public static void SaveServerState() { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; GameClient[] list = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); int clientCount = list == null ? 0 : list.Length; GamePlayer[] players = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); int playerCount = players == null ? 0 : players.Length; List <BaseRoom> rooms = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); int roomCount = 0; int gameCount = 0; foreach (BaseRoom r in rooms) { if (!r.IsEmpty) { roomCount++; if (r.IsPlaying) { gameCount++; } } } long memoryCount = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); ServerStateCashe.Add(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}", _headStr, dt, clientCount, playerCount, roomCount, gameCount, memoryCount)); try { string file = string.Format("{0}\\serverstate-{1:D2}{2:D2}{3:D2}-{4:yyyyMMdd}.log", _logPath, _gameType, _areaId, _serverId, dt); using (FileStream fs = File.Open(file, FileMode.Append)) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs)) { while (ServerStateCashe.Count != 0) { writer.WriteLine(ServerStateCashe[0]); ServerStateCashe.RemoveAt(0); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Save log error", ex); } }
public static void DoCommand(string CommandName, string[] CommandArgs) { PlayerBussiness bussiness; PlayerInfo userSingleByNickName; Exception exception; string str3; string str4; string str5; ManageBussiness bussiness2; switch (CommandName) { case "exit": GameServer.KeepRunning = false; break; case "cp": { GameClient[] allClients = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); int num = (allClients == null) ? 0 : allClients.Length; GamePlayer[] allPlayers = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); int num2 = (allPlayers == null) ? 0 : allPlayers.Length; List <BaseRoom> allUsingRoom = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; foreach (BaseRoom room in allUsingRoom) { if (!room.IsEmpty) { num3++; if (room.IsPlaying) { num4++; } } } double totalMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Clients/Players:{0}/{1}", num, num2)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Rooms/Games:{0}/{1}", num3, num4)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Momey Used:{0} MB", (totalMemory / 1024.0) / 1024.0)); break; } case "setlevel": try { string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "LevelList.xml"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { log.Error("LevelList.xml not found!"); } else { int num6; Console.Write("Please enter the level: "); string s = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(s, out num6)) { log.Error("Level is not valid int!"); } else { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName == null) { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); break; } if (!IsValidGZip(File.ReadAllBytes(path))) { log.Error("LevelList.xml is not valid!"); } else if (!IsValidXML(GZip.gzuncompress(File.ReadAllBytes(path)))) { log.Error("LevelList.xml is not valid!"); } if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); document.LoadXml(GZip.gzuncompress(File.ReadAllBytes(path))); int num7 = -1; int num8 = -1; foreach (XmlNode node in document.SelectNodes("/Result/*")) { if (node.Attributes["Grade"].Value == s) { num7 = int.Parse(s); num8 = int.Parse(node.Attributes["GP"].Value) + 5; break; } } if ((num7 != -1) && (num8 != -1)) { userSingleByNickName.GP = num8; userSingleByNickName.Grade = num7; bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } else { log.Error(string.Format("Level {0} not found!", new object[0])); } } } } } catch (Exception exception1) { exception = exception1; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "addmoney": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } Console.Write("Please enter the amount of money: "); str3 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str3)) { log.Error("Money is not valid!"); } else { userSingleByNickName.Money += int.Parse(str3); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception3) { exception = exception3; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "addgold": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } Console.Write("Please enter the amount of gold: "); str4 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str4)) { log.Error("Gold is not valid!"); } else { userSingleByNickName.Gold += int.Parse(str4); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception4) { exception = exception4; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "addgift": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { Console.Write("Please enter the amount of gift token: "); str5 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str5)) { log.Error("Gold is not valid!"); } else { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } userSingleByNickName.GiftToken += int.Parse(str5); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception5) { exception = exception5; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "removemoney": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } Console.Write("Please enter the amount of money: "); str3 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str3)) { log.Error("Money is not valid!"); } else { userSingleByNickName.Money -= int.Parse(str3); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception6) { exception = exception6; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "removegold": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } Console.Write("Please enter the amount of gold: "); str4 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str4)) { log.Error("Gold is not valid!"); } else { userSingleByNickName.Gold -= int.Parse(str4); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception7) { exception = exception7; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "removegift": try { using (bussiness = new PlayerBussiness()) { userSingleByNickName = bussiness.GetUserSingleByNickName((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); if (userSingleByNickName != null) { if (WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID) != null) { WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).SaveIntoDatabase(); WorldMgr.GetPlayerById(userSingleByNickName.ID).Disconnect(); } Console.Write("Please enter the amount of gift token: "); str5 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!IsValidInt(str5)) { log.Error("Gold is not valid!"); } else { userSingleByNickName.GiftToken -= int.Parse(str5); bussiness.UpdatePlayer(userSingleByNickName); log.Info(string.Format("Player {0} updated successfully!", userSingleByNickName.NickName)); } } else { log.Error(string.Format("Player not found in db!", new object[0])); } } } catch (Exception exception8) { exception = exception8; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "shutdown": _count = 6; _timer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(ConsoleStart.ShutDownCallBack), null, 0, 0xea60); break; case "addcps": try { Console.Write("Insira o valor dos Cupons:"); int num9 = int.Parse((CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine()); foreach (GamePlayer player in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player.AddMoney(num9); player.SendMessage("Parab\x00e9ns, voc\x00ea recebeu " + num9 + " cupons do evento, bom jogo !"); } } catch (Exception exception9) { exception = exception9; log.Error("Error on AddCps", exception); } break; case "bnick": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Digite o NickName do personagem: "); string nickName = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Motivo para banir: "); string msg = (CommandArgs.Length > 1) ? CommandArgs[1] : Console.ReadLine(); DateTime date = new DateTime(0x7e1, 7, 2); using (bussiness2 = new ManageBussiness()) { bussiness2.ForbidPlayerByNickName(nickName, date, false); bussiness2.KitoffUserByNickName(nickName, msg); } Console.WriteLine("O Usu\x00e1rio " + nickName + " Foi Banido do servidor."); foreach (GamePlayer player2 in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player2.SendMessage("O Usu\x00e1rio " + nickName + " foi banido do servidor, motivo do BAN: " + msg + "."); } break; } case "buser": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Digite o UserName do personagem: "); string userName = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Motivo para banir: "); string str9 = (CommandArgs.Length > 1) ? CommandArgs[1] : Console.ReadLine(); DateTime time2 = new DateTime(0x7e1, 7, 2); using (bussiness2 = new ManageBussiness()) { bussiness2.ForbidPlayerByUserName(userName, time2, false); bussiness2.KitoffUserByUserName(userName, str9); } Console.WriteLine("O Usu\x00e1rio " + userName + " Foi Banido do servidor."); foreach (GamePlayer player2 in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player2.SendMessage("O Usu\x00e1rio " + userName + " foi banido do servidor, motivo do BAN: " + str9 + "."); } break; } case "nkick": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Digite o NickName do personagem: "); string name = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Motivo para kikar: "); string str11 = (CommandArgs.Length > 1) ? CommandArgs[1] : Console.ReadLine(); using (bussiness2 = new ManageBussiness()) { bussiness2.KitoffUserByNickName(name, str11); } foreach (GamePlayer player2 in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player2.SendMessage("O Usu\x00e1rio " + name + " foi kikado do servidor, motivo do KICK: " + str11 + "."); } break; } case "ukick": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Digite o NickName do personagem: "); string str12 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Motivo para kikar: "); string str13 = (CommandArgs.Length > 1) ? CommandArgs[1] : Console.ReadLine(); using (bussiness2 = new ManageBussiness()) { bussiness2.KitoffUserByUserName(str12, str13); } foreach (GamePlayer player2 in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player2.SendMessage("O Usu\x00e1rio " + str12 + " foi kikado do servidor, motivo do KICK: " + str13 + "."); } break; } case "maint": try { int num10; Console.Write("Enter time in minutes to start maintenance: "); string str14 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(str14, out num10)) { log.Error("Invalid MainTime!"); } else { new Thread(delegate(object mt) { if (mt is string) { Action <string, string> Sys = delegate(string nick, string Text) { Console.WriteLine(Text); foreach (GamePlayer player in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { player.SendMessage(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", nick, Text)); } }; Action DisconnectAll = delegate { foreach (GamePlayer player in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers()) { log.Info(string.Format("Saving Player {0} into Database!", player.PlayerCharacter.NickName)); player.SaveIntoDatabase(); log.Info(string.Format("Disconnecting Player {0}!", player.PlayerCharacter.NickName)); player.Disconnect(); } log.Info("Shutdown Server!"); GameServer.Instance.Shutdown(); LogManager.Shutdown(); }; Sys("Auto Maintenance", "Manuten\x00e7\x00e3o agendada, fiquem atentos aos aviso!"); System.Timers.Timer MainTimer = new System.Timers.Timer { Interval = 1000.0 }; DateTime MainTime = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} 00:00:00", "01/27/2011"), CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")); MainTime = MainTime.AddMinutes(double.Parse(mt as string)); string CurrentTime = MainTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); MainTimer.Elapsed += delegate(object s, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (CurrentTime != "00:00:00") { if ((MainTime.Minute != 0) && (MainTime.Second == 0)) { Sys("Auto Maintenance", string.Format("Falta {0} {1} para a manuten\x00e7\x00e3o!", MainTime.Minute, (MainTime.Minute == 1) ? "Minuto" : "Minutos")); } else if (MainTime.Second < 11) { Sys("Auto Maintenance", string.Format("Fechando o servidor em {0}", MainTime.Second)); } CurrentTime = MainTime.AddSeconds(-1.0).ToString("HH:mm:ss"); } else { Sys("Auto Maintenance", "Estamos desconectando todos os usu\x00e1rios para a manuten\x00e7\x00e3o, voltamos daqui a alguns minutos, saiam do servidor para evitar perca de itens!"); log.Info("End!"); DisconnectAll(); MainTimer.Stop(); } }; MainTimer.Start(); } }).Start(str14); } } catch (Exception exception10) { exception = exception10; log.Error("There was an error in command!"); log.Error(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + exception.StackTrace); } break; case "savemap": break; case "clear": Console.Clear(); break; case "ball&reload": if (BallMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Error!"); } break; case "map&reload": if (!MapMgr.ReLoadMap()) { Console.WriteLine("Map info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Map info is Reload!"); break; case "mapserver&reload": if (!MapMgr.ReLoadMapServer()) { Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Reload!"); break; case "prop&reload": if (!PropItemMgr.Reload()) { Console.WriteLine("prop info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("prop info is Reload!"); break; case "item&reload": if (!ItemMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("item info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("item info is Reload!"); break; case "shop&reload": if (!ShopMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("shop info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("shop info is Reload!"); break; case "quest&reload": if (!QuestMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("quest info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("quest info is Reload!"); break; case "fusion&reload": if (!FusionMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Reload!"); break; case "consortia&reload": if (!ConsortiaMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Reload!"); break; case "rate&reload": if (!RateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Reload!"); break; case "fight&reload": if (!FightRateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Reload!"); break; case "dailyaward&reload": if (!AwardMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Reload!"); break; case "language&reload": if (!LanguageMgr.Reload("")) { Console.WriteLine("language is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("language is Reload!"); break; case "treasure&reload": if (!TreasureAwardMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("TreasureAward is Error!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("TreasureAward is Reload!"); break; case "nickname": { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the nickname"); string str15 = (CommandArgs.Length > 0) ? CommandArgs[0] : Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(WorldMgr.GetPlayerStringByPlayerNickName(str15)); break; } default: { string cmdLine = CommandName + string.Join(" ", CommandArgs); if (cmdLine.Length > 0) { if (cmdLine[0] == '/') { cmdLine = cmdLine.Remove(0, 1).Insert(0, "&"); } try { if (!CommandMgr.HandleCommandNoPlvl(client, cmdLine)) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown command: " + cmdLine); } } catch (Exception exception2) { Console.WriteLine(exception2.ToString()); } } break; } } }
public bool OnCommand(BaseClient client, string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) { switch (args[1]) { case "-c": Console.WriteLine("client list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); GameClient[] cs = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); foreach (GameClient cl in cs) { Console.WriteLine(cl.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", cs.Length)); break; case "-p": Console.WriteLine("player list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); GamePlayer[] ps = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); foreach (GamePlayer player in ps) { Console.WriteLine(player.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", ps.Length)); break; case "-r": Console.WriteLine("room list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BaseRoom> rs = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); foreach (BaseRoom room in rs) { Console.WriteLine(room.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", rs.Count)); break; case "-g": Console.WriteLine("game list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BaseGame> gs = GameMgr.GetAllGame(); foreach (BaseGame g in gs) { Console.WriteLine(g.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", gs.Count)); break; case "-b": Console.WriteLine("battle list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BattleServer> bs = BattleMgr.GetAllBattles(); foreach (BattleServer battleSvr in bs) { Console.WriteLine(battleSvr.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", bs.Count)); break; default: DisplaySyntax(client); break; } } else { DisplaySyntax(client); } return(true); }
