コード例 #1
        public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
            instance    = this;
            Log.Monitor = Monitor;

            ui = new RootElement();

            Texture2D tex = Helper.Content.Load <Texture2D>("assets/config-button.png");

            configButton = new Button(tex);
            configButton.LocalPosition = new Vector2(36, Game1.viewport.Height - 100);
            configButton.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                TitleMenu.subMenu = new ModConfigMenu(false);


            helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched    += onLaunched;
            helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicking   += onUpdate;
            helper.Events.Display.WindowResized    += onWindowResized;
            helper.Events.Display.Rendered         += onRendered;
            helper.Events.Display.MenuChanged      += onMenuChanged;
            helper.Events.Input.MouseWheelScrolled += onMouseWheelScrolled;
コード例 #2
        public override void gameWindowSizeChanged(Rectangle oldBounds, Rectangle newBounds)
            ui = new RootElement();

            Vector2 newSize = new Vector2(800, Game1.viewport.Height - 128);

            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - 800) / 2, 64);
            foreach (Element opt in table.Children)
                opt.LocalPosition = new Vector2(newSize.X / (table.Size.X / opt.LocalPosition.X), opt.LocalPosition.Y);

            table.Size = newSize;
コード例 #3
        public ModConfigMenu()
            ui = new RootElement();

            table = new Table();
            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - 800) / 2, 32);
            table.Size          = new Vector2(800, Game1.viewport.Height - 64);
            table.RowHeight     = 50;
            foreach (var modConfigEntry in Mod.instance.configs.OrderBy(pair => pair.Key.Name))
                var label = new Label()
                    String = modConfigEntry.Key.Name
                label.Callback = (Element e) => changeToModPage(modConfigEntry.Key);
                table.AddRow(new Element[] { label });
コード例 #4
        public ModConfigMenu(bool inGame)
            ingame = inGame;

            ui = new RootElement();

            table               = new Table();
            table.RowHeight     = 50;
            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - 800) / 2, 64);
            table.Size          = new Vector2(800, Game1.viewport.Height - 128);

            var heading = new Label()
                String = "Configure Mods", Bold = true

            heading.LocalPosition = new Vector2((800 - heading.Measure().X) / 2, heading.LocalPosition.Y);
            table.AddRow(new Element[] { heading });

            foreach (var modConfigEntry in Mod.instance.configs.OrderBy(pair => pair.Key.Name))
                if (ingame && !modConfigEntry.Value.HasAnyInGame)
                var label = new Label()
                    String = modConfigEntry.Key.Name
                label.Callback = (Element e) => changeToModPage(modConfigEntry.Key);
                table.AddRow(new Element[] { label });


            if (ingame || Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)

            ActiveConfigMenu = this;
        public override void gameWindowSizeChanged(Rectangle oldBounds, Rectangle newBounds)
            ui = new RootElement();

            Vector2 newSize = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width - 200, Game1.viewport.Height - 64 - 100);

            foreach (Element opt in table.Children)
                opt.LocalPosition = new Vector2(newSize.X / (table.Size.X / opt.LocalPosition.X), opt.LocalPosition.Y);
                if (opt is Slider slider)
                    slider.Width = (int)(newSize.X / (table.Size.X / slider.Width));

            table.Size = newSize;
コード例 #6
        public CustomCropMenu()
            : base((Game1.uiViewport.Width - WIDTH) / 2, (Game1.uiViewport.Height - HEIGHT) / 2, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
            ui = new RootElement();
            ui.LocalPosition = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(xPositionOnScreen, yPositionOnScreen);

            seedSlot = new ItemSlot()
                ItemDisplay            = new DummyItem(I18n.Menu_Seeds_Name(), I18n.Menu_Seeds_Description(), Game1.objectSpriteSheet, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, 472, 16, 16)),
                TransparentItemDisplay = true,
            seedSlot.LocalPosition = new(0, (HEIGHT - seedSlot.Height) / 2 - 125);
            seedSlot.UserData      = (Func <Item, bool>)((item) => (item is StardewValley.Object sobj && sobj.Category == StardewValley.Object.SeedsCategory));

            stuff = new StaticContainer()
                LocalPosition = new((WIDTH - seedSlot.Width) / 2, 0),

            var statsLebel = new Label()
                String        = I18n.Stats(),
                LocalPosition = new((WIDTH - seedSlot.Width) / 2 + seedSlot.Width, 8),

            statsLebel.LocalPosition = new(statsLebel.LocalPosition.X - statsLebel.Measure().X / 2, statsLebel.LocalPosition.Y);

