コード例 #1
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: BricksandMortar/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Does cleanup of Person Aliases and Metaphones
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private void PersonCleanup(JobDataMap dataMap)
            // Add any missing person aliases
            var                personRockContext     = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            PersonService      personService         = new PersonService(personRockContext);
            PersonAliasService personAliasService    = new PersonAliasService(personRockContext);
            var                personAliasServiceQry = personAliasService.Queryable();

            foreach (var person in personService.Queryable("Aliases")
                     .Where(p => !p.Aliases.Any() && !personAliasServiceQry.Any(pa => pa.AliasPersonId == p.Id))
                person.Aliases.Add(new PersonAlias {
                    AliasPersonId = person.Id, AliasPersonGuid = person.Guid


            // Add any missing metaphones
            int namesToProcess = dataMap.GetString("MaxMetaphoneNames").AsInteger();

            if (namesToProcess > 0)
                var firstNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select(p => p.FirstName).Where(p => p != null);
                var nickNameQry  = personService.Queryable().Select(p => p.NickName).Where(p => p != null);
                var lastNameQry  = personService.Queryable().Select(p => p.LastName).Where(p => p != null);
                var nameQry      = firstNameQry.Union(nickNameQry.Union(lastNameQry));

                var metaphones    = personRockContext.Metaphones;
                var existingNames = metaphones.Select(m => m.Name).Distinct();

                // Get the names that have not yet been processed
                var namesToUpdate = nameQry
                                    .Where(n => !existingNames.Contains(n))

                foreach (string name in namesToUpdate)
                    string mp1 = string.Empty;
                    string mp2 = string.Empty;
                    Rock.Utility.DoubleMetaphone.doubleMetaphone(name, ref mp1, ref mp2);

                    var metaphone = new Metaphone();
                    metaphone.Name       = name;
                    metaphone.Metaphone1 = mp1;
                    metaphone.Metaphone2 = mp2;


コード例 #2
        /// <summary> 
        /// Job that updates the JobPulse setting with the current date/time.
        /// This will allow us to notify an admin if the jobs stop running.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void  Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // get the job map
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            int maxRecords = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "MaxRecordsPerRun" ) );
            int throttlePeriod = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "ThrottlePeriod" ) );
            int retryPeriod = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "RetryPeriod" ) );

            DateTime retryDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(retryPeriod, 0, 0, 0));

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            LocationService locationService = new LocationService(rockContext);
            var addresses = locationService.Queryable()
                                .Where( l => (
                                    (l.IsGeoPointLocked == null || l.IsGeoPointLocked == false) // don't ever try locked address
                                    && (l.IsActive == true && l.Street1 != null && l.PostalCode != null) // or incomplete addresses
                                    && (
                                        (l.GeocodedDateTime == null && (l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate)) // has not been attempted to be geocoded since retry date
                                        (l.StandardizedDateTime == null && (l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate)) // has not been attempted to be standardize since retry date
                                .Take( maxRecords ).ToList();

            foreach ( var address in addresses )
                locationService.Verify( address, false ); // currently not reverifying 
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( throttlePeriod );

コード例 #3
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: BricksandMortar/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Purges the audit log.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private void PurgeAuditLog(JobDataMap dataMap)
            // purge audit log
            int?auditExpireDays = dataMap.GetString("AuditLogExpirationDays").AsIntegerOrNull();

            if (auditExpireDays.HasValue)
                var      auditLogRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                DateTime auditExpireDate     = RockDateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(auditExpireDays.Value * -1, 0, 0, 0));

                // delete in chunks (see http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1750/methods-of-speeding-up-a-huge-delete-from-table-with-no-clauses)
                bool keepDeleting = true;
                while (keepDeleting)
                    var dbTransaction = auditLogRockContext.Database.BeginTransaction();
                        int rowsDeleted = auditLogRockContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"DELETE TOP (1000) FROM [Audit] WHERE [DateTime] < @auditExpireDate", new SqlParameter("auditExpireDate", auditExpireDate));
                        keepDeleting = rowsDeleted > 0;

コード例 #4
        public IHttpActionResult UpdateDeviceRegistrationByGuid(Guid personalDeviceGuid, string registration, bool?notificationsEnabled = null)
            using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                var service = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext);

                // MAC address
                var personalDevice = service.Get(personalDeviceGuid);
                if (personalDevice == null)

                personalDevice.DeviceRegistrationId = registration;

                if (notificationsEnabled.HasValue)
                    personalDevice.NotificationsEnabled = notificationsEnabled.Value;


コード例 #5
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: BricksandMortar/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up expired entity sets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private void CleanupExpiredEntitySets(JobDataMap dataMap)
            var entitySetRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var currentDateTime      = RockDateTime.Now;
            var entitySetService     = new EntitySetService(entitySetRockContext);
            var qry = entitySetService.Queryable().Where(a => a.ExpireDateTime.HasValue && a.ExpireDateTime < currentDateTime);

            foreach (var entitySet in qry.ToList())
                string deleteWarning;
                if (entitySetService.CanDelete(entitySet, out deleteWarning))
                    // delete in chunks (see http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1750/methods-of-speeding-up-a-huge-delete-from-table-with-no-clauses)
                    bool keepDeleting = true;
                    while (keepDeleting)
                        var dbTransaction = entitySetRockContext.Database.BeginTransaction();
                            string sqlCommand = @"DELETE TOP (1000) FROM [EntitySetItem] WHERE [EntitySetId] = @entitySetId";

                            int rowsDeleted = entitySetRockContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sqlCommand, new SqlParameter("entitySetId", entitySet.Id));
                            keepDeleting = rowsDeleted > 0;

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (security) code.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int codeLength = 3)
            string code = string.Empty;

            var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var service = new AttendanceCodeService( rockContext );

            // Make sure only one instance at a time is checking for unique code
            lock (obj)
                // Find a good unique code for today
                while ( code == string.Empty ||
                    noGood.Any( s => s == code ) ||
                    service.Get( RockDateTime.Today, code ).Any() )
                    code = GenerateRandomCode( codeLength );

                attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                attendanceCode.Code = code;
                service.Add( attendanceCode );

            return attendanceCode;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Job that updates the JobPulse setting with the current date/time.
        /// This will allow us to notify an admin if the jobs stop running.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void  Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // get the job map
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            int maxRecords     = Int32.Parse(dataMap.GetString("MaxRecordsPerRun"));
            int throttlePeriod = Int32.Parse(dataMap.GetString("ThrottlePeriod"));
            int retryPeriod    = Int32.Parse(dataMap.GetString("RetryPeriod"));

            DateTime retryDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(retryPeriod, 0, 0, 0));

            var             rockContext     = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            LocationService locationService = new LocationService(rockContext);
            var             addresses       = locationService.Queryable()
                                              .Where(l => (
                                                         (l.IsGeoPointLocked == null || l.IsGeoPointLocked == false) && // don't ever try locked address
                                                         (l.IsActive == true && l.Street1 != null && l.PostalCode != null) && // or incomplete addresses
                                                             (l.GeocodedDateTime == null && (l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate))             // has not been attempted to be geocoded since retry date
                                                             (l.StandardizedDateTime == null && (l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate)) // has not been attempted to be standardize since retry date

            foreach (var address in addresses)
                locationService.Verify(address, false);   // currently not reverifying
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the new.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaNumericLength">Length of the alpha numeric.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaLength">Length of the alpha.</param>
        /// <param name="numericLength">Length of the numeric.</param>
        /// <param name="isRandomized">if set to <c>true</c> [is randomized].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int alphaNumericLength, int alphaLength, int numericLength, bool isRandomized)
            lock ( _obj )
                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService(rockContext);

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (_todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals(today))
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
                        _todaysCodes = service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                       .Where(c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow)
                                       .Select(c => c.Code)

                    // Find a good alphanumeric code prefix
                    string alphaNumericCode = string.Empty;
                    if (alphaNumericLength > 0 || alphaLength > 0)
                        alphaNumericCode =
                            (alphaNumericLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomCode(alphaNumericLength) : string.Empty) +
                            (alphaLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength) : string.Empty);
                        while (noGood.Any(s => alphaNumericCode.Contains(s)) || _todaysCodes.Contains(alphaNumericCode))
                            alphaNumericCode =
                                (alphaNumericLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomCode(alphaNumericLength) : string.Empty) +
                                (alphaLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength) : string.Empty);

                    string numericCode = string.Empty;
                    if (numericLength > 0)
                        int codeLen  = alphaNumericLength + alphaLength + numericLength;
                        var lastCode = _todaysCodes.Where(c => c.Length == codeLen).OrderBy(c => c.Substring(alphaNumericLength + alphaLength)).LastOrDefault();
                        numericCode = GetNextNumericCodeAsString(alphaNumericLength, alphaLength, numericLength, isRandomized, lastCode);

                    string code = alphaNumericCode + numericCode;

