コード例 #1
ファイル: TestCDEWinPresenterBase.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        protected void InitRootWithDirDirFileWithDir()
            var dirEntry2 = new DirEntry(true)
                Path = @"Test2"
            var dirEntry3 = new DirEntry(true)
                Path     = @"Test3",
                Size     = 12312,
                Modified = new DateTime(2009, 10, 03, 19, 17, 13, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
            var dirEntry4 = new DirEntry
                Path     = @"Test4",
                Size     = 32312,
                Modified = new DateTime(2008, 10, 04, 20, 18, 14, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),

            _pairDirEntry = new PairDirEntry(_rootEntry, _dirEntry);

コード例 #2
ファイル: TestCDEWinPresenterBase.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        protected void InitRootWithFile()
            var nowUtc = new DateTime(2011, 12, 01, 17, 15, 13, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            _rootEntry = new RootEntry {
                Path            = @"T:\",
                VolumeName      = "TestVolume",
                DirEntryCount   = 1,
                FileEntryCount  = 0,
                DriveLetterHint = @"Z",
                AvailSpace      = 754321,
                TotalSpace      = 654321,
                ScanStartUTC    = nowUtc,
                ScanEndUTC      = nowUtc.AddMilliseconds(34),
                DefaultFileName = "TestRootEntry.cde",
                ActualFileName  = @".\TestRootEntry.cde",
                Description     = "Test Root Entry Description",

            _dirEntry = new DirEntry
                Path     = @"Test",
                Size     = 531,
                Modified = new DateTime(2010, 11, 02, 18, 16, 12, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
            _pairDirEntry = new PairDirEntry(_rootEntry, _dirEntry);

コード例 #3
ファイル: RootEntryTest.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        public void SetFullPath_OnRootDirectory_SetsAllFullPaths()
            var re = new RootEntry {
                Path = @"C:\"
            var fe1 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "fe1"
            var de2 = new DirEntry(true)
                Path = "de2"
            var fe3 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "fe3"


            Assert.That(re.FullPath, Is.EqualTo(@"C:\"));
            Assert.That(fe1.FullPath, Is.Null); // Is.EqualTo(@"C:\fe1")); FullPath only set on directories to save memory.
            Assert.That(de2.FullPath, Is.EqualTo(@"C:\de2"));
            Assert.That(fe3.FullPath, Is.Null); //Is.EqualTo(@"C:\de2\fe3"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: TestCDEWinPresenterBase.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        protected void InitRootWithDir()
            _rootEntry = new RootEntry {
                Path = @"T:\"
            _dirEntry = new DirEntry(true)
                Path = @"Test1"
            _pairDirEntry = new PairDirEntry(_rootEntry, _dirEntry);

コード例 #5
 protected void RebuildTestRoot()
     _re1 = new RootEntry {
         Path = @"C:\"
     De1 = new DirEntry(true)
         Path = @"de1"
     Fe2 = new DirEntry {
         Path = @"fe2"
     RootEntries = new List <RootEntry> {
コード例 #6
ファイル: find_options_spec.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        public void FindFunc_Spec_for_limit()
            describe["given test entry tree"] = () =>
                // ReSharper disable TooWideLocalVariableScope
                DirEntry de2a;
                DirEntry de2b;
                DirEntry de2c;
                DirEntry de3a = null;
                DirEntry de4a = null;
                // ReSharper restore TooWideLocalVariableScope
                RootEntry   re          = null;
                FindOptions findOptions = null;
                Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> matcherAll = null;

                before = () =>
                    // NOTE: test tree entry entry  is de2c,de2a,de2b,de3a,de4a
                    re = RootEntryTestBase.NewTestRootEntry(out de2a, out de2b, out de2c, out de3a, out de4a);
                    matcherAll = Substitute.For <Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> >();
                    matcherAll(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);
                    findOptions = new FindOptions();

                describe["with FindOptions matching all entries"] = () =>
                    TraverseFunc visitorFunc = null;

                    before = () =>
                        visitorFunc = Substitute.For <TraverseFunc>();
                        visitorFunc(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(x => true);
                        findOptions.Pattern        = string.Empty;
                        findOptions.PatternMatcher = matcherAll;
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc    = visitorFunc;

                    describe["given find limit 2"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(2);

                    describe["given find limit 4"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 4;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(4).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(4);

                    describe["given large limit"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = int.MaxValue;

                        describe["will find all"] = () =>
                            before = () => findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(5).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                        describe["and given SkipCount 5"] = () =>
                            before = () =>
                                findOptions.SkipCount = 5;
                                findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(0).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                        describe["and given SkipCount 6"] = () =>
                            before = () =>
                                findOptions.SkipCount = 6;
                                findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(0).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                    describe["When find limit 2, pattern 'a'"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.Pattern          = "a";
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(4);

                    describe["When find limit 2, pattern 'a' with Skip count 2"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.SkipCount        = 2;
                            findOptions.Pattern          = "a";
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.Is(5);

                        it["found received in expected order"] =
                            () => Received.InOrder(() =>
                            visitorFunc.Received().Invoke(Arg.Any <CommonEntry>(), de3a);
                            visitorFunc.Received().Invoke(Arg.Any <CommonEntry>(), de4a);
            // TODO - capture SkipCount and interface and pass it back later ? [ProgressCount from findOptions]
            //        maybe this involves holding onto FindOptions on serverside in Web ?
            // TODO - if SkipCount >= Limit then dont do any work return empty.
コード例 #7
ファイル: DuplicationTest.cs プロジェクト: CDEApp/CDE
        public void GetSizePairs_HashIrrelevant_NullIsNotAHashValue_PartialNotAUniqueHashForSize_OK()
            var re1 = new RootEntry {
                Path = @"C:\"
            var de1 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de1", Size = 10, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de1.SetHash(10);
            var de2 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de2", Size = 10, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de2.SetHash(11);
            var de3 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de3", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de3.SetHash(10);
            var de4 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de4", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de4.SetHash(11);
            var de5 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de5", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de5.SetHash(11);
            var de6 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de6", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de6.SetHash(12);
            var de7 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de7", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = true
            }; de7.SetHash(12);
            var de8 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de8", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            }; de8.SetHash(12);
            var de9 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de9", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = false
            var de10 = new DirEntry {
                Path = "de10", Size = 11, IsPartialHash = true
            }; de10.SetHash(13);

            var roots = new List <RootEntry> {


            var d = new Duplication(_logger, _configuration, _applicationDiagnostics);
            var sizePairDictionary = d.GetSizePairs(roots);

            Console.WriteLine($"Number of Size Pairs {sizePairDictionary.Count}");
            Assert.That(sizePairDictionary.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            var sumOfUniqueHashesForEachSize = GetSumOfUniqueHashesForEachSize_ExcludePartialHash(sizePairDictionary);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sum of total unique hashes (split on filesize to) {sumOfUniqueHashesForEachSize}");
            Assert.That(sumOfUniqueHashesForEachSize, Is.EqualTo(5));