public void Export() { Debug.Log("Starting OSM Export."); osmNodes.Clear(); osmWays.Clear(); haveRoadNamerMod = RoadNamerManager.Instance().HaveMod(); //Debug.Log("Exporting nodes"); ExportNodes(); //Debug.Log("Exporting ways"); ExportWays(); //Debug.Log("Exporting buildings"); ExportBuildings(); //Debug.Log("Exporting ground and water"); ExportGroundAndWater(); //Debug.Log("Exporting routes"); ExportRoutes(); //Debug.Log("Exporting districts"); ExportDistricts(); UniqueLogger.PrintLog("Road name matches"); UniqueLogger.PrintLog("Road names missing from search"); UniqueLogger.PrintLog("Building names missing from search"); osm.node = osmNodes.ToArray(); osm.way = osmWays.ToArray(); XmlSerializer xmlSerialiser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OSM)); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Singleton <SimulationManager> .instance.m_metaData.m_CityName + ".osm"); xmlSerialiser.Serialize(writer, osm); writer.Close(); Debug.Log("Finished OSM Export"); }
private OSMWay CreateWay(int index, NetSegment segment, ushort segmentId) { OSMWay returnWay = null; NetSegment.Flags segmentFlags = segment.m_flags; NetManager netManager = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; List <OSMWayND> wayPaths = new List <OSMWayND>(); List <OSMWayTag> wayTags; ushort startNodeId = segment.m_startNode, endNodeId = segment.m_endNode; if (startNodeId != 0 && endNodeId != 0) { Vector3 startNodeDirection = segment.m_startDirection; Vector3 endNodeDirection = segment.m_endDirection; if (segmentFlags.IsFlagSet(NetSegment.Flags.Invert)) { startNodeId = segment.m_endNode; endNodeId = segment.m_startNode; startNodeDirection = segment.m_endDirection; endNodeDirection = segment.m_startDirection; } NetNode startNode = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[startNodeId]; NetNode endNode = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[endNodeId]; Vector3 startNodePosition = startNode.m_position; Vector3 endNodePosition = endNode.m_position; wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND { @ref = startNodeId }); if (Vector3.Angle(startNodeDirection, -endNodeDirection) > 3f) { Vector3 midPointA =, midPointB =; NetSegment.CalculateMiddlePoints(startNodePosition, startNodeDirection, endNodePosition, endNodeDirection, false, false, out midPointA, out midPointB); Bezier3 bezier = new Bezier3(startNodePosition, midPointA, midPointB, endNodePosition); osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.25f))); osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.5f))); osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.75f))); wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND { @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 3 }); wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND { @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 2 }); wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND { @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 1 }); } wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND { @ref = endNodeId }); if (Tagger.CreateWayTags(segment, out wayTags)) { if (haveRoadNamerMod) { // If road namer mod is available, then attempt to get the name asscociated with the segment, if any string roadName = RoadNamerManager.Instance().getSegmentName((ushort)(segmentId)); if (roadName != null) { //If a name is available, add a name tag wayTags.Add(new OSMWayTag { k = "name", v = StringUtilities.RemoveTags(roadName) }); } } returnWay = new OSMWay { changeset = 50000000, id = (uint)index, timestamp = DateTime.Now, user = "******", nd = wayPaths.ToArray(), tag = wayTags.ToArray(), version = 1 }; } else { UniqueLogger.AddLog("Road names missing from search",, ""); } } return(returnWay); }