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code          = code;

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleanups the temporary binary files.
        /// </summary>
        private void CleanupTemporaryBinaryFiles()
            var binaryFileRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            // clean out any temporary binary files
            BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService(binaryFileRockContext);

            foreach (var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where(bf => bf.IsTemporary == true).ToList())
                if (binaryFile.ModifiedDateTime < RockDateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
コード例 #10
        public IHttpActionResult Login([FromBody] LoginParameters loginParameters, Guid?personalDeviceGuid = null)
            var site = MobileHelper.GetCurrentApplicationSite();

            if (site == null)

            // Use the existing AuthController.IsLoginValid method for actual authorization check. Throws exception if not authorized.
            if (!AuthController.IsLoginValid(loginParameters, out var errorMessage, out var userName))
                var errorResponse = ControllerContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, errorMessage);
                throw new HttpResponseException(errorResponse);

            // Find the user and translate to a mobile person.
            using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService(rockContext);
                var userLogin        = userLoginService.GetByUserName(loginParameters.Username);

                if (personalDeviceGuid.HasValue)
                    var personalDevice = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext).Get(personalDeviceGuid.Value);

                    if (personalDevice != null && personalDevice.PersonAliasId != userLogin.Person.PrimaryAliasId)
                        personalDevice.PersonAliasId = userLogin.Person.PrimaryAliasId;

                userLogin.LastLoginDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;


                var mobilePerson = MobileHelper.GetMobilePerson(userLogin.Person, site);
                mobilePerson.AuthToken = MobileHelper.GetAuthenticationToken(loginParameters.Username);

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Job that updates the JobPulse setting with the current date/time.
        /// This will allow us to notify an admin if the jobs stop running.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void  Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // get the job map
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            int maxRecords     = dataMap.GetString("MaxRecordsPerRun").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 1000;
            int throttlePeriod = dataMap.GetString("ThrottlePeriod").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 500;
            int retryPeriod    = dataMap.GetString("RetryPeriod").AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 200;

            DateTime retryDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(retryPeriod, 0, 0, 0));

            var             rockContext     = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            LocationService locationService = new LocationService(rockContext);
            var             addresses       = locationService.Queryable()
                                              .Where(l =>
                                                         (l.IsGeoPointLocked == null || l.IsGeoPointLocked == false) &&// don't ever try locked address
                                                         l.IsActive == true &&
                                                         l.Street1 != null &&
                                                         l.Street1 != string.Empty &&
                                                         l.City != null &&
                                                         l.City != string.Empty &&
                                                             (l.GeocodedDateTime == null && (l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate)) ||          // has not been attempted to be geocoded since retry date
                                                             (l.StandardizedDateTime == null && (l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate)) // has not been attempted to be standardize since retry date

            int attempts  = 0;
            int successes = 0;

            foreach (var address in addresses)
                if (locationService.Verify(address, true))

            context.Result = string.Format("{0:N0} address verifications attempted; {1:N0} successfully verified", attempts, successes);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute method to write transaction to the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            // store the view to the database if the viewer is NOT the target (don't track looking at your own record)
            if (ViewerPersonAliasId != TargetPersonAliasId)
                var pvRecord = new PersonViewed();
                pvRecord.TargetPersonAliasId = TargetPersonAliasId;
                pvRecord.ViewerPersonAliasId = ViewerPersonAliasId;
                pvRecord.ViewDateTime        = DateTimeViewed;
                pvRecord.IpAddress           = IPAddress;
                pvRecord.Source = Source;

                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var pvService = new PersonViewedService(rockContext);
コード例 #13
        public IHttpActionResult Login([FromBody] LoginParameters loginParameters, Guid?personalDeviceGuid = null)
            var authController = new AuthController();
            var site           = MobileHelper.GetCurrentApplicationSite();

            if (site == null)

            // Chain to the existing login method for actual authorization check.
            // Throws exception if not authorized.

            // Find the user and translate to a mobile person.
            using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService(rockContext);
                var userLogin        = userLoginService.GetByUserName(loginParameters.Username);

                if (personalDeviceGuid.HasValue)
                    var personalDevice = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext).Get(personalDeviceGuid.Value);

                    if (personalDevice != null && personalDevice.PersonAliasId != userLogin.Person.PrimaryAliasId)
                        personalDevice.PersonAliasId = userLogin.Person.PrimaryAliasId;

                var mobilePerson = MobileHelper.GetMobilePerson(userLogin.Person, site);
                mobilePerson.AuthToken = MobileHelper.GetAuthenticationToken(loginParameters.Username);

コード例 #14
ファイル: GridFilter.cs プロジェクト: waldo2590/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the user preferences.
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveUserPreferences()
            RockBlock rockBlock = this.RockBlock();

            if (rockBlock != null)
                string keyPrefix = string.Format("grid-filter-{0}-", rockBlock.BlockId);

                foreach (var userPreference in _userPreferences)
                    string keyPrefixUserPreferenceKey = string.Format("{0}{1}|", keyPrefix, userPreference.Key);
                    string key = string.Format("{0}{1}", keyPrefixUserPreferenceKey, userPreference.Name);

                    // No duplicate user preference key values before the '|' are allowed.
                    // This search for any keys that match before the '|' but mismatch after '|' and delete it before writing the user preference.
                    int?personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Get(Person.USER_VALUE_ENTITY).Id;

                    using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                        var attributeService = new Model.AttributeService(rockContext);
                        var attributes       = attributeService
                                               .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId)
                                               .Where(a => a.Key.StartsWith(keyPrefixUserPreferenceKey))
                                               .Where(a => a.Key != key);

                        if (attributes.Count() != 0)
                            foreach (var attribute in attributes)

                    rockBlock.SetUserPreference(key, userPreference.Value);
コード例 #15
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: timothybaloyi/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up temporary registrations.
        /// </summary>
        private int CleanUpTemporaryRegistrations()
            var registrationRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            int totalRowsDeleted        = 0;
            // clean out any temporary registrations
            RegistrationService registrationService = new RegistrationService(registrationRockContext);

            foreach (var registration in registrationService.Queryable().Where(bf => bf.IsTemporary == true).ToList())
                if (registration.ModifiedDateTime < RockDateTime.Now.AddHours(-1))
                    string errorMessage;
                    if (registrationService.CanDelete(registration, out errorMessage))

コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (security) code.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew( int codeLength = 3 )
            lock ( _obj )
                using ( var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext() )
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService( rockContext );

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if ( _todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals( today ) )
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays( 1 );
                        _todaysCodes = service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                            .Where( c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow )
                            .Select( c => c.Code )

                    // Find a good unique code for today
                    string code = GenerateRandomCode( codeLength );
                    while ( noGood.Any( s => s == code ) || _todaysCodes.Any( c => c == code ) )
                        code = GenerateRandomCode( codeLength );
                    _todaysCodes.Add( code );

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code = code;
                    service.Add( attendanceCode );

                    return attendanceCode;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/> comprised of random alpha numeric characters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (security) code.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode"/></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int codeLength = 3)
            lock ( _obj )
                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService(rockContext);

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (_todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals(today))
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
                        _todaysCodes = service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                       .Where(c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow)
                                       .Select(c => c.Code)

                    // Find a good unique code for today
                    string code = GenerateRandomCode(codeLength);
                    while (noGood.Any(s => s == code) || _todaysCodes.Any(c => c == code))
                        code = GenerateRandomCode(codeLength);

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code          = code;

コード例 #18
        public HttpResponseMessage ConfirmAccount([FromBody] string confirmationCode)
            OAuthContext  oAuthContext  = new OAuthContext();
            ClientService clientService = new ClientService(oAuthContext);
            var           clientId      = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            Client        oAuthClient   = clientService.GetByApiKey(clientId.AsGuid());

            if (oAuthClient.Active)
                // Load the User Login that has the confirmation code and mark it as confirmed.
                var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                UserLoginService userLoginService = new UserLoginService(rockContext);
                UserLogin        user             = userLoginService.GetByConfirmationCode(confirmationCode);
                if (user == null)
                    var unconfirmedAccounts = userLoginService.Queryable().Where(ul => ul.IsConfirmed == false).ToList();
                    user = unconfirmedAccounts.FirstOrDefault(ul => new BigInteger(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(ul.Guid.ToByteArray())).ToString().Right(6) == confirmationCode);
                if (user != null)
                    user.IsConfirmed = true;
                    return(ControllerContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StandardResponse()
                        Message = "Account has been confirmed", Result = StandardResponse.ResultCode.Success

                return(ControllerContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new StandardResponse()
                    Message = "Error confirming account.", Result = StandardResponse.ResultCode.Error

