//private DynamicRooms dr = new DynamicRooms(); void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); //Debug.Log (floorPick()); introToCurrentMenu(); rlc = new RoomLocationsConf(); }
void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/LevleSave.json"; string jsonString = File.ReadAllText(path); Debug.Log(jsonString); json = (JSONNode)JSON.Parse(jsonString); gameController = gameObject.GetComponent <GameController1> (); Button one = levelOne.GetComponent <Button> (); Button two = levelTwo.GetComponent <Button> (); Button three = levelThree.GetComponent <Button> (); Button four = levelFour.GetComponent <Button> (); Text lvone = numLevelOne.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvtwo = numLevelTwo.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvthree = numLevelThree.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvfour = numLevelFour.GetComponent <Text> (); print(json ["Level One"] ["End"].Count + "."); lvone.text = json ["Level One"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvtwo.text = json ["Level two"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvthree.text = json ["Level three"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvfour.text = json ["Level four"] ["End"].Count + "."; inforBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); selection = 0; isGenerate = true; /*string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/LevleSave.json"; * * string jsonString = File.ReadAllText (path); * Debug.Log (jsonString); * json = (JSONNode)JSON.Parse (jsonString);*/ roomLoc = new RoomLocationsConf(); one.onClick.AddListener(ClickOne); two.onClick.AddListener(ClickTwo); three.onClick.AddListener(ClickThree); four.onClick.AddListener(ClickFour); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { Application.targetFrameRate = 77; QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; // Initialize the player EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); // text to speech //EasyTTSUtil.OpenTTSSetting (); //playerRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); infoBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> (); source = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); rlc = new RoomLocationsConf(); playerStartingPoint = rlc.setStartingPoint(); start = "0,0,0"; //"Not defined yet"; end = "0,0,0"; //"Not defined yet"; colTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; myCols = new ArrayList(); countColli = 0; countWrongStep = 0; endOfGame = false; isMoving = false; interTime = 1.0f; restartTime = 0.0f; instruct = ""; nearBy = ""; nearByQueue = new string[3]; source.clip = footSteps; source.volume = 1f; firstTimeHit = 0; correctDirection = ""; accessDirection = ""; isAllowMove = true; isReachTarget = false; trackPosition = new string[2]; justTurned = false; frameCount = 1; if (collisionText != null) { collisionText.text = "Collision count: " + countColli.ToString(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); nextDir = new NextDirection(); rlc = new RoomLocationsConf(); infoBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); curVal = 0; startPoint = new Vector3(151.3f, 2f, -137.1f); //rlc.setStartingPoint (); endPoint = new Vector3(52f, 2f, 17f); //rlc.setEndingPoint (); agent.enabled = false; isFeet = false; player.transform.position = startPoint; //Debug.Log (player.position+"********************"); //player.transform.rotation = ; nextDir.setStart(startPoint); target.transform.position = endPoint; agent.enabled = true; //isTutored = false; instructMode = 0; path = agent.path; //nextDirection = ""; crntDirection = ""; fourDir = " "; //degree = 0; No longer used to get next direction to way point calculatePath(); isFirstTime = true; adjustDirection(); numWayPoint = path.corners.Length; elapsed = 0; curMsg = "constantly redefined"; difMsg = "redefined only is curmsg changes"; moveTurnInstruct = 1; moveTurnInstructEnd = false; //Debug.Log (player.position+"++++++++"); //for (int i = 0; i < path.corners.Length; i++) //Debug.Log (path.corners[i]); totalDistance(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { infoBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); mode = infoBrg.getTutorialMode(); EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); nextDir = new NextDirection(); rlc = new RoomLocationsConf(); infoBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); curVal = 0; startPoint = new Vector3(50.4f, 2f, -50.7f); endPoint = new Vector3(50f, 2f, 38.2f); agent.enabled = false; isFeet = false; //player.transform.position = startPoint; //Debug.Log (player.position+"********************"); //player.transform.rotation = ; nextDir.setStart(startPoint); target.transform.position = endPoint; agent.enabled = true; //mode = infoBrg.getTutorialMode (); path = agent.path; //nextDirection = ""; crntDirection = ""; fourDir = " "; //degree = 0; No longer used to get next direction to way point if (!infoBrg.getReachTarget()) { calculatePath(); } numWayPoint = path.corners.Length; elapsed = 0; curMsg = "constantly redefined"; difMsg = "redefined only is curmsg changes"; //Debug.Log (player.position+"++++++++"); //for (int i = 0; i < path.corners.Length; i++) //Debug.Log (path.corners[i]); //adjustDirection (); }
