コード例 #1
    public static RopeCastingSegment NewSeg(RopeCasting mother, Vector2 start, RopeCastingSegment end, Collider2D col, float bendsCross)
        var gObj = new GameObject("RopeSegment");
        gObj.transform.parent = mother.transform;
        gObj.layer = 12;

        var nxt = gObj.AddComponent<RopeCastingSegment>();
        nxt.mother = mother;
        nxt.end = end;
        nxt.col = col;
        nxt.startOffset = nxt.col.transform.InverseTransformPoint(start);
        nxt.bendsCross = bendsCross;
        nxt.eCol = gObj.AddComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
        nxt.eCol.isTrigger = true;
        nxt.IgnoreCollisions ();
        nxt.isEnd = false;

        // TODO Hacked to always add rigidbody so that it will detect when moving platforms hits it.
        // TODO RopeCast instead when you break instead? !?!?!? its not actualy because of moving platforms!!!
        if (col == null || end.isEnd || true) { // in this case this is the first or second to last segment
            // TODO add a seperate signifier for col == null
            var rig = gObj.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
            rig.gravityScale = 0; // TODO fix this hack to make it collide ? (it will not detect collision if there is no non kinematic rigidbodies involved).
            rig.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode2D.Continuous;

        // Add Linerenderer
        var lr = gObj.AddComponent<LineRenderer> ();
        lr.SetVertexCount (2);
        lr.SetWidth (mother.ropeWidth, mother.ropeWidth);
        lr.material = mother.ropeMaterial;
        nxt.lr = lr;

        return nxt;
コード例 #2
    // Destroy the bend at the end of this segment eg. the bend with a corner in end.start
    private void DestroyBend()
        // I assume i dont have to touch: mother col eCol start isEnd
        bendsCross = end.bendsCross;
        var oldEnd = end;
        end = end.end;

        // If we just deleted the segment with a rigidbody we need to add it to ourself
        if (end.isEnd && rigidbody2D == null) {
            var rig = gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
            rig.gravityScale = 0; // TODO This hack again...


        // TODO Check if any of the other ends are good?
コード例 #3
    // Finds a corner based on the hits and splits the segment by that corner.
    // Should always be followed by RopeCast() and end.RopeCast() to check if ropes are ok.
    // hit1 and hit2 should always be on the same collider!
    // hit1 and hit2 should always be in order based on their order on the rope
    private bool SplitSegment(RaycastHit2D hit1, RaycastHit2D hit2)
        if (hit1.collider != hit2.collider) {
            Debug.LogError("SplitSegment should only be called with the same collider");

        var ang = Vector2.Angle(hit1.normal, hit2.normal);
        // Find which normal is the first in a clockwise rotation so that the angle is the smallest
        // and use this to calculate a vector that is exactly between the two normals.
        var cross = Vector3.Cross(hit1.normal, hit2.normal);
        Vector3 dir = Quaternion.AngleAxis(ang/2, new Vector3(0,0,-1)) * ((cross.z < 0) ? hit1.normal : hit2.normal);

        // Calculate the corner of the collider by intersect the rays from the points with vectors perpendicular to the normals.
        Vector3 p1 = hit1.point;
        Vector3 p2 = hit2.point;
        Vector3 v1 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90,new Vector3(0,0,-1)) * hit1.normal;
        Vector3 v2 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90,new Vector3(0,0,-1)) * hit2.normal;
        Vector3 corner = Math2D.LineIntersectionPoint(p1, p1+v1, p2, p2+v2);

        // Calculate a point outside the collider with a given offset
        var ropePoint = corner + (dir.normalized * mother.ropeOffset);

        // Check if ropePoint is inside a collider and move it out in that case
        var lc = Physics2D.Linecast (ropePoint, ropePoint, 1 << 9); // We do not check for players as that might break it. // TODO WHY THE F**K DOES THIS MAKE A STACKOVERFLOW???
        int i = 1;
        while (lc.collider != null) {
            // TODO dont do shit and let the player die?
            if (i > 4) return false;
            Debug.LogError("RopePoint was set inside a collider: Moving it out nr of time: " + i);
            ropePoint = corner + (dir.normalized * mother.ropeOffset * i++ * 2);
            lc = Physics2D.Linecast (ropePoint, ropePoint, 1 << 9); // We do not check for players as that might break it.

        end = NewSeg(mother, ropePoint, end, hit1.collider, bendsCross);
        // TODO We could do end.CheckCross() Here if its needed.
        // The new segment is now in control of the line this last hat so it inherits bendcross while this takes the new cross

        // This assumes that hit1 is before hit2 on the rope
        bendsCross = cross.z;
        return true;
コード例 #4
    private void InitializeSegments()
        if (isInitialized) {
            Debug.LogError("Rope was already initialized");
        if (gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<RopeCastingSegment> ().Length != 0) {
            Debug.LogError("InitializeSegments was called while it still has segments.");

        // TODO Fix hack to find the real player object (Which doen't roll)
        var p1c = p1.GetComponent<PlayerController> ();
        var p2c = p2.GetComponent<PlayerController> ();
        var p1col = p1c != null ? p1c.roller.collider2D : p1.collider2D;
        var p2col = p2c != null ? p2c.roller.collider2D : p2.collider2D;
        var lastEnd = RopeCastingSegment.NewEndSeg (this, p2.transform.position, p2col); //TODO change the child order? We could do this to order the update order if needed.
        ropePath = RopeCastingSegment.NewSeg (this, p1.transform.position, lastEnd, p1col, 0);
        crossColliders = null;
        GetCrossColliders ();
        isInitialized = true;