            stuff.AddChild(growthLabel = new Label()
                String         = I18n.Stats_Growth(0),
                LocalPosition  = new(150, statsLebel.LocalPosition.Y + statsLebel.Measure().Y + 16),
                HoverTextColor = Color.Red,
                IdleTextColor  = Color.Red,
                NonBoldScale   = 0.5f,
                NonBoldShadow  = false,
コード例 #7
        public SpecificModConfigMenu(IManifest modManifest)
            mod = modManifest;

            modConfig = Mod.instance.configs[mod];

            table = new Table();
            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2(200 / 2, 82);
            table.Size          = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width - 200, Game1.viewport.Height - 64 - 100);
            table.RowHeight     = 50;
            foreach (var opt in modConfig.Options)

                var label = new Label()
                    String = opt.Name
                label.UserData = opt.Description;
                if (opt.Description != null && opt.Description != "")

                Element other = new Label()
                    String = "TODO", LocalPosition = new Vector2(500, 0)
                Element other2 = null;
                if (opt is ComplexModOption c)
                    var custom = new ComplexModOptionWidget(c);
                    custom.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 5 * 3, 0);
                    other = custom;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <bool> b)
                    var checkbox = new Checkbox();
                    checkbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 3 * 2, 0);
                    checkbox.Checked       = b.Value;
                    checkbox.Callback      = (Element e) => b.Value = (e as Checkbox).Checked;
                    other = checkbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <SButton> k)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = k.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 3 * 2, 0);
                    label2.Callback      = (Element e) => doKeybindingFor(k, e as Label);
                    other = label2;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <int> ci)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = ci.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <int>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.Width         = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = ci.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = ci.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = ci.Maximum;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        ci.Value      = (e as Slider <int>).Value;
                        label2.String = ci.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <float> cf)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = cf.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <float>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.Width         = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = cf.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = cf.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = cf.Maximum;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        cf.Value      = (e as Slider <float>).Value;
                        label2.String = cf.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ChoiceModOption <string> cs)
                    var dropdown = new Dropdown()
                        Choices = cs.Choices
                    dropdown.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 7 * 4, 0);
                    dropdown.Value         = cs.Value;
                    dropdown.Callback      = (Element e) => cs.Value = (e as Dropdown).Value;
                    other = dropdown;
                // The following need to come after the Clamped/ChoiceModOption's since those subclass these
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <int> i)
                    var intbox = new Intbox();
                    intbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 5 * 3, 0);
                    intbox.Value         = i.Value;
                    intbox.Callback      = (Element e) => i.Value = (e as Intbox).Value;
                    other = intbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <float> f)
                    var floatbox = new Floatbox();
                    floatbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 5 * 3, 0);
                    floatbox.Value         = f.Value;
                    floatbox.Callback      = (Element e) => f.Value = (e as Floatbox).Value;
                    other = floatbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <string> s)
                    var textbox = new Textbox();
                    textbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 5 * 3, 0);
                    textbox.String        = s.Value;
                    textbox.Callback      = (Element e) => s.Value = (e as Textbox).String;
                    other = textbox;

                if (other2 == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other });
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other, other2 });

            var titleLabel = new Label()
                String = modManifest.Name

            titleLabel.LocalPosition  = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - titleLabel.Font.MeasureString(titleLabel.String).X) / 2, 12);
            titleLabel.HoverTextColor = titleLabel.IdleTextColor;

            var cancelLabel = new Label()
                String = "Cancel"

            cancelLabel.LocalPosition = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - 300, Game1.viewport.Height - 50);
            cancelLabel.Callback      = (Element e) => TitleMenu.subMenu = new ModConfigMenu();

            var defaultLabel = new Label()
                String = "Default"

            defaultLabel.LocalPosition = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - 50, Game1.viewport.Height - 50);
            defaultLabel.Callback      = (Element e) => revertToDefault();

            var saveLabel = new Label()
                String = "Save"

            saveLabel.LocalPosition = new Vector2(Game1.viewport.Width / 2 + 200, Game1.viewport.Height - 50);
            saveLabel.Callback      = (Element e) => save();

            // We need to update widgets at least once so ComplexModOptionWidget's get initialized
コード例 #8
        public SpecificModConfigMenu(IManifest modManifest, string page = "", string prevPage = null)
            mod = modManifest;

            modConfig = Mod.instance.configs[mod];
            currPage  = page;