コード例 #19
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: NewSpring/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up temporary registrations.
        /// </summary>
        private int CleanUpTemporaryRegistrations()
            var registrationRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            int totalRowsDeleted = 0;
            // clean out any temporary registrations
            RegistrationService registrationService = new RegistrationService( registrationRockContext );
            foreach ( var registration in registrationService.Queryable().Where( bf => bf.IsTemporary == true ).ToList() )
                if ( registration.ModifiedDateTime < RockDateTime.Now.AddHours( -1 ) )
                    string errorMessage;
                    if ( registrationService.CanDelete( registration, out errorMessage ) )
                        registrationService.Delete( registration );

            return totalRowsDeleted;
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode" /> with a specified number of alpha characters followed by
        /// another specified number of numeric characters.  The numeric character sequence will not repeat for "today" so
        /// ensure that you're using a sufficient numericLength otherwise it will be unable to find a unique number.
        /// Also note as the issued numeric codes reaches the maximum (from the set of possible), it will take longer and
        /// longer to find an unused number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (alpha) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="numericLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (digit) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="isRandomized">A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> that controls whether or not the AttendanceCodes should be generated randomly or in order (starting from the smallest).</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode" />
        /// </returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int alphaLength = 2, int numericLength = 4, bool isRandomized = true)
            lock ( _obj )
                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService(rockContext);

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (_todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals(today))
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
                        _todaysCodes = service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                       .Where(c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow)
                                       .Select(c => c.Code)

                    // Find a good alpha code
                    string alphaCode = GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength);
                    while (noGood.Any(s => s == alphaCode))
                        alphaCode = GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength);

                    // Find a good unique numeric code for today
                    string numericCode = string.Empty;
                    if (isRandomized)
                        numericCode = GenerateRandomNumericCode(numericLength);
                        while (noGood.Any(s => s == numericCode) || _todaysCodes.Any(c => c.EndsWith(numericCode)))
                            numericCode = GenerateRandomNumericCode(numericLength);
                        var lastCode = _todaysCodes.OrderBy(c => c.Substring(alphaLength)).LastOrDefault();
                        if (lastCode != null)
                            var maxCode = lastCode.Substring(alphaLength);
                            numericCode = (maxCode.AsInteger() + 1).ToString("D" + numericLength);
                            numericCode = 0.ToString("D" + numericLength);
                    string code = alphaCode + numericCode;

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code          = code;

コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively logs exception and any children.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The <see cref="System.Exception"/> to log.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The parent <see cref="Rock.Model.ExceptionLog"/> of the exception being logged. This value is nullable.</param>
        /// <param name="isParent">A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> flag indicating if this Exception is a parent exception. This value is 
        ///     <c>true</c> if the exception that is being logged is a parent exception, otherwise <c>false</c>.
        /// </param>
        private static void LogExceptions( Exception ex, ExceptionLog log, bool isParent )
            // First, attempt to log exception to the database.
                ExceptionLog exceptionLog;

                // If this is a recursive call and not the originating exception being logged,
                // attempt to clone the initial one, and populate it with Exception Type and Message
                // from the inner exception, while retaining the contextual information from where
                // the exception originated.
                if ( !isParent )
                    exceptionLog = log.Clone( false );

                    if ( exceptionLog != null )
                        // Populate with inner exception type, message and update whether or not there is another inner exception.
                        exceptionLog.ExceptionType = ex.GetType().ToString();
                        exceptionLog.Description = ex.Message;
                        exceptionLog.Source = ex.Source;
                        exceptionLog.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
                        exceptionLog.HasInnerException = ex.InnerException != null;

                        // Ensure EF properly recognizes this as a new record.
                        exceptionLog.Id = 0;
                        exceptionLog.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                        exceptionLog.ParentId = log.Id;
                    exceptionLog = log;

                // The only reason this should happen is if the `log.Clone()` operation failed. Compiler sugar.
                if ( exceptionLog == null )

                // Write ExceptionLog record to database.
                var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                var exceptionLogService = new ExceptionLogService( rockContext );
                exceptionLogService.Add( exceptionLog );

                // Recurse if inner exception is found
                if ( exceptionLog.HasInnerException.GetValueOrDefault( false ) )
                    LogExceptions( ex.InnerException, exceptionLog, false );

                if (ex is AggregateException)
                    // if an AggregateException occurs, log the exceptions individually
                    var aggregateException = ( ex as AggregateException );
                    foreach ( var innerException in aggregateException.InnerExceptions )
                        LogExceptions( innerException, exceptionLog, false );
            catch ( Exception )
                // If logging the exception fails, write the exceptions to a file
                    string directory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    directory = Path.Combine( directory, "App_Data", "Logs" );

                    if ( !Directory.Exists( directory ) )
                        Directory.CreateDirectory( directory );

                    string filePath = Path.Combine( directory, "RockExceptions.csv" );
                    string when = RockDateTime.Now.ToString();
                    while ( ex != null )
                        File.AppendAllText( filePath, string.Format( "{0},{1},\"{2}\"\r\n", when, ex.GetType(), ex.Message ) );
                        ex = ex.InnerException;
                    // failed to write to database and also failed to write to log file, so there is nowhere to log this error
コード例 #22
ファイル: PersonViewTransaction.cs プロジェクト: Ganon11/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute method to write transaction to the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            // store the view to the database if the viewer is NOT the target (don't track looking at your own record)
            if ( ViewerPersonAliasId != TargetPersonAliasId )

                var pvRecord = new PersonViewed();
                pvRecord.TargetPersonAliasId = TargetPersonAliasId;
                pvRecord.ViewerPersonAliasId = ViewerPersonAliasId;
                pvRecord.ViewDateTime = DateTimeViewed;
                pvRecord.IpAddress = IPAddress;
                pvRecord.Source = Source;

                var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                var pvService = new PersonViewedService( rockContext );
                pvService.Add( pvRecord );
コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the scheduled jobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        private void UpdateScheduledJobs(IJobExecutionContext context)
            var scheduler = context.Scheduler;

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            ServiceJobService    jobService          = new ServiceJobService(rockContext);
            List <ServiceJob>    activeJobList       = jobService.GetActiveJobs().ToList();
            List <Quartz.JobKey> scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupStartsWith(string.Empty)).ToList();

            // delete any jobs that are no longer exist (are are not set to active) in the database
            var quartsJobsToDelete = scheduledQuartzJobs.Where(a => !activeJobList.Any(j => j.Guid.Equals(a.Name.AsGuid())));

            foreach (JobKey jobKey in quartsJobsToDelete)

            // add any jobs that are not yet scheduled
            var newActiveJobs = activeJobList.Where(a => !scheduledQuartzJobs.Any(q => q.Name.AsGuid().Equals(a.Guid)));

            foreach (Rock.Model.ServiceJob job in newActiveJobs)
                    IJobDetail jobDetail  = jobService.BuildQuartzJob(job);
                    ITrigger   jobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger(job);

                    scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, jobTrigger);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // create a friendly error message
                    string message = string.Format("Error loading the job: {0}.  Ensure that the correct version of the job's assembly ({1}.dll) in the websites App_Code directory. \n\n\n\n{2}", job.Name, job.Assembly, ex.Message);
                    job.LastStatusMessage = message;
                    job.LastStatus        = "Error Loading Job";


            // reload the jobs in case any where added/removed
            scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupStartsWith(string.Empty)).ToList();

            // update schedule if the schedule has changed
            foreach (var jobKey in scheduledQuartzJobs)
                var jobCronTrigger = scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob(jobKey).OfType <ICronTrigger>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (jobCronTrigger != null)
                    var activeJob = activeJobList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Guid.Equals(jobKey.Name.AsGuid()));
                    if (activeJob != null)
                        bool rescheduleJob = false;

                        // fix up the schedule if it has changed
                        if (activeJob.CronExpression != jobCronTrigger.CronExpressionString)
                            rescheduleJob = true;

                        // update the job detail if it has changed
                        var scheduledJobDetail = scheduler.GetJobDetail(jobKey);
                        var jobDetail          = jobService.BuildQuartzJob(activeJob);

                        if (scheduledJobDetail != null && jobDetail != null)
                            if (scheduledJobDetail.JobType != jobDetail.JobType)
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                            if (scheduledJobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson() != jobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson())
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                        if (rescheduleJob)
                            ITrigger newJobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger(activeJob);
                            scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, newJobTrigger);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the new.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaNumericLength">Length of the alpha numeric.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaLength">Length of the alpha.</param>
        /// <param name="numericLength">Length of the numeric.</param>
        /// <param name="isRandomized">if set to <c>true</c> [is randomized].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int alphaNumericLength, int alphaLength, int numericLength, bool isRandomized)
            lock ( _obj )
                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService(rockContext);

