public void TestLoadAndRunDynamicSecondImpl() { var defaultSettings = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IRoutes)) .GetType("Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.Properties.Settings") .GetProperty("Default") .GetValue(null); defaultSettings.GetType().GetMethod("Reset").Invoke(defaultSettings, new object[] { }); //defaultSettings.GetType().GetMethod("Reload").Invoke(defaultSettings, new object[] { }); var cities = new Cities(); cities.ReadCities(CitiesTestFile); IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerTest.TestRoutesValidConstructor"); Assert.AreEqual(42, routes.ReadRoutes("nonsense")); IRoutes routes2 = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); Assert.AreNotEqual(routes.GetType(), routes2.GetType()); try { try { defaultSettings.GetType().GetProperty("RouteAlgorithm").SetValue(defaultSettings, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerTest.TestRoutesValidConstructor"); } catch { Assert.Fail("Make sure there is a String-property called \"RouteAlgorithm\" with User-scope."); } IRoutes routes3 = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); Assert.AreEqual(routes.GetType(), routes3.GetType()); } finally { defaultSettings.GetType().GetMethod("Reset").Invoke(defaultSettings, new object[] { }); } try { RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerTest.Lab5Test.TestRoutesInvalidConstructor"); Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException, because it doesn't have the right constructor"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } try { RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerTest.Lab5Test.TestRoutesNoInterface"); Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException, because IRoutes is not implemented"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } }
public void TestLoadDynamicInValid() { var cities = new Cities(); // pass a name of a class that does not exist IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Class.Does.Not.Exits"); Assert.IsNull(routes); // pass a name of a class that exists, but does not implement the inetrface routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Cities"); Assert.IsNull(routes); }
public void TestLoadDynamicValid() { var cities = new Cities(); // just test for correct dynamic creation of valid routed class from config IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(routes, typeof(IRoutes)); // now test for correct dynamic creation of valid routed class passed as string routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.RoutesDijkstra"); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(routes, typeof(IRoutes)); }
public void TestLoadAndRunDynamicClassicImpl() { var cities = new Cities(); cities.ReadCities(CitiesTestFile); IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); routes.ReadRoutes(LinksTestFile); Assert.AreEqual(28, cities.Count); // test available cities List <Link> links = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("Zürich", "Basel", TransportMode.Rail); var expectedLinks = new List <Link>(); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Zürich", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Basel", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); Assert.IsNotNull(links); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLinks.Count, links.Count); for (int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++) { Assert.IsTrue( (expectedLinks[i].FromCity.Name == links[i].FromCity.Name && expectedLinks[i].ToCity.Name == links[i].ToCity.Name) || (expectedLinks[i].FromCity.Name == links[i].ToCity.Name && expectedLinks[i].ToCity.Name == links[i].FromCity.Name)); } try { links = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("doesNotExist", "either", TransportMode.Rail); Assert.Fail("Should throw a KeyNotFoundException"); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } }
public void TestLoadAndRunDynamic() { var cities = new Cities(); cities.ReadCities(CitiesTestFile); IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); routes.ReadRoutes(LinksTestFile); Assert.AreEqual(11, cities.Count); // test available cities List <Link> links = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("Zürich", "Basel", TransportModes.Rail); var expectedLinks = new List <Link>(); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Zürich", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); expectedLinks.Add(new Link(new City("Liestal", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), new City("Basel", "Switzerland", 7000, 1, 2), 0)); Assert.IsNotNull(links); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLinks.Count, links.Count); for (int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedLinks[i].FromCity.Name, links[i].FromCity.Name); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLinks[i].ToCity.Name, links[i].ToCity.Name); } links = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("doesNotExist", "either", TransportModes.Rail); Assert.IsNull(links); }
