コード例 #1
    public static RopeCastingSegment NewEndSeg(RopeCasting mother, Vector2 start, Collider2D col)
        // TODO make it an enum instead of this? This is not functional though :S
        var gObj = new GameObject("RopeSegmentEnd");
        gObj.transform.parent = mother.transform;
        gObj.layer = 12;

        var nxt = gObj.AddComponent<RopeCastingSegment>();
        nxt.mother = mother;
        nxt.bendsCross = 0; // This value should never be used on ends
        nxt.col = col;
        nxt.startOffset = nxt.col.transform.InverseTransformPoint(start);
        nxt.isEnd = true;
        return nxt;
コード例 #2
    public static RopeCastingSegment NewSeg(RopeCasting mother, Vector2 start, RopeCastingSegment end, Collider2D col, float bendsCross)
        var gObj = new GameObject("RopeSegment");
        gObj.transform.parent = mother.transform;
        gObj.layer = 12;

        var nxt = gObj.AddComponent<RopeCastingSegment>();
        nxt.mother = mother;
        nxt.end = end;
        nxt.col = col;
        nxt.startOffset = nxt.col.transform.InverseTransformPoint(start);
        nxt.bendsCross = bendsCross;
        nxt.eCol = gObj.AddComponent<EdgeCollider2D>();
        nxt.eCol.isTrigger = true;
        nxt.IgnoreCollisions ();
        nxt.isEnd = false;

        // TODO Hacked to always add rigidbody so that it will detect when moving platforms hits it.
        // TODO RopeCast instead when you break instead? !?!?!? its not actualy because of moving platforms!!!
        if (col == null || end.isEnd || true) { // in this case this is the first or second to last segment
            // TODO add a seperate signifier for col == null
            var rig = gObj.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
            rig.gravityScale = 0; // TODO fix this hack to make it collide ? (it will not detect collision if there is no non kinematic rigidbodies involved).
            rig.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode2D.Continuous;

        // Add Linerenderer
        var lr = gObj.AddComponent<LineRenderer> ();
        lr.SetVertexCount (2);
        lr.SetWidth (mother.ropeWidth, mother.ropeWidth);
        lr.material = mother.ropeMaterial;
        nxt.lr = lr;

        return nxt;