コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This service calculates the spike-triggered covariance for given stimuli data and response spikes data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stimuli">
        /// The stimuli that triggered spikes as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ] - List of stimuli frames.
        /// [ ][?] - Stimulus data for the frame.</param>
        /// <param name="spikes">
        /// The detected spikes for the stimuli as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ][ ] - List of cells.
        /// [ ][?][ ] - List of spike data for the cell.
        /// [ ][ ][?] - Time when spike occurred.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="roundStrategy">
        /// The strategy for rounding the frame numbers.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns a vector containing the STA. </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Calculation of STC:
        ///       N                    T
        /// C =   Σ  [s(tn)-A][s(tn)-A]
        ///      n=1
        ///      -----------------------
        ///                N-1
        /// N  = total number of spikes
        /// s  = vector representing the stimuli
        /// tn = time when the nth spike occurred
        /// A  = STA (spike-triggered average)
        /// C  = resulting covariance matrix
        /// </remarks>
        public static double[][] CalculateSTC(double[][] stimuli, double[][][] spikes, RoundStrategy roundStrategy)
            var spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble = GetSpikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble(stimuli, spikes, 0, roundStrategy);
            var sta = CalculateSTA(stimuli, spikes, 0, roundStrategy);
            var n = spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble.Length;

            var stc =
                        Math.Subtract(spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble, sta).Select(stimulusReducedBySta =>
                            Math.Tensor(stimulusReducedBySta, stimulusReducedBySta)).ToArray()),
                    n - 1);

            return stc;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a list with all stimuli data that elicited spikes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stimuli">
        /// The stimuli that triggered spikes as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ] - List of stimuli frames.
        /// [ ][?] - Stimulus data for the frame.</param>
        /// <param name="spikes">
        /// The detected spikes for the stimuli as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ][ ] - List of cells.
        /// [ ][?][ ] - List of spike data for the cell.
        /// [ ][ ][?] - No. of frame which triggered the spike.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="frameOffset">
        /// The offset of the first frame which is taken for calculations. All other frames will be behind that frame.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="roundStrategy">
        /// The strategy for rounding the frame numbers.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns an array of the stimuli which triggered spikes. </returns>
        public static double[][] GetSpikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble(double[][] stimuli, double[][][] spikes, int frameOffset, RoundStrategy roundStrategy)
            var spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble = new List<double[]>();
            var spikesAndFrames = new double[0][][];

            if (roundStrategy == RoundStrategy.Ceiling)
                spikesAndFrames = Math.Ceiling(Math.Divide(spikes, Constants.STIMULI_FrameInterval));
            else if (roundStrategy == RoundStrategy.Floor)
                spikesAndFrames = Math.Floor(Math.Divide(spikes, Constants.STIMULI_FrameInterval));
            else if (roundStrategy == RoundStrategy.Round)
                spikesAndFrames = Math.Round(Math.Divide(spikes, Constants.STIMULI_FrameInterval));

            foreach (double[][] cell in spikesAndFrames)
                for (var spike = 0; spike < cell.Length; spike++)
                    var frame = (int)(cell[spike][0] - frameOffset);
                    if (frame > 0 && frame < stimuli.Length)

            return spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble.ToArray();
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This service calculates the spike-triggered average for given stimuli data and response spikes data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stimuli">
        /// The stimuli that triggered spikes as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ] - List of stimuli frames.
        /// [ ][?] - Stimulus data for the frame.</param>
        /// <param name="spikes">
        /// The detected spikes for the stimuli as 2-dimensional array with:
        /// [?][ ][ ] - List of cells.
        /// [ ][?][ ] - List of spike data for the cell.
        /// [ ][ ][?] - Time when spike occurred.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="frameOffset">
        /// The offset of the first frame which is taken for calculations. All other frames will be behind that frame.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="roundStrategy">
        /// The strategy for rounding the frame numbers.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Returns a vector containing the STA. </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Calculation of STA:
        ///      N
        /// A =  Σ  s(tn)
        ///     n=1
        ///     ---------
        ///         N
        /// N  = total number of spikes
        /// s  = vector representing the stimuli
        /// tn = time when the nth spike occurred
        /// A  = resulting STA (spike-triggered average)
        /// </remarks>
        public static double[] CalculateSTA(double[][] stimuli, double[][][] spikes, int frameOffset, RoundStrategy roundStrategy)
            var spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble = GetSpikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble(stimuli, spikes, frameOffset, roundStrategy);

            var sta = Math.Subtract(Math.Mean(spikeTriggeredStimulusEnsemble), Math.Mean(stimuli));

            return sta;