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (_todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals(today))
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
                        _todaysCodes = new HashSet <string>(service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                                            .Where(c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow)
                                                            .Select(c => c.Code)

                    // Find a good alphanumeric code prefix
                    string alphaNumericCode = string.Empty;
                    int    attempts         = 0;
                    if (alphaNumericLength > 0 || alphaLength > 0)
                        alphaNumericCode =
                            (alphaNumericLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomCode(alphaNumericLength) : string.Empty) +
                            (alphaLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength) : string.Empty);
                        while (noGood.Any(s => alphaNumericCode.Contains(s)) || _todaysCodes.Contains(alphaNumericCode))
                            // We're only going to attempt this 1 million times...
                            // Interestingly, even when this code approaches the maximum number of possible combinations
                            // it still typically takes less than 5000 attempts. However, if the number of
                            // attempts jumps over 10,000 there is almost certainly a problem with someone's
                            // check-in code configuration so we're going to stop after a million attempts.
                            if (attempts > 1000000)
                                throw new TimeoutException("Too many attempts to create a unique attendance code.  There is almost certainly a check-in system 'Security Code Length' configuration problem.");
                            alphaNumericCode =
                                (alphaNumericLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomCode(alphaNumericLength) : string.Empty) +
                                (alphaLength > 0 ? GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength) : string.Empty);
                    string numericCode = string.Empty;
                    if (numericLength > 0)
                        int codeLen  = alphaNumericLength + alphaLength + numericLength;
                        var lastCode = _todaysCodes.Where(c => c.Length == codeLen).OrderBy(c => c.Substring(alphaNumericLength + alphaLength)).LastOrDefault();
                        numericCode = GetNextNumericCodeAsString(alphaNumericLength, alphaLength, numericLength, isRandomized, lastCode);

                    string code = alphaNumericCode + numericCode;

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code          = code;

コード例 #25
ファイル: JobPulse.cs プロジェクト: NewSpring/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the scheduled jobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        private void UpdateScheduledJobs( IJobExecutionContext context )
            var scheduler = context.Scheduler;
            int jobsDeleted = 0;
            int jobsScheduleUpdated = 0;

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            ServiceJobService jobService = new ServiceJobService( rockContext );
            List<ServiceJob> activeJobList = jobService.GetActiveJobs().ToList();
            List<Quartz.JobKey> scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys( GroupMatcher<JobKey>.GroupStartsWith( string.Empty ) ).ToList();

            // delete any jobs that are no longer exist (are are not set to active) in the database
            var quartsJobsToDelete = scheduledQuartzJobs.Where( a => !activeJobList.Any( j => j.Guid.Equals( a.Name.AsGuid() ) ) );
            foreach ( JobKey jobKey in quartsJobsToDelete )
                scheduler.DeleteJob( jobKey );

            // add any jobs that are not yet scheduled
            var newActiveJobs = activeJobList.Where( a => !scheduledQuartzJobs.Any( q => q.Name.AsGuid().Equals( a.Guid ) ) );
            foreach ( Rock.Model.ServiceJob job in newActiveJobs )
                const string errorSchedulingStatus = "Error scheduling Job";
                    IJobDetail jobDetail = jobService.BuildQuartzJob( job );
                    ITrigger jobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger( job );

                    scheduler.ScheduleJob( jobDetail, jobTrigger );

                    if ( job.LastStatus == errorSchedulingStatus )
                        job.LastStatusMessage = string.Empty;
                        job.LastStatus = string.Empty;
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, null );

                    // create a friendly error message
                    string message = string.Format( "Error scheduling the job: {0}.\n\n{2}", job.Name, job.Assembly, ex.Message );
                    job.LastStatusMessage = message;
                    job.LastStatus = errorSchedulingStatus;


            // reload the jobs in case any where added/removed
            scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys( GroupMatcher<JobKey>.GroupStartsWith( string.Empty ) ).ToList();

            // update schedule if the schedule has changed
            foreach ( var jobKey in scheduledQuartzJobs )
                var jobCronTrigger = scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob( jobKey ).OfType<ICronTrigger>().FirstOrDefault();
                if ( jobCronTrigger != null )
                    var activeJob = activeJobList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Guid.Equals( jobKey.Name.AsGuid() ) );
                    if ( activeJob != null )
                        bool rescheduleJob = false;

                        // fix up the schedule if it has changed
                        if ( activeJob.CronExpression != jobCronTrigger.CronExpressionString )
                            rescheduleJob = true;

                        // update the job detail if it has changed
                        var scheduledJobDetail = scheduler.GetJobDetail( jobKey );
                        var jobDetail = jobService.BuildQuartzJob( activeJob );

                        if ( scheduledJobDetail != null && jobDetail != null )
                            if ( scheduledJobDetail.JobType != jobDetail.JobType )
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                            if ( scheduledJobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson() != jobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson() )
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                        if ( rescheduleJob )
                            const string errorReschedulingStatus = "Error re-scheduling Job";
                                ITrigger newJobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger( activeJob );
                                bool deletedSuccessfully = scheduler.DeleteJob( jobKey );
                                scheduler.ScheduleJob( jobDetail, newJobTrigger );

                                if ( activeJob.LastStatus == errorReschedulingStatus )
                                    activeJob.LastStatusMessage = string.Empty;
                                    activeJob.LastStatus = string.Empty;
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, null );

                                // create a friendly error message
                                string message = string.Format( "Error re-scheduling the job: {0}.\n\n{2}", activeJob.Name, activeJob.Assembly, ex.Message );
                                activeJob.LastStatusMessage = message;
                                activeJob.LastStatus = errorReschedulingStatus;

            context.Result = string.Empty;

            if ( jobsDeleted > 0 )
                context.Result += string.Format( "Deleted {0} job schedule(s)", jobsDeleted );

            if ( jobsScheduleUpdated > 0 )
                context.Result += ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( context.Result as string ) ? "" : " and " ) + string.Format( "Updated {0} schedule(s)", jobsScheduleUpdated );
コード例 #26
        public HttpResponseMessage CreateAccount(Account account)
            OAuthContext  oAuthContext  = new OAuthContext();
            ClientService clientService = new ClientService(oAuthContext);
            var           clientId      = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
            Client        oAuthClient   = clientService.GetByApiKey(clientId.AsGuid());

            if (oAuthClient.Active)
                var              rockContext      = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                PersonService    personService    = new PersonService(rockContext);
                UserLoginService userLoginService = new UserLoginService(rockContext);

                // Validate the Model
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Username))
                    // Make sure the username is unique
                    UserLogin user = userLoginService.GetByUserName(account.Username);
                    if (user != null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Account.Username", "Username already exists");

                    // Make sure the password is valid
                    if (!UserLoginService.IsPasswordValid(account.Password))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Account.Password", UserLoginService.FriendlyPasswordRules());

                    // Make sure this person meets the minimum age requirement
                    var birthday = account.Birthdate ?? Rock.RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (RockDateTime.Today.AddYears(MINIMUM_AGE * -1) < birthday)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Account.Birthdate", string.Format("We are sorry, you must be at least {0} years old to create an account.", MINIMUM_AGE));
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState));

                // Try to match the person
                var matchPerson = personService.GetByMatch(account.FirstName, account.LastName, account.Birthdate, account.EmailAddress, account.MobileNumber, null, null);

                bool   confirmed = false;
                Person person    = new Person();
                if (matchPerson != null && matchPerson.Count() == 1)
                    var mobilePhone = matchPerson.First().PhoneNumbers.Where(pn => pn.NumberTypeValueId == DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE.AsGuid()).Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    // The emails MUST match for security
                    if (matchPerson.First().Email == account.EmailAddress && (mobilePhone == null || mobilePhone.Number.Right(10) == account.MobileNumber.Right(10)))
                        person = matchPerson.First();

                        // If they don't have a current mobile phone, go ahead and set it
                        if (mobilePhone == null)
                            string cleanNumber = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber(account.MobileNumber);
                            var    phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber {
                                NumberTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE.AsGuid()).Id
                            phoneNumber.CountryCode        = cleanNumber.Length > 10 ? cleanNumber.Left(10 - cleanNumber.Length) : PhoneNumber.DefaultCountryCode();
                            phoneNumber.Number             = cleanNumber.Right(10);
                            phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled = true;

                        // Make sure the gender matches
                        person.Gender = account.Gender;

                        confirmed = true;

