public RocketGunXna(PlanesGame game, RocketGun weapon, CoordinatesTransformer coordinatesTransformer) : base(game, weapon, coordinatesTransformer) { m_particlesEmitter = new SymmetricParticlesEmitter(game.GameManager.GameWorldXna) { PositionDeviationRadius = 0.4, VelocityDeviationRadius = 3, AlphaVelocityDeviationFactor = 0.3 }; }
protected override void ApplyImpl(Common.Plane plane) { RocketGun gun = RocketGun.CreateDefault(); gun.Info = "Homing rockets gun"; // ToDo: Make flexible mechanism to give the plane possibility manage new equipments relative info // so concrete plane instance should decide where new equipment should be placed // but now only weird workaround to XWingPlane only plane.AddEquipment(gun, new PlaneWeaponRelativeInfo() { RelativeToOriginPosition = new Vector(0, 6), WeaponPosition = WeaponPosition.CenterFront }); }
public void Init(Player _playerRef) { rocketRef = _playerRef.rocketRef; laserRef = _playerRef.laserRef; UiUpdate(); }