void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); gameController = gameObject.GetComponent <GameController1> (); Button gT = generalTutorial.GetComponent <Button> (); Button tT = trainingTutorial.GetComponent <Button> (); Button tM = trainingMode.GetComponent <Button> (); Button gM = gameMode.GetComponent <Button> (); Button calPath = CalculatPath.GetComponent <Button> (); selection = 0; inforBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); roomLoc = new RoomLocationsConf(); gT.onClick.AddListener(ClickGeneralTutorial); tT.onClick.AddListener(ClickTrainingTutorial); tM.onClick.AddListener(ClickTrainingMode); gM.onClick.AddListener(ClickGameMode); calPath.onClick.AddListener(ClickCalPath); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); nextDir = new NextDirection(); rlc = new RoomLocationsConf(); infoBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); curVal = 0; startPoint = rlc.setStartingPoint(); endPoint = rlc.setEndingPoint(); agent.enabled = false; isFeet = false; player.transform.position = rlc.setStartingPoint(); //Debug.Log (player.position+"********************"); //player.transform.rotation = ; nextDir.setStart(rlc.setStartingPoint()); target.transform.position = rlc.setEndingPoint(); agent.enabled = true; path = agent.path; //nextDirection = ""; crntDirection = ""; fourDir = " "; //degree = 0; No longer used to get next direction to way point numWayPoint = path.corners.Length; elapsed = 0; isAutoGerneratePath = infoBrg.getAutoGenerateStates(); if (isAutoGerneratePath) { SaveJson(); } curMsg = "constantly redefined"; difMsg = "redefined only is curmsg changes"; //Debug.Log (player.position+"++++++++"); //for (int i = 0; i < path.corners.Length; i++) //Debug.Log (path.corners[i]); calculatePath(); adjustDirection(); summary(); /* * if (isAutoGerneratePath) { * if (rooms == null) * rooms = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Door"); * //Debug.Log (rooms.Length); * roomPosition = new Vector3[rooms.Length]; * int i = 0; * foreach (GameObject room in rooms) { * roomPosition [i] = new Vector3(room.transform.position.x, 2f, room.transform.position.z); * Debug.Log (roomPosition[i]); * i++; * } * * * Vector3[] a = new Vector3[2]; * for(int j = 0; j < roomPosition.Length; j++){ * for(int k = 0; k < roomPosition.Length; k++){ * if(j != k){ * Debug.Log ("start: " + roomPosition[j] + "End: " + roomPosition[k]); * * Debug.Log (totalRoomPassedBy (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) + " rooms pass by. " + totalPossibleTurn (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) + " turns include." + DifficultWeight (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) + " turn weight." + totalDistance(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) + " Distance." + (totalRoomPassedBy (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 2 + totalPossibleTurn (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k])* 2 + DifficultWeight (roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 10 + totalDistance(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k])*0.1) + " DIfficutly."); + + difficulty = totalRoomPassedBy(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 2 + totalPossibleTurn(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 2 + DifficultWeight(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 10 + (totalDistance(roomPosition[j],roomPosition[k]) * 0.1); + + //Debug.Log (difficulty); + if(difficulty < 20 && difficulty >= 0){ + Debug.Log ("add success"); + levelOne.Add(a); + //Debug.Log ("add success"); + } + if(difficulty < 50 && difficulty >= 20){ + levelTwo.Add(a); + } + if(difficulty < 80 && difficulty >= 50){ + levelThree.Add(a); + } + if(difficulty >= 80){ + levelFour.Add(a); + } + + } + + } + } + //json.Add ("Level one", levelOne.ToArray()); + + //Debug.Log(levelOne); + + //for (int j = 0; j < roomPosition.Length; j++) + //Debug.Log (roomPosition[j]); + }*/ }
void Start() { EasyTTSUtil.Initialize(EasyTTSUtil.UnitedStates); gameController = gameObject.GetComponent <GameController1> (); Button one = levelOne.GetComponent <Button> (); Button two = levelTwo.GetComponent <Button> (); Button three = levelThree.GetComponent <Button> (); Button four = levelFour.GetComponent <Button> (); Button confirm = confirmButton.GetComponent <Button> (); Button back = backButton.GetComponent <Button>(); Text lvone = numLevelOne.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvtwo = numLevelTwo.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvthree = numLevelThree.GetComponent <Text> (); Text lvfour = numLevelFour.GetComponent <Text> (); inforBrg = new TheInformationBridge(); selection = 0; /*string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/LevleSave.json"; * * string jsonString = File.ReadAllText (path); * Debug.Log (jsonString); * json = (JSONNode)JSON.Parse (jsonString);*/ roomLoc = new RoomLocationsConf(); try { //EasyTTSUtil.SpeechAdd("try to catch the exception"); inforBrg.setAutoGenerateStates(false); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/LevleSave.json"; //EasyTTSUtil.SpeechAdd("one"); string jsonString = ""; //if (platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) jsonString = File.ReadAllText(path); /*if (platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) * jsonString = File.ReadAllText (path); * if (platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer){ * TextAsset jsonTxt = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("LevleSave",typeof(JSON)); * jsonString = jsonTxt.text; * }*/ //EasyTTSUtil.SpeechAdd("two"); //Debug.Log (jsonString); json = (JSONNode)JSON.Parse(jsonString); print(json ["Level One"] ["End"].Count + "."); lvone.text = json ["Level One"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvtwo.text = json ["Level two"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvthree.text = json ["Level three"] ["End"].Count + "."; lvfour.text = json ["Level four"] ["End"].Count + "."; }catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //EasyTTSUtil.SpeechAdd("catch the exceptoption"); inforBrg.setAutoGenerateStates(true); roomLoc.getStartingPoint(new Vector3(44f, 2f, 138.7f)); roomLoc.getEndingPoint(new Vector3(44f, 2f, 138.7f)); Application.LoadLevel("CCNYGrove"); } selectNum.onEndEdit.AddListener(SelectNumber); one.onClick.AddListener(ClickOne); two.onClick.AddListener(ClickTwo); three.onClick.AddListener(ClickThree); four.onClick.AddListener(ClickFour); confirm.onClick.AddListener(Confirm); back.onClick.AddListener(ClickBack); }