                // If we don't have a match, create a new web prospect
                if (!confirmed)
                    DefinedValueCache dvcConnectionStatus = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_CONNECTION_STATUS_WEB_PROSPECT.AsGuid());
                    DefinedValueCache dvcRecordStatus     = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_PENDING.AsGuid());

                    person.FirstName         = account.FirstName;
                    person.LastName          = account.LastName;
                    person.NickName          = account.NickName;
                    person.Email             = account.EmailAddress;
                    person.IsEmailActive     = true;
                    person.EmailPreference   = EmailPreference.EmailAllowed;
                    person.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_PERSON.AsGuid()).Id;
                    if (dvcConnectionStatus != null)
                        person.ConnectionStatusValueId = dvcConnectionStatus.Id;

                    if (dvcRecordStatus != null)
                        person.RecordStatusValueId = dvcRecordStatus.Id;

                    person.Gender = account.Gender;

                    var birthday = account.Birthdate;
                    if (birthday.HasValue)
                        person.BirthMonth = birthday.Value.Month;
                        person.BirthDay   = birthday.Value.Day;
                        if (birthday.Value.Year != DateTime.MinValue.Year)
                            person.BirthYear = birthday.Value.Year;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.MobileNumber))
                        string cleanNumber = PhoneNumber.CleanNumber(account.MobileNumber);
                        var    phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber {
                            NumberTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE.AsGuid()).Id
                        phoneNumber.CountryCode        = cleanNumber.Length > 10 ? cleanNumber.Left(10 - cleanNumber.Length) : PhoneNumber.DefaultCountryCode();
                        phoneNumber.Number             = cleanNumber.Right(10);
                        phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled = true;

                    PersonService.SaveNewPerson(person, rockContext);
                UserLogin userLogin = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Username) && UserLoginService.IsPasswordValid(account.Password))
                    // Create the user login (only require confirmation if we didn't match the person)
                    userLogin = UserLoginService.Create(
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.EmailAddress) && !confirmed)
                    userLogin = userLoginService.Queryable()
                                .Where(u => u.UserName == ("SMS_" + person.Id.ToString()))

                    // Create an unconfirmed SMS user login if does not exist
                    if (userLogin == null)
                        var entityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Get("Rock.Security.ExternalAuthentication.SMSAuthentication").Id;

                        userLogin = new UserLogin()
                            UserName     = "******" + person.Id.ToString(),
                            EntityTypeId = entityTypeId,
                            IsConfirmed  = false,
                            PersonId     = person.Id
                // Send an email to confirm the account.
                if (userLogin != null && userLogin.IsConfirmed != true)
                    // For mobile we will make a custom/short confirmation code
                    var mobileConfirmationCode = new BigInteger(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(userLogin.Guid.ToByteArray())).ToString().Right(6);
                    var mergeFields            = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(null, person);
                    mergeFields.Add("MobileConfirmationCode", mobileConfirmationCode);
                    mergeFields.Add("ConfirmAccountUrl", GlobalAttributesCache.Get().GetValue("PublicApplicationRoot").EnsureTrailingForwardslash() + "ConfirmAccount");
                    mergeFields.Add("Person", userLogin.Person);
                    mergeFields.Add("User", userLogin);

                    var recipients = new List <RockEmailMessageRecipient>();
                    recipients.Add(new RockEmailMessageRecipient(userLogin.Person, mergeFields));

                    var message = new RockEmailMessage(Rock.SystemGuid.SystemCommunication.SECURITY_CONFIRM_ACCOUNT.AsGuid());
                    message.AppRoot = GlobalAttributesCache.Get().GetValue("PublicApplicationRoot").EnsureTrailingForwardslash();
                    message.CreateCommunicationRecord = false;


                return(ControllerContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StandardResponse()
                    Message = string.Format("Account has been created.{0}", confirmed ? "" : " An email has been sent to confirm the email address."),
                    Result = StandardResponse.ResultCode.Success

コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode" />. The code will contain the specified number of alphanumeric characters,
        /// followed by the alpha characters and then the specified number of numeric characters. The character sequence will not repeat for "today".
        /// Also the numeric character sequence will not repeat for "today". In both cases ensure that you're using a sufficient length for each
        /// otherwise there will not be enough possible codes.
        /// Also note as the issued numeric codes reaches the maximum (from the set of possible), it will take longer and
        /// longer to find an unused number. So specifing a larger number of characters then needed will increase performance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaNumericLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length for a mixed alphanumberic code.</param>
        /// <param name="alphaLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (alpha) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="numericLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (digit) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="isRandomized">A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> that controls whether or not the AttendanceCodes should be generated randomly or in order (starting from the smallest). Only effect the numeric code.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew(int alphaNumericLength, int alphaLength, int numericLength, bool isRandomized)
            lock ( _obj )
                using (var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext())
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService(rockContext);

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if (_todaysUsedCodes == null || !_todaysDate.HasValue || !_todaysDate.Value.Equals(today))
                        _todaysDate = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);

                        _todaysUsedCodes = new HashSet <string>(service.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow).Select(c => c.Code).ToList());

                    string alphaNumericCode = string.Empty;
                    string alphaCode        = string.Empty;
                    string numericCode      = string.Empty;
                    string code             = string.Empty;
                    string lastCode         = string.Empty;

                    for (int attempts = 0; attempts <= _maxAttempts; attempts++)
                        if (attempts == _maxAttempts)
                            throw new TimeoutException("Too many attempts to create a unique attendance code.  There is almost certainly a check-in system 'Security Code Length' configuration problem.");

                        if (alphaNumericLength > 0)
                            alphaNumericCode = GenerateRandomCode(alphaNumericLength);

                        if (alphaLength > 0)
                            alphaCode = GenerateRandomAlphaCode(alphaLength);

                        if (numericLength > 0)
                            int codeLen = alphaNumericLength + alphaLength + numericLength;

                            if (lastCode.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                lastCode = _todaysUsedCodes.Where(c => c.Length == codeLen).OrderBy(c => c.Substring(alphaNumericLength + alphaLength)).LastOrDefault();

                            numericCode = GetNextNumericCodeAsString(alphaNumericLength, alphaLength, numericLength, isRandomized, lastCode);

                        code = alphaNumericCode + alphaCode + numericCode;

                        // Check if code is already in use or contains bad unallowed strings.
                        if (noGood.Any(s => code.Contains(s)) || _todaysUsedCodes.Contains(code))
                            lastCode         = numericCode;
                            alphaNumericCode = string.Empty;
                            alphaCode        = string.Empty;
                            numericCode      = string.Empty;
                            code             = string.Empty;

                        // When using a clustered environment we need to check the DB to make sure the code hasn't been assigned by another server
                        if (Rock.Utility.Settings.RockInstanceConfig.IsClustered)
                            if (service.IsCodeAlreadyInUse(code))
                                lastCode         = numericCode;
                                alphaNumericCode = string.Empty;
                                alphaCode        = string.Empty;
                                numericCode      = string.Empty;
                                code             = string.Empty;

                        // If we get to this point the code can be used


                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code          = code;


コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode" /> with a specified number of alpha characters followed by
        /// another specified number of numeric characters.  The numeric character sequence will not repeat for "today" so 
        /// ensure that you're using a sufficient numericLength otherwise it will be unable to find a unique number.
        /// Also note as the issued numeric codes reaches the maximum (from the set of possible), it will take longer and
        /// longer to find an unused number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alphaLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (alpha) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="numericLength">A <see cref="System.Int32"/> representing the length of the (digit) portion of the code.</param>
        /// <param name="isRandomized">A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> that controls whether or not the AttendanceCodes should be generated randomly or in order (starting from the smallest).</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A new <see cref="Rock.Model.AttendanceCode" />
        /// </returns>
        public static AttendanceCode GetNew( int alphaLength = 2, int numericLength = 4, bool isRandomized = true )
            lock ( _obj )
                using ( var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext() )
                    var service = new AttendanceCodeService( rockContext );

                    DateTime today = RockDateTime.Today;
                    if ( _todaysCodes == null || !_today.HasValue || !_today.Value.Equals( today ) )
                        _today = today;
                        DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays( 1 );
                        _todaysCodes = service.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                            .Where( c => c.IssueDateTime >= today && c.IssueDateTime < tomorrow )
                            .Select( c => c.Code )

                    // Find a good alpha code
                    string alphaCode = GenerateRandomAlphaCode( alphaLength );
                    while ( noGood.Any( s => s == alphaCode ) )
                        alphaCode = GenerateRandomAlphaCode( alphaLength );

