コード例 #1
        private static IEnumerator MtxExplorerListSubmissions(RoutineContext context)
            var submissions       = new List <Submission>();
            var param             = (object[])context.param;
            var tournamentAddress = (string)param[0];
            var page   = (long)param[1];
            var offset = page * 10;
            var url    = explorerEndpt + tournamentDetailByIdEndpt + tournamentAddress;

            using (WWW www = new WWW(url))
                yield return(www);

                // Debug.Log(www.text);
                var jsonObj = serializer.Deserialize <object>(www.bytes) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                if (jsonObj["error"] != null)
                    Debug.Log(url + " - " + jsonObj["message"] as string);
                    var dataObj        = jsonObj["data"] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    var title          = dataObj["tournamentTitle"] as string;
                    var bounty         = Convert.ToDouble(dataObj["mtx"] as string);
                    var description    = dataObj["tournamentDescription"] as string;
                    var submissionList = dataObj["recentSubmissions"] as List <object>;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            var sub        = submissionList[i + (int)offset] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                            var submission = new Submission();
                            submission.address  = tournamentAddress + ":" + sub["submissionAddress"] as string;
                            submission.title    = sub["submissionTitle"] as string;
                            submission.address += submission.title;
                            submission.author   = sub["authorName"] as string;
                        catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { break; }
                        catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); }

                    Debug.Log("Fetched submissions: " + submissions.Count);
コード例 #2
        private static IEnumerator MtxExplorerListTournaments(RoutineContext context)
            var tournaments = new List <Tournament>();
            var param       = (object[])context.param;
            var page        = (long)param[0];
            var offset      = page * 10;

            using (WWW www = new WWW(explorerEndpt + allTournamentsEndpt))
                yield return(www);

                // Debug.Log(www.text);
                var jsonObj        = serializer.Deserialize <object>(www.bytes) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                var tournamentList = jsonObj["data"] as List <object>;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        var tourna     = tournamentList[i + (int)offset] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                        var tournament = new Tournament();
                        tournament.title       = tourna["tournamentTitle"] as string;
                        tournament.description = tourna["tournamentDescription"] as string;
                        tournament.bounty      = (long)Convert.ToDouble(tourna["mtx"]);
                        tournament.address     = tourna["address"] as string;
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { break; }
                    catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); }
                Debug.Log("Fetched tournaments: " + tournaments.Count);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Request.cs プロジェクト: kultism/calcflow
        private static IEnumerator CoroutineUploadSubmission(RoutineContext context)
            // Prepare
            var function = mtxContract.GetFunction("createSubmission");
            // Get accounts
            var requestAccounts = new EthAccountsUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(requestAccounts.SendRequest());

            var resultsAccounts = requestAccounts.Result;
            var usedAccount     = resultsAccounts[0];
            // Parse routine params
            var param             = (object[])context.param;
            var submission        = (Submission)param[0];
            var tournamentAddress = Convert.ToInt64(submission.tournamentAddress);
            var title             = submission.title;
            var body         = submission.body;
            var references   = submission.references + "\n";
            var contributors = submission.contributors + "\n";
            // Make input
            var transactionInput = function.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, tournamentAddress, title, body, references, contributors);

            transactionInput.Gas = new HexBigInteger(3000000);
            // Do request
            var requestTransaction = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(requestTransaction.SendRequest(transactionInput));

            // Results
                var resultsTransaction = requestTransaction.Result;
                // Success
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error
                Debug.Log("Could not submit submission");
コード例 #4
        private static IEnumerator CoroutineDetailSubmission(RoutineContext context)
            // Prepare
            var function = tournamentContract.GetFunction("submissionByAddress");
            // Parse routine params
            var param             = (object[])context.param;
            var tournamentAddress = (string)param[0];
            var submissionAddress = (string)param[1];
            // Make input
            var input = function.CreateCallInput(Convert.ToInt64(tournamentAddress), Convert.ToInt64(submissionAddress));
            // Request the specific submission at address
            var request = new EthCallUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(SimpleCall(request, input));