            Mod.instance.configs[mod].ActiveDisplayPage = modConfig.Options[currPage];

            table               = new Table();
            table.RowHeight     = 50;
            table.Size          = new Vector2(Math.Min(1200, Game1.viewport.Width - 200), Game1.viewport.Height - 128 - 116);
            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - table.Size.X) / 2, (Game1.viewport.Height - table.Size.Y) / 2);
            foreach (var opt in modConfig.Options[page].Options)

                var label = new Label()
                    String = opt.Name
                label.UserData = opt.Description;
                if (opt.Description != null && opt.Description != "")

                Element other = new Label()
                    String = "TODO", LocalPosition = new Vector2(500, 0)
                Element other2 = null;
                if (opt is ComplexModOption c)
                    var custom = new ComplexModOptionWidget(c);
                    custom.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    other = custom;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <bool> b)
                    var checkbox = new Checkbox();
                    checkbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    checkbox.Checked       = b.Value;
                    checkbox.Callback      = (Element e) => b.Value = (e as Checkbox).Checked;
                    other = checkbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <SButton> k)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = k.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    label2.Callback      = (Element e) => doKeybindingFor(k, e as Label);
                    other = label2;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <int> ci)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = ci.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <int>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.RequestWidth  = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = ci.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = ci.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = ci.Maximum;
                    slider.Interval      = ci.Interval;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        ci.Value      = (e as Slider <int>).Value;
                        label2.String = ci.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <float> cf)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = cf.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <float>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.RequestWidth  = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = cf.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = cf.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = cf.Maximum;
                    slider.Interval      = cf.Interval;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        cf.Value      = (e as Slider <float>).Value;
                        label2.String = cf.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ChoiceModOption <string> cs)
                    var dropdown = new Dropdown()
                        Choices = cs.Choices
                    dropdown.LocalPosition   = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    dropdown.RequestWidth    = (int)table.Size.X / 2;
                    dropdown.Value           = cs.Value;
                    dropdown.MaxValuesAtOnce = Math.Min(dropdown.Choices.Length, 5);
                    dropdown.Callback        = (Element e) => cs.Value = (e as Dropdown).Value;
                    other = dropdown;
                // The following need to come after the Clamped/ChoiceModOption's since those subclass these
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <int> i)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var intbox = new Intbox();
                    intbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    intbox.Value         = i.Value;
                    intbox.Callback      = (Element e) => i.Value = (e as Intbox).Value;
                    other = intbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <float> f)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var floatbox = new Floatbox();
                    floatbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    floatbox.Value         = f.Value;
                    floatbox.Callback      = (Element e) => f.Value = (e as Floatbox).Value;
                    other = floatbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <string> s)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var textbox = new Textbox();
                    textbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    textbox.String        = s.Value;
                    textbox.Callback      = (Element e) => s.Value = (e as Textbox).String;
                    other = textbox;
                else if (opt is LabelModOption l)
                    label.LocalPosition = new Vector2(-8, 0);
                    label.Bold          = true;
                    if (l.Name == "")
                        label = null;
                    other = null;
                else if (opt is PageLabelModOption pl)
                    label.Bold     = true;
                    label.Callback = ( Element e ) =>
                        if (TitleMenu.subMenu == this)
                            TitleMenu.subMenu = new SpecificModConfigMenu(mod, pl.NewPage, currPage);
                        else if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == this)
                            Game1.activeClickableMenu = new SpecificModConfigMenu(mod, pl.NewPage, currPage);
                    other = null;
                else if (opt is ParagraphModOption p)
                    label.NonBoldScale  = 0.75f;
                    label.NonBoldShadow = false;
                    other = null;

                    string[] text = p.Name.Split(' ');
                    label.String = text[0] + " ";
                    for (int it = 1; it < text.Length; ++it)
                        string oldStr = label.String;
                        label.String += text[it];
                        if (label.Measure().X >= table.Size.X)
                            label.String = oldStr + "\n" + text[it];
                        if (it < text.Length - 1)
                            label.String += " ";

                    string[] lines = label.String.Split('\n');
                    for (int il = 0; il < lines.Length; il += 2)
                        table.AddRow(new Element[] { new Label()
                                                         UserData      = opt.Description,
                                                         NonBoldScale  = 0.75f,
                                                         NonBoldShadow = false,
                                                         String        = lines[il + 0] + "\n" + (il + 1 >= lines.Length ? "" : lines[il + 1])
                                                     } });
                else if (opt is ImageModOption t)
                    var tex     = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>(t.TexturePath);
                    var imgSize = new Vector2(tex.Width, tex.Height);
                    if (t.TextureRect.HasValue)
                        imgSize = new Vector2(t.TextureRect.Value.Width, t.TextureRect.Value.Height);
                    imgSize *= t.Scale;