                    // Find a good unique numeric code for today
                    string numericCode = string.Empty;
                    if ( isRandomized )
                        numericCode = GenerateRandomNumericCode( numericLength );
                        while ( noGood.Any( s => s == numericCode ) || _todaysCodes.Any( c => c.EndsWith( numericCode ) ) )
                            numericCode = GenerateRandomNumericCode( numericLength );
                        var lastCode = _todaysCodes.OrderBy( c => c.Substring( alphaLength ) ).LastOrDefault();
                        if ( lastCode != null )
                            var maxCode = lastCode.Substring( alphaLength );
                            numericCode = ( maxCode.AsInteger() + 1 ).ToString( "D" + numericLength );
                            numericCode = 0.ToString( "D" + numericLength );
                    string code = alphaCode + numericCode;
                    _todaysCodes.Add( code );

                    var attendanceCode = new AttendanceCode();
                    attendanceCode.IssueDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                    attendanceCode.Code = code;
                    service.Add( attendanceCode );

                    return attendanceCode;
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively logs exception and any children.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">The <see cref="System.Exception"/> to log.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The parent <see cref="Rock.Model.ExceptionLog"/> of the exception being logged. This value is nullable.</param>
        /// <param name="isParent">A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> flag indicating if this Exception is a parent exception. This value is
        ///     <c>true</c> if the exception that is being logged is a parent exception, otherwise <c>false</c>.
        /// </param>
        private static void LogExceptions(Exception ex, ExceptionLog log, bool isParent)
            // First, attempt to log exception to the database.
                ExceptionLog exceptionLog;

                // If this is a recursive call and not the originating exception being logged,
                // attempt to clone the initial one, and populate it with Exception Type and Message
                // from the inner exception, while retaining the contextual information from where
                // the exception originated.
                if (!isParent)
                    exceptionLog = log.Clone(false);

                    if (exceptionLog != null)
                        // Populate with inner exception type, message and update whether or not there is another inner exception.
                        exceptionLog.ExceptionType     = ex.GetType().ToString();
                        exceptionLog.Description       = ex.Message;
                        exceptionLog.Source            = ex.Source;
                        exceptionLog.StackTrace        = ex.StackTrace;
                        exceptionLog.HasInnerException = ex.InnerException != null;

                        // Ensure EF properly recognizes this as a new record.
                        exceptionLog.Id       = 0;
                        exceptionLog.Guid     = Guid.NewGuid();
                        exceptionLog.ParentId = log.Id;
                    exceptionLog = log;

                // The only reason this should happen is if the `log.Clone()` operation failed. Compiler sugar.
                if (exceptionLog == null)

                // Write ExceptionLog record to database.
                var rockContext         = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                var exceptionLogService = new ExceptionLogService(rockContext);

                // Recurse if inner exception is found
                if (exceptionLog.HasInnerException.GetValueOrDefault(false))
                    LogExceptions(ex.InnerException, exceptionLog, false);
            catch (Exception)
                // If logging the exception fails, write the exceptions to a file
                    string directory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    directory = Path.Combine(directory, "App_Data", "Logs");

                    if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

                    string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, "RockExceptions.csv");
                    string when     = RockDateTime.Now.ToString();
                    while (ex != null)
                        File.AppendAllText(filePath, string.Format("{0},{1},\"{2}\"\r\n", when, ex.GetType(), ex.Message));
                        ex = ex.InnerException;
                    // failed to write to database and also failed to write to log file, so there is nowhere to log this error
コード例 #30
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: NewSpring/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up expired entity sets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private int CleanupExpiredEntitySets( JobDataMap dataMap )
            var entitySetRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var currentDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
            var entitySetService = new EntitySetService( entitySetRockContext );
            var qry = entitySetService.Queryable().Where( a => a.ExpireDateTime.HasValue && a.ExpireDateTime < currentDateTime );
            int totalRowsDeleted = 0;

            foreach ( var entitySet in qry.ToList() )
                string deleteWarning;
                if ( entitySetService.CanDelete( entitySet, out deleteWarning ) )
                    // delete in chunks (see http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1750/methods-of-speeding-up-a-huge-delete-from-table-with-no-clauses)
                    bool keepDeleting = true;
                    while ( keepDeleting )
                        var dbTransaction = entitySetRockContext.Database.BeginTransaction();
                            string sqlCommand = @"DELETE TOP (1000) FROM [EntitySetItem] WHERE [EntitySetId] = @entitySetId";

                            int rowsDeleted = entitySetRockContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( sqlCommand, new SqlParameter( "entitySetId", entitySet.Id ) );
                            keepDeleting = rowsDeleted > 0;
                            totalRowsDeleted += rowsDeleted;

                    entitySetService.Delete( entitySet );

            return totalRowsDeleted;
コード例 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Does cleanup of Person Aliases and Metaphones
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private void PersonCleanup( JobDataMap dataMap )
            // Add any missing person aliases
            var personRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( personRockContext );
            foreach ( var person in personService.Queryable( "Aliases" )
                .Where( p => !p.Aliases.Any() )
                .Take( 300 ) )
                person.Aliases.Add( new PersonAlias { AliasPersonId = person.Id, AliasPersonGuid = person.Guid } );


            // Add any missing metaphones
            int namesToProcess = dataMap.GetString( "MaxMetaphoneNames" ).AsInteger();
            if ( namesToProcess > 0 )
                var firstNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.FirstName ).Where( p => p != null );
                var nickNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.NickName ).Where( p => p != null );
                var lastNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.LastName ).Where( p => p != null );
                var nameQry = firstNameQry.Union( nickNameQry.Union( lastNameQry ) );

                var metaphones = personRockContext.Metaphones;
                var existingNames = metaphones.Select( m => m.Name ).Distinct();

                // Get the names that have not yet been processed
                var namesToUpdate = nameQry
                    .Where( n => !existingNames.Contains( n ) )
                    .Take( namesToProcess )

                foreach ( string name in namesToUpdate )
                    string mp1 = string.Empty;
                    string mp2 = string.Empty;
                    Rock.Utility.DoubleMetaphone.doubleMetaphone( name, ref mp1, ref mp2 );

                    var metaphone = new Metaphone();
                    metaphone.Name = name;
                    metaphone.Metaphone1 = mp1;
                    metaphone.Metaphone2 = mp2;

                    metaphones.Add( metaphone );

コード例 #32
        /// <summary> 
        /// Job that updates the JobPulse setting with the current date/time.
        /// This will allow us to notify an admin if the jobs stop running.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            // get the job map
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            int maxRecords = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "MaxRecordsPerRun" ) );
            int throttlePeriod = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "ThrottlePeriod" ) );
            int retryPeriod = Int32.Parse( dataMap.GetString( "RetryPeriod" ) );

            DateTime retryDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(retryPeriod, 0, 0, 0));

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            LocationService locationService = new LocationService(rockContext);
            var addresses = locationService.Queryable()
                .Where( l =>
                        ( l.IsGeoPointLocked == null || l.IsGeoPointLocked == false ) &&// don't ever try locked address
                        l.IsActive == true &&
                        l.Street1 != null &&
                        l.Street1 != "" &&
                        l.City != null &&
                        l.City != "" &&
                            ( l.GeocodedDateTime == null && ( l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.GeocodeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate ) ) || // has not been attempted to be geocoded since retry date
                            ( l.StandardizedDateTime == null && ( l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime == null || l.StandardizeAttemptedDateTime < retryDate ) ) // has not been attempted to be standardize since retry date
                    ) )
                .Take( maxRecords ).ToList();

            int attempts = 0;
            int successes = 0;
            foreach ( var address in addresses )
                if ( locationService.Verify( address, true ) )
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( throttlePeriod );

            context.Result = string.Format( "{0:N0} address verifications attempted; {1:N0} successfully verified", attempts, successes );
コード例 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Cleanups the temporary binary files.
 /// </summary>
 private void CleanupTemporaryBinaryFiles()
     var binaryFileRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
     // clean out any temporary binary files
     BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( binaryFileRockContext );
     foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( bf => bf.IsTemporary == true ).ToList() )
         if ( binaryFile.ModifiedDateTime < RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( -1 ) )
             binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );
コード例 #34
        public IHttpActionResult GetLaunchPacket(string deviceIdentifier = null, bool?notificationsEnabled = null)
            var site = MobileHelper.GetCurrentApplicationSite();
            var additionalSettings = site?.AdditionalSettings.FromJsonOrNull <AdditionalSiteSettings>();
            var rockContext        = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var person             = GetPerson(rockContext);
            var deviceData         = Request.GetHeader("X-Rock-DeviceData").FromJsonOrNull <DeviceData>();

            if (additionalSettings == null || !additionalSettings.LastDeploymentDate.HasValue)

            // Ensure the user login is still active, otherwise log them out.
            var principal = ControllerContext.Request.GetUserPrincipal();

            if (person != null && !principal.Identity.Name.StartsWith("rckipid="))
                var userLogin = new UserLoginService(rockContext).GetByUserName(principal.Identity.Name);

                if (userLogin?.IsConfirmed != true || userLogin?.IsLockedOut == true)
                    person = null;

            var launchPacket = new LaunchPacket
                RockVersion         = Rock.VersionInfo.VersionInfo.GetRockProductVersionNumber(),
                LatestVersionId     = additionalSettings.LastDeploymentVersionId ?? ( int )(additionalSettings.LastDeploymentDate.Value.ToJavascriptMilliseconds() / 1000),
                IsSiteAdministrator = site.IsAuthorized(Rock.Security.Authorization.EDIT, person)

            if (deviceData.DeviceType == DeviceType.Phone)
                launchPacket.LatestVersionSettingsUrl = additionalSettings.PhoneUpdatePackageUrl;
            else if (deviceData.DeviceType == DeviceType.Tablet)
                launchPacket.LatestVersionSettingsUrl = additionalSettings.TabletUpdatePackageUrl;

            if (person != null)
                //var principal = ControllerContext.Request.GetUserPrincipal();

                launchPacket.CurrentPerson           = MobileHelper.GetMobilePerson(person, site);
                launchPacket.CurrentPerson.AuthToken = MobileHelper.GetAuthenticationToken(principal.Identity.Name);