            // Read results
                var parsedResults = function.DecodeDTOTypeOutput <SubmissionDTO>(request.Result);
                // Read results
                var submission = new Submission();
                submission.tournamentAddress = tournamentAddress;
                submission.address           = tournamentAddress + ":" + parsedResults.id.ToString();
                submission.title             = parsedResults.title;
                submission.body         = parsedResults.body;
                submission.references   = parsedResults.references;
                submission.contributors = parsedResults.contributors;
                submission.author       = parsedResults.author;
                // Done
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Could not read submission at:" + submissionAddress + " tournament: " + tournamentAddress);
コード例 #5
        private static IEnumerator MtxExplorerDetailSubmission(RoutineContext context)
            var param             = context.param as object[];
            var tournamentAddress = param[0] as string;
            var submissionAddress = param[1] as string;
            var url = explorerEndpt + submissionDetailByAddressEndpt + submissionAddress;

            using (var www = new WWW(url))
                yield return(www);

                var jsonObj = serializer.Deserialize <object>(www.bytes) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                Debug.Log(url + " - " + jsonObj["message"] as string);
                var dataObj = jsonObj["data"] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    var submission = new Submission();
                    submission.tournamentAddress = tournamentAddress;
                    submission.title             = dataObj["submissionTitle"] as string;
                    submission.address           = tournamentAddress + ":" + dataObj["submissionAddress"] as string;
                    submission.author            = dataObj["submissionAuthor"] as string;
                    submission.references        = (dataObj["submissionReferences"] as List <object>)[0] as string;
                    submission.contributors      = (dataObj["submissionCollaborators"] as List <object>)[0] as string;
                    var bodyObj     = (dataObj["submissionJson"] as List <object>)[0] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    var jsonContent = (bodyObj["Items"] as List <object>)[0] as string;
                    submission.body = "{ \"Items\" : [\"" + jsonContent + "\"] }";
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Log("Could not read submission at:" + submissionAddress + " tournament: " + tournamentAddress);
コード例 #6
        private static IEnumerator CoroutineListSumbissions(RoutineContext context)
            // Prepare
            var function    = platformContract.GetFunction("submissionByIndex");
            var submissions = new List <Submission>();
            // Parse routine params
            var param             = (object[])context.param;
            var tournamentAddress = (string)param[0];
            var page = (long)param[1];
            // Loop over every needed indexes
            var offset = page * 10;

            Debug.Log("Loading submissions at: " + offset + " in tournament: " + tournamentAddress);
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Make input
                var input = function.CreateCallInput(new BigInteger(Convert.ToInt64(tournamentAddress)), i + offset);
                // Request the specific submission within tournament address at index
                var request = new EthCallUnityRequest(mtxNode);
                yield return(SimpleCall(request, input));

                // Read results
                    var parsedResults = function.DecodeDTOTypeOutput <SubmissionDTO>(request.Result);
                    // Read results
                    var submission = new Submission();
                    submission.tournamentAddress = tournamentAddress;
                    submission.address           = tournamentAddress + ":" + parsedResults.id.ToString();
                    submission.title             = parsedResults.title;
                    submission.body         = parsedResults.body;
                    submission.references   = parsedResults.references;
                    submission.contributors = parsedResults.contributors;
                    submission.author       = parsedResults.author;
                    // Add to list of submissions
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Log("Could not read submission at index: " + (offset + i));
            Debug.Log("Fetched submissions: " + submissions.Count);
            // Done
コード例 #7
        private static IEnumerator CoroutineListTournaments(RoutineContext context)
            // Prepare
            var function    = platformContract.GetFunction("tournamentByIndex");
            var tournaments = new List <Tournament>();
            // Parse routine params
            var param = (object[])context.param;
            var page  = (long)param[0];
            // Loop over every needed indexes
            var offset = page * 10;

            Debug.Log("Loading tournaments at: " + offset);
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                // Make input
                var input = function.CreateCallInput(new BigInteger(i + offset));
                // Request the specific tournament at the index
                var request = new EthCallUnityRequest(mtxNode);
                yield return(SimpleCall(request, input));

                    var parsedResults = function.DecodeDTOTypeOutput <TournamentDTO>(request.Result);
                    // Read results
                    var tournament = new Tournament();
                    tournament.address     = parsedResults.id.ToString();
                    tournament.title       = parsedResults.title;
                    tournament.description = parsedResults.description;
                    tournament.bounty      = (long)parsedResults.bounty;
                    // Add to list of tournaments
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Log("Could not read tournament at index:" + (offset + i));
            Debug.Log("Fetched tournaments: " + tournaments.Count);
            // Done
コード例 #8
        private static IEnumerator CoroutineUploadSubmission(RoutineContext context)
            // Get accounts
            var requestAccounts = new EthAccountsUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(requestAccounts.SendRequest());

            var resultsAccounts = requestAccounts.Result;
            var usedAccount     = resultsAccounts[0];

            // Try to create a peer.
            var createPeerFunction = platformContract.GetFunction("createPeer");

            object[] createPeerParams = { };
            var      createPeerInput  = createPeerFunction.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, createPeerParams);

            createPeerInput.Gas = new HexBigInteger(3000000);
            var createPeerCall = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(createPeerCall.SendRequest(createPeerInput));

                var resultsTransaction = createPeerCall.Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error
                Debug.Log("Could not check peer status");

