コード例 #1
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Get a color map bitmap
         * /// </summary>
         * public Bitmap this[byte index]
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return this.getColorMapBmp(index);
         *  }
         * }*/

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() == (COLORMAP_DATA_SIZE))
                if ((!this.isReady) && (this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    //build colormap in memory, per color
                    for (ushort colMap = 0; colMap < COLORMAP_COUNT; colMap++)
                        for (byte i = 0; i < COLORMAP_SIZE; i++)
                            this._colorMaps[colMap, i] = this._rawData[colMap * 0xFF + i];

                     * for (int i = 0; i < COLORMAP_SIZE; i += 3)
                     * {
                     *  for (ushort colMap = 0; colMap < COLORMAP_COUNT; colMap++)
                     *  {
                     *      int indexToProcess = 3 * i; //get 3 bytes for 3 color values (RGB)
                     *      this._colorMaps[colMap, i] = this._rawData[indexToProcess];
                     *      this._colorMaps[colMap, i +1] = this._rawData[indexToProcess + 1];
                     *      this._colorMaps[colMap, i +2] = this._rawData[indexToProcess + 2];
                     *  }
                     * }

                    //build buffer bitmap (just for output to user)
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        for (ushort palIndex = 0; palIndex < COLORMAP_COUNT; palIndex++)
                            for (ushort colOfs = 0; colOfs < COLORMAP_SIZE; colOfs++)
                                byte  iPaletteColorIndex = this._colorMaps[palIndex, colOfs]; //read a pixel value
                                Color rott2dImgColor     = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex]; //convert to Color
                                fastBuffer.SetColor(colOfs, palIndex, rott2dImgColor);

                    //flag ready
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// clear buffer (parameter by value!)
 /// </summary>
 public void FillBuffer(int width, int height, ref Color color)
     if (this._buffer != null)
         using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
             //set all pixels to transparent color (index 255)
             for (int y = 0; y < width; y++)
                 for (int x = 0; x < height; x++)
                     fastBuffer.SetColor(x, y, color);
                     //this._buffer.SetPixel(x, y, color);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// return the selected colormap data
        /// </summary>
        public Bitmap GetColorMapBmp(byte palIndex)
            Bitmap colormapBmp = new Bitmap(COLORMAP_SIZE, 1, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            if ((this.isReady) && (this._colorMaps != null))
                if (this._colorMaps.Length > 0)
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        for (ushort colOfs = 0; colOfs < COLORMAP_SIZE; colOfs++)
                            byte  iPaletteColorIndex = this._colorMaps[palIndex, colOfs]; //read a pixel value
                            Color rott2dImgColor     = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex]; //convert to Color
                            fastBuffer.SetColor(colOfs, 0, rott2dImgColor);
                    } //using fastBuffer
                }     //length check
            }         //is ready

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() >= RAW_MINIMAL_DATA_SIZE)
                if ((this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        int    iLumpIndex         = 0; //index for lump data array to byte (wall 0-4096, sky 0-512000)
                        ushort iPaletteColorIndex = 0; //return value for lump palette color index (0-256)

                        //generate pixels in bitmap, starting with Y value (for ROTT's "modex" compatibility mode)
                        for (int y = 0; y < this.TextureHeight; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < this.TextureWidth; x++)
                                //convert lump data to Palette Index values
                                iPaletteColorIndex = this._rawData[iLumpIndex++];

                                //get Palette Index and create color value
                                Color rott2dImgColor = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex];
                                //rott2dImgColor = Color.FromArgb(colormap[iPaletteColorIndex].a, colormap[iPaletteColorIndex].r, colormap[iPaletteColorIndex].g, colormap[iPaletteColorIndex].b);

                                //draw color pixels to bitmap texture
                                fastBuffer.SetColor(x, y, rott2dImgColor);
                                //this._buffer.SetPixel(x, y, rott2dImgColor);

                    //rotate bitmap 90 degrees

                    //flag ready
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() >= Rott2DPatchHeader.PATCH_HEADER_SIZE)
                if ((this.isHeaderReady) && (this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        //generate pixels to bitmap
                        int    iLumpIndex         = Rott2DPatchHeader.PATCH_HEADER_SIZE; //start pixels processing from last header byte
                        ushort iPaletteColorIndex = 0;                                   //return value for lump palette color index (0-256)

                        //generate pixels in bitmap

                        for (int x = 0; x < this._patchHeader.PatchWidth; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < this._patchHeader.PatchHeight; y++)
                                //convert lump data to Palette Index values
                                iPaletteColorIndex = this._rawData[iLumpIndex++];

                                //get Palette Index and create color value
                                Color rott2dImgColor = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex];

