コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Confirm(int?Id, string userid, string datefrom, string dateto, int roomId, bool payment)
            //On this page user makes a booking and all information goes into the database

            // I used GET in form to generate the URL , now I know for sure what is passed
            // sample URL:localhost:44325/Room/Confirm/499f6a93-9072-47f9-af2e-898178d3c14b?fname=Ivan&lname=Bob&email=ivan%40bob.com&email=ADp9uemS4jRrtoFlyY6Slq0PBD75eJjLudcIuOv5Q63z%2F5g%2F1xa9gd3bBw3%2BwzQR5g%3D%3D&roomselected=Semi-private

            //Creating new record of a booking with information provided
            string query = "insert into RoomBookings (RoomID, UserId, PaymentCleared, DateFrom, DateTo) values (@roomId, @userid, @payment, @datefrom, @dateto)";

            SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new SqlParameter[5];
            sqlparams[0] = new SqlParameter("@roomId", roomId);
            sqlparams[1] = new SqlParameter("@userid", userid);
            sqlparams[2] = new SqlParameter("@payment", payment);
            sqlparams[3] = new SqlParameter("@datefrom", datefrom);
            sqlparams[4] = new SqlParameter("@dateto", dateto);
            db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query, sqlparams);

            //get all info about one room given the id
            Room Rooms = db.Rooms.SqlQuery("select * from Rooms where RoomID=@roomId", new SqlParameter("@roomId", roomId)).FirstOrDefault();

            //get the current user id when they logged in. Code reference Paul Tran
            string          userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            ApplicationUser currentUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);
            //checking if  I get logged in user
            //Debug.WriteLine("User id is" + currentUser);

            //Getting information about specific booking given the user information

            RoomBooking selectedbooking = db.RoomBookings.SqlQuery("Select * from RoomBookings where UserId=@UserId", new SqlParameter("@UserId", userid)).FirstOrDefault();

            //Assigning values to the viewmodel
            RoomBookings viewmodel = new RoomBookings();

            viewmodel.User            = currentUser;
            viewmodel.Room            = Rooms;
            viewmodel.AllRoomBookings = selectedbooking;
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult RoomBooking(int?id)
            //shos room booked and information about logged in user

            //Debug.WriteLine("Room Id is: " +id);

            //get all info about one room given the id
            Room Rooms = db.Rooms.SqlQuery("select * from Rooms where RoomID=@RoomID", new SqlParameter("@RoomID", id)).FirstOrDefault();

            //get the current user id when they logged in. Code reference Paul Tran
            string          userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            ApplicationUser currentUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);

            //checking is  I get logged in user
            //Debug.WriteLine("User id is" + currentUser);

            RoomBookings viewmodel = new RoomBookings();

            viewmodel.User = currentUser;
            viewmodel.Room = Rooms;