            // Get or create the personal device.
            if (deviceIdentifier.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                var mobileDeviceTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSONAL_DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE).Id;
                var personalDeviceService   = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext);
                var personalDevice          = personalDeviceService.Queryable()
                                              .Where(a => a.DeviceUniqueIdentifier == deviceIdentifier && a.PersonalDeviceTypeValueId == mobileDeviceTypeValueId && a.SiteId == site.Id)

                if (personalDevice == null)
                    personalDevice = new PersonalDevice
                        DeviceUniqueIdentifier    = deviceIdentifier,
                        PersonalDeviceTypeValueId = mobileDeviceTypeValueId,
                        SiteId               = site.Id,
                        PlatformValueId      = deviceData.DevicePlatform.GetDevicePlatformValueId(),
                        PersonAliasId        = person?.PrimaryAliasId,
                        NotificationsEnabled = true,
                        Manufacturer         = deviceData.Manufacturer,
                        Model            = deviceData.Model,
                        Name             = deviceData.Name,
                        LastSeenDateTime = RockDateTime.Now

                    // A change is determined as one of the following:
                    // 1) A change in Name, Manufacturer, Model, or NotificationsEnabled.
                    // 2) Device not being active.
                    // 3) Not seen in 24 hours.
                    // 4) Signed in with a different person.
                    var hasDeviceChanged = !personalDevice.IsActive ||
                                           personalDevice.Name != deviceData.Name ||
                                           personalDevice.Manufacturer != deviceData.Manufacturer ||
                                           personalDevice.Model != deviceData.Model ||
                                           personalDevice.NotificationsEnabled != (notificationsEnabled ?? true) ||
                                           !personalDevice.LastSeenDateTime.HasValue ||
                                           personalDevice.LastSeenDateTime.Value.AddDays(1) < RockDateTime.Now ||
                                           (person != null && personalDevice.PersonAliasId != person.PrimaryAliasId);

                    if (hasDeviceChanged)
                        personalDevice.IsActive         = true;
                        personalDevice.Manufacturer     = deviceData.Manufacturer;
                        personalDevice.Model            = deviceData.Model;
                        personalDevice.Name             = deviceData.Name;
                        personalDevice.LastSeenDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;

                        if (notificationsEnabled.HasValue)
                            personalDevice.NotificationsEnabled = notificationsEnabled.Value;

                        // Update the person tied to the device, but never blank it out.
                        if (person != null && personalDevice.PersonAliasId != person.PrimaryAliasId)
                            personalDevice.PersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;


                launchPacket.PersonalDeviceGuid = personalDevice.Guid;

コード例 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Purges the audit log.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMap">The data map.</param>
        private void PurgeAuditLog( JobDataMap dataMap )
            // purge audit log
            int? auditExpireDays = dataMap.GetString( "AuditLogExpirationDays" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( auditExpireDays.HasValue )
                var auditLogRockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
                DateTime auditExpireDate = RockDateTime.Now.Add( new TimeSpan( auditExpireDays.Value * -1, 0, 0, 0 ) );

                // delete in chunks (see http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/1750/methods-of-speeding-up-a-huge-delete-from-table-with-no-clauses)
                bool keepDeleting = true;
                while ( keepDeleting )
                    var dbTransaction = auditLogRockContext.Database.BeginTransaction();
                        int rowsDeleted = auditLogRockContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( @"DELETE TOP (1000) FROM [Audit] WHERE [DateTime] < @auditExpireDate", new SqlParameter( "auditExpireDate", auditExpireDate ) );
                        keepDeleting = rowsDeleted > 0;

コード例 #36
        public IHttpActionResult GetLaunchPacket(string deviceIdentifier = null)
            var site = MobileHelper.GetCurrentApplicationSite();
            var additionalSettings = site?.AdditionalSettings.FromJsonOrNull <AdditionalSiteSettings>();
            var rockContext        = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var person             = GetPerson(rockContext);
            var deviceData         = Request.GetHeader("X-Rock-DeviceData").FromJsonOrNull <DeviceData>();

            if (additionalSettings == null || !additionalSettings.LastDeploymentDate.HasValue)

            var launchPacket = new LaunchPacket
                LatestVersionId     = ( int )(additionalSettings.LastDeploymentDate.Value.ToJavascriptMilliseconds() / 1000),
                IsSiteAdministrator = site.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, person)

            if (deviceData.DeviceType == DeviceType.Phone)
                launchPacket.LatestVersionSettingsUrl = additionalSettings.PhoneUpdatePackageUrl;
            else if (deviceData.DeviceType == DeviceType.Tablet)
                launchPacket.LatestVersionSettingsUrl = additionalSettings.TabletUpdatePackageUrl;

            if (person != null)
                var principal = ControllerContext.Request.GetUserPrincipal();

                launchPacket.CurrentPerson           = MobileHelper.GetMobilePerson(person, site);
                launchPacket.CurrentPerson.AuthToken = MobileHelper.GetAuthenticationToken(principal.Identity.Name);

            // Get or create the personal device.
            if (deviceIdentifier.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                var mobileDeviceTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSONAL_DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE).Id;
                var personalDeviceService   = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext);
                var personalDevice          = personalDeviceService.Queryable()
                                              .Where(a => a.DeviceUniqueIdentifier == deviceIdentifier && a.PersonalDeviceTypeValueId == mobileDeviceTypeValueId)

                if (personalDevice == null)
                    personalDevice = new PersonalDevice
                        DeviceUniqueIdentifier    = deviceIdentifier,
                        PersonalDeviceTypeValueId = mobileDeviceTypeValueId,
                        PlatformValueId           = deviceData.DevicePlatform.GetDevicePlatformValueId(),
                        PersonAliasId             = person?.PrimaryAliasId,
                        NotificationsEnabled      = true


                launchPacket.PersonalDeviceGuid = personalDevice.Guid;

コード例 #37
ファイル: RockCleanup.cs プロジェクト: Ganon11/Rock
        /// <summary> 
        /// Job that executes routine Rock cleanup tasks
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Execute( IJobExecutionContext context )
            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();

            // get the job map
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            // delete accounts that have not been confirmed in X hours
            int? userExpireHours = dataMap.GetString( "HoursKeepUnconfirmedAccounts" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( userExpireHours.HasValue )
                DateTime userAccountExpireDate = RockDateTime.Now.Add( new TimeSpan( userExpireHours.Value * -1, 0, 0 ) );

                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService(rockContext);

                foreach ( var user in userLoginService.Queryable().Where( u => u.IsConfirmed == false && ( u.CreatedDateTime ?? DateTime.MinValue ) < userAccountExpireDate ).ToList() )
                    userLoginService.Delete( user );


            // purge exception log
            int? exceptionExpireDays = dataMap.GetString( "DaysKeepExceptions" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( exceptionExpireDays.HasValue )
                DateTime exceptionExpireDate = RockDateTime.Now.Add( new TimeSpan( exceptionExpireDays.Value * -1, 0, 0, 0 ) );

                ExceptionLogService exceptionLogService = new ExceptionLogService( rockContext );

                foreach ( var exception in exceptionLogService.Queryable().Where( e => e.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && e.CreatedDateTime < exceptionExpireDate ).ToList() )
                    exceptionLogService.Delete( exception );


            // purge audit log
            int? auditExpireDays = dataMap.GetString( "AuditLogExpirationDays" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( auditExpireDays.HasValue )
                DateTime auditExpireDate = RockDateTime.Now.Add( new TimeSpan( auditExpireDays.Value * -1, 0, 0, 0 ) );
                AuditService auditService = new AuditService(rockContext);
                foreach ( var audit in auditService.Queryable().Where( a => a.DateTime < auditExpireDate ).ToList() )
                    auditService.Delete( audit );


            // clean the cached file directory

            // get the attributes
            string cacheDirectoryPath = dataMap.GetString( "BaseCacheDirectory" );
            int? cacheExpirationDays = dataMap.GetString( "DaysKeepCachedFiles" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( cacheExpirationDays.HasValue )
                DateTime cacheExpirationDate = RockDateTime.Now.Add( new TimeSpan( cacheExpirationDays.Value * -1, 0, 0, 0 ) );

