コード例 #1
        public void Get_ShouldFail_GivenRoleDoesntExist()
            // Given
            // RolesController over a mock service that would alway throw exceptions on GetAsync
            var accountManager       = Substitute.For <IRestrictedAccountManager>();
            var roleService          = Substitute.For <IRestrictedRoleService>();
            var claimsService        = Substitute.For <IClaimsService>();
            var authorizationService = Substitute.For <IAuthorizationService>();

            roleService.When(s => s.GetRoleByIdAsync(Arg.Any <Guid>()))
            .Do(v => throw new ItemNotFoundException(v[0].ToString(), "tenant"));
            var logger           = Substitute.For <Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger <RolesController> >();
            var tenantIdProvider = Substitute.For <ITenantIdProvider>();

            var roleController = new RolesController(
                accountManager, roleService, claimsService, authorizationService, tenantIdProvider, new AutoMapperConfig());

            var roleId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // When
            // Get is called on the controller
            AsyncTestDelegate action = async() => await roleController.GetRoleById(roleId);

            // Then
            // The controller should thrown ItemNotFoundException
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <ItemNotFoundException>(action);