コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Index(RoomIndexViewModel model)
            //1. Initialize pager
            #region Pagination
            model.Pager              = model.Pager ?? new PagerViewModel();
            model.Pager.CurrentPage  = model.Pager.CurrentPage <= 0 ? 1 : model.Pager.CurrentPage;
            model.Pager.ItemsPerPage = model.Pager.ItemsPerPage <= 0 ? 10 : model.Pager.ItemsPerPage;

            #region Filter
            //2. Initialize Filter
            model.Filter = model.Filter ?? new RoomFilterViewModel();

            //TODO:Fix Filters
            //3. Check if the filter is active
            bool emptyCapacity    = (model.Filter.Capacity <= 0);
            bool emptyType        = (model.Filter.Type == null);
            bool emptyIsAvailable = !model.Filter.IsAvailable;

            //4. Query
            IQueryable <Room> rooms = _roomRepository.Items
                                      .Where(item =>
                                             (emptyCapacity || (item.Capacity == model.Filter.Capacity)) &&
                                             (emptyType || (item.Type == model.Filter.Type)) &&
                                             (emptyIsAvailable || (item.IsAvailable == model.Filter.IsAvailable)));
            #endregion Filter

            //5. Build view model object
            //Calculate total pages
            model.Pager.Pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)rooms.Count() / model.Pager.ItemsPerPage);

            //Calculate which rooms to show on the current page and order them by whether they are available or not
            rooms = rooms.OrderByDescending(item => item.IsAvailable).ThenBy(item => item.RoomNumber)
                    .Skip((model.Pager.CurrentPage - 1) * model.Pager.ItemsPerPage)

            model.Items = rooms.Select(item => new RoomViewModel()
                Id          = item.Id,
                Capacity    = item.Capacity,
                Type        = item.Type,
                IsAvailable = item.IsAvailable,
                AdultBedPrice = item.AdultBedPrice,
                ChildBedPrice = item.ChildBedPrice,
                RoomNumber    = item.RoomNumber

コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int id             = 1,
                                                int pageSize       = 10,
                                                bool availableOnly = false,
                                                RoomType[] type    = null,
                                                int minCapacity    = 0)
            var searchResults = await roomService.GetSearchResults <RoomViewModel>(availableOnly, type, minCapacity);

            var resultsCount = searchResults.Count();

            if (pageSize <= 0)
                pageSize = 10;
            var pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)resultsCount / pageSize);

            if (id <= 0 || id > pages)
                id = 1;

            var model = new RoomIndexViewModel
                PagesCount        = pages,
                CurrentPage       = id,
                Rooms             = searchResults.GetPageItems(id, pageSize),
                Controller        = "Rooms",
                Action            = nameof(Index),
                BreakfastPrice    = await memoryCache.GetBreakfastPrice(settingService),
                AllInclusivePrice = await memoryCache.GetAllInclusivePrice(settingService),
                MaxCapacity       = await roomService.GetMaxCapacity(),
                AvailableOnly     = availableOnly,
                MinCapacity       = minCapacity,
                Types             = type,
