コード例 #1
        public async Task <long> Execute()
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Log($"{_context?.FunctionName} => {nameof(FunctionHandler)} => Execute");

                //Select Instances with Route Tag Key Only
                var instances = (await _EC2.ListInstances()).Where(instance => instance.Tags.Any(x => x.Key.Contains("Route53 Name"))).ToArray();

                var running     = instances.Where(instance => instance.State.Code == 16); //running
                var not_running = instances.Where(instance => instance.State.Code != 16); //not running

                var blacklist = new List <string>();
                //only process running instances if there are stopped ones with the same 'Route53 Name'
                if (!running.IsNullOrEmpty() && !not_running.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    foreach (var live in running)
                        var names_live = live.Tags.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("Route53 Name") && !x.Value.IsNullOrEmpty()).Select(x => x.Value);
                        var zones_live = live.Tags.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("Route53 Zone") && !x.Value.IsNullOrEmpty()).Select(x => x.Value);

                        foreach (var stopped in not_running)
                            if (blacklist.Contains(stopped.InstanceId) || live.InstanceId == stopped.InstanceId)
                                continue; //dont process already blacklisted instances or the same instances
                            var names_stopped = stopped.Tags.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("Route53 Name") && !x.Value.IsNullOrEmpty()).Select(x => x.Value);
                            var zones_stopped = stopped.Tags.Where(x => x.Key.Contains("Route53 Zone") && !x.Value.IsNullOrEmpty()).Select(x => x.Value);

                            if (names_live.IntersectAny(names_stopped) && zones_live.IntersectAny(zones_stopped))
                                Console.WriteLine($"Blacklisting instance '{stopped.InstanceId}' from processing, found overlapping zones and names with already running instance '{live.InstanceId}'.");

                //Select Non blacklisted instances
                instances = instances.Where(instance => !blacklist.Contains(instance.InstanceId)).ToArray();

                var zones = await _R53.GetRecordSets();

                if (zones.Count <= 0)
                    Log($"AWSRouter53 can't process any tags, not a single Route53 Zone was found.");
                    Log($"Processing validating routes for {zones.Count} zones and {instances.Length} instances...");

                await ParallelEx.ForEachAsync(instances, async instance => await Process(zones, instance));

                Log($"{_context?.FunctionName} => {nameof(FunctionHandler)} => Stopped, Eveluated within: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} [ms]");
コード例 #2
ファイル: route53.cs プロジェクト: asmodat/AWSHelper
        private static async Task executeR53(string[] args)
            var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args);

            var helper = new Route53Helper();

            switch (args[1])
            case "destroy-record":
                await helper.DestroyRecord(
                    zoneId : nArgs["zone"],
                    recordName : nArgs["name"],
                    recordType : nArgs["type"],
                    throwIfNotFound : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throw-if-not-foud").ToBoolOrDefault(true));

                ; break;

            case "upsert-cname-record":
                var result = await helper.UpsertCNameRecordAsync(
                    zoneId : nArgs["zone"],
                    name : nArgs["name"],
                    value : nArgs["value"],
                    ttl : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("ttl").ToIntOrDefault(60),
                    failover : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("failover"),
                    healthCheckId : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("health-check-id"),
                    setIdentifier : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("set-identifier"));

                WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Result: '{result}'");
                ; break;

            case "upsert-a-record":
                var result = await helper.UpsertARecordAsync(
                    zoneId : nArgs["zone"],
                    name : nArgs["name"],
                    value : nArgs["value"],
                    ttl : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("ttl").ToIntOrDefault(60),
                    failover : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("failover"),
                    healthCheckId : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("health-check-id"),
                    setIdentifier : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("set-identifier"));

                WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Result: '{result}'");
                ; break;

            case "get-record-sets":
                WriteLine("Loading Route53 Record Sets...");
                var result = await helper.GetRecordSets();

                WriteLine("SUCCESS, Result:");
                Console.WriteLine(result.Select(x => (x.Key.Name, x.Value.Select(y => y))).JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented));
                ; break;

            case "list-resource-record-sets":
                WriteLine("Loading Route53 Resource Record Sets...");
                var result = await helper.ListResourceRecordSetsAsync(nArgs["zone"]);

                WriteLine("SUCCESS, Result:");
                ; break;

            case "help":
            case "--help":
            case "-help":
            case "-h":
            case "h":
                HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Route53",
                            ("destroy-record", "Accepts params: zone, name, type, throw-if-not-foud (optional)"),
                            ("get-record-sets", "Accepts params: no params"),
                            ("list-resource-record-sets", "Accepts params: zone"),
                            ("upsert-cname-record", "Accepts: zone, name, value, ttl (optional:60), failover (optional), health-check-id (optional), set-identifier (optional)"),
                            ("upsert-a-record", "Accepts: zone, name, value, ttl (optional:60), failover (optional), health-check-id (optional), set-identifier (optional)"));

                Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands.");
                throw new Exception($"Unknown Route53 command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'");