                                //draw color pixels to bitmap texture
                                fastBuffer.SetColor(x, y, rott2dImgColor);
                                //this._buffer.SetPixel(x, y, rott2dImgColor);

                    //flag ready
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>

        /*private void DumpRawStreamToPic()
         * {
         *  if (this.isHeaderReady)
         *  {
         *      using (Bitmap dumper = new Bitmap(this._rawData.Length, 1))
         *      {
         *          for (int p = 0; p < this._rawData.Length; p++)
         *          {
         *              short index = this._rawData[p];
         *              Color colorDump = this._palette[index];
         *              dumper.SetPixel(p, 0, colorDump);
         *          }
         *          dumper.Save(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\data\cache\dump.bmp");
         *      }
         *  }
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() > Rott2DPicHeader.PIC_HEADER_SIZE)
                if ((this.isHeaderReady) && (this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        //first, fill buffer with transparency color from palette
                        Color textureTransparencyColor = this._palette.GetMaskedColor();
                        //this.fillBuffer(ref textureTransparencyColor);

                        //convert pic_t raw data stream to Bitmap
                        int    iLumpIndex         = Rott2DPicHeader.PIC_HEADER_SIZE;          //start pixels processing from last header byte
                        ushort iPaletteColorIndex = Rott2DPalette.DEFAULT_MASKED_COLOR;       //value for lump palette color index (0-255)
                        int    iLastLumpIndex     = iLumpIndex;                               //remeber last LumpIndex start offset
                        int    iColoffFactor      = 1;                                        //set starting factor not zero.

                        //go for all pic_t columns
                        //(this is a modex image format)
                        for (ushort x = 0; x < this._picHeader.PicWidth; x++)   //rows (horz)
                            //After the first three rows, start checking if we have a col off's
                            //that is dividable by four. If so, shift index by one in the raw data
                            //bytes stream and start reading from that position on.
                            //For images of 16 pix width, this happens once. Larger width then 16 results in more shifts.
                            if (x > (Rott2DPicHeader.PIC_HEADER_MULTIPLIER - 1))           //x > 3
                                iColoffFactor = x % Rott2DPicHeader.PIC_HEADER_MULTIPLIER; //x % 4

                                if (iColoffFactor == 0)
                                    iLumpIndex = iLastLumpIndex = iLastLumpIndex + 1;

                            //go down the pic_t colums and read pixels
                            for (ushort y = 0; y < this._picHeader.PicHeight; y++)   //cols (vert)
                                //get color and decide if is transparent color or not
                                iPaletteColorIndex = this._rawData[iLumpIndex];  //get color from palette

                                if (iPaletteColorIndex != 255)
                                    //draw palette color
                                    Color rott2dImgColor = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex];
                                    fastBuffer.SetColor(x, y, rott2dImgColor);
                                    //this._buffer.SetPixel(x, y, rott2dImgColor);

                                iLumpIndex += this._picHeader.PicPlaneSize;  //move ahead in the data stream by supplied multiplier

                    //flag ready
コード例 #7
ファイル: Rott2DMasked.cs プロジェクト: suglasp/ROTTWadReader
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() == (this._dataSize + Rott2DMaskedHeader.MASKED_HEADER_SIZE))
                if ((this.isHeaderReady) && (this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        //generate pixels to bitmap
                        ushort iPaletteColorIndex = 0;       //return value for lump palette color index (0-256)

                        //read column offset pointers
                        int pos = Rott2DMaskedHeader.MASKED_HEADER_SIZE;

                        for (int col = 0; col < this._maskedHeader.Width; col++)
                            this._maskedHeader[col] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(this._rawData, pos); //store pointer position in colofs
                            pos += sizeof(ushort);                                               //move two bytes further

                        //first, fill buffer with default transparency color from palette
                        Color textureTransparencyColor = this._palette.GetMaskedColor();
                        //this.fillBuffer(ref textureTransparencyColor);

                        //generate pixels in bitmap
                        for (ushort iXpos = 0; iXpos < this._maskedHeader.Width; iXpos++)
                            Rott2DMaskedPost postData = new Rott2DMaskedPost();                    //create post data

                            postData.Offset = this._maskedHeader[iXpos];                           //get post data Offset

                            ushort iYpos = this._rawData[postData.Offset];                         //read first position in row

                            while (iYpos != Rott2DMaskedPost.MASKED_POST_TERMINATOR)               //continue until row is terminated
                                postData.NumberOfPixels = this._rawData[postData.getNextOffset()]; //read number of pixels in post

                                if (iYpos + postData.NumberOfPixels > this._maskedHeader.Height)
                                    break;  //skip is we reached Height of bitmap!
                                //read a full post (= row of pixels to be drawn)
                                for (byte iPost = 0; iPost < postData.NumberOfPixels; iPost++)
                                    iPaletteColorIndex = this._rawData[postData.getNextOffset()]; //read a pixel value