                    var localPos    = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - imgSize.X / 2, 0);
                    var baseRectPos = new Vector2(t.TextureRect.HasValue ? t.TextureRect.Value.X : 0,
                                                  t.TextureRect.HasValue ? t.TextureRect.Value.Y : 0);

                    var texs = new List <Image>();
                    if (textures.ContainsKey(t.TexturePath))
                        texs = textures[t.TexturePath];
                        textures.Add(t.TexturePath, texs);

                    for (int ir = 0; ir < imgSize.Y / table.RowHeight; ++ir)
                        int section = Math.Min((int)(imgSize.Y / t.Scale), table.RowHeight);
                        int baseY   = ( int )(baseRectPos.Y + section * ir);
                        if (baseY + section > baseRectPos.Y + imgSize.Y / t.Scale)
                            section = ( int )(baseRectPos.Y + imgSize.Y / t.Scale) - baseY;
                        var img = new Image()
                            Texture     = tex,
                            TextureRect = new Rectangle((int)baseRectPos.X, baseY, (int)imgSize.X / t.Scale, section),
                            Scale       = t.Scale,
                        img.LocalPosition = localPos;
                        table.AddRow(new Element[] { img });


                if (label == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { });
                else if (other == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label });
                else if (other2 == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other });
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other, other2 });


            // We need to update widgets at least once so ComplexModOptionWidget's get initialized

            ActiveConfigMenu = this;

コード例 #9
        public SpecificModConfigMenu(IManifest modManifest)
            mod = modManifest;

            modConfig = Mod.instance.configs[mod];

            table               = new Table();
            table.RowHeight     = 50;
            table.Size          = new Vector2(Math.Min(1200, Game1.viewport.Width - 200), Game1.viewport.Height - 128 - 116);
            table.LocalPosition = new Vector2((Game1.viewport.Width - table.Size.X) / 2, (Game1.viewport.Height - table.Size.Y) / 2);
            foreach (var opt in modConfig.Options)

                var label = new Label()
                    String = opt.Name
                label.UserData = opt.Description;
                if (opt.Description != null && opt.Description != "")

                Element other = new Label()
                    String = "TODO", LocalPosition = new Vector2(500, 0)
                Element other2 = null;
                if (opt is ComplexModOption c)
                    var custom = new ComplexModOptionWidget(c);
                    custom.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    other = custom;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <bool> b)
                    var checkbox = new Checkbox();
                    checkbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    checkbox.Checked       = b.Value;
                    checkbox.Callback      = (Element e) => b.Value = (e as Checkbox).Checked;
                    other = checkbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <SButton> k)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = k.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    label2.Callback      = (Element e) => doKeybindingFor(k, e as Label);
                    other = label2;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <int> ci)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = ci.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <int>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.RequestWidth  = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = ci.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = ci.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = ci.Maximum;
                    slider.Interval      = ci.Interval;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        ci.Value      = (e as Slider <int>).Value;
                        label2.String = ci.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ClampedModOption <float> cf)
                    var label2 = new Label()
                        String = cf.Value.ToString()
                    label2.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 + table.Size.X / 3 + 50, 0);
                    other2 = label2;
                    var slider = new Slider <float>();
                    slider.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    slider.RequestWidth  = (int)table.Size.X / 3;
                    slider.Value         = cf.Value;
                    slider.Minimum       = cf.Minimum;
                    slider.Maximum       = cf.Maximum;
                    slider.Interval      = cf.Interval;
                    slider.Callback      = (Element e) =>
                        cf.Value      = (e as Slider <float>).Value;
                        label2.String = cf.Value.ToString();
                    other = slider;
                else if (opt is ChoiceModOption <string> cs)
                    var dropdown = new Dropdown()
                        Choices = cs.Choices
                    dropdown.LocalPosition   = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2, 0);
                    dropdown.RequestWidth    = (int)table.Size.X / 2;
                    dropdown.Value           = cs.Value;
                    dropdown.MaxValuesAtOnce = Math.Min(dropdown.Choices.Length, 5);
                    dropdown.Callback        = (Element e) => cs.Value = (e as Dropdown).Value;
                    other = dropdown;
                // The following need to come after the Clamped/ChoiceModOption's since those subclass these
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <int> i)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var intbox = new Intbox();
                    intbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    intbox.Value         = i.Value;
                    intbox.Callback      = (Element e) => i.Value = (e as Intbox).Value;
                    other = intbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <float> f)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var floatbox = new Floatbox();
                    floatbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    floatbox.Value         = f.Value;
                    floatbox.Callback      = (Element e) => f.Value = (e as Floatbox).Value;
                    other = floatbox;
                else if (opt is SimpleModOption <string> s)
                    if (Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android)
                        continue; // TODO: Support virtual keyboard input.
                    var textbox = new Textbox();
                    textbox.LocalPosition = new Vector2(table.Size.X / 2 - 8, 0);
                    textbox.String        = s.Value;
                    textbox.Callback      = (Element e) => s.Value = (e as Textbox).String;
                    other = textbox;
                else if (opt is LabelModOption l)
                    label.LocalPosition = new Vector2(-8, 0);
                    label.Bold          = true;
                    if (l.Name == "")
                        label = null;
                    other = null;

