コード例 #1
        private void btnSetValues_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            for (int i = RobotContainer.Controls.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

コード例 #2
        private static void RunRobotGraph()
             * Using generics and some abstraction we can accomplish some very flexible
             * and advanced scenarios while working with the composite pattern. Because
             * of the combinitory explosion of complexity involved with the composite pattern
             * and object graph functionality their is a large amount of scenarios to
             * consider. Below are some of the more common functionality, yet it is not exhaustive.
             * You may want to review the below several times to fully appreciate all of the
             * scenarios possible with this pattern.

            con("Hello Mr. Roboto!");

            /* ================================================== */

            // First we will create our root node and add a child container for autonomous robots.
            var root       = new RobotContainer("ROOT");
            var autoRobots = new RobotContainer("Fully Autonomous Robots");
            // Then we will add some children to the autoRobots container and add as a child to the root.
            var autoList = new List <Robot>
                new Robot(new RobotChassis()
                    ArmCount = 3
                }, "Larry", "3 stooges"),
                new Robot(new RobotChassis()
                    ArmCount = 4
                }, "Curly", "3 stooges"),
                new Robot(new RobotChassis()
                    ArmCount = 5
                }, "Moe", "3 stooges")


            var d = root.Descendants;

            con("We have created exactly {0} stooges as children of the autoRobots container.", autoRobots.Descendants.Count());

            /* ================================================== */

            con("Now let's add some more complex branching...");

            // *** Next we will 2 levels of faulty robots and some spare parts.
            var defectRobots = new RobotContainer("Faulty Robots");
            var r4           = new Robot(new RobotChassis()
                ArmCount = 13
            }, "Shemp", "3 stooges");

            // Creating our spare parts container now...
            var spareParts = new RobotContainer("Spare Parts"); // This will be a child of the defective robots.

            spareParts.AddChild(new Robot(new RobotChassis()
                ArmCount = 2
            }, "C3PO", "Star Wars"));
            // Add it all as a child of the root.

            con("The entire graph now has {0} items.", root.DescendantsAndSelf.Count());

            /* ================================================== */

            con("Finding all of the robots except Shemp:");

            // Now we can navigate the tree to find descendents matching a particular condition
            var robotItems = root.FindLeafNodes(x => x.Meta.DisplayName != "Shemp" && x is Robot);

            foreach (var r in robotItems)
                // We get an instance name from the metadata.
                // The arm count is a property of our generic T type of Robot.
                // This is where the potential madness begins with
                // all of the possible composite options.
                con("{0} has {1} arms!", r.Meta.DisplayName, r.Value.ArmCount);

            /* ================================================== */

            con("Getting the faulty stooges next:");

            var faultyContainers = root.FindCompositeNodes(x => x.Meta.DisplayName == "Faulty Robots");

            foreach (var c in faultyContainers)
                var faultyBots = c.FindLeafNodes(x => x is Robot); // Now we go and lose all sanity...
                foreach (var f in faultyBots)
                    con("{0} has {1} arms!", f.Meta.DisplayName, f.Value.ArmCount);

            /* ================================================== */

            con("For giggles we can change the parent of the defect robots to the autonomous robots.");
            defectRobots.ReParent(autoRobots); // debug to see the parent value change.

            /* ================================================== */

            con("Finally we want to get Larry and find all of his leaf node siblings on the same level.");

            var larry = autoRobots.FindNodes(x => x.Meta.DisplayName == "Larry").FirstOrDefault();

            con("We found {0}, who has several other siblings:", larry.Meta.DisplayName);
            foreach (var s in autoRobots.Children[0].Siblings.Where(x => x.IsLeaf))
                con("{0} is a sibling of {1}", s.Meta.DisplayName, larry.Meta.DisplayName);

            /* ================================================== */

            con("\r\nknuck, knuck, knuck!");

            // We will save the file in the projects bin\debug for further examination.
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("test-graph.json"))
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText("test-graph.json", root.ToPrettyJson());