public void TestLoadDynamicInvalid() { var cities = new Cities(); // pass a name of a class that does not exist try { IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Class.Does.Not.Exist"); Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } // pass a name of a class that exists, but does not implement the interface try { IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities, "Cities"); Assert.Fail("Should throw a NotSupportedException"); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to RoutePlanner (Version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version + ") "); var wayPoint = new WayPoint("Windisch", 47.479319847061966, 8.212966918945312); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}/{2}", wayPoint.Name, wayPoint.Latitude, wayPoint.Longitude); Console.WriteLine(wayPoint.ToString()); var bern = new WayPoint("Bern", 46.949690, 7.442420); var tripolis = new WayPoint("Tripolis", 32.815062, 13.105445); Console.WriteLine(bern.Distance(tripolis)); var cities = new Cities(); cities.ReadCities("citiesTestDataLab4.txt"); IRoutes routes = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); Console.WriteLine(routes); var count = routes.ReadRoutes("linksTestDataLab4.txt"); //TestError Loading Lab9 b) var count2 = routes.ReadRoutes("linksTestDataLab42.txt"); var c1 = new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 10, 1.1, 2.2); var c2 = new City("Bern", "Switzerland", 10, 1.1, 2.2); Console.WriteLine("\nsimpleObjectWriterTest"); var stream = new StringWriter(); var writer = new SimpleObjectWriter(stream); writer.Next(c1); Console.WriteLine(stream.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("readTest Lab5"); const string cityString1 = "Instance of Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.City\r\nName=\"Aarau\"\r\nCountry=\"Switzerland\"\r\nPopulation=10\r\nLocation is a nested object...\r\nInstance of Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.WayPoint\r\nName=\"Aarau\"\r\nLongitude=2.2\r\nLatitude=1.1\r\nEnd of instance\r\nEnd of instance\r\n"; const string cityString2 = "Instance of Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.City\r\nName=\"Bern\"\r\nCountry=\"Switzerland\"\r\nPopulation=10\r\nLocation is a nested object...\r\nInstance of Fhnw.Ecnf.RoutePlanner.RoutePlannerLib.WayPoint\r\nName=\"Bern\"\r\nLongitude=2.2\r\nLatitude=1.1\r\nEnd of instance\r\nEnd of instance\r\n"; const string cityString = cityString1 + cityString2; var expectedCity1 = new City("Aarau", "Switzerland", 10, 1.1, 2.2); var expectedCity2 = new City("Bern", "Switzerland", 10, 1.1, 2.2); var stream2 = new StringReader(cityString); var reader = new SimpleObjectReader(stream2); var city1 = reader.Next() as City; if (city1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("city was null"); } Console.WriteLine(city1.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("ActionTest Lab6"); var actions = new Action[3]; for (var i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++) { var z = i; actions[i] = () => Console.Write(z); } foreach (var a in actions) { a(); } //Lab9 a1 c) Console & File Test of Readcities var cities3 = new Cities(); cities3.ReadCities("citiesTestDataLab4.txt"); IRoutes routes2 = RoutesFactory.Create(cities); //Lab9 a1 b) Loading from existing file var count3 = routes.ReadRoutes("linksTestDataLab4.txt"); //Lab9 a1 b) Writing to file but not to console routesLogger.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 01, "this should not be on the console"); //Lab9 a1 b) Loding not existing file var count4 = routes.ReadRoutes("linksTestDataLab42.txt"); //Lab10 Tests Console.WriteLine("Lab10 Tests"); Cities c10 = new Cities(); c10.ReadCities(@"citiesTestDataLab10.txt"); Console.WriteLine(c10.Count); Routes r10 = new RoutesFloydWarshall(cities); int count10 = r10.ReadRoutes(@"linksTestDataLab10.txt"); Console.WriteLine(count10); // test short routes in parallel mode r10.ExecuteParallel = true; sw.Start(); List <Link> links = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("Lyon", "Berlin", TransportModes.Rail, null); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Parallel: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); // test short routes in seqential mode r10.ExecuteParallel = false; sw.Restart(); List <Link> links2 = routes.FindShortestRouteBetween("Lyon", "Berlin", TransportModes.Rail, null); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Sequential: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //feststellung Parallel benötigt länger //Webpage of uploaded RoutePlannerLib // Console.ReadLine(); }