                // if job is being run by the IIS scheduler and path is not null
                if ( context.Scheduler.SchedulerName == "RockSchedulerIIS" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( cacheDirectoryPath ) )
                    // get the physical path of the cache directory
                    cacheDirectoryPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath( cacheDirectoryPath );

                // if directory is not blank and cache expiration date not in the future
                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( cacheDirectoryPath ) && cacheExpirationDate <= RockDateTime.Now )
                    // Clean cache directory
                    CleanCacheDirectory( cacheDirectoryPath, cacheExpirationDate );

            // clean out any temporary binary files
            BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService(rockContext);
            foreach ( var binaryFile in binaryFileService.Queryable().Where( bf => bf.IsTemporary == true ).ToList() )
                if ( binaryFile.ModifiedDateTime < RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( -1 ) )
                    binaryFileService.Delete( binaryFile );

            // Add any missing person aliases
            PersonService personService = new PersonService(rockContext);
            foreach ( var person in personService.Queryable( "Aliases" )
                .Where( p => !p.Aliases.Any() )
                .Take( 300 ) )
                person.Aliases.Add( new PersonAlias { AliasPersonId = person.Id, AliasPersonGuid = person.Guid } );


            // Add any missing metaphones
            int namesToProcess = dataMap.GetString( "MaxMetaphoneNames" ).AsInteger();
            if ( namesToProcess > 0 )
                var firstNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.FirstName );
                var nickNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.NickName );
                var lastNameQry = personService.Queryable().Select( p => p.LastName );
                var nameQry = firstNameQry.Union( nickNameQry.Union( lastNameQry ) );

                var metaphones = rockContext.Metaphones;
                var existingNames = metaphones.Select( m => m.Name ).Distinct();

                // Get the names that have not yet been processed
                var namesToUpdate = nameQry
                    .Where( n => !existingNames.Contains( n ) )
                    .Take( namesToProcess )

                foreach ( string name in namesToUpdate )
                    string mp1 = string.Empty;
                    string mp2 = string.Empty;
                    Rock.Utility.DoubleMetaphone.doubleMetaphone( name, ref mp1, ref mp2 );

                    var metaphone = new Metaphone();
                    metaphone.Name = name;
                    metaphone.Metaphone1 = mp1;
                    metaphone.Metaphone2 = mp2;

                    metaphones.Add( metaphone );

コード例 #38
ファイル: JobPulse.cs プロジェクト: Ganon11/Rock
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the scheduled jobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        private void UpdateScheduledJobs( IJobExecutionContext context )
            var scheduler = context.Scheduler;

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            ServiceJobService jobService = new ServiceJobService( rockContext );
            List<ServiceJob> activeJobList = jobService.GetActiveJobs().ToList();
            List<Quartz.JobKey> scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys( GroupMatcher<JobKey>.GroupStartsWith( string.Empty ) ).ToList();

            // delete any jobs that are no longer exist (are are not set to active) in the database
            var quartsJobsToDelete = scheduledQuartzJobs.Where( a => !activeJobList.Any( j => j.Guid.Equals( a.Name.AsGuid() ) ) );
            foreach ( JobKey jobKey in quartsJobsToDelete )
                scheduler.DeleteJob( jobKey );

            // add any jobs that are not yet scheduled
            var newActiveJobs = activeJobList.Where( a => !scheduledQuartzJobs.Any( q => q.Name.AsGuid().Equals( a.Guid ) ) );
            foreach ( Rock.Model.ServiceJob job in newActiveJobs )
                    IJobDetail jobDetail = jobService.BuildQuartzJob( job );
                    ITrigger jobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger( job );

                    scheduler.ScheduleJob( jobDetail, jobTrigger );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    // create a friendly error message
                    string message = string.Format( "Error loading the job: {0}.  Ensure that the correct version of the job's assembly ({1}.dll) in the websites App_Code directory. \n\n\n\n{2}", job.Name, job.Assembly, ex.Message );
                    job.LastStatusMessage = message;
                    job.LastStatus = "Error Loading Job";


            // reload the jobs in case any where added/removed
            scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys( GroupMatcher<JobKey>.GroupStartsWith( string.Empty ) ).ToList();

            // update schedule if the schedule has changed
            foreach ( var jobKey in scheduledQuartzJobs )
                var jobCronTrigger = scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob( jobKey ).OfType<ICronTrigger>().FirstOrDefault();
                if ( jobCronTrigger != null )
                    var activeJob = activeJobList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Guid.Equals( jobKey.Name.AsGuid() ) );
                    if ( activeJob != null )
                        if ( activeJob.CronExpression != jobCronTrigger.CronExpressionString )
                            ITrigger newJobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger( activeJob );
                            scheduler.RescheduleJob( jobCronTrigger.Key, newJobTrigger );
コード例 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the scheduled jobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        private void UpdateScheduledJobs(IJobExecutionContext context)
            var scheduler           = context.Scheduler;
            int jobsDeleted         = 0;
            int jobsScheduleUpdated = 0;

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            ServiceJobService    jobService          = new ServiceJobService(rockContext);
            List <ServiceJob>    activeJobList       = jobService.GetActiveJobs().ToList();
            List <Quartz.JobKey> scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupStartsWith(string.Empty)).ToList();

            // delete any jobs that are no longer exist (are are not set to active) in the database
            var quartsJobsToDelete = scheduledQuartzJobs.Where(a => !activeJobList.Any(j => j.Guid.Equals(a.Name.AsGuid())));

            foreach (JobKey jobKey in quartsJobsToDelete)

            // add any jobs that are not yet scheduled
            var newActiveJobs = activeJobList.Where(a => !scheduledQuartzJobs.Any(q => q.Name.AsGuid().Equals(a.Guid)));

            foreach (Rock.Model.ServiceJob job in newActiveJobs)
                const string errorSchedulingStatus = "Error scheduling Job";
                    IJobDetail jobDetail  = jobService.BuildQuartzJob(job);
                    ITrigger   jobTrigger = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger(job);

                    scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, jobTrigger);

                    if (job.LastStatus == errorSchedulingStatus)
                        job.LastStatusMessage = string.Empty;
                        job.LastStatus        = string.Empty;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);

                    // create a friendly error message
                    string message = string.Format("Error scheduling the job: {0}.\n\n{2}", job.Name, job.Assembly, ex.Message);
                    job.LastStatusMessage = message;
                    job.LastStatus        = errorSchedulingStatus;


            // reload the jobs in case any where added/removed
            scheduledQuartzJobs = scheduler.GetJobKeys(GroupMatcher <JobKey> .GroupStartsWith(string.Empty)).ToList();

            // update schedule if the schedule has changed
            foreach (var jobKey in scheduledQuartzJobs)
                var jobCronTrigger = scheduler.GetTriggersOfJob(jobKey).OfType <ICronTrigger>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (jobCronTrigger != null)
                    var activeJob = activeJobList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Guid.Equals(jobKey.Name.AsGuid()));
                    if (activeJob != null)
                        bool rescheduleJob = false;

                        // fix up the schedule if it has changed
                        if (activeJob.CronExpression != jobCronTrigger.CronExpressionString)
                            rescheduleJob = true;

                        // update the job detail if it has changed
                        var scheduledJobDetail = scheduler.GetJobDetail(jobKey);
                        var jobDetail          = jobService.BuildQuartzJob(activeJob);

                        if (scheduledJobDetail != null && jobDetail != null)
                            if (scheduledJobDetail.JobType != jobDetail.JobType)
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                            if (scheduledJobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson() != jobDetail.JobDataMap.ToJson())
                                rescheduleJob = true;

                        if (rescheduleJob)
                            const string errorReschedulingStatus = "Error re-scheduling Job";
                                ITrigger newJobTrigger       = jobService.BuildQuartzTrigger(activeJob);
                                bool     deletedSuccessfully = scheduler.DeleteJob(jobKey);
                                scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, newJobTrigger);

                                if (activeJob.LastStatus == errorReschedulingStatus)
                                    activeJob.LastStatusMessage = string.Empty;
                                    activeJob.LastStatus        = string.Empty;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                ExceptionLogService.LogException(ex, null);

                                // create a friendly error message
                                string message = string.Format("Error re-scheduling the job: {0}.\n\n{2}", activeJob.Name, activeJob.Assembly, ex.Message);
                                activeJob.LastStatusMessage = message;
                                activeJob.LastStatus        = errorReschedulingStatus;

            context.Result = string.Empty;

            if (jobsDeleted > 0)
                context.Result += string.Format("Deleted {0} job schedule(s)", jobsDeleted);

            if (jobsScheduleUpdated > 0)
                context.Result += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Result as string) ? "" : " and ") + string.Format("Updated {0} schedule(s)", jobsScheduleUpdated);