            // tournament.entryFee();
            var submission = (Submission)((object[])context.param)[0];

            tournamentContract = new Contract(null, tournamentAbi, submission.tournamentAddress);
            var entryFeeFunction = tournamentContract.GetFunction("entryFee");
            var entryFeeInput    = entryFeeFunction.CreateCallInput(new object[0]);

            entryFeeInput.Gas = new HexBigInteger(300000);
            var entryFeeCall = new EthCallUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(entryFeeCall.SendRequest(entryFeeInput, BlockParameter.CreateLatest()));

            EntryFeeDTO entryFee = new EntryFeeDTO();

                entryFee = entryFeeFunction.DecodeDTOTypeOutput <EntryFeeDTO>(entryFeeCall.Result);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Could not get tournament entry fee.");

            // token.approve(tournament.address, tournament.entryFee)
            if (entryFee.entryFee > 0)
                var      tokenApproveFunction    = tokenContract.GetFunction("approve");
                object[] tokenClearApproveParams = { submission.tournamentAddress, 0 };
                object[] tokenApproveParams      = { submission.tournamentAddress, entryFee.entryFee };
                var      tokenClearApproveInput  = tokenApproveFunction.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, tokenClearApproveParams);
                var      tokenApproveInput       = tokenApproveFunction.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, tokenApproveParams);
                tokenClearApproveInput.Gas = new HexBigInteger(3000000);
                tokenApproveInput.Gas      = new HexBigInteger(3000000);
                var tokenClearApproveTransaction = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);
                var tokenApproveTransaction      = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);
                yield return(tokenClearApproveTransaction.SendRequest(tokenClearApproveInput));

                    var tokenClearApprovalResult = tokenClearApproveTransaction.Result;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Log("Could not approve tournament to withdraw entry fee.");

                yield return(tokenApproveTransaction.SendRequest(tokenApproveInput));

                    var tokenApprovalTransactionResult = tokenApproveTransaction.Result;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Log("Could not approve tournament to withdraw entry fee.");

            var enterTournamentFunction = platformContract.GetFunction("enterTournament");

            object[] enterTournamentParams = { submission.tournamentAddress };
            var      enterTournamentInput  = enterTournamentFunction.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, enterTournamentParams);

            enterTournamentInput.Gas = new HexBigInteger(3300000);
            var enterTournamentTransaction = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(enterTournamentTransaction.SendRequest(enterTournamentInput));

                var enterTournamentTransactionResult = enterTournamentTransaction.Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Log("Could not enter tournament.");

            // Fix the below code
            // Prepare create submission
            var createSubmissionFunction = tournamentContract.GetFunction("createSubmission");
            // Parse routine params
            var tournamentAddress = (submission.tournamentAddress);
            var title             = submission.title;

            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

            form.AddBinaryData("description", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(((Submission)((object[])(context.param))[0]).title), "description.txt", "text/plain");
            form.AddBinaryData("jsonContent", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(((Submission)((object[])(context.param))[0]).body), "jsonContent.json", "application/json");
            UnityWebRequest ipfsRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(submissionUploadEndpt, form);

            yield return(ipfsRequest.Send());

            print("request completed with code: " + ipfsRequest.responseCode);
            if (ipfsRequest.isError)
                print("Error: " + ipfsRequest.error);
                print("Request Response: " + ipfsRequest.downloadHandler.text);

            var response   = serializer.Deserialize <object>(ipfsRequest.downloadHandler.data) as Dictionary <string, object>;
            var folderHash = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes((string)response["folderHash"]);

            string[] contributors            = { };
            int[]    contributorDistribution = { };
            string[] references = { };

            if (submission.references != string.Empty)
                references = submission.references.Split(',');
            if (submission.contributors != string.Empty)
                contributors            = submission.contributors.Split(',');
                contributorDistribution = Enumerable.Range(0, contributors.Length).Select(x => 1).ToArray();

            // Make input
            object[] inputParams      = { title, usedAccount, folderHash, contributors, contributorDistribution, references };
            var      transactionInput = createSubmissionFunction.CreateTransactionInput(usedAccount, inputParams);

            transactionInput.Gas      = new HexBigInteger(3000000);
            transactionInput.GasPrice = new HexBigInteger(20);
            // Do request
            var requestTransaction = new EthSendTransactionUnityRequest(mtxNode);

            yield return(requestTransaction.SendRequest(transactionInput));

            // Results
                var resultsTransaction = requestTransaction.Result;
                // Success
            catch (Exception e)
                // Error
                Debug.Log("Could not submit submission");