                                    Color rott2dImgColor = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex];     //convert to Color

                                    fastBuffer.SetColor(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor);
                                    //this._buffer.SetPixel(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor);  //draw

                                iYpos = this._rawData[postData.getNextOffset()]; //goto next row offset

                    //flag ready
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the buffer texture
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessLumpData()
            if (this.GetDataSize() == (this._dataSize + Rott2DTransMaskedHeader.TRANSMASKED_HEADER_SIZE))
                if ((this.isHeaderReady) && (this._buffer != null) && (this._palette.isReady))
                    //generate pixels to bitmap
                    using (Rott2DFastBitmap fastBuffer = new Rott2DFastBitmap(this._buffer))
                        ushort iPaletteColorIndex = 0;        //return value for lump palette color index (0-256)

                        //read column offset pointers
                        int pos = Rott2DTransMaskedHeader.TRANSMASKED_HEADER_SIZE;

                        for (int col = 0; col < this._transMaskedHeader.Width; col++)
                            this._transMaskedHeader[col] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(this._rawData, pos); //store pointer position in colofs
                            pos += sizeof(ushort);                                                    //move two bytes further

                        //first, fill buffer with default transparency color from palette
                        //Color textureTransparencyColor = this._palette[Rott2DPalette.PALETTE_TRANSPARENT_COLOR];
                        Color textureTransparencyColor = this._palette.GetMaskedColor();
                        //this.fillBuffer(this._transMaskedHeader.Width, this._transMaskedHeader.Height, textureTransparencyColor);

                        //generate pixels in bitmap
                        for (ushort iXpos = 0; iXpos < this._transMaskedHeader.Width; iXpos++)
                            Rott2DTransMaskedPost postData = new Rott2DTransMaskedPost();          //create a post header data
                            postData.Offset = this._transMaskedHeader[iXpos];                      //get post data Offset

                            ushort iYpos     = (ushort)this._rawData[postData.Offset];             //read first position in row
                            byte   transbyte = 0;                                                  //this is our "special" post pre-reading byte value

                            while (iYpos != Rott2DTransMaskedPost.TRANSMASKED_POST_TERMINATOR)     //continue until row is terminated
                                postData.NumberOfPixels = this._rawData[postData.GetNextOffset()]; //read number of pixels in post

                                if (iYpos + postData.NumberOfPixels > this._transMaskedHeader.Height)
                                    break;   //skip is we reached Height of bitmap!

                                //read first post byte if number of pixels is larger then zero
                                //we need to do this check, or we go out of limits of the stream (SOLVED 06-02-2012).
                                if (postData.NumberOfPixels > 0)
                                    transbyte = this._rawData[postData.GetNextOffset()];

                                //optimized routine for speed (less if-then-else checking)
                                Color rott2dImgColor = this._palette.GetMaskedColor();  //default masked color from palette

                                //get byte value, draw correct color if not transparent
                                if (transbyte != Rott2DTransMaskedPost.TRANSMASKED_POST_SPECIAL)
                                    //we have a regular post (such as in a masked texture), draw it!
                                    for (byte iPost = 0; iPost < postData.NumberOfPixels; iPost++)
                                        //transbyte pre-reads a value that can be 254 (= TRANSMASKED_POST_SPECIAL).
                                        //this is the same as the first post byte value.
                                        //in other words: if iPost is zero, copy the transbyte value.
                                        iPaletteColorIndex = (iPost == 0) ? transbyte : this._rawData[postData.GetNextOffset()];

                                        rott2dImgColor = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex];   //convert to Color

                                        fastBuffer.SetColor(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor);
                                        //this._buffer.SetPixel(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor); //draw
                                    /* special post,
                                     * draw cracked/remaining glass pieces on the edges of the transmasked pictures
                                     * notes:
                                     * in ROTT this is calculated with an ALPHA value for transparency
                                     * most of this can be found in rt_scale.c
                                     * int alpha = (((translevel+64)>>2)<<8)
                                     * in WinRottGL this is calculated as (thanks to Birger):
                                     * int mask = (63 - translevel) << (ALPHA_SHIFT+2)

                                    for (byte iPost = 0; iPost < postData.NumberOfPixels; iPost++)
                                        iPaletteColorIndex = 32;                                //set dark value
                                        rott2dImgColor     = this._palette[iPaletteColorIndex]; //convert to Color
                                        fastBuffer.SetColor(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor);
                                        //this._buffer.SetPixel(iXpos, iYpos + iPost, rott2dImgColor); //draw

                                //finally, goto next row offset
                                iYpos = this._rawData[postData.GetNextOffset()];
                    //flag ready