public bool OnCommand(BaseClient client, string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) { string a; if ((a = args[1]) != null) { if (a == "-c") { Console.WriteLine("client list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); GameClient[] allClients = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); GameClient[] array = allClients; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { GameClient gameClient = array[i]; Console.WriteLine(gameClient.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", allClients.Length)); return(true); } if (a == "-p") { Console.WriteLine("player list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); GamePlayer[] allPlayers = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); GamePlayer[] array2 = allPlayers; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { GamePlayer gamePlayer = array2[j]; Console.WriteLine(gamePlayer.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", allPlayers.Length)); return(true); } if (a == "-r") { Console.WriteLine("room list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BaseRoom> allUsingRoom = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); foreach (BaseRoom current in allUsingRoom) { Console.WriteLine(current.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", allUsingRoom.Count)); return(true); } if (a == "-g") { Console.WriteLine("game list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BaseGame> allGame = GameMgr.GetAllGame(); foreach (BaseGame current2 in allGame) { Console.WriteLine(current2.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", allGame.Count)); return(true); } if (a == "-b") { Console.WriteLine("battle list:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); List <BattleServer> allBattles = BattleMgr.GetAllBattles(); foreach (BattleServer current3 in allBattles) { Console.WriteLine(current3.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("total:{0}", allBattles.Count)); return(true); } } this.DisplaySyntax(client); } else { this.DisplaySyntax(client); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the server action /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public void OnAction(Hashtable parameters) { Console.WriteLine("Starting GameServer ... please wait a moment!"); GameServer.CreateInstance(new GameServerConfig()); GameServer.Instance.Start(); GameServer.KeepRunning = true; Console.WriteLine("Server started!"); ConsoleClient client = new ConsoleClient(); while (GameServer.KeepRunning) { try { handler = ConsoleCtrHandler; SetConsoleCtrlHandler(handler, true); Console.Write("> "); string line = Console.ReadLine(); string[] para = line.Split(' '); switch (para[0]) { case "exit": GameServer.KeepRunning = false; break; case "cp": GameClient[] clients = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); int clientCount = clients == null ? 0 : clients.Length; GamePlayer[] players = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); int playerCount = players == null ? 0 : players.Length; List <BaseRoom> rooms = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); int roomCount = 0; int gameCount = 0; foreach (BaseRoom r in rooms) { if (!r.IsEmpty) { roomCount++; if (r.IsPlaying) { gameCount++; } } } double memoryCount = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Clients/Players:{0}/{1}", clientCount, playerCount)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Rooms/Games:{0}/{1}", roomCount, gameCount)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Momey Used:{0} MB", memoryCount / 1024 / 1024)); break; case "shutdown": _count = 6; //_timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(GameServer.Instance.ShutDownCallBack), null, 0, 60 * 1000); _timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(ShutDownCallBack), null, 0, 60 * 1000); break; case "savemap": //TODO: break; case "clear": Console.Clear(); break; case "ball&reload": if (BallMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Error!"); } break; case "map&reload": if (MapMgr.ReLoadMap()) { Console.WriteLine("Map info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Map info is Error!"); } break; case "mapserver&reload": if (MapMgr.ReLoadMapServer()) { Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Error!"); } break; case "prop&reload": if (PropItemMgr.Reload()) { Console.WriteLine("prop info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("prop info is Error!"); } break; case "item&reload": if (ItemMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("item info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("item info is Error!"); } break; case "shop&reload": if (ShopMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("shop info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("shop info is Error!"); } break; case "quest&reload": if (QuestMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("quest info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("quest info is Error!"); } break; case "fusion&reload": if (FusionMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Error!"); } break; case "consortia&reload": if (ConsortiaMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Error!"); } break; case "rate&reload": if (RateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Error!"); } break; case "fight&reload": if (FightRateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Error!"); } break; case "dailyaward&reload": if (AwardMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Error!"); } break; case "language&reload": if (LanguageMgr.Reload("")) { Console.WriteLine("language is Reload!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("language is Error!"); } break; case "nickname": Console.WriteLine("Please enter the nickname"); string nickname = Console.ReadLine(); string state = WorldMgr.GetPlayerStringByPlayerNickName(nickname); Console.WriteLine(state); break; default: if (line.Length <= 0) { break; } if (line[0] == '/') { line = line.Remove(0, 1); line = line.Insert(0, "&"); } try { bool res = CommandMgr.HandleCommandNoPlvl(client, line); if (!res) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown command: " + line); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } if (GameServer.Instance != null) { GameServer.Instance.Stop(); } LogManager.Shutdown(); }