                if (label == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { });
                else if (other == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label });
                else if (other2 == null)
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other });
                    table.AddRow(new Element[] { label, other, other2 });


            // We need to update widgets at least once so ComplexModOptionWidget's get initialized

            ActiveConfigMenu = this;
コード例 #10
        public MarryMenu()
            : base((Game1.uiViewport.Width - 800) / 2, (Game1.uiViewport.Height - 700) / 2, 800, 700)
            var valid = new List <NPC>();

            foreach (var npc in Utility.getAllCharacters())
                if (npc.datable.Value && npc.getSpouse() == null)

            valid.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));

             * for ( int i = 0; i < valid.Count; ++i )
             * {
             *  int oi = Game1.random.Next( valid.Count );
             *  var other = valid[ oi ];
             *  valid[ oi ] = valid[ i ];
             *  valid[ i ] = other;
             * }

            ui = new RootElement()
                LocalPosition = new Vector2(xPositionOnScreen, yPositionOnScreen),

            var title = new Label()
                String = Mod.instance.Helper.Translation.Get("menu.title"),
                Bold   = true,

            title.LocalPosition = new Vector2((800 - title.Measure().X) / 2, 10);

            ui.AddChild(new Label()
                String        = Mod.instance.Helper.Translation.Get("menu.text").ToString().Replace("\\n", "\n"),
                LocalPosition = new Vector2(50, 75),
                NonBoldScale  = 0.75f,
                NonBoldShadow = false,

            table = new Table()
                RowHeight     = 200,
                Size          = new Vector2(700, 500),
                LocalPosition = new Vector2(50, 225),
            for (int i = 0; i < (valid.Count + 2) / 3; ++i)
                var row = new StaticContainer();
                for (int n_ = i * 3; n_ < (i + 1) * 3; ++n_)
                    if (n_ >= valid.Count)
                    int n = n_;

                    var cont = new StaticContainer()
                        Size          = new Vector2(115 * 2, 97 * 2),
                        LocalPosition = new Vector2(250 * (n - i * 3) - 10, 0),
                    // Note: This is being called 4 times for some reason
                    // Probably a UI framework bug.
                    Action <Element> selCallback = (e) =>
                        if (selectedContainer != null)
                            selectedContainer.OutlineColor = null;
                        selectedContainer = cont;
                        selectedContainer.OutlineColor = Color.Green;
                        selectedNPC = valid[n].Name;
                        Log.trace("Selected " + selectedNPC);
                    cont.AddChild(new Image()
                        Texture       = Game1.mouseCursors,
                        TextureRect   = new Rectangle(583, 411, 115, 97),
                        Scale         = 2,
                        LocalPosition = new Vector2(0, 0),
                        Callback      = selCallback,
                    cont.AddChild(new Image()
                        Texture       = valid[n].Portrait,
                        TextureRect   = new Rectangle(0, 128, 64, 64),
                        Scale         = 2,
                        LocalPosition = new Vector2(50, 16),
                    var name = new Label()
                        String        = valid[n].displayName,
                        NonBoldScale  = 0.5f,
                        NonBoldShadow = false,
                    name.LocalPosition = new Vector2(115 - name.Measure().X / 2, 160);

                table.AddRow(new Element[] { row });

            ui.AddChild(new Label()
                String        = Mod.instance.Helper.Translation.Get("menu.button.cancel"),
                LocalPosition = new Vector2(175, 650),
                Callback      = (e) => Game1.exitActiveMenu(),
            ui.AddChild(new Label()
                String        = Mod.instance.Helper.Translation.Get("menu.button.accept"),
                LocalPosition = new Vector2(500, 650),
                Callback      = (e) => { DoMarriage(); }