowUpdate(0, rs, etm);

            Common.AddCells(ru, includeIdentity);

            // ... Mock db connection for building the command
            var mockConn = new TestSqlConnection(null);

            // If: I ask for a command to be generated for update
            DbCommand cmd = ru.GetCommand(mockConn);

            // Then:
            // ... The command should not be null

            // ... There should be an appropriate number of parameters in it
            //     (1 or 3 keys, 3 value parameters)
            int expectedKeys = includeIdentity ? 1 : 3;

            Assert.Equal(expectedKeys + 3, cmd.Parameters.Count);

            // ... It should be formatted into an update script with output
            string regexFormat = isMemoryOptimized
                ? @"UPDATE (.+) WITH \(SNAPSHOT\) SET (.+) OUTPUT (.+) WHERE (.+)"
                : @"UPDATE (.+) SET (.+) OUTPUT(.+) WHERE (.+)";
            Regex r = new Regex(regexFormat);
            var   m = r.Match(cmd.CommandText);


            // ... There should be a table
            string tbl = m.Groups[1].Value;

            Assert.Equal(etm.EscapedMultipartName, tbl);

            // ... There should be 3 parameters for input
            string[] inCols = m.Groups[2].Value.Split(',');
            Assert.Equal(3, inCols.Length);
            Assert.All(inCols, s => Assert.Matches(@"\[.+\] = @Value\d+", s));

            // ... There should be 3 OR 4 columns for output
            string[] outCols = m.Groups[3].Value.Split(',');
            Assert.Equal(includeIdentity ? 4 : 3, outCols.Length);
            Assert.All(outCols, s => Assert.StartsWith("inserted.", s.Trim()));

            // ... There should be 1 OR 3 columns for where components
            string[] whereComponents = m.Groups[4].Value.Split(new[] { "AND" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            Assert.Equal(expectedKeys, whereComponents.Length);
            Assert.All(whereComponents, s => Assert.Matches(@"\(.+ = @Param\d+\)", s));
コード例 #2
        public async Task GetCommandNullConnection()
            // Setup: Create a row update
            RowUpdate ru = await GetStandardRowUpdate();

            // If: I attempt to create a command with a null connection
            // Then: It should throw an exception
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ru.GetCommand(null));
コード例 #3
        public async Task GetCommand(bool includeIdentity, bool isMemoryOptimized)
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a row update with cell updates
            var data = new Common.TestDbColumnsWithTableMetadata(isMemoryOptimized, includeIdentity, 0, 0);
            var rs   = await Common.GetResultSet(data.DbColumns, includeIdentity);

            RowUpdate ru = new RowUpdate(0, rs, data.TableMetadata);

            Common.AddCells(ru, includeIdentity ? 1 : 0);

            // ... Mock db connection for building the command
            var mockConn = new TestSqlConnection(null);

            // If: I ask for a command to be generated for update
            DbCommand cmd = ru.GetCommand(mockConn);

            // Then:
            // ... The command should not be null

            // ... Validate the command's makeup
            // Break the query into parts
            string[] splitSql = cmd.CommandText.Split(Environment.NewLine);
            Assert.True(splitSql.Length >= 3);

            // Check the declare statement first
            Regex declareRegex = new Regex(@"^DECLARE @(.+) TABLE \((.+)\)$");
            Match declareMatch = declareRegex.Match(splitSql[0]);


            // Declared table name matches

            // Correct number of columns in declared table
            string[] declareCols = declareMatch.Groups[2].Value.Split(", ");
            Assert.Equal(rs.Columns.Length, declareCols.Length);

            // Check the update statement in the middle
            string regex = isMemoryOptimized
                ? @"^UPDATE (.+) WITH \(SNAPSHOT\) SET (.+) OUTPUT (.+) INTO @(.+) WHERE .+$"
                : @"^UPDATE (.+) SET (.+) OUTPUT (.+) INTO @(.+) WHERE .+$";
            Regex updateRegex = new Regex(regex);
            Match updateMatch = updateRegex.Match(splitSql[10]);


            // Table name matches
            Assert.Equal(Common.TableName, updateMatch.Groups[1].Value);

            // Output columns match
            string[] outCols = updateMatch.Groups[3].Value.Split(", ");
            Assert.Equal(rs.Columns.Length, outCols.Length);
            Assert.All(outCols, col => Assert.StartsWith("inserted.", col));

            // Set columns match
            string[] setCols = updateMatch.Groups[2].Value.Split(", ");
            Assert.Equal(3, setCols.Length);
            Assert.All(setCols, s => Assert.Matches(@".+ = @Value\d+_\d+", s));

            // Output table name matches
            Assert.StartsWith("Update", updateMatch.Groups[4].Value);
            Assert.EndsWith("Output", updateMatch.Groups[4].Value);

            // Check the select statement last
            Regex selectRegex = new Regex(@"^SELECT (.+) FROM @(.+)$");
            Match selectMatch = selectRegex.Match(splitSql[11]);


            // Correct number of columns in select statement
            string[] selectCols = selectMatch.Groups[1].Value.Split(", ");
            Assert.Equal(rs.Columns.Length, selectCols.Length);

            // Select table name matches
            Assert.StartsWith("Update", selectMatch.Groups[2].Value);
            Assert.EndsWith("Output", selectMatch.Groups[2].Value);

            // ... There should be an appropriate number of parameters in it
            //     (1 or 3 keys, 3 value parameters)
            int expectedKeys = includeIdentity ? 1 : 3;

            Assert.Equal(expectedKeys + 3, cmd.Parameters.Count);