public void OnAction(Hashtable parameters) { Console.WriteLine("This server GunnyII, edit and build by SkelletonX!"); Console.WriteLine("Starting GameServer ... please wait a moment!"); GameServer.CreateInstance(new GameServerConfig()); GameServer.Instance.Start(); GameServer.KeepRunning = true; Console.WriteLine("Server started!"); ConsoleClient client = new ConsoleClient(); while (GameServer.KeepRunning) { try { ConsoleStart.handler = new ConsoleStart.ConsoleCtrlDelegate(ConsoleStart.ConsoleCtrHandler); ConsoleStart.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleStart.handler, true); Console.Write("> "); string text = Console.ReadLine(); string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); string key; switch (key = array[0]) { case "exit": GameServer.KeepRunning = false; continue; //dragonares case "lock": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Ten tai khoan: "); string bnickname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Ly do band: "); string breason = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2014, 07, 02); //Tempo de banimento using (ManageBussiness mg = new ManageBussiness()) { mg.ForbidPlayerByNickName(bnickname, dt2, false); } Console.WriteLine("Nguoi dung " + bnickname + " da bi khoa."); break; case "unlock": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Ten tai khoan: "); string bnickname2 = Console.ReadLine(); DateTime dt22 = new DateTime(2014, 07, 02); //Tempo de banimento using (ManageBussiness mg = new ManageBussiness()) { mg.ForbidPlayerByNickName(bnickname2, dt22, true); } Console.WriteLine("Nguoi dung " + bnickname2 + " da mo khoa."); break; case "thongbao": { Console.WriteLine("Thong bao: "); string value = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(value)); Console.WriteLine("Thong bao thanh cong ."); continue; } case "cp": { GameClient[] allClients = GameServer.Instance.GetAllClients(); int num2 = (allClients == null) ? 0 : allClients.Length; GamePlayer[] allPlayers = WorldMgr.GetAllPlayers(); int num3 = (allPlayers == null) ? 0 : allPlayers.Length; List <BaseRoom> allUsingRoom = RoomMgr.GetAllUsingRoom(); int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; foreach (BaseRoom current in allUsingRoom) { if (!current.IsEmpty) { num4++; if (current.IsPlaying) { num5++; } } } double num6 = (double)GC.GetTotalMemory(false); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Clients/Players:{0}/{1}", num2, num3)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Rooms/Games:{0}/{1}", num4, num5)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Momey Used:{0} MB", num6 / 1024.0 / 1024.0)); continue; } case "shutdown": ConsoleStart._count = 6; ConsoleStart._timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(ConsoleStart.ShutDownCallBack), null, 0, 60000); continue; case "savemap": continue; case "clear": Console.Clear(); continue; case "ball&reload": if (BallMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Ball info is Error!"); continue; case "map&reload": if (MapMgr.ReLoadMap()) { Console.WriteLine("Map info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Map info is Error!"); continue; case "mapserver&reload": if (MapMgr.ReLoadMapServer()) { Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("mapserver info is Error!"); continue; case "prop&reload": if (PropItemMgr.Reload()) { Console.WriteLine("prop info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("prop info is Error!"); continue; case "item&reload": if (ItemMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("item info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("item info is Error!"); continue; case "shop&reload": if (ShopMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("shop info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("shop info is Error!"); continue; case "quest&reload": if (QuestMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("quest info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("quest info is Error!"); continue; case "fusion&reload": if (FusionMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("fusion info is Error!"); continue; case "consortia&reload": if (ConsortiaMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("consortiaMgr info is Error!"); continue; case "rate&reload": if (RateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Rate Rate is Error!"); continue; case "fight&reload": if (FightRateMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("FightRateMgr is Error!"); continue; case "dailyaward&reload": if (AwardMgr.ReLoad()) { Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("dailyaward is Error!"); continue; case "language&reload": if (LanguageMgr.Reload("")) { Console.WriteLine("language is Reload!"); continue; } Console.WriteLine("language is Error!"); continue; case "nickname": { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the nickname"); string nickName = Console.ReadLine(); string playerStringByPlayerNickName = WorldMgr.GetPlayerStringByPlayerNickName(nickName); Console.WriteLine(playerStringByPlayerNickName); continue; } } if (text.Length > 0) { if (text[0] == '/') { text = text.Remove(0, 1); text = text.Insert(0, "&"); } try { if (!CommandMgr.HandleCommandNoPlvl(client, text)) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown command: " + text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } catch (Exception value) { Console.WriteLine(value); } } if (GameServer.Instance != null) { GameServer.Instance.Stop(); } LogManager.Shutdown(); }